Plz Cred Forums i really want to stick my tongue in her butthole ):

Plz Cred Forums i really want to stick my tongue in her butthole ):

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She'll let you, but only if you play with and suck on her new big fake titties and tell her how awesome you think they are.
Deal ?

Everyone does


Can I hug her and comb my fingers through her hair and tell her shes beautiful? Can I sit with her in silence, only the two of us, and let the world pass by while we just enjoy eachother? Feel eachothers body arise as air breathes us life?

You can do all of that, after you worship her new big fake titties. You must do that first, anytime you touch her.

I love her new fake titties. 10x nicer than before

Youre trolling, right?

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Ughhhhhh i want to say yes becauseits not a bad deal..... but physiologically my body is telling me no. And i have to agree with it. Im just so repulsed that she got implants it disgusts me.

Free access to that pink asshole, but you have to tell her how great her new fake tits are then SHOW her that you mean it.
Can you do it, user ?

And in return, will she hold my head against her chest, comb her fingers through my hair and tell me that im a good boy repeatedly?

If you pay proper loving attention to her new gross big fake boobs ? Maybe she will...

>Maybe she will...
Sorry man, im not in the maybe business. Accepting her brick tits is a lot of emotional investment and if she wont pay anything in return im not interested

stop making these posts and get psychiatric help.

Dont do it, user. Remember, shes an old woman now. Her and her fucking bolt ons

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>get psychiatric help.
Kek. Who do you think keeps posting these?

I'm only allowed to offer you unlimited asshole access if you worship her new fake boobs.
You want more ? Offer more.

You're fucking creepy! Stop posting about me please.. I don't want to have to file a restraining order..

someone who needs psychiatric help. whether its one dude or many making fun of him, it's extremely autistic and degenerate behavior.

Post on your twitter that you want me to stop and i give you my word that Ill never post on here about you again

Nana is dat you?

I am offering her more. You think comforting and intimacy is nothing?

>degenerate behavior
How so?

And im only authorized by the asslicker to accept nothing less than her asshole WITH her natural tits.
Jesus who taught you how to barter? Youre an awful agent

it should not have to be explained to you that obsessing over a girl and constantly posting about wanting to lick her asshole and complaining about her implants is degenerate behavior.
it also should not have to be explained to you that going out of your way to pretend to be this person for the lulz is ALSO degenerate behavior.

>I am offering her more
What if she doesn't want your intimacy ?

>WITH her natural tits.
Too late bro. That ship has sailed.

>26 posts
>5 posters

Do not call my client bro. Is it not enough that his godess got fake tits and completely destroyed her body in the process?
I suppose its my client's fault that his tongue has no pink asshole to dwell in either, right?
If you keep it up im going to ask for sanctions with your management

discord gg / gBYrum


>posting about wanting to lick her asshole
Whats wrong with wanting to lick a girl's asshole? Dude have you seen hers? Have you seen how pink and tight it is?

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Be professional, bro !
Your client is basically an incel stalker who for whatever reason desperately wants to lick my client's (admittedly beautifully pink and tight) asshole.
You have very little bargaining power...

>You have very little bargaining power...
O rlly? Let me explain something to you, Counsel. It was not us who approached your client to lick her delicious, sweet, pink and fucking drop-dead gorgeous fucking asshole (I mean like holy fuck, man, that thing is beautiful).
It was you, on behalf of your client who approached us with an offer. An offer that by itself is completely baseless because it entails your client would provide her asshole to my client under the condition that he also worship her fake tits?
I don't think so.

My client has a tongue. Your client has a (fking gorgeous) butthole. Both are currently unhappy and unfulfilled and in a bilateral situation where one could desperately use the other. So let's save the measuring for when our dicks are out and MAKE A FUCKING DEAL ALREADY

Can you just go rape her or kill yourself?
I'm tired is seeing these threads.

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>never licked a booty
people like you are afraid you're going to switch to sucking dick if you try anything strange

>It was not us who approached your client to lick her delicious, sweet, pink and fucking drop-dead gorgeous fucking asshole
Bullshit, your client begs here 3-4 times a day to lick her admittedly perfect asshole.
I just thought I'd throw your pitiful client a bone, and this is the thanks I get ?

As if /b has EVER been normal ?
Relax, guy. Have fun with it.



>pitiful client a bone,
Objection. Counselor, if you make another argumentative point like that against my client, I'll call the judge.
Now let me reiterate. My client posted the thread that he was interested in licking out your client's delicious, sexy, divine, perfect, tight, savory, pink butthole (making me diamonds right now). You responded. That's you approaching us.

Now if I recall correctly, was it not your client who had a terminal illness and the only cure was if my client (in specific) licked her perfect, gorgeous tight little balloon knot?

At this time, we enter asslicker's exhibit 1 into evidence.

Attached: exhibit1.png (1356x522, 248K)

whats her name? i keep forgetting it

Candace Von
Get a fucking memory you faggot