Stuck in Charlotte NC and I have $100ish to my name, nowhere to stay help plz

stuck in Charlotte NC and I have $100ish to my name, nowhere to stay help plz

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Get a job faggot

How deep in the city in Charlotte are you?

west side atm, relatively close to downtown

They're a pretty blue city, I'm sure someone will direct you to the needle exchange and homeless shelter.

nibba I have no personal documents that I would require to get a job

Alright, what do you have on your person besides the 100? Anything notable, like a backpack? A pocket knife? What do you have that could be a tool? I'm legit gonna offer you some ideas.

I have none of my winter equipment, this also isn't the place I have experience in surviving, I do have a 15 litre backpack with some spare clothes, writing materials, and my carbon steel morakniv garberg

What do you plan to do ? Where are you now ?

I'm currently at a McDonalds, and bought like 10 mcchickens, probably gonna find some under the table work, something that doesn't require any documents, thing is this is a big city. what is there that's gonna be under the table?

Alright, ideas:
1.) Reedy Creek Nature Preserve. If you go to the lower south end, towards the middle of the preserve, you could stay in the woods. I know you don't have winter condition gear, either get that shit first somehow if you can or put some money towards a large trash bag with a blanket at some average place along your walk to that spot. There is a Walmart south, about an hour's walk from the preserve if you need the basics. Get bread and peanut butter, it will keep well in a bag in these cold temps. You will be surrounded by trees deep in the woods of the preserve, but you need to make sure you don't do huge fires at night, if any at all. You can get water from the lakes nearby, and boil it if you can get ahold of a canned food item or two from Walgreens/Walmart and use that for water. You need to try and get real shelter after staying in the woods in that region for awhile. Check the ruins of Robinson Rock, people leave shit there sometimes, and the trash could be a treasure. You may find old bottles that you can store water in or some other basic camping junk amid the ruins.

back home I could work on a hemp farm or find some mexicans

2.) You could try one of the churches in the area and attempt to play the religious and down on your luck card. But I'd be careful, Charlotte's religious community is nasty and turbo from what I know, and if you stay at any one of them, you may be pushed into some religious activities to help other poor folks to stay for a bit. Odds are you are fine with that though cause it is better than the street. I'd take the Reedy Creek option though, it's actually quite secluded and safe to hide out in.

Try to find places like gas stations and ask if there are any graveyard shift jobs available.

Look for graveyard shifts anywhere. Gas stations, 7/11's, any convenient stores, or something along the lines of nighttime watchmen.


>Reedy Creek Nature Preserve
There is a gas station that is 24 hrs down the road from the Nature Persevere, could probably pick up some under-the-table work there.

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saw 24 hours and i shit myself, when you likely meant 24 minutes or so. Those walking estimates are always long. Also the food lion will likely have stuff that is damaged tossed out back into the garbage. While I don't want someone dumpster diving for old food, they often throw simple damaged stuff like boxes of crackers and other stuff out so you could possibly check out there and you could get lucky.

Would you suck dick fo cash

I just wish I spoke the language

absolutely not

North Carolinan and English are similar to Mandarin and Cantonese in that they share a mutually intelligible written form.

sorry i didnt mean that it was a 24 hr walk, i meant that it was open 24 hrs.

is there African American in there? or like some other app that could translate.
*get pwned blacks*

Live in jobs might offer cash in hand

that's why I'm kinda leaning towards the church thing, idk fam

litre = stop larping faggot

lies. you can get any kind of work off the books. quit being a lazy nigger

Just go home faggot xD

I dont have any money to get back to Oregon

$100 can take you far on the Greyhound just get as far as you can then beg for more money

Or search for a local temp agency if you have your sscard and id