Asian women are superior to white women in every aspect. At this point...

Asian women are superior to white women in every aspect. At this point, if you're attracted to a white woman then chances are you're probably a nigger. Subhuman scum often gears towards other subhuman scum.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>proud as fuck of me cause i got some lao tzu in my repotaire
>beats my ass in chess
>lets me tongue her asshole (after saying no)
>awesome person, great chef
love of my damn life

asian women 100% superior

white women no comment.

>awesome friends
>positive outlook on life
>taught me patiance, and forgiveness
>forgave me

white woman:
>corrects my gramma
>passive aggressive


This girl looks half Asian instead of full Asian

No Koreans just look like that

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both cutees whats ur fucking point nigger

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gdamn you have low stands, to call those cute, lol

All these sluts have the corona virus up their snatches.

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Korean’s don’t naturally look like that. That bish has had plastic surgery. This is natural Korean beauty:

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>Breaking news: women wear MAKEUP.
Wow, I never, ever knew that. Let's protest so they stop wearing makeup and we can go back to fucking ugly shit.

ur just a nigger and if ur a girl dont be mean xx

sexy beautiful queen god mew xxx

Join this discord for lots of cute e-girls and traps /J33BVCu and have fun shitposting!

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this faggot rather date a painting on a face than a real woman

Would still fuck. Guarantee she's more loyal and hard-working than any tyrone loving mudshark.

This isn't makeup

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Women are ugly, bro. Makeup was invented to fix that.

Asian woman are truly superior

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Girlfriend without makeup.

Honestly, the whole “they need makeup to look gorgeous” BS argument is redundant.

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Indeed, jap gf is awesome

Damn she's cute!

how would ur mother feel hearing u say this

>he thinks she doesnt have makeup on

agreed, my gf never uses make up, she is just to lazy for that shit

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Look great, but can't handle big white dick most of the time.

Not a fan of the tears. But the attraction makes it hard not to try.

With makeup, she’s even better.

Seriously, the guy trying to derail this whole thread is jokes.

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I mean, I only go to sleep next to her every night, but hey, what do I know?

>can't handle big white dick most of the time.
My gf certainly can

I know, probably a jealous roastie. How long together user?

1 year, but known each other for 12.

kek, he thinks he have a big dick

Damnnn what took you so long to get together? 2 years with my gf

Yeah, probably because in her case it would be like putting lipstick on a pig, literally.

Having lived in China for many years I must say if this is an Asian appreciation thread you fucklords need to actually go there and see how mediocre every flathead in this thread is

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Don’t be upset because someone told you the truth

if you weren't a virgin you'd know asian women are fucked in the head

agreed, but no every girl is pretty in every single nationality. you only appreciate the small percentage of it. so dont come with that pseudo knowledge

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We went to HS together, sort of dated, then she went back to Japan. She came back to visit me last year, we rekindled our romance as adults, and now we’re engaged.

We both dated other people (obv.) during that gap of time, but in the end we chose each other.


>tfw when you live in 1 country for a few years and think you understand international standards of beauty


I didn't say every girl shitlord. I taught English to the girls that go on to be flight attendants. Yes, those girls that every faggot pops into the plane toilet to jerk their snake over. They were my students and would come to class every day dolled up and wearing the sluttiest shit ever.

I shake my head when I see threads like this because it's disgraceful and celebrates the lower rungs of the Asian beauty ladder.

Aww congratulations user! When's the big day? I met mine in college and have been considering proposing to her actually.

>tfw you've never left your mum's basement or even travelled outside your shitty ass city and never seen foreign girls in their natural habitat

and you being a teacher give you the universal understanding of beauty? what a fucking arrogant bastard lol

Good rebuttal. Clearly a top level intellectual over here.

whatever m8

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Being a teacher has nothing to do with it. You can stay mad because your broken ass English can't elicit an actual meaningful answer, but the fact of the matter is I've seen all levels of Chinese, Vietnamese and Thailand girls, and therefore know a lot more about Asian women than you regardless of how much time you spend jerking your chain over Asian teen pic forums, pleb.

i used to be dishwasher in new york, US women are horrible

tell a whole fucking teacher story to backup argument know it says it doesnt matter.
I lived my whole life in asia, so your "living" experience disqualifies you in this discussion if thats your parameter

That's one very mad boi right there. Have a fortune cookie my little Asian pleb.

>US women are horrible

no you

Go tot the Philippines and see there a bunch of teenage girls with big bellies, bearing my children.

I bet they're so happy to be hapa factories



Damn, what a burn

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The ultrasound scan that convinced Kimberley’s family that she was pregnant with a fish.

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Lol congrats man. Belly pics?

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lol moonface looking bitch, you call that superior? Shes a fucking dog

There are 10/10 asians and 10/10 white women and so on and so forth. You must not be experienced enough to know this. Every race has perfect women and every race as shit women. No race is better than another, its only really preference. Like dark skinned women that are petite with long slick hair? Find a girl like that. Like east asian girls with thick thighs and double d titties? Find one lol. 7 billion people and half are women.

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She looks white to me

kek king jew found his bride

Come on Awkwafina isn't that bad...