Cute gay shota bread

cute gay shota bread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Bumpz for science

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Bmp for blonde haired shotas being sex bullied by black haired shotas. Please?

>shotachan's going down soon
If you have any art or douijins there you haven't saved, do it now.

Attached: 1578454709313.jpg (978x1331, 162K)

RIP Shotachan

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That cheers me back up.

here is booty.

Attached: 54f21181a7bbbb7680a49742367461b4 [amu enya].png (515x727, 437K)

yeah man, i didn't even so much as lurk and I can feel the melancholy. Had no idea what kind of a community that place evidently was.

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Honestly I barely used it as I don't collect doujin and stuff, but I know some people liked it. Started using the forum part a bit literally in recent days so it's funny timing.

It's not the end of the world, though there may be less shota spreading around.

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well, where there's a will there's a way!

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Comic name?

not sure, but it's a great doujin by my favorite artist. One of only like two of his lewd stuffs I've seen.

Ooo an artist name would work!

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I can't be the only one who sees a noticeable attractiveness difference between shota and the hideous, obese "rate my totally real wife" threads that take up most of Cred Forums

straight beta/cuck guys and their attractions are gross, it's just science

wool_bl! he is mah boiii

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There is a built in image seatch in the Post menu
[ the right facing blue arrow head to the right of your post number ]
Google immediately locates several sources of that page - and they identify the item as
> [Keito no Mori (Wool)] Neteiru Yuujin o Kimochiyoku Saseteageru Hon.

comic translated into Spanish at:

there may be an English translation if you can be bothered checking all the links that Google finds, but I can't be bothered.

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i was hoping someone would saucenao it and let me be lazy but I'll dump it, it's short. certainly not a whole lot going in the thread otherwise.

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sigh and alas that is all there is

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That was oddly cute and wholesome, big goodness quality.

any anons lucky enough to have sleepovers/get-togethers with their buddies like pic related growing up? shota threads could always use more stories describing pics like this

Attached: birthday boys.jpg (833x1000, 1017K)

Thanks for the share! I could not find the english version.

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Yes, but it wasn't good. An older guy tried to fuck us and it was ick because he was a neckbeard and we were kids.
Sorry for no amazing fantasy ending.


yikes, how did that situation even unfold?

Honestly, we were watching porn flash games like all afternoon because we were too young to be like "that's gay :(" and a couple guys played with each other in the bedroom.

Then our older friend/guy we know whose house it actually was stumbled in and he's a bit of a creep and pretty much mounted the guy next to me.
At the time I made it funny because I pushed the other dude right onto the other guy who screeched like a girl and then I hid in the bathroom giggling.

Older guy is still a bit odd, flirts with my best friend every time he's drunk.

Shota's cool but fantasies rarely actually go like that. I feel like the smol bodies with adult decision-making would be perfection.

did he actually penetrate your friend? and what were your two buddies doing in the bedroom? how old were you all around this time?

indeed, wholesome and cute at the same time

Nah he didn't. Pretty sure he's been asking to for years with various people, but if he wasn't a fuckin' weirdo people might actually agree.

It's a bit of a blur because we were like 9 or 10, the younger guys anyway, pretty sure somebody did mutual masturbation while I was trying to sleep after that.

The eleven y.o. [ in ]
looks pretty smug for some reason

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It lives!

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I didn't know about this, that's sad.
There's like no place left to discuss shota now outside of Cred Forums.

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There's AllTheFallen which is both loli and shota. It might grow a bit now that ShotaChan.

But yeah it feels like the internet is constantly losing forums, and it's not like you can just use Reddit (because they ban 'underage' characters)

Is it going down due to the admin being unable to manage the servers, or was it due to the shota content in general?

I can't seem to find an answer.

seems to be where a ton of the people are going, based off of what little I've observed. It's kinda heartwarming watching such a big shattered family reuiniting.

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Supposedly because the main owner has medical and personal issues that makes the website both time-consuming and expensive.

There's a thread for people to attempt to buy the domain off the owner and have the community host and fund the site.

I don't *think* anywhere has been taken down for loli and shota content, it's one of those things where it's technically illegal in many Western countries but the governments are too damn out of touch to know it exists.

well its all the neuortic cartoons lodging victim impact statements that's slowly destroying cartoon rights

looking for more balls to balls stuff

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Post cute!

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discord gg/P8bMvy


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Link best boi

What kind of Discord?

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Thanks. very cute

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Bifag here, I got to shower with a super cute boy earlier today, was pretty nice.

󠘁 󠘁 󠘁

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How old?

Good for you! But yeah, how old?

I feel like if you say like 9 then that's a bit uh, less legal. But cute boys ftw.

Almost 10

Uhhhm. Well I'm not gonna snitch but like okay.

Got any shotas with a vagina instead of a penis?

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Give us more details

Isn't cuntboy shota a bit redundant since lolis are already flat-chested?

I dk what exactly you are trying to say..

They also have the spirit of a shota. Boy spirit has a different feeling.

Attached: tent.jpg (1708x1113, 186K)



You showered with a 'super cute' under 10 year old. I think you know what people are implying.

Shota is my spirit animal.

Shota is my fursona.

He is my gf's nephew. We went to the local pool/rec center today and after we were done we showered before changing clothes. Was in a private shower stall thing. He was reluctant to get naked but he eventually did. We're both uncut so that probably helped

any anons lucky enough to have a group tent experience with other boys growing up?

Me and my cousin would fool around in the woods a lot but we didn't have a private tent

My lil step brother has a bigger dick than me. Help

You showered with a shota. I'm super jealous.

how much did the two of you do together?

Not really, just tell me for clarity

We started when we didn't really know what we were doing, we figured out jerking off and blowjobs before we figured out orgasms then it went on a few years after we could cum.

nice, were you both into eating cum? any butt stuff happen?

This reminds me of me and my cousin. Heh old times were fun.

We never got it in our mouths. Not sure why

It was pretty cool, was for about 10minutes.I've known him for quite a while but was 1st time seeing him naked.

I sometimes wonder if seeing other boys nude as a kid awoke something in me.

You're in this thread proves something did awoke you,user.

god bless these fucking threads. i love you people.

you post this exact premise literally all the time, sometimes it's her niece when you aren't in a shota/gay experiences thread. what is your endgame user?

swear i read this in another shota thread before

Oh shit you have a point XD
< Pic related

We love you too

You probably did. I think Cred Forums's shota community is like the same couple dozen people, especially perhaps a 'main 5' that post most of it. I'm not the guy you're replying to btw

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Anybody stop themselves from doing stuff when they were young cuz of religion? I grew up in a catholic house and I got to do stuff with another boy when I was 13. I stopped meeting him though because I thought it was against god. I wonder from time to time what it would’ve been like if I would’ve kept seeing him.

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Much butthurt detected lol

>I think Cred Forums's shota community is like the same couple dozen people, especially perhaps a 'main 5' that post most of it. I'm not the guy you're replying to btw

I want you to be wrong so bad because this makes my sad little shota world feel so small

but man, you are so right. maybe I will start posting over at ATF after all.

I didn't, even though I was raised catholic. It was catholic lite, really, but no religious anything would have gotten in the way of me and some cock. no matter how old I was.

It did however give me the worst goddamn blueball of my life after my sophomore year of high school, when I got to suck off a seventh grader who turned around the next time we hung out and said no more because it was against his religion. fuckin feels bad man

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Would you want a bf who's into shota?

I've never posted in Cred Forums before just read things in different boards. eventually figured out how it works. My first post was in a shota thread btw.

It just sometimes happens on the internet. Like you'll mod a game passionately and realise that it's like 15 people on a planet of something like 8 billion.

Realistically I don't know how many guys (and girls I suppose) are into shota, but if there was a button that made EVERYONE into it I'd press it.

I've quit Cred Forums multiple times then come back from boredom. Can't stand the gross-ass porn threads, intentional bigotry and threads getting raided.

The unique IP count of these threads is usually around 20-30, it goes as high as 50 on a good day.

I pretty much insist on it. My fave guy is into shota a little, especially with my help.


he posts the thing about showering with his nephew "today" all the time. surprised I'm the only one who seems to notice this

I feel like most shota stories are fake. Faker than his even.
Like on a straight shota thread
>I had a threesome with two MILFs when I was eight, I came like a gallon and we kept in touch
Sure you did buddy.

Being raised a Muslim i stopped it by my mid-teens.

If this pic had poopie it would involve all my fetishes at once.

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Shit! In my country we have a special name for these stories called "Choti". The stories ate weird fantasies passed as truths by the authors.

Oh I know, it's just weird because it's rather uneventful for a fake story.

Like whenever anyone asks him to elaborate it's just "we showered and that was it." I'm okay with that since 9 is too young anyway but even so it' surprising he never indulges himself by adding anything to it since he clearly gets off on bringing it up all the time.

> "... maybe I will start posting over at ATF after all. " ;
> ATF ?
wtf is that ?

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That's an interesting set of fetishes.

All the Fallen. It's a shota and loli forum, got everything from a manga sharing corner to chatrooms to Skyrim mods.

Yes... if I wasn’t married... or perhaps hoping my husband doesn’t mind, or wouldn’t be disgusted, that I like shota

You guys like our cute sed-boi?

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gotta fucking love Cred Forums

Ah - yes I've heard of it, but never been there myself, also:
never seen it abbreviated to an acronym.

Tried looking it up via Google, but it was just as clueless as I was:
mainly trying to tell me about Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms.

Sorry about the image in It looked OK on two other browsers - don't know what the problem is here on Cred Forums, via Google Chrome. Hope this image is better:

pic related

Attached: This isn't bad at all - it's pretty good actually .png (1920x1000, 369K)

The beauty of these threads is that if you posted that in any other thread on Cred Forums you would get roasted

>mainly trying to tell me about Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms.

i fucking choked, god bless you user

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they are certainly a shinier, more pleasant quadrant of Cred Forums

...when they choose to be >.>

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here's a link if you want to go there directly.

Here's the illusive X-ray shot porn.

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I've showered with my shota cousin and other boys on occasion but I feel like I can never talk about it because of the retard who posts that dumb shower shit every thread

Is this the thing you guys are talking about?

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oldfag, why are you like this


It might get kinda big soon what with Shotachan closing and it being linked a bunch of times on Cred Forums.

I wonder what the story behind this pic is?

had one, doubtful to find another

I mean, from the thumbnail it basically does

Use your imagination ;)

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does anyone know how much time we have till shotachan fully goes back down again for good?

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The announcement says less than 48 hrs (just now)

Was in boy scouts as a kid, had quite a few fun times in the tent with older boys.

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well, goodnight/morning shotabros, OP out. keep the spirit alive until I return

What's the name of that manga where some rich dude makes a 14 yo boy dress like a slutty maid and then he fucks him?

nice cuntboy shota, more?

so sad,
but at least we get this time
so much about to be lost to time tho wow..

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Night dude! I might head out soon too, Cred Forums has gotten really slow so unless I want Trump bait thread #32819 it might be dead for a while.

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>be shota
>other shota wants to try to fuck me
>dont know what that means but whatever because penis rubbing good
>bend over against a tree
>have no concept that it might hurt
>it slips right in
>feels weird
>doesn't really feel like much of anything inside just a sort of pinch on my asshole
>suddenly knees get weak
>i start sweating
>his rhythm gets less awkward and feels more natural
>i drop to my knees
>he tries to keep going but slips out
>start shitting uncontrollably
>dropped the biggest log I ever have plus some extra watery shits at the end
>almost piss and shit on my own pants
>never talk about it again

I don't know the original artist but i remember fapping to this in like 2008

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The best part? It's true, all of it.

>why are you like this
Like what ?
the post that your post linked to only has an image on it, with some representative shota proportions:
I'm nothing like that (anymore) I'm much too old, but many years ago, I suppose I was a bit like the eight year old (when I was that age) and maybe a bit like the 15 year old - except I never looked miserable like the maturing shota:
I have always been happy with my circumstances. Also, I think I was taller than any of those depictions, maybe except the 11 y.o.
I passed five foot tall ( 152.4cm) just before my 11ᵗʰ birthday, but my dick was nowhere near as big as that shotas - didn't bother me though - still had the same sort of smile on my face.


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Red and Blonde are the best ones.

Seriously bros, what's the name of that manga where some rich dude makes a 14 yo boy dress like a slutty maid and then he fucks him?

Boku no Pico

Oh yeah? How old were you all and how many boys? Tell us about the hottest, nastiest things that went on, especially if they involved other boys your own age as well

haha so funny i cry in my eye

ya'll are fuckin' weirdos

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I meant with altering the pics with transparencies and artifacts

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I think they're all cute - childhood is such a fun time - full of opportunities and wonderful things to discover. I loved everything about it, but I was lucky - I was tall for my age, very athletic, sporty and adventurous - so I somehow had all the cool guys as my friends, even those that were somewhat older than me. Also a lot of the younger ones looked up to me, I guess mainly because I treated them as equals, because that's exactly how I perceive other people that mean me no harm.

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i can see why


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yee half the time I don't bother reading what you faggots argue about
just post cute, not super-lewd bois pls

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what dis wholesome shit

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sorry, I'm a wholesome person :c

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The more wholesome the pic the more I want to see them gaped and prolapsed

He so smol

Tentacles - A hentai classic

Continue! We always need more wholesome people.
I was gonna post something not lewd but yikes, I have entirely porn saved...

Gaping is nice, prolapsing not so much.

I like a nice prolapse where you can milk it for brown milk.

that's fine user, use your imagination!

degenerate c:

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God Tsuritama is such a cute anime. I use the theme as my ringtone because I'm lowkey weeb and my clients would never know.

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>cgfag shows up
bye, enjoy the FBI

Cute vs lewd posting is always a fun battle:
post till lewd busts their nuts then sfw killugon your way out the door

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haru is fucking adorable

honestly not even hard, just killing time waiting for my bf to wake up so I can cuddle

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> " I meant with altering the pics with transparencies ..." ;

I am exploring ways in which I can make images appear to be more of a natural part of the post, rather than something that was just stuck on as an afterthought, like a bill-poster sticking stuff anywhere and anywhere while thinking about something totally different.

> "... and artifacts " ;
I'm trying my best to avoid the "artifacts", while creating a recognizable "style" regardless of the source material that I am using.

Why - I'm not so sure, maybe it's a bit like a graffiti artist.
It doesn't really matter to him whether or not you know who he really is, but (for whatever reason) he wants you to recognize his style and the "territory" that he chooses to mark out - a bit like a dog marking its territory by pissing on the trees on his daily walk around the district.

Other dogs walk round afterwards and smell the trail - they think
> Yessss! Snoopy, Goofy, Pluto & Pepe have been round here earlier today.

Maybe I'm doing the same sort of thing for some primeval reason. I don't like to be totally "Anonymous" - even on an image board which forces it upon me.

Maybe I don't need to add a signature.

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Nothing wrong with that

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I used to use a signature but too many people poked fun at it and it felt cringey so I stopped.
It does help telling who posted what though.

why not just lasso them out and throw em against a transparent background then...?

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your posting style and quirks are sufficient indicators tbh
this guy not so much

does Namesync for extensions not work anymore? I swear I still see them referenced in other threads

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oh neat so am I, ha ha

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sorry user, I'd cuddle you if I could c:

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Yes, but in my case:
I don't mind when people take the piss out of me,
because I try to take the piss out of them, in equal measure
in full knowledge that there are only a handful of people who realize that I am taking the piss.
It amuses me to do that, when I feel that it is necessary to maintain a degree of credibility.

Perhaps I'm just an "autist", or whatever else people choose to call me.
But, good, bad, or indifferent I'm just me and there's not a lot I can do to change that.

Hope you don't mind too much.

Attached: Two shotas trying to attract your attention in order to get a response from you .png (1920x960, 205K)

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hoon is best boi
I just wanna hold him tightly

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: Thanks

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is that a reverse trap?
wheres the 2nt dick.
needs more gay

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He my fav boi and hooni x soorim always warms heart

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they're too adorable together uwu

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boy toy's awake, I'mma go now
have a good day/night everyone c:

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Any hooni x sana?

bye, rlly tho, do have yourself a fine snuggle, cheers

ATF is a honeypot with actual pedos though

Probably the feds

What isn't a honeypot these days?

Snuck his cute smelly foot in there too :3

Cuntboy Ash

Why the fuck are Kazuto and Eugeo so cute. They'd be the only reason why I would ever look at anything SAO related

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Anymore of Richie? Or whoever the Finn wolfhard character is

MMM ahora

Rest in (two) pieces Eugeo


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>this is now the pic that shows up for wiki stub when searching the term shotacon
rlly makes you think

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Wish a little shota would facefuck me



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More wholesome than the cover of Boku no Pico

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>ywn be a cute boy having a romantic relationship with a guy thrice your age again

What happened?

No. I want a GF that likes shota.

Nice, I didn't even know this website existed.

Who cares, as long as you don't speak/post about the real thing you risk nothing.

And this thread isn’t?

No. The feds don't give a shit anymore about shota/lolis stuff, even 3d. They've got bigger fish to catch.