In all seriousness, why are people actually racist? What drives them to be that way...

In all seriousness, why are people actually racist? What drives them to be that way, even in places historically more accustomed to multiculturalism, like America'?

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People have been racist for hundreds of years. What do you think kept all those wars in the 16th and 17th centuries going? People will always associate themselves with a group, a vision, a tribe, a state, whatever, and when other groups threaten it, people become hostile. Racism is the result of people speaking their mind more and more as it becomes easier to communicate it to the masses.

The same thing that drives you to be a massive faggot

Because niggers can't act civilized, and jews think they're better than everyone.

What a stupid fucking post you pathetic piece of shit. Can’t believe OP actually took the time out of his day to be a faggot and post this. Q

It's the smell.

Yes, I'm serious. Niggers smell too bad to be a part of any comunity.

maybe it is the multi-culturism causing racism, some people just dont want to mix with other races & cultures, they prefer to remain with their own kind of people

I agree with you.

tribal/slave mentality - divide by command and conquer nothing but depression an relief to the masters, who in turn are commited to flesh and blood.

People have been “racist” since more than two people shared space.
It’s the same as discriminating based on nationality, religion, physical traits.
Skin color is just easier to spot.

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nothing like the tantalizing odour of corn chips and fungus

Which race smells like corn chips and fungus?

Because multiculturalism is only ever temporary, someone eventually comes out on top or they all meld into one destroying their uniqueness and diversity, none of these things are good. I don't consider myself a racist since I don't believe any races are better than others, simply different, and our diversity as a species deserves to be preserved. Today this is considered racist and that worries me a lot

>destroying their uniqueness and diversity
but avoid being susceptible to heritable diseases by inbreeding, thus it iis the better option to guarantee the existence of the human specis as a whole. besides, there is no 'pure' human race or group.

"What drives them to be this way?"

13=50, that's what.

thats a statistic you moron (and a false one), nothing causal

No, people have been racist/tribal since the beginning of human history, not hundreds of years.
The fact that whites have been brainwashed to reject their own tribe is disgusting.
Besides, non-whites are much more likely to be racist than white folks.

"That's a statistic". Well aren't you a goddamn genius!

Yeah it's a statistic...a statistic that explains exactly why we hate niggers (that and the fact that they smell like wet dogs)

False? You saying FBI stats are made up?

Fear, that's all there is to it.

>obey your master

no sir! i will never challenge the 'facts' of our masters! please dont report me to your fbi friend!

fucking sheep.

Fear? Maybe. Fear of high crime rates. Fear of being dispossessed. Fear of becoming a minority. Fear of our high trust societies and culture is being destroyed. Fear of being demonized for simply providing a quality of life that most non-whites would never have enjoyed if it weren't for us.

>Fear of becoming a minority
thats the only actual non bs reason. you fear you'll get what you deserve, what your actions as a group deserve. you fear justice.

We're all adapted to live in certain environments. When civilization collapses we will want to have the best chance of survival and we have that by ensuring the human race is as diverse as possible to live in whatever environment the earth offers then. Where I live black people have to take vitamin D supplements for lack of sun, this is not ideal once the supply runs dry

thus blacks men need to breed with the white women, and vice versa. heard of global warming? soon ppl used to live in cold places will have to adapt by means of black sperm vitamin

You know how shit girls fuck niggers because daddy you aren't allowed to fuck niggers?

Well it's like that, liberals tell me I can't be racist so i am because i don't like being told what I can't do with own (male) body.

Take that libs!

If it gets warmer then people from warmer climates will spread out and if it gets colder people from colder climates will spread out, either way humanity survives.

>why are people actually racist?
because of their instincts

there is a name for a specie whose members failed to stay racist and wary of individuals who resembled their kin only imperfectly: they are called "extinct"

when 2 population get separated and evolve in different conditions, each one develops mutations (plural) that allow them to survive in their respective environment
when there's miscegenation, the offspring gains an incomplete set of each group of mutations
meaning it becomes inadapted to both environment
and then it dies

when one group was mutated by kikes to forget to defend itself, it makes mulatto babies who get eaten, and the specie disappears



i see that youre into science, bruh

Ignorance, fear and a hyper-active pattern recognition but no intellect to support it.
It's always been here, it'll probably remain so.

pic unrelated

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because some people prefer truth over empty minded liberal ideas of irrational tolerance.

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that's entierely true, it applies to all sufficiently advanced forms of life with sexual reproduction who are able to select their partners

it is a word derived from species. the latter signifies what you meant, 'specie' in itself never appear in place of species, and is not its singular form.

Pattern recognition

>hyper-active pattern recognition but no intellect to support it


Dinduz lack in IQ and impulse control.

Here's the pecking order:


Is it "racist" of me, a white European, to notice that Jews are generally smarter than my tribe? It's perfectly natural and normal to be racist, no matter your tribe.

jews aren't even people, and belong lower than the nig.

>... of me, a white European...

You meant of course to say: "... of me, a racist idiot..."
Glad I could help.

pic somewhat related

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You have a point.

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I'm 31 and I never met a nigger, a muslim, a spic or a chink who would be at least 0.0001% like me, they all are different, stupid, aggressive, brainwashed by retarded religion (muslims) and all that kind of shit. So whites are objectively better in any way

Dunno, I just act like it on this retard website like other faggots.

I'm not actually racist IRL, I don't care what you look like.

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So.. prove them wrong.

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>What drives them to be that way
Honestly? Experience. My GF used to be super liberal, accepting, multicultural, etcetera, then she worked at a gas station for three years.
Now she's super racist against gypsies and has immediate negative feelings whenever she sees or hears them, because 90% of the ones she encountered at her job were jackasses. She hates that she feels that way about them now, but that doesn't change the effect that her experiences have had on her.

I think not being racist at all out of some sort of contrived moral obligation is just as retarded as wanting to hang all niggers. Both sides of extremists are not at all about what they talk about and only larp on the internet.

Most of the modern people in the first world on either side of extremism use extremism as a source of identity (as they are lacking in a strong center) because espousing hardline views gives them a sense of control over the world that they are, even relatively to the common man, helpless in, that they try to feel they understand it and feel that they can actually control their environment due to the energy surrounding their movement. They're not that deeply convicted even in their belief of it at the end of the day. They're nine times out of ten incapable and unsuccessful.

Basically, they're classically weak, pussies, and they've managed to lend themselves to destabilizing first world politics. Only in this God-forsaken Internet era could a bunch of limped dicked retards and infertile, busted young cunts been able to wrest so much control of everything.

No, blacks think it's the other way around. Go to Africa, that list flips. Except Asians. Asians are #2 everywhere. Even in Asia.

okay, after googling and translation dictionaries I see what you mean, I knew this words existed but it refers to other things than biology
my point still stands

>someone pointing out (made up) stats to demonstrate causation

you ask me to prove something to folks who are both aggressive and intellectually inferior. for what? theyll rehash their master's mantras thinking they'll someday be like them.

let them do the work, it is not hard and is an excercise in critical thinking.

no, no, he's correct
it is a false statistic
>pic related is the more accurate one

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You forgot to mention the most important detail.
"In USA"
A country where racism is sanctioned by government.

seems highly legit

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Ah yes, that evil government making all those nigs commit crimes against other nigs. How do they even get away with it?

You marginalise a part of your population, they create an environment of hatred and bigotry, thus making it hard for said group to thrive or earn a living - when desperation push them into crime you then point at them and go: "didn't I say it? they're beasts".
Take any segment and treat like this, and they too will behave in such a manner, no matter how they look.

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still not a causation

>A country where racism is sanctioned by government.
You mean the one where the most fundamental law (the constitution) absolutely prohibits racial discrimination at law?
Just because a bunch of racists exist in the structure of government, doesn't mean the government as an entity sanctions racism.

There were evolutionary advantages for prehistoric man to fear or feel hostility towards those who didn't resemble members of their own tribe. The spread of disease, and war, were very real threats. Humans who focused on preservation of self and one's own group had a higher chance of survival.

They are what they do.
Not what they say they do.

Actually it's the other way 'round.
To guarantee genetic variation, tribes were keen to introduce fresh blood.
It's later, when culture begins to form, the fear of the different springs into being.
Suddenly the tribe next door is somehow wrong, or that kingdom one mountain top over is suspect of evil, hell... the guys next door must be observed with weariness.
It's simply a stupid impulse borne of the fear of the different.

Because it's easy.

It's easy to scapegoat a certain group for various failures of the society.
It's easy to justify someone's low status in the society by labeling them subhumans.
It's easy to get the sense of belonging by hating a supposed "common enemy".

They abolished slavery, then abolished attempts to keep slavery and segregation in play, and do a reasonably decent job of keeping the racist elements in the system managed. It's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than many other places in the world.

have you been to many other places in the world?
I don't think you know what goes on in the world at all...
USA is number one, after all, and the rest of the world is a cesspool, or so your media tells you. Your privately owned media, with an agenda.

I don't reside in the US, though I spend much time there. The US has some very severe failings, but the balance between freedom of expression/thought and legal guarantees on colourblindness in the US is pretty good. As I said, not great, but good.

Ok. But he didn’t say USA was number one. He just said that we are not the most racist place in the world. Please continue to spout your hate for America though, we really don’t care.

That's pretty much the main issue for what concerns american racism, or racism in the US territories.
Keep giving only positive feedback to a child no matter how entitled and a shitty kid he is, and he'll end up being more shitty by the day, until the point of collapse, which is represented by mass shootings, endless fields where ignorance reigns supreme, a schooling syatem ridiculed by most countries in the world, while at the same time wasps and the 1% literally enjoy the best the world has to offer.

America is going down, roughly in 50 years or so. It's inevitable.

It's certainly number one in racism.
Could have been a melting pot, but people are like oil and water, they don't mix.
I don't hate the USA (america is the continent by the way, and a different matter entirely) - I'm just glad I'm not living there. To survive you have to be rich, and you only get rich by trampling other people under foot. Social inequity is rampant. No such thing as a "living wage" or a proper social security network, or medicin, or education for the "little people".
You live in an economically based caste society.
Also, who's "we"? You speak on behalf of your entire country? Or just a state or two?

Civilisations rise and fall all the time.
The US is no different, countries have fallen before, and will fall again.

>It's certainly number one in racism.
Hah, no. It's not. There are many, many more racist states than the US out there. Basically most of africa, large chunks of Asia and much of eastern Europe.
I must say tho I'm not terribly familiar with the Latin american world so I can't speak for its racial politics. Maybe they're a race-free utopia, idfk

>stale pasta is stale

OP has been and always will be a faggot

burnt pennies and perm cream don't turn you on? shocking


it's about culture, not race.. Some cultures and belief systems just don't mix

You're a total fucking idiot.

Your bias is showing. Maybe too much anti-American media? (I am well aware that it’s the USA and not America, but you call us Americans, so we refer to the USA as America). Your posts are oozing with condescension. Considering there is whats going on with muslims being purged all throughout asia (especially China) and all the anti-muslim legislation going on im India, we could be doing a LOT worse. I’m an American and I don’t think we are #1, most of us don’t. But I’m sure where ever you get your news would tell you otherwise.

hard to deal with the truth eh
just say idiot and remain a slave

you serve your country right, lazy fuck with ham for a brain.

So, social inequity isn't rampant?
You do have living wages for the little people?
You don't have racism? Your social security is honky dory? Medical security for all? Education of high standard for everyone?
No status and classes dividing the population?

I give the condescention I'm met with, as action creates an equal and opposite reaction.

Have you ever even been around feral niggers or Mexicans? I'm not talking about regular black people or regular Mexicans but thuggish shit heads who impede on society?


Did I say we don’t have our own issues? No. Do I think that changes can be made? Yes. I am not and would never argue those points. You made a blanket statement that the USA is the most racist country, and it’s just not. This country is less divided than the media would have you think. They want us to fight over this shit instead of fixing it. So if you are asking that I don’t see whats wrong with this country, yes I do. And to me I see racism and any hate as contradictory to what this country was founded on, whether or not the founding fathers only intended the constitution for only white males. All I am saying is you very much have a misinformed opinion of the USA.

Crime, and welfare for the most part.

that you admit you were wrong in one essential part of your syntax doesn't make your theorem true.

on the conrary id suggest. your logic is simplistic and evolutionary mutations simply does not work this way. the more outbred an individual is the more it is immuned. that is almost an axiom in biology.

ive lived around black people.

>why are people actually racist?
despite being only 13% of the the Us population black people are responsible of 50% of the crime

Then there's ballance between my ignorance and yours.
You lot knows nothing about the world.
And you tell me I know nothing about your country.
(other than having family there, some of which fled to other countries to create lucrative living and create families).
Anyway, I must go, my people need me.

>why are people actually racist?
because of "pattern recognition" sweatie
people are always judged individually by the Content of their Characters
then with frequency of interactions come the recognition of certain patterns
bam! racist

fucking niggers

I can't stand Italians, they are worse than niggers

One of, or a combination of, the following:

1. Instinctive fear/rejection of what's different.
If your eating lunch, and something is "off" then you oft consider it a warning sign that the food is incorrect at least, bad/spoiled/poison at worst. If people are typically around though most similar to them, then a drastic change (skin color, hair color, height, etc) will give you an inclination to avoid those people

2. Personal experience
Say you got robbed by a black man, and later in life by another black man. Per your experience, only black men rob. While it is obviously a logical failure to then judge millions of people based on a few, it can sway you opinion even if at a subconscious level.

3. Statistics
Facts are facts such as "13% of the population commits 50% of the violent crime" (not the exact numbers). Such statistics are worth considering in terms of chances/odds, but by no means a basis to judge/presume at an individual level; No statistic is a guarantee for anyone. Despite this, many will make decisions about people, even one-on-one, based on the averages without factoring it the individual themselves.

Extreme insecurity and lack of self worth
This leads them to put a huge amount of worth on the one thing they know not even they can fuck up: being white

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congratulations, you've demonstrated racial profiling against black people in a single graph.

Now, how many of those arrests were actually the culprit of charges given, you fucking dipshit?

protip: they're fucking up being white by being racist shitbags.

Fuck off Jew