Let’s play a game. I want to have an argument. Dubs decides what the argument is and what my position is...

Let’s play a game. I want to have an argument. Dubs decides what the argument is and what my position is. I’ll argue from that position until another user gets dubs and changes the argument and/or position.

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The argument is how many dicks you can fit in your ass

We're arguing about the moral righteousness of molesting young men against their will; you're a proponent of the idea.

jews are literal scum

Are traps gay?
You’re position: no

hitler did nothing wrong


Remember to give me a position so that I can argue it. For example: Your argument is you can fit exactly two dicks in your ass

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Elimination of the jews is the only way to save ourselves.

fuck you I won't do what you tell me!!!

kikes should be killed

Argument: Is abortion murder?
Position: Only if the child is white.

Niggers are the superior race and you think it is


Types of women most suitable for breeding.
Black or nothing

Ah, so I hear you really, really, really like this image, user.

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Alright, well that’s easy. Black women are the most suitable for breeding. Their above average fat distribution and hip size are indicative of a mother that will survive childbirth. Black women are the most loyal in mixed race relationships, and are rarely the initiators of divorce.

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Arguement: Media has become super saturated
Position: No it isn't saturated

Fine lets give it one last try

How many dicks you can fit in your ass

Your position is indifferent; any dicks is a good dick in your ass

i see black chicks scream/hit their children all the time. low iq by genetics counts

I should elaborate, if you have a counter point you can feel free to express it, and I will argue the point that WE WUZ KWEENZ until new dubs switches the topic

The production of a mixed race child inherently makes them an inferior choice.

jews are literal scum


1/5 posts will be off by one faggot

One may argue, however, that the typical circumstantial socioeconomic situation a black woman may be in would prove an evolutionary hindrance to the survival and further procreation of their offspring. In which case, are black women really, truly the most suitable for breeding, given the staggering disproportionate ratio at which they experience poverty and a lack of opportunity for which they can provide their children?

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A man dictates the rules of the house by design, if a strong hand is there to demand that a child not be hit, it won’t be hit. Furthermore, physical disciplinary action have been present historically across all cultures, and have produced some of the greatest men in the world.

While it’s true that the IQ bellcurve dictates that the child will likely be less intelligent, with affirmative action currently in place, that is a non issue for a properly raised black child. On top of that, black americans are regularly more physically strong, and have more opportunities in athletic fields.

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That’s easy. A mixed race child will be shunned by both parent groups, are unable to accept certain organ transplants from their own parents, and will struggle with identity in their formative years.

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Rolling to change the argument to the shape of our planet, where you must thoroughly defend the idea that the Earth is an isosceles triangle

Absolutely, having a child of mixed race is child abuse.

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Would have been fun

this makes me sad

also, fairly certain that the woman isn't going to follow the rules all the time. Like if she's taking the kid shopping and the kid starts screaming for mcdonalds because it seen one in the shopping center, she'll probably hit him, because she is low iq/lacking empathy as well

Still ironing out the kinks to make this more fun. Maybe i’ll try bant if Cred Forums doesn’t wanna play...

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If it makes you feel better, I don’t hold this position. Not in real life or currently in the game.

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last time i saw this thread you were posting some decent r34 porn. maybe that'll attract more people?

All it did was distract people, I think. It’s too late anyway, the OP image and the first few words are what generates clicks.

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rolling to change:

The world is flat

rolling to change:
Dr. Phil is a genius

Flat Earth off by one

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rolling to change:
reading improves iq

Well sure. Reading is an involved mental exercise that increases concentration and critical thinking. The understanding of language and the nuance therein are directly measured in any valid IQ test.

Illiterates are far more likely to score lower on the IQ test, especially considering the questions are to be read and understood.

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I would even go as far as to say reading is the single most important factor in determining IQ as we know it, if you can’t read, you can’t comprehend the test.

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Daphne is better than Velma

Most sci reasearch indicates iq is something that you are born with. While reading may help to exercise mental faculties, it cannot improve the brain's raw processing power or the ability to recognize patterns, which are 2 other important factors when considering iq.

IQ is not a direct measurement of intelligence, but a system in which to approximate that intelligence. Reading and reading comprehension are a factor in determining your score. I am not postulating that reading increases your intelligence itself, rather it allows you to best express your intelligence in the way an IQ test measures it, thus improving it.

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You seriously over estimate the average comprehension level of these morons, myself included. Prove me wrong faggot.

I have no reason to agree or disagree. I’ve seen stupid shit and i’ve seen smart shit.

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Best pop tart flavor

You are arguing as to why your family should be killed with machetes

My family has been directly involved in the financial ruination of several people, increase the carbon footprint daily, and produce a net negative cost to society at large. A machete is an effective and legally obtainable tool that is a very reasonable murder weapon.

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but the societal cost of an entire family bar one to the surrounding neighbourhood is likely to decrease social cohesion and reduce trust amongst the nearby society to such a degree that their existence remains a net positive when death by machetes is the alternative

of an entire family dying bar one

The means in which they were killed by machetes was not a part of the original proposition, i’ve merely been asked to substantiate the idea that my family SHOULD be killed by machetes. Who is to say that the neighbors aren’t complicit in this murder?

Furthermore, one could easily create a scenario in which the average person would feel that ‘murder by machete’ is a morally justifiable fate, let’s say for example that my family was cannibals and the murderer was enacting revenge by proxy of an eaten loved one. Unfortunately the original proposition is too vague to consider social ramifications that directly.

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Roll again

I would disagree. By mixing races, you’re mixing their genetics allowing for an increase in survival


I disagree, but that’s not my current position.

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Well sure traps aren’t gay. The entire conceit and appeal of the trap is the presupposition that you are a straight man with attraction to feminine traits and the female form. Only with the surprise of that “woman” actually being male that provides the forbidden sexual excitement.

While it’s true that you’re, quite literally, being aroused by a member of the same sex, it’s important to note that attraction stems from our perception of reality, not reality itself. For example, if you jack off to a printed photo of a woman, would you say you are papersexual? Or would you say the image of the woman that is held in your mind’s eye is what attracts you? What about a computer screen, are you pixel sexual? No of course not. A trap is the projection of a woman onto a male body, in much the same way that a photo of a naked woman is a projection of a woman onto a paper body. The physical nature of the attraction doesn’t determine our sexuality, but instead our mind’s eye. The average trap identifies as female, and the average chaser would also identify them as female.

>what about mannish traps?
Women who are attracted to twinky boys are not gay. Men who are attracted to conventionally unattractive women are not gay.

>what about the penis?
If, in your mind, the penis is a woman’s penis, then you are not gay. Just like how a hat or a hand or an organ like skin can be male or female depending on context, a penis, though only present in biological males, is just a formic accessory to the tangible figure of the trap, and in men who are attracted to them, make them no less of a woman.

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You must argue that long cat is the greatest meme of all time.

rolling to change:
Potion Seller should of given me his potions. i had the gold required.

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Conversely, a truly gay man would have no interest in the idea of roleplaying the trap as a woman.

Would you say that a man who is attracted to nerds but expressly NOT attracted to valley girls would be satisfied and excited about roleplaying with a nerd pretending to be a valley girl? He’s fucking a nerd right? Well, obviously the roleplay of something he’s unattracted to is sexually adjacent at best to the real thing, and in his minds eye are equivalent. Any “gay” man who would fuck a trap in earnest is actually bisexual, because the attraction to EXPRESSLY ROLEPLAYING THE TRAP AS A WOMAN IS HETEROSEXUAL IN NATURE.

Good ones, but no dubs.

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His strongest potions are too much for you to handle.

New argument: Babe: Pig in the City is the only truly perfect film ever made.

Dam son

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The Holocaust should have happened