Try to picture how stupid you'd have to be to vote for this guy

Try to picture how stupid you'd have to be to vote for this guy.

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i can't believe how retarded bernie bros are.

praising gulags, like wtf

His supporters just want free gibs and they have no fucking clue nor do they want to be educated on how money actually works.

Try to picture how stupid you'd have to be to vote at all

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C'mon now! #HotgirlsforBernie! This shit writes itself!

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And even better, They're all about inclusion, but they judge looks if you're "Hot" lol who let this shit happen?

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This gave me cancer
This too

obama didn't know how many states were in the union. i'd consider that stupider.

too bad pussy, he's our next POTUS. Let's see those conservative faggot tears of yours

I'm not voting for him, just the pic you posted.

>he's our next POTUS.

Oh my....

How daft can you be?

Bernie isn't going to get your "well deserved" pay raise to 15 an hour.

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bullshit. he was a Chicago law school professor for 12 years you dumb cunt. your lord and savior Dump can't even spell "hamburgers". GTFO

Don't you mean how stupid to vote for this guy?

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your fat slob lying sack of shit fake president can't save you

>fake president
Failed civics, I see. Take 9th grade over, then try again.

All of Europe seems to pull it off. Conservatives are WAY too greedy to help our fellow Americans, unless they are a corporation or a military contractor..

You're just salty you have to work to get paid. Grow up and move out of moms basement.

oh stop worrying about him the DNC will never choose a socialist to win the election

semi trucks should be banned the noise from their engines causes cancer

>he's our next POTUS

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do you mean "suggest"?

Lol cant wait for a UN meeting with him just being a submissive fag, slumping down deeper into his own seat.

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>Try to picture how stupid you'd have to be to vote for this guy.
Funny, I thought the same thing about this guy.

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Oh hey, it's this thread again. Trump must be shitting his pants. These shill posts won't change the minds of real people, thankfully. Just incels and other paid trolls.

As stupid as you'd have to be to vote for anyone and actually believe your life will change for the better.

so how many times have you voted for him, op

How sad do you have to be to do the bidding of your masters. IF he was an actual guy in his mom's basement, you would still be less deserving of respect than him.

1000x less than a trump voter.

Well, at least you admit that if there was a chance, you would be worried. Good.

It means he's doing his job.

Faggot tears have been seen. Thank you for doing your part.

Lmao he makes a good point so you just insult instead of actually thinking of good counter argument, because there isnt a good one

Can’t wait for Mr. Sanders to be president for the next 8 glorious years!

Sanders is a God fuck these guys

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European here, no it's not working

I donated to his campaign.

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Wow thanks for the input mr European

>public funded healthcare
>public funded uni
>Oh no oh fuck. The evil commie is ruining America by ensuring people can get healthcare they need without going broke, AND better themselves with a higher education!!!
Unless you're making six figures, or more; quit being a cuck and go left

your forced psy ops don't work here. Go back to tumblr you commie fuck.

Fuck, I make six figures and I still love the guy because I think he's got the people's best interest... not the corporation. Yup, I may pay more, but I can afford it. If that means a family can visit the ER without going broke, I'm all for it.

>everyone i disagree with is a commie tumblrfag
Is it comfy in your bubble?

Whining to me like that just makes me stronger


Hell yeah, brother

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>Not so subtle meet