Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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we don't, but nice try

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Because USA is run by corporations and corrupt politicians who don't care about the suffering of the people. Pretty simple.

No, no. We do.

You do, but nice try

>Because USA is run by corporations
Oh is it now? So when are you moving to Africa?

we understand the dire issue that is at hand I liked poking at the states but then I realized its getting fucked now

Because they want the world to be as ugly as they are

Your "America" has always hates me. Is it not natural to hate your enemy?

As you type this on your computer/phone

it's not america, it's the cancer that has grown inside it

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Pay for my plane ticket, accommodation, find me a job there, etc etc, and sure.

The only thing getting "fucked" around here is your butthole by Tyrone, fag


You should understand that I am forced to live in a capitalist society whether I want to or not.

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And was this supposed to be fucking English? You wanna try that again faggot?

Anyone taking ANY kind of bait, of ANY political persuasion, past this line has actual brain damage, and everyone be sure to let them know.


>Pay for my plane ticket
Nah man that ain't how it works. You gotta hit that fucking street corner. Those black dicks ain't sucking themselves tonight.

No one is forcing you to do anything, larper. Go get a job

Brain damaged

Why should I pay for your shit asshole? Since you don't wanna participate in capitalism I wanna see how you figure out your way there. Don't worry, none of us will help you so you can show us capitalist pigs how it's done.

>You should understand that I am forced to live in a capitalist society whether I want to or not.
Bullshit, nobody's forcing your faggot ass to live here. Now tell us why you refuse to fuck off to Africa where you belong.

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Bud, did you pick out which of yours sister's clothing you're wearing at the street corner? Those nigger cocks are waiting for you

Love how both a liberal and a righty get mad because you guys are so fucking effortless to bait.

eastern euro fag here

we love u america

Imagine assuming this hard over the internet.

90% of Americans are liberals.

Imagine thinking conservatives accuse people of being incels.

Imagine imagining.

>90% of Americans are liberals.

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Because humanity is at its most peaceful moment in history, with quality of life never before seen even for the average poor person.

These kids were bombarded all their lives with stories and movies about heroes fighting for just causes and changing the world for the better, and they want to do the same with their meaningless, bored out of their mind lives.

So they invent problems and exagerate small issues into their war, ruining innocent peoples lives and making villains out of whoever opposes them.

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This, and it applies to every pol thread no matter what direction it comes from.

See also people who go "I bet you use the roads even though you claim to be a libertarian" yeah they built the fucking thing at the only exit from my house I can't exactly parkour up my neighbours wall and jump roof to roof can I

Sure libtard.

How to tell your political view is the best: Just reply to valid points with "Sure"

Sure conservitard.

Hey look this bot is back. What's up roblox? I bet you don't remember me from the last thread because you don't have enough processing power to even develop coherent responses.

Go look up what a liberal is you dumbass.

No one is forcing you to live here kid. Go live in Africa with the rest of the monkeys if you don't like it.

Shut up, libtard.

Sure libtard.

See what I mean?

Seethe, libtard.

Sure libtard.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Stay mad, libtard/

Yeah I do, people like you love bitching until you benefit from the "system". So tell us, why do you refuse to leave and go to Africa? No iPhones and PlayStations there?

Shut up, libtard.

Liberalism is about hands off government, free trade and centers around the freedom to do what you want. Americans have somehow painted liberals to be the far left when it's basically not. Americans are for the most part liberals.

Sure libtard.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Someone is rustled.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

>Either agree with me or give up your property, culture, livelihood, and connection to family and move to another continent

Seethe, libtard.

Stay mad, libtard.

You're all useless niggers

Shut up, libtard.

Oh for fuck sake they got that fucking bot back online. These constant captchas worked really fucking well hey?

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Seethe, libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Kid, did you start packing or what? We have Africa on the phone, they're waiting for you.

Easy roblox don't overload your processors. You're already running four different reply types, no need to get too creative.

Still mad she lost, libtard?

Sure libtard.

>Facts I don't like are bots
That's not how it works bud. This ain't kikebook.

You misspelled "Israels Cocksocket"

Not a bot, you're just losing.

It's even replying to itself again lol

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Blow it out your ass, libtard.

If 3-word responses ending in 'libtard' are facts that explains why the public schools have such low IQ requirements for teachers

Hey I'm one of the guys from the other thread! Glad to see this bot brings our family back together again.

What is this, 2003? Why not just ask why they don't support our troops, or some other tired trope?

Because they're miserable failures who know they cannot succeed in the country as it is now. Their plan is pull everyone else down with them. Losers don't feel as much like losers when everyone's living in a shithole.

Yes, facts. Why do facts trigger you? You need a safe space fag?

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>Why do they hate America
Because originally America was found on being an individual, and making your own way. These fucking babies today couldn't create shit, and they are being raised to be as useless as possible - to the point to where we are convincing the men they are women and they chop their dicks off.
>hate America
It is a bit deeper tho - they hate themselves. I know some upper class white liberals and they are the most miserable people on the planet because they can't mesh the psychology of being financially successful with the original sin guilt of shitty socialist philosophy they espouse.

Imagine if Trump was actually Hitler... That would be amazing... Liberals would be gassed in concentration camps and we wouldn't have to hear their crying anymore. The most useless people in history

Sure, libtard

It is literally a bot you braindead fucking bluepiller.

Watch this. It's gonna reply to me. bot bot bot

I don't think this one is a bot lol. There are people stupid enough to think the bot that responds to every post with the same 3-4 replies is on their side just because it uses the word libtard. This is great/depressing.

Stay mad, libtard.

Blow it out your ass, libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

"Look guys I said LIBTARD hurhur I called him a LIBTARD."
>Goes back to shoving jew cock down throat as deep as possible.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

It genuinely gets caught in a loop responding to itself when the word 'bot' triggers it.

If it's not a bot then it's just a retard with some keyboard macros set up, and either way you shouldn't bother standing up for him.

Attached: ELDHIqsWwAYG_nM.jpg (500x298, 19K)

Stay mad, libtard.

Point proven.

lel bot bot come tell me I'm losing roblox

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

C-c-c-ombo Breaker!

Aw fuck you I was enjoying that XD

imagine being this much of a shut in, where you think all liberals are these extreme outrageous dyed hair screamers. Any rational liberal agrees these type of extremists do not represent what the left really believes, they only help make the case for idiots like OP to have an excuse to hate them. How about you actually go talk to liberals who have solid stances on issues, not just college students posting on social media.

Indoctrination of marxist ideology from academia and the main stream media. Long term strategy to degrade America from the inside from the socialist powers.

>imagine being this much of a shut in, where you think all liberals are these extreme outrageous dyed hair screamers.

See also: Basically every YouTube and Steam comment section.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Sure libtard.

Sorry that you had to experience that disappointment.
But now you'll know what every woman you'll ever be with feels.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Shut up, libtard.

You're really obsessed with Africa


Sure libtard.

Hey comrade, can you shut down your shitty bot? We know you're exceedingly far left and you're doing this to make people hate right-wingers with your dumbfuck strawman bot.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

If the words "Not a bot, you're just losing" get posted in the next five minutes I get pounded by a sexy alien tonight.

Not a bot, you're just losing.

Is she green?

if a reply to that post with the same words happen within 2 minutes afterwards, the alien isn't sexy

Lol losing against what? Losing my patience against the astoundingly poor coding skills of some liberal failing his coding class because all he makes is bad chatbots?


>I get pounded by big black cock tonight


Not a bot, you're just losing.

who doesn't?

I fucking hope so.

Sure libtard.

Sound like anything you recognize?

Some legends say... There exists a type of down syndrome where the poor kid has not one but TWO extra chromosomes. Physical aberration is so extreme that the jaw is unable to close, leading to constant drooling and teeth rot.

They can only be identified early due to incoherently mumbling or typing a phrase through the haze of their sad existence:
"Not a bot, you're just losing."

Not a bot, you're just losing.


Why do Conservatives want to destroy the environment?

Seethe, libtard.

need money u dumass

Conservatives want to conserve things, including the “environment”.

X to doubt

Well for one they think it makes them stand out. Then they get to morally justify it by accusing conservatives of bigotry

Blow it out your ass, libtard.

Sure libtard.

Seethe, libtard.

America’s great, we are just overdo on some regular preventative maintenance and need to get all caught up.

>I don't understand the difference between 'corporations' and 'labor'

Sure libtard.

[a / b / c / d / e / f / g / gif / h / hr / k / m / o / p / r / s / t / u / v / vg / vr / w / wg] [i / ic] [r9k / s4s / vip / qa] [cm / hm / lgbt / y] [3 / aco / adv / an / asp / bant / biz / cgl / ck / co / diy / fa / fit / gd / hc / his / int / jp / lit / mlp / mu / n / news / out / po / pol / qst / sci / soc / sp / tg / toy / trv / tv / vp / wsg / wsr / x] [Edit]

Why is this funny

That's why Conservationist Libertarians are the patrician choice.

Why do conservatives hate Americans? Killing ACA, getting rid of the EPA, backing racists, giving into corporations?

Stay mad, libtard.

Cuz America is a shithole

Shut up, libtard.

>Cuz America is a shithole
Then why do you monkeys keep trying to come here?

Thank you

For once humanity doesn’t have huge problems outside shit like Wu Flu making people sick

white guilt. America wasn't founded peacefully via a land contract with Natives and then settled after a tense negotiation with England and France so they'll never get over it.


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Shut up faggot stop samefagging

Sure libtard.

A group of niggers recognize your girlfriend and briefly start chatting with her.

You ask her what that was all about.

She nonchalantly tells you that one of them used to be her lover and that she used to party with all of them.

She refuses to give you any more details.

wat do?

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liberals are usually kids who love rebelling against the establishment and fighting for the rights of _______(fill in the blank)

their cause will change every year because there is always some sort of minority group that needs a liberal's help

apparently, openly hating and discriminating men helps America somehow


You DO realize you a free to leave, right? Nobody is making you stay here. Get out.

This tbh.
>b-but switching countries costs money ;_;
If the Mexicans are allowed to sneak IN, surely you libbabbies should have no issue sneaking OUT.

Send her back to her niggerlover and be on your merry way. Dodged a bullet there, be happy

We just want to make America great again. Sound familar?

Because liberalism is a mental illness.

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All of you are fag corporate cucks.

Looks like I triggered the libs and the conservatives

because the are no liberals
they are fucking communist

True, there are only two camps. Full blown communists, or Nazis. No inbetween.

Because a conservative doesn't know what "Liberalism" means.

Can I be a communist while still exterminating the lesser beings?

Everybody hates America.

like two people here understand that liberalism the ideology most American conservatives subscribe to and is what the country is essentially based on. liberalism is the enemy of leftists.

Why are we even still having this argument? Liberals want the government to control everything and conservatives want corporations to control everything. That's it, end of story, there is no wining with either side. As for hating America, there are plenty of reasons but it mainly boils down to the fact that this nation was founded by stealing land from other people then passing laws to legalize the threat (though in fairness many other counties have done the same).

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Not America. You.

>wat do

Break up with her ass immediately. I don't associate with nigger lovers.

Conservatives have on average lower IQs than liberals and moderates.

>but it mainly boils down to the fact that this nation was founded by stealing land from other people then passing laws to legalize the threat
It is comical how wrong this is

According to liberal professors who use half assed SAT scores and shit to come up with that.

The democrats are the party of women, blacks and Hispanics.
That's your voter base.
You can't get around that.

you're thinking of libertarian

>According to liberal professors who use half assed SAT scores and shit to come up with that.
And then these same people will cry about niggers doing badly on the SAT and demand colleges look at "more than the score"

you are wrong. the most intelligent, hardest working people i've met in computer science were conservative. you should simply look at how many people in IT or STEM fields are conservative. THAT is what requires real IQ.

"most conservatives that go to college tend to pick their degree based on the future income prospects. Yes, in know, shocking, but it’s true (they take “personal responsibility” seriously when it comes to earning money)."

"STEM is still right-leaning, especially hard science and engineering. Aerospace engineering is often military-related. Petroleum engineers are obviously not members of Greenpeace, and start out with higher average salaries than any other 4-year degree."

"STEM is about applying logic, reasoning, and critical thinking at scale. If any major is attracting and/or keeping people who are centrists, it’s STEM. If certain group or sub-group is plausibly leaning left or right — no agendas, no plans, no ambitions, just an observation — STEM people will likely be the first to note that.

On the contrary, most humanities, virtually by definition, pretty much self-select in favor of the people who refuse to use critical thinking."

people with high IQs don't need the wimpy love revolution of liberals. we have serious egos and you can all fucking die.

Cool blog, retard.

"People that make shit up lean right!"

"People that have reddit spacing and use quotes are giant faggots"

"I'm too stupid to post any citations or proof with outrageous claims."

>Computer Science
>Requires real IQ
Yeah, SOMETHING ain't adding up there

They been saying the same shit since the dawn of time stfu

I guess the Native Americans and Mexicans who live on the west coast don't count as humans to you then, huh?

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Because of this kind of arrogant ignorance

take an IQ test. It's identifying algorithms & patterns, a fundamental part of Computer Science

Is it just me or does this feel like a reinvention of the "What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals" Copypasta bullshit?

What video is this from? I've always seen the image but never the video itself.

He's not wrong though. Generally speaking all the liberal faggots in college are the non-STEM majors.

Because they hate themselves.

It's crazy how studying humanity creates greater concern for our fellow man

Same reason the rest of the world hates America.

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>greater concern for our fellow man
Right, and you donate to charity every week correct?

Funny how the rest of the world supposedly hates America but they all wanna move here

>Why do liberals hate America?
Remind me, who was that asshole who ghost "wrote" Crippled America?
The super entitled asshole that paid somebody else to badmouth America, then put his own name on it?
Who was that asshole again?
Name's on the tip of my tounge.
He's been caught cheating on all three of his wives, accused of being a serial rapist, and can't shut up about wanting to bang his own daughter.
But somehow, the whole rest of the country doesn't measure up to his standards.
What's his name again?