Waifu bread

Waifu bread
Blackhole-chan edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Slightly less cursed.

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>Waifu bread

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Yeah it's kind of a goofy lil meme but hey it's better than the forced furry schist

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now it has

neetlife best life

oof, just how many problems will you have with the PC

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Lets cuddle!

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welcome back, ask again when I'm drunker

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Thank you!
You got something wrong! I don't remember it being a question...
Nobody said you couldn't join.

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it was nice but can't buy nice drinks as neet

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I'll head off. If anyone wants to add me feel free to

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I'll bite, what is?

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I don't remember ever wanting your affection, where's the abuse

who needs alcohol that tastes decent, I just want to get drunk

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I think I just miscalculated with the paste I had. The paste that was on there from the beginning needed to go but so did the cooler. Probably.
Regardless I impulse bought a 212 Evo
Night d

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Smell ya later, nerd.

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Bye bye old friend

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it cant be a double suicide if its a cuddle puddle

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that's fucking hot, especially with those dubs.

I know but I mean I could buy what I like most instead of having to settle and I used to get that cheap ass general store bum killer

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I have an air cooler, it's a Noctua NH-D15. less maintenance and very quiet.
goodluck with your water cooler

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Moar of best girl?

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manlet horus?

ebin snapchat bro

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my beer doesn't taste horrible, just decent but it's good enough.
well, have fun being a wage-slave

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Eddy claimed

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Bread chair

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All you worthless fucks ever want is abuse, do I need to beat what I want out of your pathetic sacks of flesh you call body?
Fuck me sideways, useless!

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Well, you got a genuine lol from me there chap

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and all you ever want is a hugbox
useless, go get shat on by your superiors as always

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well there's cheap wine I also get two bottles of
beer mostly on summer
you can have a glass of my stuff any time
add butter

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This is why I drink.
I'll nip ya.

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Thanks, but I'm probably not going to be using it for long. I may try repairs, though
That M4 he's got is really cute
Oops looks like we got a patrician

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I'd be glad to gfet free alcohol anytime, drinking togeth for real when

drink more then, match me

keep in mind, the game is in beta. I've never had the bug he's having rn
it looks like an expensive M4 too

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Butter chair.
How are you?

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Join before it's too late imgur.com/YvIh3XP

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hi, how's you tonight/today

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yeah free is always best
any weekend you are near by
beer chair

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Hope you drown in vomit, retard.


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all i know is that we share the same timezone, so whenever I have enough to go to the US I guess

you too, user

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I fucking love that

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My bad, that was me. Retard.
Nobody but me should abuse you.

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I am tired and doing pretty much nothing, what's going on with you?
Bread chair

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Well nerds, I'm gonna hit the hay. See you guys later!
Just don't die, kthx.

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i will, promise

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Lol getting stuck in the menu.
Wait did he die because the server crashed? He's just using an AKS-74 now
I'm alright. Trying to do the opposite of your image. Do anything interesting today?
Goodnight fluff connoisseur.

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as soon as you get on your feet
what does it mean I'm confuss
how was the flight

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I just went to class, did a few sketches and that was about it. If you're trying to get warm use a blanket.
It means something.

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Shitty. I couldn't sleep much and woke up parched as fuck.

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something something darkside?
lemon water
or drinks

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Woah, what'd you sketch?
No blanket but I should. I'm just sitting in front of the heater vent lol
I think I know why you were parched

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what are your plans for new years?

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You wanna play with your Mario games

how romantic of you
where's the abuse tho retard

about the same but with alcohol, won't go to bed until I finish all of it

could've lol, I went out to smoke a cig before I witnessed it.

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I don't know
Just a few random things. How cold is it?

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mario might be super

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Because I got fermented.

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yall niggas play pokemon?

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ngl this is a good ylyl thread

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more!!me ither
yes water is good get lots

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Ugh.. too burnt out for it right now, go fuck yourself instead.

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What are you drinking?
Me too

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mc ride sees a moth


go get bullied then retard, god you're useless

just some beer, Alexender Keit's red. almost done with all opd it

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Oof then I dunno. He logged to fix the bug and when he got back on all it gave him was "server has disconnected" then he had an AKS. 'Tis a mystery.
27°F Out right now. That would be all well and good if one had a coat but I'm practically cold blooded
Check your prev post's digits lol

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big tuper

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servers have been struggling ever since the event, so may new players

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so what's up nice trips by the way
no more! I don't want to walk to my kitchen and get more

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Oh nice
Chug the rest
That's pretty cold, it's like 55 degrees here.

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I take joy in teasing you then denying you your abuse.
Satan trips, litty.

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claimed 4 coronachan

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since you've said it, here's my excuse for it
all king cans btw

see? this is why I can't be nice all tge tgime to you



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moar pixels now