Why is there so much hatred towards trans people? I don't personally get it...

Why is there so much hatred towards trans people? I don't personally get it, if a group of people want to cut off their junk/take pills to change their hormones or what not, why does that piss so many people off? I mean how is it anyones business? I don't know, I personally just think let people do whatever they like as long as they aren't hurting people or breaking the law. Getting triggered over a bunch of odd strangers is wasted energy.

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Yeah I don’t understand transphobia either but can you help me I got a Rubik’s cube stuck in my ass

Because biological sexual differences are revolting to people. And it feels good to hate people you find revolting.

You have to solve it first, then it comes out the next time you take a dump. Worked for me anyway

Same reason people hated the gays. Shit will go away when people are more familiar with them.

Although the trans people and trans allies who are real sticklers for word choice are not helping things.

No one gives a shit about what you do with your body, we just don't like faggots flooding boards with gay shit instead of fucking off to lgbt

That's true, they can be very pedantic annoying bastards, I'll give you that. But then, so can most of us, plus I have to believe those cunts are just the loud extreme minority.

Well they are try to make us change our speech to fit their mental illness. I'm not going to ask what your pronouns are, you're a dude in a dress. Fuck off!

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I don't give a shit if people want to amputate their bits. But I'm calling you whatever I want. If I think you're a dude, I'm calling you a dude. If I think you're a chick, I'm calling you a chick.

I'll call them whatever they're comfortable with, it's no skin off my nose whether I say he or she, I mean why the fuck should I care? As long as they aren't cunts about it if I slip up and say he or what not.

Checked and checked, it's the unholy duo of trips.

I don't understand the hate either. Let me do the drugs I want to do. Let people fuck whoever they want to. Let people cut of their dicks if that's what they want to do.

Only real critism would be the health risks, both mental and physical.

Lots of reasons.

1. Transgenderism is aggressively pushed as something that is naturally occurring like homosexuality, despite there being zero evidence that that is the case. Hermaphrodites are the only examples that may be close to that, but hermaphroditic birth rates don't nearly account for the entire transgender population as a whole.

2. The overwhelming majority of transgenders are on anti-psychotics or other hardcore crazy pills, yet everybody is too afraid to actually consider the possibility that it's all just a bunch of mental illness that society is humoring for political reasons.

3. Back when people wanted to let transgenders into the military, they actually had the balls to demand that taxpayer dollars go towards hormone treatment and other bullshit while they were enlisted, despite there being no precedent for ANY kind of medical condition requiring the use of tax money for treatment. Nevermind the fact that the entire purpose of the military is that YOU conform to the military, not the military confirming to you because you feel like a sissy lil bitch

4. And then the most obvious one, which is that the only examples of transgenserism in nature are for the purposes of reproduction. (Clown fish changing gender when there aren't enough females, etc). Human transgenders do not serve this purpose.

There's a million other reasons, but those are the biggest ones imo

I don't hate them, I just find their "I get my way, whenever I want, no matter who I trample in the process" attitude intensely annoying.
Their special "rights" end when they intrude on mine.

I call them whatever I'm comfortable with.


get thread

So youre annoyed by what you see as their similarity to conservatives? Weird


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>It's not hurting anyone

This is the cancer of modern society. This stupid argument. If you cannot defend your point/position without claiming you aren't damaging your fellow man with your stupid and misguided ideals, then you've already lost. "It's not hurting anyone" is the last bastion for the indefensible.

>So you're annoyed by what you see as their similarity to Millennials?

>Why is there so much hatred towards trans people?
Because most of them have some other mental illness making them think they need to mutilate themselves and it is a symptom of a larger problem, that being this absolutely absurd push to accept mental illness as "just being different" with bullshit terms like "neurotypical", as if being sane and healthy is just one option for people.

You're not a girl in a boy's body, you're mentally broken and this is the expression. Get some real medication in you instead of hormones and see how good you feel; then get a boy/girlfriend and see how much you actually enjoy your junk.

So many trips

Cuz tree-faced chicken shits like to get mad at shit that ultimately doesn't matter.

Even if trans people are statically fucked up mentally, who am I to treat them any less? Everyone we know in 100 years is going to die and be forgotten about, it's not like I'm hot shit :/

I'm a schizo and still find it appalling when compared to a tranny. I mean I'm not that mentally disabled.
>born in the wrong body
is more fucked up than
>sometimes I hear and see visions