This is what you look like

This is what you look like.

You are a fat, white, ugly, Neo-nazi incel that browses boards like this one because you have no friends or anyone that likes you.

You are alone and you will die alone like these faggots

Enjoy your life while it lasts, Cracker.

Attached: 1579663203246.jpg (720x829, 156K)

Well, Im no nazi, but you are right about the rest, have a great day

this is what /pol looks like

lmao kek

Why do they look like lefties? Especially the faggot on the right?

>the base
Never heard of it
>neo nazi

Lol they don't you just don't go outside.

Now that you mention it

>no friends
Open your eyes, there were at least 9

Where are you from to think something like that

as my grand pappy used to always tell me
>don't go trying to start race wars and the g men won't molest you.

Bawww show us on the doll where Trump hurt you.

Left one looks kinda asian.

>because you have no friends or anyone that likes you.
>You are alone and you will die alone
Way to talk like a stereotypical jew.
Are you a Cred Forums reverse false flag?

he's Is. he is a hapa. prolly mad because of his tiny asian pp

The one on the right is kinda cute ngl

That's why they're racist. Fat, ugly, anti social losers can't fit in with normal people and rather than accept the fact that they're the problem, they externalize the blame and find an easy scapegoat.

Same for incels. It's much easier to blame women for being too choosy than look deep within yourself, see major flaws, and try to change.

In both cases change and self improvement take effort. Losers always look for an easy solution. Fortunately that's why most of them fail at racism too because winning a race war would require work.

>tiny asian pp
lol. so true


hey nick

>Fat, ugly, anti social losers can't fit in with normal people and rather than accept the fact that they're the problem, they externalize the blame
What is the modern left, Alex?

Manufactured bullshit, like you

Let's see that selfie
Didn't think so

cope harder

There's loser assholes on all sides of the political spectrum. Some turn into SJW who try an rite every little perceived wrong, some hate men, some hate women, etc. It almost always comes back to not fitting in and believing everyone else is the problem, not you.

whatever you say rinaldo

lol, dilate, tranny

SJws and neo nazis have many things in common, the most prominent being identity politics.
but nice try; shifting the blame unto others

seethe harder neet

Americans are not white.

>nice try; shifting the blame unto others
Did you just call me a jew?

>da joooooz
Ahahaha stay poor, loser.

Post a paw pic with Cred Forums 2-2-20. Let's see if you're a nigger.

Free money for nothing? No, not here.
How is that surgical fuck pouch coming along? Chose a dress for the big reveal yet?

im a hapa. what difference does that make. your still a cracka whiteboi.

so no money? got it.
how long until your mother kicks you out?
you want that ethnostate, you gotta start somewhere boi

HA! And YOU'RE here because.......

Is that so?

Attached: Paris.jpg (728x400, 82K)

because this is where all the whitebois hang out. enjoy getting beat up by strong alpha black men and woke hapas


> Nuhdsis! Hall of cost! Nevur agen!
HA. Everytime.
Poor, in Europe? With everything paid even for those not working? Hardly.

So defensive
Stay poor

plus I'm married.

>im a hapa
Prove it. Post your paw.
You meant you're rather than the possessive. At least learn third grade English basics before trying to spite your betters.

I'm french and this guy is right, everything is free in Europe. Like if you're not working in france you still get 700€/month lol. Americans can suck my dick.

stop giving this faggot attention like i am right now retards

>so no money? got it.
You don't? Too bad. More than enough.
>how long until your mother kicks you out?
Is it a common thing to live with your mother where you come from?
>you want that ethnostate, you gotta start somewhere boi
Yeah, Israel

your fatass is going to invade israel?

>So defensive
I'm the best defender ever, you jelly mamzer.
>Stay poor
How do i do that?

Does that make you and all the other commie reddit fags that’ve invaded also nazis?
P.S thats one incident vs the literal FBI classified watchlisted terrorist group ANTIFA? And dont play that statistic that most terrorism in this country is done by right wingers, becuz literally 80% of that stat is literal muslim terrorists.

Accept the terrorism, bigot.

You ever notice how white supremacists are the least supreme folks around? The ALWAYS look like fucking mutants. The best they can ever do is that five-headed Steven Miller. They're fucking garbage "people."

The fuck are you smoking? That's dangerous language. Reported your post.

Okay well you should still post a pic cuz 60% of the time they’re hot as fuck 100% of the time

>this is where my superiours hang out
Oh, I see. So you can not live without us and feel the need to follow us around even on the Internet. This must really chap your ass and hence the lashing out.
LOL What are you woke to? Cultural-Marxism that is not only lamestream and pathetic but the ideology of losers? Wow, you espouse what the TV and MSM do. You're so cool, edgy, and woke!

Where's the paw pic, hapa?

I've done some casual looking, the only returns on any groups named "the Base" are articles that explain what "Al-Qaeda" translates to.

Nobody ever heard of them. Whatever.

In order to join The Base, is it mandatory to be an ugly fat fuck?

You ever notice how racial egalitarians try to pick apart an individual person's appearance rather than address what we speak of? Dr. William Pierce, George Lincoln Rockwell, Jared Taylor, David Duke, Alex Linder, etc have a higher I.Q. on their absolute worst day than you will ever muster up. I am sure they look better too.

Hapa, where is the paw?

IQ is horseshit that only retards believe in. Its horoscopes for retarded white men.

>Jared Taylor

They exaggerate the nazi shit all the time. If there’s evidence, i wont deny it, cuz neonazis are a thing, but its like how they tried to smear the Virginia gun rally by arresting an “alleged white supremacist” one day before the rally and then plastered that all over the MSM while for months they were uniformly silent about Virginia and why the gun rally was set up which was becuz they were threatening to literally use pre-crime to confiscate guns and then threatened to bring in the national guard becuz the police refused to enact red flag laws.
But hey, one dude said something racist online, now everyone in Virginia’s nazis.

That is actually what I look like.

>retarded white men.
Also called jews

you can't be serious

Attached: mSaOgYa.jpg (885x516, 63K)

It seems convenient. Arrest some fat white guys who are supposedly members of a group, days before a peaceful protest, and use those arrests to justify a declaration of emergency.

Haven't heard shit about the investigation since then. There is some "Enemies Foreign and Domestic" level shit going on.

I am. Posting a pic of a redditor won't change that.


check my blog if u want to b as woke as me whiteboi


visit my site and see how pathetic whitebois are with their tiny pp.

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>IQ is horseshit
Of course, keep telling yourself that. The US armed forces give credence to and employ I.Q. testing for new recruits.
Good argument!

relax, just get a penis enlargement and some reconstructive face surgery dude noone here cares about your opinions.

Attached: crotch.jpg (1200x2128, 1.04M)

Nah I don't look like that nigger. But I do know for sure you look like this.

Attached: niggers stink.jpg (1024x576, 79K)

lol are you fucking serious

>b as woke as me
I can just watch TV. You're not "woke" or edgy. Just another lamestream retard that could not debate its way out of a wet paper sack.
Paw pic...I am still waiting.


Good pasta, but I'm from Detroit and my girlfriend is mixed, big daddy. One love


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Take everything with a grain of salt. This could be a jewish ran site like Not saying that negroids are our friends but that the juden love to stir up different groups as it gives them cover.

imagine having this saved on your computer

Attached: jørgensen.jpg (720x642, 103K)

>jewish ran site like
I love how you all end up turning on each other.
>you're the jew
for Jews being inferior and all, you sure do give them much credit

It's saved on yours too, boi
>what is cache

Attached: 1579912510237.gif (741x741, 573K)

Send khazar milkers

yes of course user. what makes you think niggermania is a jewish run site? genuine question.

Attached: 920A9D8.jpg (788x650, 32K)

never fails. weak people will always gravitate towards socialism, strong leaders & the anti-theistic worldview

>I love how you all end up turning on each other.
How can you turn on someone that was never on your side to begin with? The home page of has a link to pro-jewish organization.
>give them credit
Credit for what? If they were that slick we wouldn't even be talking them because we wouldn't know about them, would we moron?

Where is the paw pic, hapa?

Hapa, post your paw.

Where is hapa's paw pic?

>he doesn't pipe his cache folder into a ramfs drive

Waiting for the paw pic, hapa.

Nice jew penis, cutfag

actively saving a picture to your hard drive and storing it in a folder with thousands of images depicting nigger dicks, is the same as having said pic in your browser cache

ok gay boii

Attached: OYVEY!.png (2121x1315, 1.9M)

You talk like a big tough guy behind the computer and can post bestiality but you can't post your paw?

>is THIS afraid of niggerdick

Attached: 875798.jpg (209x200, 8K)

Made me chuckle

Attached: 1572582159425m.jpg (735x1024, 94K)

lol this is what happens when you get your education from Cred Forums
>da jooz control everything
>the federal reserve
>the banks
>video game industry
>the music industry
>politicians on both sides
>military industrial complex
>the media
>social media
but yeah da jooz inferior tho

Conspiracy theorists quite often believe in multiple conspiracies even if they clear contradict one another.

>can't post your paw?
Yiff in hell, faggot. Kys

Look at all the dipshits triggered by this....

They know it's true LMAOOO

user, jews are massively over represented in all of those industries.

It's actually warding against pics of yentas and mamzers. I don't mind it blocking your local homosex collection.

the only people triggered in this thread are happa/nigger/jew shills

Attached: stinky.jpg (700x490, 42K)

>Conspiracy theorists quite often believe in multiple conspiracies even if they clear contradict one another.
Jews and their apologists quite often try to falsely frame their opponents views because they can not argue with our actual positions, i.e. strawman us.

Is the parasite superior to the host? Parasitism has been and is the jews' stratedy. If they were so superior they would not have been kicked out of well over 100 recorded places. The most recent being 1940's Germany.

Attached: JP.jpg (611x530, 88K)

>Posts easily verifiable information.
>Denies it.
>De Nuuuuhdsies! Help!

I think it's the acne covered incels...

Don't spill your piss jug walking to the kitchen bud

so that means whites are inferior

>The most recent being 1940's Germany.
which doesn't exist anymore

You a nazi or something?

i live in a 110 sqm apartment in copenhagen ;) send me some pizzas you big bad bully

>It's twoo because I told you so!

Attached: jew attack.jpg (672x373, 152K)

hey nigger lets meet up and ill fuck you up how about that you bastard? go back to africa and stfu you cunt. even the lowest white trash is better than a fucking nigger. die MONKEY

no it just means jews are good merchants retard


I pointed our a contradiction in your logic and you shifted the argument.

I rest my case.


you know what i meant you evil nazi

You're not American?

I'd rather side with any Right-wing American dipshit over you

do you believe all whites should be treated as equals among each other?

good for you, but why would you want to side with your evil opressors? are you that hindered by impulse thoughts?

Attached: vsauce.jpg (480x451, 22K)

Reminds me of this exchange I had with someone in an Austin chat room

>Them: i sure hope none of the nazis cause any trouble at the gay pride festival tonight
>Me: but the nazi party was disbanded after WWII
>Them: (throws up link to white supremacist from wikipedia)
>Me: That's not exactly the same thing, and why would a white supremacist care about a gay pride festival where there's also white people celebrating?

Because I'm not a Fascist Fuck and I believe any American should have a voice no matter how fucking retarded they are

Doesn't mean something even better won't exist. Tell us jew man, or jew collaborator, if we're just misled "incels" as you like to portray us then why do you give us all this attention on Cred Forums and Cred Forums in general?

you'll never have your own state

why are you so angry user? small pp? weird jaw/chin?

Duh, it's called Maine, galaxy brain.

probably because I'm not a jew
probably because you're an easy target
probably because you produce the most amount of content for the least amount of effort

lol the leftist agenda is literally to shut down everything they deem "fascist" or did you forget about the whole hate speech thing

the cities along the southern border of texas are pretty much Mexico 2.



Literally anuddah shoah

>I pointed our a contradiction in your logic and you shifted the argument
It isn't a contradiction just because you want a "gotcha" moment and can't or don't want to think deeper and objectively.

Yes, jews are sub-human, inferior, parasitic garbage by virtue of everything they push. I am talking about everything from communism to Zionist military aggression. I don't know if you're religious but nobody would say that a demon is superiour to a man even though the demon may have a higher intellect and is stronger. Judge them by their actions and jewish actions have been very foul. This makes them inferior even if they did have the intellect and cunning ability to worm their way into positions of influence in Western societies. Even then a large part had to do with Whites not being absolutely ruthless with them as they should have. It was largely a case of taking advantage of the host's apathy.

Finally, why are you so focused on whether or not jews are inferior rather than addressing the negative things they push in the West? I know, because you want a gotcha stawman. That is our postion, no matter how much you try to dodge it - that jews are working to destroy the West.

Not a single person in that image is white.

I believe in the natural order. This means somebody with Down's is obviously not equal to a man capable of being an aerospace engineer and should not be treated as such.

this made me feel good. i am an aircraft engineer. thank you user.

>probably because I'm not a jew
Ah, so you're a collaborator.
>easy target
Easy target or you feel threatened by what we espouse? Fess up sissy boy. I've been a WN for roughly fifteen years and have yet to see you pieces of garbage make even one logical, truthful, and moral argument against us. Had you done so I would have ceased and desisted a long time ago. Rather, every time you open your maws you only prove us correct.

Where is the paw pic, hapa?

didn't answer the question
should a group like the slavs be treated as equals to the germans?

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>should a group like the slavs be treated as equals to the germans?
If they live separately in Germany and a Slavic country then it isn't a question. If it's a White melting pot as the American Founders envisioned then it will only be a question if there is immigration from both countries. Generally speaking, if the slavs prove inferior then they should treated as such.