I really want to fuck around on my girlfriend with this younger, freakier chick who is totally mental...

I really want to fuck around on my girlfriend with this younger, freakier chick who is totally mental, a lot like me but more socially weird. Cred Forums, lend me your wisdom! Pic unreleated.

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Just dump her if you’re not serious and save you both the trouble.

It felt more serious at the beginning, but now it just seems like all of our differences are super highlighted...I love my girlfriend, but she might almost be too good of a girl for me.


Don't stick your dick in crazy.

>her tits

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Have you ever stuck your dick in crazy though? It's so much fun,,, My current gf and I have a house together now, she's relatively sane but incredibly sheltered. I just don't know if I'm ready to settle down with "sane" yet. I think I'd prefer to stick my dick in crazy for a few more years... Not sure how to proceed...

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Only a crazy can fuck with a crazy

Don't do it OP

Do it and tell her it didnt happen

Don't tell who? My girlfriend?

Listen OP. The not sticking your dick in crazy wisdom is for a reason. Even if you were single it's got major downsides if the bitch is actually crazy. The wrong bitch can and will destroy your entire life.

as to if you should be a scumbag and cheat, cheating on someone can traumatize them. If you don't want what you got, break it off and let someone who's actually going to treat her decent fuck her brains out.

I honestly don't give a fuck one way or another what you do, but if she's better off without you, then just break it off. Don't put the girl through hell, I mean wtf.

If you care for your girlfriend at all don't try to cheat and get away with it. If you don't care about her, either dump her first or just tell her you want to fuck another chick, shell probably dump you, but maybe she'd let it slide. Depends on her. If you dislike your girlfriend then just cheat, but you'll probably get found out and dumped.

This is very reasonable advice. I will greatly consider this. Thank you, kind person.

Married with sane, boring as fuck life. I mean it's rly boring, predictable and goddamn it's every day/week/month the fucking same shit. Don't do it. I Would escape this shit show but I love my childr3n too much and I don't want to hurt them. But then they in puberty I will going to fuck all little 18 year old daddy issue bitches like the last day on earth, do whatever shit I ever wanted to do.

I didn't ever met a sane women, they are all a kind of psycho.

Sounds like you aren't going to marry gf so just break her heart now and make yourself better. But don't fuck the crazy chick.

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No worries dude. Honestly, in my experience cheating is NEVER worth it. Especially when you're deep dicking crazy. I've fucked plenty of stable girls that are crazy in the sack and have their shit together. Likewise you got some wackjobs that MIGHT be a decent lay, but they are way more trouble than they're worth.

the way i see it, to expand on my earlier response, you have a few options.

1. just don't. Do not pass go, collect 200 dollars, or leave a stable relationship where you share a home and are building a future.

2. decide you want different things than your partner and part way. Then don't get into a relationship and get it all out of your system.

3. talk to your partner about opening the relationship up, or redefining what's allowed and isn't. All relationships are is a social contract between two or more people regarding close social and sexual interactions.

I also meant what I said. I have close friend. A girl who I've known since my teenage years. She really loved the dude she was with, and she found out he was cheating (They always find out dude, sooner or later). She did her best to get past it, but it ruined her.

What I mean by ruined, is she developed severe trust issues, had all of the trademark symptoms of ptsd, had breakdowns, developed nervous ticks, and finally tried to kill herself.

If you care about this girl even a little I'd advise against cheating.

Anyways, this is all just from my experience and i wanted to expand on what I said earlier.

best of luck.

Current gf is incredibly sensitive. Thank you for sharing your personal experience on the matter. I will not cheat on my girlfriend, but it may just come to pass that we may be too different to continue in our current relationship.

Much appreciated.

OP needs sleep. Thank you all for your input.

she got her own gameing chennel on youtube