Why does Bernie always looks like he slept in his suit under a bridge somewhere and got in a brawl with some raccoons...

Why does Bernie always looks like he slept in his suit under a bridge somewhere and got in a brawl with some raccoons during the night?

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As opposed to most politicians on all sides, Bernie isn't doesn't put much stock in appearance. Substance over form

Or it's part of the 'common man' show because it would be in bad taste to make it obvious to dress like the millionaire he is while asking to raise middle class taxes by 30%+

This kike is such a piece of shit. If he had his way my taxes would jump to what, 50-70%? My 401K would tank.

>middle class
that has been shrinking due to outsourcing

>cant even care for his own body
>surely he can run a country guys! dude free shit!

the art of deception
he can't look like a millionaire while pushing his wealth redistribution agenda


It's pretty obvious that this is a cultivated image. He wants to appeal to his base: middle to lower-middle class folks that are tired of getting fucked over by billionaires

"vote for me because orange man bad"

Don't they all do this though? It's always about the down trodden. The little guy. I don't think hell win honestly because 9/10 times Americans will pick a candidate because he appears strong.

Yes, every politician has an image, though only some of them go for that downtrodden look. Trump doesn't, Bloomberg doesn't, Obama didn't. It all depends on who you're appealing to.

But, this was more to OP's question asking why the guy looks like that. It's pretty obvious to me.

Hell, you don't even have to be a politician. Look at Sam Walton, he was in the public eye and dressed down.

It's all "theater"

Actually if you look at the 3rd quintile of earners over time (that would be those in the 41% to 59% median income) the number isn't shrinking in a bad way. Most of the shrink in the 'middle class' is due to growth in the 4th quintile 61%~79% of median income.

Trump is fat as fuck and wears huge clown suits

Still your president.

he wears oversized jackets, don't ask me why

>raise middle class taxes by 30%+

sauce on that?

what does that have to do with what that user was talking about? Christ right wingers are fucking retarded

yea them ol night whispers will fuck with you

Stay cope, kid

I mean, if youre making 600 000 a year, Id be okay with that

go to bed ivan

Thank goodness it's not up to you. Go steal from your own family before you steal from someone else.

Because that's exactly what happened

he has no sauce because he's just making shit up

She lost, get over it already, pablo

Damn I cant wait to watch him lose again this year.

Scocialists, unless the are national scocialists they dress sharp in uniforms, have to look like disheveled drunks. It's like an unwritten rule.

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Bernie Sanders Pokes Fun At His Own Fashion Sense: ‘Actually, It’s Kohl’s’

Cuz hes an old commie that had a heart attack and is close to death

He's the literal opposite of Trump. He doesn't care what his public image is and all he really cares about is policy.

I can't believe bernouts are falling for this AGAIN lmao

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The only thing missing is the Beto skateboard

That's OK. Any random VP is a better option than Trump. Fuck even Pence, the random Repub VP is a better option than Trump.

Here's your source. Take what you pay for health insurance and compute it as a tax. If you're not paying at least (taxes*.3) for healthcare your getting a hell of a deal.
But wait you say! That's a fair trade! Yeah well healthcare isn't the only thing Bern wants to make 'free' how 'bout your student loans....Don't have student loans? Congrats you get to pay for someone else's student loans. Already make more than the guaranteed basic income...Well then you get to pay for someone else's 'free' income too.
Use google, check the math. There aren't enough 'rich' dollars to pay for half the shit Bern wants to do. The middle (and lower) class will have a tax increase and even Bern says so.

>feel the bern
>every election cycle more and more votes
Pick two.

Nothing was learned from 2016.

As long as he can sell his policies to poor schmucks while enriching his corporate backers and himself.

He isn't going to win the primary much less be elected nationally. How delusional are bernie bros?

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He never got any votes because he cucked himself for hillary.

>Take what you pay for health insurance and compute it as a tax.

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Shut up and give me your free money for free. Free stuff. FREE ALL THE THINGS!

He got like 5 million less votes than Hillary. He lost fair and square which is why he endorsed Hillary.

Biden will be the nominee and will beat Trump. Then hopefully Bernie will give up and move to Moscow.


I'm actually dumber having read that holy fuck

He didn't run against Hillary though.

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>got in a brawl with some raccoons during the night

Imagine living in a fake reality where Hillary defeated bernie in the 2016 election
>and she still loses

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OK then how's this:
In an analysis released today, the Tax Foundation, an independent tax policy research organization, found that Sanders’ plan would lead to 10.56% lower after-tax income for all taxpayers, and a 17.91% lower after-tax income for the wealthiest Americans. When accounting for reduced GDP, taxpayers would see their after-tax incomes fall by 12.84% on average, the report said.
Fucking time magazine. Not exactly your bastion of hard core conservatism. You'd have to be paying almost 40% of your income in taxes already for those drops in post tax income to not equal a 30% increase

This guy is gonna be so confused when Bernie loses to Biden

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Kind of like Bernie. Ironic.

Losing the nomination is not the same as losing the election, which they will both lose.

Because commies can't into math & clothes' sizes.

>commies can't math

that's for damn sure

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cuz Bernie DGAF!

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The text you quoted doesn't even speak of the middle class. Justify your "raise middle class taxes by 30%+" please because that did not clarify it

I could care less if Bernie wins the candidacy or not. The dem nomination gets my vote, period.

yep, anyone but Trumpshit at this time. Anyone else, even a republican, doesn't matter who.

Must suck to live in such a high crime rate area.

this time you braindead cucks will have to suck OUR party loyalty vote

The nomination is an election you fucking retard. There is a primary election and then a general election. Have you not taken 8th grade civic class yet?

>complaining about Bernie Sanders, a career champion of the common people, because his net worth surpassed 1 million dollars in the last 5 years after age 60
>current president is a literal "billionaire"

got 3 brain cells? better vote for the guy who is most similar to me. HURR DURR VOTE TRUMP MAGA I AM STUPID

Party rhetoric is entertainment for dumb people.
Its gonna be a sad day for you when you realize "your side" doesn't exist. Sorry bud.

must suck to live with your cousin/girlfriend.

Sanders is a servant.
Trump a citizen.
Big difference.

>Sanders’ plan would lead to 10.56% lower after-tax income for all taxpayers
The middle class would be included in the group known as ALL TAXPAYERS.

Since single tax payers making 84K and married making 168K pay 24% income tax, lowering their income by 10% more after taxes would mean that their taxes went from 24% to 34% an increase of more than 30% of the tax paid.

For fucks sake so much this:
Time is just being obtuse about it because they are all a bunch of socialists too.

You mad OP?

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I live alone for now. In my house, which I own. On my land, which I own.

>>career champion of the common people
You mean politician. A politician who became a millionaire while never holding a job outside of government office. His wife by the way makes 160K as president of some college but the family brings in over 1.5mil a year somehow.

Chances are he did op. Hes a fucking deadbeat who never had a real job. Wants to give everything away. Whos going to work when you get it for free.

OK, I see how you reasoned that, thanks. Following your numbers, the true tax hike is 10% on the income only, but the tax increase is 42% on the current tax.

I am ok with a 10% tax hike on my income if that lowers health costs for everyone in general.

book sales, look it up.

Really sad that reddit turns into nothing but an arm of the democratic party in election years. Bunch of cucks.

His wife decimated that college and crushed the students who fell for the scam. Plus her daughter was on the payroll for a half mil a year.

The disheveled look is absolutely a brand Bernie does on purpose. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron.

Insurance costs go down every year, same as medical expenses and war costs.
Oh wait...
You know what we should do? Give MORE power and currency to a proven corrupt state. Yeah.

Trips of truth

Lol you'll drink any vomit wont you?

Lol this post
>the middle class is strong because the middle quintile contains 20% of people, just like it did 50 years ago. And indeed, half of all Americans STILL earn above the median wage.

I can guarantee you most Cred Forumstards don't know what a quantile is.

because that's his costume. once you look at it like that, the clothes politicians wear will make more sense.

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Says the party full of inner city ghetto uneducated drug users.

You dont know anything about polaron hopping frequencies.
So what.

His policy of "Make poor decisions your entire life without fear of the consequences because we will just take money form someone else to support your decision to be an uneducated drug user incapable of supporting his/herself."

This. Exactly this. These dummies don't only ignore history, they ignore the flaws of the system they push.

because based bernie does not give a single fuck what anyone thinks

Wow you are really bad at math
I hate Bernie but damn you’re making us look like retards

Costs won't go down they'll go up. You can't take a bureaucracy as big as healthcare and have it managed by the US government (the biggest bureaucracy ever) and expect costs to go down. That's just not the way it works.
ACA (ObamaCare) promised to lower insurance costs and instead we had the biggest increase in health insurance costs ever and a doubling of the average deductible. Healthcare was cheaper in 2009 before Obama came into office and that was just a partial takeover, stuff around the edges.

You know most of those books are bought as a way around buying influence.

I hope to god you don't teach math.

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all states are corrupt, there never has, and there never will exist a state without corruption since it is part of human nature.

Yes, I am OK paying more taxes for the greater good, even knowing that part of that money might line a few pockets along the way, so is life, and we must not stop trying to reduce those "pockets", both in number and in size.

good. i plan to vote for elizabeth warren in the primary and then MOTHER FUCKING TRUMP TRAIN ALL THE WAY TO THE WHITE HOUSE. awe my inner boomer is tingling.

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this cartoon knows nothing about human history

The answer is obvious. He's a lazy slob.

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>and expect costs to go down.

why not?

>That's just not the way it works.

which physics law is that?

Healthcare costs go up every year regardless. Under the ACA, healthcare costs have actually not gone up as much as in previous years. The ACA slowed down the increase and gave people better healthcare. Those are the facts.

Also, every study I've seen proves that a universal healthcare program will actually lower costs on the American people by a substantial amount. Instead of paying for insurance through your employer that they can take away whenever they want, you'd just pay for it through a tax in your paycheck and you will no longer have to worry about it being taken away by some greedy employer.

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>He's a lazy slob

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Please explain it to me then.

You are confusing the number of people in the middle with the number of incomes in the middle. I might look up source document for you, but given that my stuff is a little out of context it's understandable.

I think it's from a Department of Labor Statistics about report income mobility. You can google it, it's a good read.

Exaggerate much or are you new to embellishment?

>inb4 well after the word literal/literally is used out of context

>The ACA
has been thrown out by the courts.

>being this butt blasted that she lost

If only his daddy had given him 500 million dollars. Then he could have wasted it away on hookers and blow for 50 years before running.

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The trick it to make it believable or at least mildly humourous.

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No it has not.

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What state are you in user?

because he's a communist---

oh, wait. JEWS are actively depicting him as a communist.

Why, W-the-fucking-HY?


yeah, the substance is bullshit

Your own article states that the law hasn't been invalidated and that this nonsense ruling won't stand appeal.

The supreme court already ruled on this and the ACA still stands.

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you're ignoring history

continue your research......or not. I could not care less.
A lot of productive people soon will again have insurance.

What exactly did he accomplish in his 40 years in office.
And please if you consider amendments to existing bills by people that actually did something, please cite one that mattered or just fuck off.

I'll wait.

Give me free stuff for free. I need your free stuff.

Actually, I am correct. And you have been proven wrong. Try reading the article you linked for proof.

The ACA still exists while this case goes through the appeal process and its unlikely this case will survive.


If the 2,000-page law dubbed “Obamacare” is repealed, Gluck says, it will have serious consequences across the healthcare system— not only for people on Medicaid, but also for those on private insurance, insurance through their workplaces, or on Medicare.

“All of those laws will have gaps now, and people will be paying more and losing coverage,” Gluck says.

She notes that many people are unaware that the benefits of the law touch the entire health system, and include provisions to keep down the price of drugs for Medicare patients; coverage for children’s vaccines, and preventive services such as cancer screenings.

The judge’s decisions to throw out the ACA also comes as the law is increasingly popular, according to poll data. In 2013, the law had an overall approval rating between 33% and 39%, according to Kaiser Family Foundation polls. By 2018, the approval rating rose to 53%, and many Democrats in the November midterm elections ran on protecting the law.

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You sound like a Republican!

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Health & Human Services, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia arguing that the ACA was still unconstitutional, even in light of the "saving construction" given the law in NFIB v. ... On July 29, 2014, that decision was affirmed by the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

busloads of this

I can't stand Bernie, but if he wins the Nom, i'll vote for him in an instant over President Twittler. That's really waht this election is going to be about. tRUmp and his band of thugs and criminals versus whomever wins the Dem nomination. Policies and all that bullshit doesn't matter.

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The Supreme court refused to hear the case.

Propaganda media refused to report it. You will have to find it on your own. Or not-

let's all point and laugh at the sad neckbearded berniebro struggling to defend his disheveled candidate and his intellectually impoverished ideas.

I need your free stuff so I can sell it for drugs. It's the humanitarian thing to do.

And when that case went to the Supreme Court, it rules that the provisions of the ACA were constitutional and legal.

Sebelius, 567 U.S. 519 (2012), was a landmark United States Supreme Court decision in which the Court upheld Congress' power to enact most provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly called Obamacare...

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Oh look, a retarded CNN-guzzler out in the wild! Very cool.

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that's because they all think they'll get to be Stalin or Castro drowning in pussy and cocaine while everyone else works their fingers to the bone and starves. socialism is literally the worst pyramid scheme ever.

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yep, republican, democrat, doesn't matter, anyone else will do at this point.

huuuuuue. nice meme.
you cunts really are incapable of coming up with anything useful or original.


Bernie will destroy this country. I hope you and your family get shot in the ensuing conflict if he gets elected.


I now refuse to discuss anything with you.

>says the yang supporter

look its one of the tRUmp cultists.

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i wonder if that cartoonist likes food or gets the difference between "relief" and "entitlements"

Why is Trump impeached forever?

Because you've been proven wrong repeatedly.

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I agree. ANYONE can't be as corrupt or as dumb as the current clown. Time to take this country back.

interestingly, I said that it could be a republican, but there you went, assuming I only wanted Bernie...

>Bernie will destroy this country.
Country is already destroyed. Where the fuck are you?

I get it, one is free money for doing nothing, the other is something that you are ENTITLED too because you've been paying taxes into a system all your life (Medicare and Social Security).

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look everybody


You can tell how deranged a leftist has become by how much they bastardize Trump's name as though it accomplishes something.



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Problem is, it wont be a Republican. the RNC has been shutting down primaries in states all over the country to protect their cult leader.

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>My 401K would tank.
Bush killed your 401k Obama brought it back. Trump moved it even further.

This is not an argument. A black guy was YOUR president. Now what mofo?

you retards refused to call Obama by his real name for 8 years

RU stands for Russia, because everything tRUmp does benefits Putin.

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"Drumpf is finished! It's over!"

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Kinda like how righties used to day Obongo?
Stop pretending one is better than the other. Y'all suck dick.

If I could afford to go to the doctor or get meds every time I probably should that would be great. If brown people also get to do that as a side-effect that’s fine. Thanks.

So what? that's ancient history.

Hussein Soeto?

well, that's a GOP problem that I can't help, unfortunately.

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Good thing Trump will be re-elected then.

If Bern ever did manage to swing enough fraud in his direction to take it, I'm sure you and the other fucktards would be the first to blame his rekt to fuck economy on Trump.

I did, specifically? Because I don't recall doing that. I voted for him his first term and then the dirty nigger shit the bed.

3years..ancient history when you're 12 years old

This is what an 80 year old burn out looks like
Keep smokin that weed kids

Bernie has gay sex before realizing he's almost late for his political debate

Trump is a trust fund baby.

The economy will be fine. Its survived tRUmp and his fucked up shit so far. Not sure it'll last another four years of him though.

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Obama isn't your president anymore, get over it.

Still waiting.

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Are we still talking about Bernie's wardrobe?

He wears suit jackets with shoulder pads much wider than his shoulders, seems to be a common decision among elderly men so to not look as frail, but then the jacket tends to have too much cloth hanging about the torso and arms like oversized drapes.

It's a common problem in old men. I think he should just switch to a properly fitted jacket, but he doesn't want to look so aged.

He doesn't look too bad in this photo though, it really depends on what his body is doing at any given moment.

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Guess you should’ve avoided a fraudulent impeachment and focused on finding a candidate who isn’t complete garbage.

It doesn't matter. What has his opponent ever accomplished besides bankruptcies, treason, raping teen girls who look like Ivanka and rage tweeting at 3 AM?

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If you're not fit to fit your own suits, you're not fit for the presidency

Trump 2020

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you left out 'winning'-

It wasn't fraudulent, the evidence and the witnesses all proved both articles of impeachment. the white house defense wasn't even that he didn't do it, but that he is an emperor and can do whatever he wants. The Corrupt GOP senate is whats fraudulent.

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no I didn't. I did forget getting impeached though.

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Explain to me why I pay almost $600/month for health insurance when I only make 40k/yr.

Trumps lawyers just successfully argued that the president is allowed to do whatever he wants. This is the america conservatives want.

Because that's what socialist jews do IE Hitler Jesus literally every socialist jew throughout history is the same.

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Fucked up shit like actual fair trade deals?
Increased payments from nations to NATO so we don't have to make up the difference?
Making us energy independent and a net exporter of energy?

Oh Yeah what as screw up.

>Obama isn't your president anymore, get over it.
I never said that he was so what would I be getting over? Are you retarded? Need help with reading comprehension? I can help you you know.

Is this the best anti Bernie propaganda Cred Forums can come up with? The Russian shills and MAGAtards are starting to get desperate. Bernie has always been a champion of the people

I lost hard, for no reason hahaha

Capitalism is Evil buys $178,000 car with donors money.

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imagine being this fucking stupid.

team retard is in control of the nukes people.

If post ACA, that is nothing. Most were much higher.
I know a productive men=mber that got an $800/mo raise and a brand new $5000 deductible.
It is over now but will take time to adjust.

Impossible for me to say without knowing your situation. But to be paying that much you would need to have a large family that you are paying coverage for. It's a certainty that you would be paying more for the same coverage without the ACA.

But this is why we need a universal system, everyone's costs would go down substantially because everyone would be paying into the system.

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yeah, I should type while paying attention-

Clearly a shoop. No career politician would use taxpayer money for such things.

When you tell outrageous lies, add one small truth so it can't be wholly discounted.
Goebbels and Stalin must be your hero's.

Nobody with half a brain cell buys it though.

"Hey guys! I might be a multimillionaire but I'm JUST LIKE YOU!"

> career champion of the common people
>better vote for the guy who is most similar to me

Pic related

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The things you are citing here simply aren't in reality true. But it would take much more time and energy to refute them individually than this place merits.

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This was as a single male in Texas. Could I have opted for $200 insurance? Yea, but that basically covers catastrophic and the only clinics were no names outside the city. $450-700 allows me to actually get treatment and what not for whatever the hell is going on with me at the time.

I think you are confusing me with your cult leader. tRUmp is the one who lies, about literally everything and his brave little cultists like you lap it up.

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I can't fight facts so I'll just ignore them

There's only one problem stopping REAL SOCIALISM™ from working, and that is the human nature. Once we overcome that it'll gonna work, honest!

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ITT teens and earlier 20 year olds still on their parents insurance.

Need help coping?

The reason your costs were so high was because of the private insurer. They charged you that much because they could and you had no choice.

This is why we need a universal system, so private insurers can't rape people who need health insurance.

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Not really. You'd have to post some 'facts' first for me to ignore them.

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Nope common left tactic.
Same one Saul taught Obama

Why do all these retards complain about Sanders being a millionaire when 1) congressional salary is 174K/year and he has been in congress forever and 2) Trump is a fucking billionaire yet they dont seem to care about that

I get insurance from my employer and make 180K USD per year and I’m voting Sanders

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same thing happens with Trump, except he can and does buy very expensive suits which have better cloth so the effect is not as noticeable

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From a Trump supporter, go for it.

Everybody should vote.

Only hate filled leftist want you to vote their belief.


you will deserve what you get-

Well he lacks both, no wonder he’s a flounder

He said, as the_donald has been quarantined due to manipulation from the Russians.

must suck to be as retarded as you are

newyork where we DO in fact have brawls in front of the elites for pure bloodsport entertainment.

Do you think federal election days should be national holidays? Personally I think so so everyone has the chance to vote. It also gives us an opportunity to celebrate our rights with election day parties

tRUmp also wears shoes specially fitted to make him stand taller. It's why he stands like a centaur without its hind legs. Well that and because he is obese.

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look at the shoes

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Democratic socialists are not anti-capitalists.



Trade China


>Do you think federal election days should be national holidays?
I do not care how it is done.

My father was an illiterate farm laborer with 7 kids before gov help. The only time he would admit illiteracy was to vote. He, apparently, did not trust mom to read the ballot.

Nobody cared about illiteracy when he hit the beach at Luzon.


interestingly, it's the same problem that stops capitalism from working too!

More than left or right, conservative or liberal, that selfish side of human nature is what needs to be worked on, above all else.

Little known fact: Bernie Sanders is a functional sex addict, who pays a lot of money to make sure he has sexual partners waiting for him before and after every public appearance. His wife is on board with this, and often assists. Famously, she handcrafted four pairs of stay-pressed
breakaway-Velcro pants for him. He refuses to wear them because “they’re scratchy“.

The gloat threads on the board when Trump wins re-election will be fucking epic.


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even if all that were true, it would not matter. His private life is none of our business.

Another little known fact.

He never learned how to tie his shoes.
He prefers slip ons for this very reason.
He can't tie his own fucking shoes.

>His private life is none of our business.
Is Trump different?

I first want to point out that these issues are very Niche and really don't matter to most people. Second, its glaringly obvious that you are being lied too.


From your link:

The move is largely symbolic, as NATO's current budget is relatively small, approximately $2.5 billion. That money is separate from the 2 percent of gross domestic product that NATO members agreed to spend on their defense budgets in 2014. Only eight of the 29 members currently meet that goal, but all members have pledged to dedicate the money by 2024.

It’s somewhat premature to label the United States energy independent given that Americans consumed more energy than the country produced for most of the last year that we have data. However, we could be on a much better stance if we weaned off of oil and gas and moved towards Solar, wind and other renewable sources.

>Trade China

That op-ed is laughable. the trade deal wasn't even a modest win, and its laughable to even call it a deal. Its better to call it a dramatic failure of U.S. policy that will have lasting and deleterious effects. The deal simply restores the U.S.-China relationship to where it was pre-tRUmp, declares victory in areas that don’t matter as much as they did and has cost the U.S. billions in the meantime.


This deal is actually good, not because of tRUmp but because of Democratic involvement.
In fact, it's not an exageration to say that in spite of the tRUmp admin screwing things up, the House Democrats under Pelosi's leadership still managed to turn this around and make it work. tRUmp, in desperate need to fulfill at least one campaign promise had no choice but to do what they wanted.

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>uneducated drug users
Get with the times boomer. Most uneducated drug users are former working class rednecks hooked on opiods.

Your opinions are of little value without the facts you are so fond of backing them up.
When you show how Nato members didn't increase spending
When you show why the china deal is laughable
When you show just how the Dems "saved" the usmca.
Your response is just opinion.

And a flawed one at best

You're describing capitalism you thick mong. Most people already work their fi gers to the bone while their owners profit off their labor while doing nothing. That is our system as it exists right now.

>socialism only works on paper
Fuck, I haven't heard that talking point since I was in school. Are you old enough to be on here?

wtf I love karl marx now

He has literally more bills passed than any other senator.

So in a nutshell.
Bernie is s 40 year Senator with zero accomplishments that is sex crazed and can't tie his own shoes.

Yep he's definitely Democrat nominee material.

Name one

that's funny-

is anyone here talking about Trump's private life?

where have you been?

>"literally more bills..."
>only 2
>both renaming post offices

crazy jew bernie aint done shit in 40 years.

that lone post about Bernie's private life was not posted as a reply to anything else, so just wondering why posting that

cope moar faggot?

cope? cope! cope. cope moar?

That's the thing, your idea of a system that "works" doesn't work.

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fine, I care little about anything here.
I hope Sanders wins nomination, but predict he will not. I made the same in '016.

Trump 2020-

Bern keeps playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire... The longer he plays the more he walks away with when the DNC cuts his check for conceding.

If Bern were appointed the Dem candidate it'd be a free win for Trump, though. He's stupid easy to deconstruct and the communist menace is a damn strong power to bring out a lot of people who don't give a fuck about elections out of their homes to vote.

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....... yes

All. The. Time. Wtf - does it require that much effort to be that retarded user?

That's his "I'm one of you" shtick.

I wonder how it's going to play among his supporters when he's told to endorse Bloomberg and has to tell them to vote for a Billionaire.

yeah, there is a new Bernie thread on the front page.

/At 240 count, the leftist propaganda is working Saturdays-

no system will ever work for everybody, you cannot please everyone at once, but you can try and please as many as possible.

hardcore Monopoly living, survival of the fittest, glory to the driven and workaholics, whatever you want to call capitalism, just doesn't work for most people.

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But he's smarter then you and can spend your money smarter then you have been.

Explain how massive tax hikes will do anything but speed up outsourcing.

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>just doesn't work for most people.
Definitely not for me, I just want free stuff without having to work. Can't wait for the yang bux to start rolling in so I can get high on heroin all day.

Liberals can't math but they can name all 67 genders. You need to break your point down to a simple cartoon for them. Make sure one of your characters is trans or they won't take it serious .

How many genders are you today?

I love it when bernbois argue with this and don't realize that yes, Bernie does say so.

bring in the long tie guy or run this thread with nothing but shills-

Because he's Bernie fucking Sanders, that's why

How much money do you need?

Like sit down and do the math, what is the smallest amount of money you could survive on, however extravagant you think survival needs to be?

You are mistaken.
If I believed the nonsense you did I'd hate him too.

All of yours because you obviously don't need it.

that's not what I implied, but if you think burning away most of your days and time doing things against your will is "living" then we have a very different concepts of what life and happiness are.

No, he wants to give your stuff away. His stuff is hands off.

you're actually a fucking idiot


This is what confuses me. All these politicians who have been in office for years and done nothing, yet campaign on all the stuff they will do next time. And people eat it up.

>people said unions caused companies to outsource
>union membership at all time low
>outsourcing at an all time high
it is you that has explaining to do.

No, capitalism did that.

The economy takes care of itself when left alone. Once all these companies, Wall Street , middle class workers start to feel the tax Bern , the economy will react and not in a good way.

How often do you see a dapper looking 78 year old?

Confirmed. He's a fucking idiot

Well maybe the country needs more post offices renamed.
He did get two of them renamed.
Those were his salad days

So you can't.

Trump is not a dirty hippie commie who runs around screeching about those evil rich white guys .

he's just the regular type of commie who loves high taxes, social programs and gun restrictions

No. Most people with jobs in the private sector do not get national holidays off.

Just give me your money, it's none of your business what I do with it.

Haha, only fucking americans would cry about a politician working to much

Strange reply there chief. Half your replies actually prove what he posted and the other half says yes, but I think......you never where on the debate team in highschool.

Try to keep up douche- bagins

Hmmmm , let me see, house paid for, cars paid for, 401k paid into, outside investment funds paid into, kids college funds paid into. Your story doesn't check out user. Maybe it has more to do with life choices.

Somebody's got to be responsible for all these kids I keep making.

So you can't address the question and instead post something unrelated. It's like arguing with my 8 year old.

he's a commie for rich people. How is corporate welfare better?

I tip generously at the stripper pole. I'm sure your fatherless daughters have seen a few.

That sounds good but prove this corporate welfare you speak of . Not tax breaks.

Pfft, you mean I have to earn it? Are you crazy?

Shake that ass for Daddy and I'll put a 20 in your g-string.

Nah, I'll get my daughters to do it for me. I need to go find some more used needles.

Because he’s a kike, and they think it’s only them who should be heard.