I can't take it anymore

I can't take it anymore
I'm killing myself now
Fuck this world
I took 20 tabs of grinded morphine sulfate 50mg xr drank all the power in one glass
Fuck all of you too

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how did it taste?

wheres the livestream

That sounds like fun, enjoy the neverending oblivion of nothingness that is the afterlife

call 911 right now user

this feeling is not going to last forever


not sure if you are still here but here you go

rest easy op, love you

I've never understood why people think being dead is better than being alive and sad... I cant imagine being in a situation where the sky isnt blue or the rain doing feel amazing on your skin.. just go sit by the sea my guy! Even upping and leaving everyone and everything in your life and starting a fresh is better than death, isnt it?



Please commit seppuku for being so fucking dumb.

Found the faggot

Attached: rip anon.jpg (480x800, 57K)

Holy shit what a faggot

Bye Felicia

Stay here user. We'll go bowling

Attached: 1215129.jpg (640x480, 40K)

holy shit

Bye Felicia

Haha pussy, have fun sucking ghost PP

stream or not real

where is the stream link you worthless nigger faggot

I took my trazodone for a good night's sleep

save me a spot nigga, ill be there soon.

Sweet dreams cutie

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You know when you've been shitting and you've been done for a while but you don't want to finish up the paper work and your dick keeps on peeing a little every few minutes, do you ever feel like a girl because you've been sitting to pee?

not faggot op, but I always sit to pee at home. take a few minutes and just release and get every drop out while I get a moment to shitpost.
if I'm in public I never sit to piss. not sure when or why I picked up the habit

Imagine this thread being your legacy, sounds absolutely pathetic. Go to a hospital OP, your feels are temporary but death is eternal.

We'll see you in the halls of Valhalla, brother.