You know, I wouldn’t call myself a misogynist or feminist. I don’t hate women at all...

You know, I wouldn’t call myself a misogynist or feminist. I don’t hate women at all, and I do believe that we should be equal. But the reality is that women have it way easier than men. Even the ones that go around spitting bullshit for equality know that’s true. All a woman has to do to be valuable in society is be attractive or willing to provide companionship. The same can be applied for a man, but if a man is physically unattractive, they can fill this in by being financially successful. If a man is neither good looking or able to support a woman, then he is worthless. Even if a women isn’t attractive or rich, she still’s more valuable than a man who isn’t.

There’s this sorority girl I knew who I used to live with during my first year of college. For no reason she would go around spreading rumors about me when I would do nothing to her. She’s fake. Now when I see her on campus, she’s all giddy and wants to start a conversation with me. But I keep rejecting her. One day, in front of her sorority sister’s, she tried to give me a hug. But I only gave have her a handshake, which I knew it stunned her when she stuttered in response. I think it’s because she expected me, a man, to give into her physical advances because she was a pretty attractive woman. My friend who was there told me that I’m probably the only man that doesn’t care for her.

Don’t be a sucker for women. Not all women are like this, but they’re out there. The reality is that men have it hard. I would never hit a woman, but if I had to in self-defense, I’d go to jail. If she hit me, it’s perfectly fine. If I go around having sex, then it makes me a pig. If she does, it makes her a liberated woman. I would never, ever make a woman uncomfortable or force myself on her. But if a woman rapes a man, then laugh it off dude. No one would believe a man accusing a woman of rape.

I’m glad I learned this while I was young. Don’t hate women, but don’t be a sucker in life. They have it better and it’s a fact.

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you're right, but people simply don't care because they're programmed by society (or impulse) to do unintelligent shit.

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Here's some more advice for you, young lad

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>I do believe that we should be equal
There's your mistake.
Men and Women are not equal.
Women live completely different realities then Men for all the reasons you just outlined.

I truly believe that Women are incapable of seeing reality for what it is.
Think about it.
Women are extremely overvalued because Men desire Women. I don't have a problem with that, and think that is the right way for society to function.
But that warps a Woman's perception of reality in all things.
A "Woman" is a social construct that cannot survive with a Man building the society around her to protect her.

BUT the problem is when Women start saying they are just as good as Men in all things, that they are equal, that they should have the right to vote, that they are smarter, are wiser, know more etc.

In reality, which Women are incapable of seeing, a Woman is nothing more than a shorter, more neurotic, chubbier, version of a Man that gets physically sick once a month.

The only reason Women still exist after millions of years of evolution is because they are the only ones that can have babies.

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part 2

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You know what, I think you’re right.

These assume that you can at least talk to women. My experience in the dating market states that no woman wants to talk to me.
Fascinating none the less. I don't think I'll ever have a chance to try these out.

Our entire existence and the existence of all living beings revolves around extending our genetic legacy - aka procreating. This is the basis of all social interaction. The problem with humans is that our self awareness has evolved into morality which can be in direct contradiction to our basic biological agenda - reproduction.

Men are the way they are because they can impregnate as many women as possible in an effort to spread their genes.

Women are they way that they are because they only get once chance every 9 months.

It's subconscious, but it is the basis for all interactions between the two sexes.

samefag here -
>Men are the way they are because they can impregnate as many women as possible in an effort to spread their genes.
Less risk per attempt means less value in males

>Women are they way that they are because they only get once chance every 9 months.
More risk per attempt equals more value in females

Op isnt wrong

But factor in
Women are by nature of their hormones, unstable.
They get to bleed from a bodily orifice
Their bodies are designed to do something specific which for the most part is an inconvenience except when they actually are having kids.

Society holds them to extremely unrealistic standards then makes them feel like shit when they can meet those standards.
They are at a physical disadvantage compared to men.
They go thru all the shit above and are told that some guy who cuts his junk off is a better woman than they are.
I wouldn’t trade being a man for anything in the world.

based truth

>I do believe that we should be equal
cringe and bluepilled

Ah, the wisdom of the socially inept, young and perma-angry.
There'll be books I tell you, books!

I used to think that as well but I think it's because I just wasnt as good at communication/talking to other people

Seriously this might sound silly but check out some Tony Robbins, Jordan Belfort and Charisma on Command videos on youtube
90% of our communication is non-verbal and women are way better at it then men
If you don't learn how to communicate, and you do have to learn it, you dont have a chance

best of luck man


Found the cuck.

How so?

Open your eyes, man...

Once your do you’ll begin to have some self-respect for yourself. I don’t want to limit what a woman is able to do. I do believe that individuals should have a choice to be what they want to be. But this is a matter of fact that men are pinned to this corner of disadvantage simply because they are male. If I try and defend myself from a woman who is attacking me, I’ll go to prison. When I turned 18 years old, I had to enroll into selective service. I respect the armed forces, but I don’t want to join the military. But there’s the fact knowing that I can drafted anytime because I was obliged as a man to this contract. If I didn’t, I could not receive my financial aid for college. Women don’t have to worry about these things.

Don’t blind yourself to the reality. Telling yourself that it’s not true only makes you a lapdog, and I would urge you to speak for yourself and demand respect as a human being.

Oh man, you have no idea.


Well, yeah a woman can get a rich boyfriend or husband, but that relationship will always be conditional upon filling a certain role. It's kind of a subservient role to, like signing up to be someone's pet/servant/holster. Not an ideal existence awaits most of these women and once they're older they won't even be able to pay for sex. Maybe the guy could use cialis or something. The world is more complex than you think it is, bro.

Exactly. It’s the fact that such a role exist that both men and women are at a disadvantage. You’re admiring to the fact that once a woman is at a certain age, then they are no longer considered desirable. Where do you think it comes from, and why do you think it still happens?