Rate my dick

Rate my dick
It's 17cm
Do i have chances with girls with this ugly dick
Or i am thinking about turning into a bottom

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You should ask some girls. Just go to Starbucks or someplace and ask a few if they would rate your dick in person.
That's what I did and I'm glad I did. I was thinking about becoming a homosexual, but the girl behind the counter at the Wawa said she though I had a nice cock and invited me to dinner. Her mom liked it, too. So did the ladies at church.

If i do what you said in my country
There's two options
Going to jail
Beaten up to death
Bro i am living in a Muslim country

not my problem, hadji

You got a pretty nice dick user, I'd suck it uwu

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You wanna be my slut?

Post moar already what are you doing stop holding out on us

Didn't know things got so bad in Sweden.

I think it's a good dick and you shouldn't worry about it.

Y-yes I do user!

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I second OP.

Its not a bad dick at all, i'd happily slurp on your balls while the other user bobs on your dick.

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Morning Cred Forumsois let me know what you think of my meat today

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traps or girls ?

Kek what do you think genius? You must have your fucking wishing hat on if you thinks it's a girl

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this, this is delicious. i would suck the fuck out of you

holy fuck you're appetizing af

Dude. Girls care more about personally and what the rest of you looks like.
Having a good dick and knowing how to use it is only important if you want to keep them around after you get it wet the first time.
If you fuck them well they put up with all sorts of shit but even then there is a surplus of willing dicks out there so don't really be too cocky because no matter how endowed you are, there's someone better.

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Thanks faganon I also made the webm above your post heres another for you, I'm sure you'll enjoy the view

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Well I'm a boy but I'm not masculine at all.

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i'd love to watch you stroke that thing, but i'm phoneposting right now lol. this pic's so hot though damn, i love how everything's looking here

Thanks faganon

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mnf smooth or with a bush you look delectable, thank you for sharing user

You'd make a great bottom spread your ass for us

It looks more like 13 cm to me user