What do you think it's like to be born a nigger?

What do you think it's like to be born a nigger?

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Idk ask Jay-z

I think about killing myself every day. Not nigger but mutt.

constantly emotionally dodging facts or responsibility

ITT whiteboi has to cope that he can't sexually satisfy women of his own race

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he's a millionare,your some poor troll who lives in his mom's basement and posts on Cred Forums all day.who's got the more successful life here racist?

That's so dumb. Cringe.



Lmao ooo no the niggers are stealing our slam pigs and coke whore. Meanwhile white men steal black queens that are tired of these niggers dressing in over sized baby gap outfits and refusing to be men.

better than be white, you can chill all day on welfare or find a job literally everywhere at places like wallmart but if you're white you wouldn't get any welfare and nobody will hire you at the low-end jobs, you should go to college and all that bullcrap, so I envy nogs, I'd like to live on a welfare and do nothing

Idiot... Can't see past my sarcasm..
Go back to school you retard.

>hurr durr,its sarcasm

fuck off nazi,racism is a problem in america

If I was a nigger I would McKill myself

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Ohhhhh no here comes the typical "MuH PeNuS" bigger then yours.

Probably a white fuck who makes all these threads to trigger the faggots to turn racist and blame the joos

you get a lifetime supply of seasoned chicken,since you know white people.they have no taste buds

It's every single fucking thread with you

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Pretty normal until you start acting like a loud jackass.

being an underdog is better than a faggot

Your the problem in america peckerwood

I'm half nigger, have to ask other half nigger to know the answer

And then you will be a fall men


whatever white boi,when the race war happens,your gonna get lynched next to the niggers you love so much

Yeah.. I'll be waiting.. "when" it happens.

Still waiting...

Honestly, It's great. I'm tall, athletic, can dance, ladies love me, non-black men try to hide their jealousy with hate.

Call me a nigger? Well hey, guess where this nigger is going to stick his nigger dick? lol

I say it depends on where you live and who you're around.
Either way you get a race card and can get people canceled.

>guess where this nigger is going to stick his nigger dick? lol

probably in the inmate in his prison cell when you get arrested for rape,nigger

Wrong, guess again. lol

Your tears are so tasty though.

And again... The rebuttal from the black guy.. "MuH dIcK" can you animals think of anything else?

No. It's part life and survival.

But you're weak and miserable, so I don't expect you to understand.

You're a whole lotta stupid ain't ya?
Tell me why was the black man who with a long dick and chasing women long time ago?

Keep living up to those stereotypes you nignog.

ima tell u if ya let my dawg fuck ur momma

Relax. Go back to playing video games and eating Doritos. lol