Why do people like this literal kike so much? I don't get it

Why do people like this literal kike so much? I don't get it

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because you touch yourself at night

Not an argument, kid

people like having jobs and decent infrastructure and healthcare and not overpaying for shit in a 1st world country. Personally I would like universal healthcare because we're shifting towards a country of contracted/gig work, and having a base healthcare plan would allow more opportunities for small business and contractors.

He promises free shit to people who are afraid of work.

>people like having jobs and decent infrastructure and healthcare
Then why do you vote democrat? The democrats don't provide any of those things

dubs of common sense

If it has to be explained to you, then you would never understand, boomer.

No I understand. It's like that other user said, faggots like you just want free shit without working for it.

It's almost as if you could take some of the 740 billion defense budget and use it to fix your country lol. But nah fuck them dems eh lad

because a bunch of whiny basement dwellers like how their mommy gives them a free place to live and free chicken tendies, so they want the government to do the same thing.

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>It's almost as if you could take some of the 740 billion defense budget and use it to fix your country lol
Can we though? Because those Europeans faggots you people love so much, refuse to chip the fuck in and "pay their fair share", but of course your team says nothing about that.

Well, it's not THAT many people.

Because he offers a shitload of 'free' stuff. Of course, he doesn't really get challenged much on the fact that there is NO way to pay for all of it. But that would be sooo hard to expect from people!

His supporters like him because he is "fringe" commie and keeps promising free shit.

The DNC likes him because he energizes those voters and will deliver them like he did last time, and all it costs them is another house.

Plus anytime people ask, his retarded followers just say the "rich" will pay for it. When really it's the fucking middle class that will be expected to foot the bill.

Imagine being so autistic you would want to pay for heath care. Go play with your nascar model collection, retard.

The DNC fucking hates Bernie. What are you talking about?

You have zero understanding of how the real world works kiddo. Do you think doctors and nurses are gonna work for fucking free?

Oh fuck off, at this point america could go to war with all of the world and still win, its not europeans who underspent its america that overspents

>boomer are fags
>runs around saying a boomer is the best candidate

we literally cant. honestly the reason why WW3 is not happening is because USA is really really powerful. we are like the police for earth, no one will dare invade others unless they want another Hiroshima. and all these protection provided by us will be lost once we lower our military budget. honestly, i think smaller and weaker countries like singapore or europe should pay us for protecting their meek asses.

Overspend my ass. You gotta love how Eurocucks love saying this while they demand the USA stay in NATO and wipe their asses for them.

they should be. whats the point of saving lifes if the satisfaction of doing so isnt enough?

And yet when the time comes he will sell out* and turn his supporters over to the DNC, just like last time.

*Can you sell out if you are already bought and sold?

thats the whole fucking point. by having 1 country that can literally fuck ALL other countries means no one will dare start a war.

Yeah i sure do love the fact that you destoryed homes in the middle east, and now have to foot the bill for all the immigration, thanks
I hope your shitty empire falls and start acting like a decent country instead

EU desperately wants it's own Military (all dat spending) but when Russia starts eating their lunch US will be expected to save them (as usual).

no shit i love being a citizen of the STRONGEST COUNTRY on planet earth. we literally killed iraq president in front of their whole nation and they dont even dare retaliate.

Yea and we're gunna be paying off that debt for years to come. Big win wooo we killed someone woooo. Hey solider why dnt u to back to guarding those poppy fields, we got arms to sale to some allies who we will deem terrorists in a few years.

>Yeah i sure do love the fact that you destoryed homes in the middle east
Are you jealous you fags aren't the ones doing it anymore?

>When the foreigner gets angry

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Yeah you do. Stop lying for money.

Haha imagine thinking russia is a threat in 2020, what a fucking moron
Russian population: 144.5m
Europe population: 741.4m

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Yo OP here I clicked the wrong one, sorry. Here it is I don't want to have to make a new thread

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found the beta cuck. do you not know what being the BEST means? let me inform you then, no one can touch us and we can do whatever we want. if countries are like a food chain, we are at the top. that iran guy we killed? its about sending a message. just like how you would stick your dog nose on the expensive carpet after it pissed on it. humiliate them infront of the rest of the world.

There’s only 2 parties that Matter in the USA even though people like Biden and Sanders have completely different views so they have to be on the same party

No, cause i dont take pride in destroying lives like some sick facist jingoist

why bring population into the equation? are nukes not a thing? you think war is a number games? this isnt 1930's anymore gramps

That surely helped when they went into Ukraine didn't it?

They won't declare war, they'll just take more and more until it is impossible to back down. (EU will try though).

People like being rich

then you are just mad because you cant do anything about it other than whine on fucking Cred Forums of all place. stay eu fag

Then why are you supporting Bernie?

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don't give a fuck if he's a white cis hedge fund manager, a hessidic jewish trans woman, or a muslim faggot otherkin. He's been steady for his whole life, so you know he's not full of shit, and he says he's gonna fuck up billionaires and give me health care. There's litterally no one else I've ever wanted to vote for more.

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>Then why do you vote democrat?
Bernie's a DINO bitch.

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lazy millennials on it again. seriously, why cant they just put in effort in their job so they can afford all that stuff. why wait for the government to hand out free shit?

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Pretty dumb. A third option might be to change the govt to be more representative of regular people. But your pov is that of a libertarian, so you're purposefully misrepresenting the issue since your actual view are repugnant to almost everyone but entitled 13 year old boys.

Literally wants Gibs. What a child.

Also what happened to "he will fuck up millionaires" kinda hard to pretend to do that when you are one huh?

amen brother, fucking preach it

It's not free, it's paid via taxes. Fun thing is that rich people pay their due too and actually contribute towards a better society instead of leeching of it!

Unless you are rich, you'll benefit from it. Climbing up the ladder is utopia.

Some of their complaints are legitimate but the solutions are not. People end up getting buried in debt not so much from the principle but because of the never ending compounding interest. If they changed up the laws so you couldn't escape most debt via bankruptcy but interest was capped at principle it would solve a lot of problems. But suggest any limits or restrictions on interest and the jews act like you just asked to rape their daughter.

excuses excuses, thats what your generation is only good at. just put in more elbow grease at your job. you dont need your government to spoonfeed you.

How many stupid whiny bitch threads are you going to make about the Bern you fuckbag?

>give me health care
Yeah. I wish we had national healthcare. Bernie probably would have died on the waiting list for his stents.

Oh no. That's right. You would have died. Members of the Inner Party will have their own health network in a Socialist system.

Fixed your pic because quads.

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sorry to redpill you, bruh, but every time (((THEY))) decide to destroy a candidate, then it means the candidate is actually going to do things we like and (((THEY))) dislike.

TLDR: I don't believe anymore he's a communist.

ah shit, i got my first quads and didn't even notice. WTF.

Also, fuck Bernie.

He was a deadbeat dad, never voted till the age of 30, got kicked out of a commune for being too lazy, was a bum who stole electricity, then once he schlepped his way into congress, spent three decades being a lazy shit who only passed seven bills he wrote into law, two of which were renaming post offices. He headed up the veterans affairs committee while the VA scandal broke and did nothing for our troops.

Fuck Bernie

kike will probably die of another heat attack soon.

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pUt MoRe ElBoW GrEaSe

Yeah, because having to work that much is normal and desirable for anyone. I don't live to work for other people, sorry.

You got played all your life and now you want the youth to maintain than unhealthy system. Fuck you, weak piece of shit.

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the literal meaning of a civilization is people working with each other so the society will prosper. we became such a great country as we understand its for the greater good. every generation knows that and did their part, except for your gen. you lots are just selfish entitled brats who thinks the world needs to bend over for you all.

>Fun thing is that rich people pay their due too
You mean like they do already? And how much do those niggers and spics sitting on the porch pay? Funny you don't mention that

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You didn't do shit, you fat NEET pussy.
Fucking retard bitch.

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Die mad about it, obese faggot :)

why dont you leave the country if you hate it so much? you wont, cause you know we are the best country on earth. in the end, you are just like me. except i already accept the fact we had to do what we do to remain the top of the food chain.

we get next to nothing out of our arrangements with these shit heads.
but europe is a continent, not a country.

see, this is why you people are hated by us. you know for a fact what i said is the truth. you guys are lazy. stop denying it. seriously just go work more overtime at your job. contribute to the society. its not too late to realize this.

>goes on tirade for being told to work harder
>calls other guy weak piece of shit

self awareness isn't a thing anymore.

preach. i cant belive the audacity of europe telling us to cut down our military budget, like we didnt pump that much money just for ourselves. its literally for the whole world.

exactly. remember when we bailed on syria and th e cnn crowd suddenly got pissed that we /weren't/ going to war? weird. it's almost like they're just pathologically opposed to trump regardless of whether or not it jeopardizes national security or global stability.

>I don't live to work for other people, sorry.
Learn how socialism works. Your right to share in the produce of the commune is based upon your contribution of labor towards its operation. Just try joining a Kibbutz and doing no work, but getting in line at mealtime. The Gulag system was one implementation to ensure that _everyone_ contributes.

Capitalism is just a system that acknowledges an individual's right to postpone (bank) their labor in some intermediate form. And then take back their benefits at a time and of a kind of their choosing. But just like socialism, you no work, you no eat.

its a shame that the new generation can't even comprehend such a basic idea. they think the whole world is out to get them but its just them trying to take whatever they want.

because they want to

Oh you don't understand. That's funny. When did you show up? 2015? When stormfront went down? When they finally killed 8ch? When your wife fucked your neighbor?

>i cant belive the audacity of europe telling us to cut down our military budget, like we didnt pump that much money just for ourselves. its literally for the whole world.
It's far worse than that. We are literally paying for all their fucking socialist bullshit. Without US money their entire system of "free" healthcare and college would collapse.

>based upon your contribution of labor towards its operation
Oh really? So why don't the porch monkeys get jobs and contribute? Why don't fags like you demand they do it?

i mean as a white male, its kinda our fault that they became that way. my race fucked them up too badly. its a weird situation. we cant just ask them to get a job after we made them our slaves last time.

What you got against the Jews there, comrade? Isn’t it full of them over there in mother Russia?

>its kinda our fault that they became that way
Boo fucking hoo, it's 2020 fag. There's no fucking excuse for those monkeys anymore. But if you feel so bad for them so suck their dicks.

well my wife left me for a black man, took most of my money too. honestly, i dont feel too bad. i deserved it after what my ancestors did to them.

Pulling out all the stops on this one.
"Comrade" and "Russia" in one post.
ShariaBlue or wtfe they call themselves this election cycle paying by the word now?