Metal album thread, let’s share our favorite metal albums

Metal album thread, let’s share our favorite metal albums

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Maybe the greatest concept album of all time

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I fucking love that album. Vocals are perfect.

Cause I'm not a try hard and like music.

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Anal Cunt is the greatest band of all time

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metal is for children

Holy fuck I was listening to this the other day at work and it still blows me the fuck into space

Ope! We got our first fag. Go listen to Old Town Road again, homo.

This x999999999999

If you havent listened to that recent masterpiece guys, i strongly advise you to give it a try, everything is good about Hidden History of the Human Race

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Here's something br00tal for ya op

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this is actually pretty cool, and I thought Starspawn was hella overrated

hows high school going lad

>holy crap!1!1!1!

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What is this

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Why do you care lol.

Dopesmoker by Sleep

control freak begone

Thanks. Glad to see there’s more to Cred Forums than shitposts, pron, and more shitposts

I can agree! I think starspawn was indeed overrated despite being pretty damn good
But Hidden History of the Human race is on another level :3

Just started listening to it. Great start

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Randomly found this album in a midnight music binge, actually pretty good though

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Which songs would you recommend from these albums? Since, I wanna get into metal

Depends on what type of metal you want to listen to or how heavy you go, but pic related is a good entryway into heavier metal

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fuck yeah, i saw these guys with morbid angle

Best metal album ever

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based. slaughter of the soul is the best melodic death metal album ever.

Oh yea, it’s still metal bros

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Anything's fine since everyone is this thread is pretty cool

deadborn is very underrated, at first i thought this was just a necrophagist tribute type band until i found out that theres 2 necro musicians in this band. just good german tech death

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I wish I was as cool as a dude I know that is tattooing the whale on this album cover to their shoulder

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great album, saw these guys with slipknot

Psshhh...Here's something really terrifying

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Gee, yeah. Metal for 5 year olds I guess.

why does all folk metal have to adopt such shameless glorified pop rock song structure? This is the weakest, most basic shit I’ve ever even encountered.

Which concert? I saw them with slipknot aswell when they were in Massachusetts, Behemoth was there too which was neat

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True god-tier.

yeah same tour dude, but in a different state, it was slipknot, volbeat, gojira, and behemoth, great show. i dont like volbeat but they are pretty good performers.

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you misspelled "corporate-tier"
more hard rock than metal

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I would love this band if it weren’t for the cringe vocals

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Great album

remembered "where dead angels lie" and "night's blood" fondly the other day till i played the album again. kinda lulzy their singer got out of prison for murder only to wind up capping himself.

>thinks motherfucking gojira is more hard rock than metal

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One of my favorites god tier for sure

KD has been my favorite musician since 1988.

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Bro i fucking envy you lol
I'm seeing Gorod on the 8th of Febuary though :D

Gojira is among the best
I played Flying Whales live with my band once, and i was lucky enough to see them in live in Montréal

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Where's Muhtallika? Why hasn't anyone posted Muhtallika?

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good to see dave mustaine recovering from that cancer.

this album was my alarm in high school

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Thanks for this one

Augment by Erra
Impulse by Erra
Everchanger by Invent Animate
Stillworld by Invent Animate
Discoveries by Northlane
Singularity by Northlane

6 greatest metal albums ever created

such faggotry

Think what you want man but these albums changed my life. Sorry if they are over your head

>lul they changed your life
sorry I don’t have a giant vagina full of emotions and shit

not metal

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You should listen first then decide on calling me a faggot

Ye boi

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Djent is the superior form of metal

Lmao the fuck

I’ve listened to those erra albums, and I can’t stand Invent Animate. I’ve listened to some of Singularity by Northlane and it’s the only one you listed that isn’t completely embarrassing. It’s all for girls.

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FUCK yes 666lb. Bongsession

what do you listen to

For me right now

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real djent
not angst driven, commercialized metalcore djent for wimpy teens

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Heavy metal


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Tosin is excellent but he has no soul

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no, he has actual musical charisma. what you like has no soul.


Thoughts on this?

Nah lol

Sorry my taste is too gay for you but I’ll continue to blast it into my ears

Animals doesn’t even have a vocalist. I need crushing low screams

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best true thrash metal album

Got to see theses guys with Cannibal Corpse, fucking amazing.

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Just checked. Yup. Only 2 good albums posted. yours is one.

You must have shit taste.

Jk, opinions in metal are so strange.

Amon amarth is so lazy and uninspiring. Fun shows though.

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amon amarth is basic clean-cut easy-mode melodic metal, with abysmally average instrumentals and vocals, and no outstanding songs or elements whatsoever.
newfag normie detected

Look at mr. ass blasted who thinks he's cool cuz he likes grindcore bands with 17 total fans

Correct. But 15 years ago, they put on great shows.

Not so much any more. They just smell their own farts and play sloppy easy shit.

Still better then any thing iv done.

Best shows ever have been: Gwar, slayer, cannibal corpse, NILE and 90-2001 dying fetus.

Berzerker was fun, until they lost their masks and became more cyber fagish.

Don't get me started on new cryptopsy, ewww

Agoraphibic nosebleed has more then 15 fans. Same with Carcass.

Why so salty?

Do you only get music from hot topic?

>muhfukkin’ carcass
my negro.

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Huehue, yeah boi.

Digorge and hemorrhage are great too.

Any love for Cliteater or Nunwhore Commando 666?

>if it doesn't make sense it's not metal.
Go fuck your sister.

Go to bed, Dan.

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Don't give a fuck what anyone says

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Wilkommen im Beerdigungscafe

ihr mäusschen :*

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most underrated iron maiden album imaginable.

Probably the only the people itt worth talking to.

Says the basement dwellers who own a fucking Epiphone.

So you like mall metal. Cool kid.

Nothing wrong with that, you like pop metal.

As long as you do you.

But your taste is shit and subpar, imo.

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You sound like a tough guy. Wanna meet up?

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Metallica- Lulu

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He won't have enough time to clean the cheeto dust off his fingers.

I don't know this band.

Sick insult bro. But why knock cheetos?

You guys like pop metal, and are getting triggered, so you attack other metal fans. Lol

Get better taste and chill out.

Yeah ya are.

Ride the Lightning - Mike Pence

is epiphone bad?

I can listen to this on repeat all day.

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>Initial reply shitting on taste

>Why you attacking metal fans?

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Dur... I LieKE DySHamPMONic duMB ShIT. cAuSE I'm EDgY

I like the overall sound but dont like the vocals,
when they are so rough, like they are coughing.

anything you could recommend pls?

I don't know if id call it my favorite but i have been listening to it on repeat lately

Most. Yes.

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Machine head?

Not all metal is gutturals. What do you listen to/enjoy?

Sorry I didn't kill your mother and rape your sister in the same day

Heavy metal


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Digorge is great, I’m not terribly impressed with the other bands, though. They’re way too jank for me. I’m a big fan of Exhumed.

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I am pretty chill with the metal bands i listen so basically
iron maiden

I was really really enjoying jinjer but dont love when she goes for the rough voice

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Going to bed now.
I hope one of us is dead tomorrow.


good night

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are those fucking tendons hanging out god damn

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With those as a jumping off point you might get into some Shadows Fall. They have a pretty good mix

kys furfag

Dude no way, thanks for this. Never heard of them and I've wanted to slap Muhammed's face forever for not releasing more Necrophagist stuff. This is great.

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its just .....good.

check out Alluvial. It is tech death with no vocalist.

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faggot tier normie fake death rock

lmao nice normiecore album faggot. Talk to me when you learned to change your diaper.

thanks im checking them out

good band, but i prefer their album monolith

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thx user

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If you like deathcore sounds Shadow of Intent also puts out instrumentals of their albums.

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my personal favorite paysage d’hiver album

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nice feet!

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Perfect for you then!

For The Likes Of You- Withered if pretty damn good [YT link](

Metal doesn't need pretentious fucks like you

I listen to mostly metal and I agree wuth you. The amount that is worth listening grows thinner and thinner, not to say it isnt like that with any other genre, but metal is filled with incredible faggotry its almost funny

bro kill saved metal from post 911

fuck retards

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you sound like a gigantic tourist. 2019 was one of the most fantastic years for metal diversity and progression ever.

911 was an inside job fucksoiceltard

excellent cannibal corpse album. 5

You sound like a fucking Sightseer. Yup, metal is becoming more enjoyed by the masses, cant argue with that..

I really like Necrosadistic Warning

well this just hit

I don’t think metal has ever been less popular with “the masses”. In fact I think its niche element is the driving force behind the increase in quality and explosion in obscure genres we’ve seen in the last decade.

If your enjoyment of anything is based solely on how many other people like it you're a fag

good for the kids

Went and saw Gwar and they were opening for them. Just three dudes and some thrash.

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Token but warranted

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this was my after-shift song for a year.

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Hell the fuck yes

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code of the slashers

also favourites

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Rest in Peace Seth Putnam and Josh Martin

Hanger 18 is still the coolest shit ever.

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im drunk

new american gospel and burn the priest were peak

death - mountain = god

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the OLD ORIGINAL mix is 100000x better than Dave's shitty remix

bro i saw megadeth live but my father was an old man when he had me it just didnt hit

mastodon however... !!!

this album got me literal truckloads of pussy

I’m stoned.

which down album wwas best I II or III

Folk metal rise up

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Damn, dude. I haven't listened to that shit in years. Good stuff

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I Lit Your Baby On Fire is the greatest song ever written

nice ca

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I didnt say anything about that

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what the fuck was that last album .

Cannabis Corpse is often decent, especially when I wanna hear new, old cannibal corpse.

>hurr durr i only listen to what the media tells me is popular because thinking is hard and painful
>durrrrrrrrr people who are creative and original scare and intimidate me and durrrrrrrr
Sure thing, Shlomo

even gayer than normal whitechapel, which is pretty goddamned gay.

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even gayer then normal? this thing was brighton mardegras tier fucking shit

how do you go from this
to this

seriously, im unironically legitimately angry.

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This too

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This album is just too infectious.

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the song “busse woods” is the heaviest point humanity has achieved.

Listened to this countless times. If you like Stoner/doom and haven't heard this you're doing a disservice to yourself.

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My dude.

I prefer "Marrow of the Spirit," but Agalloch all the way.


This, but "The Way of All Flesh." Favorite album of all-time.

Windhand is a gem.

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windhand has a solid identity and sound

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He’s black, not a ginger.

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Legend. I miss shads, massively underrated band

This is pretty lowbrow stoner metal.

better and harder than 95% of the bands posted in this thread

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Some actual taste here. Found this and pagan terrorism tactics at goodwill

Certified hood classic right here

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It's not insanely skilled but it excels with it's simplicities and structure. If you can't see the value of it, I'm sorry lol you can't tell me this track isn't instrumental ear candy.

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Lmao I remember listening to this terrible "music" in high school and thinking I was so edgy. Thank god I grew out of that bullshit.

this only reminds me of the real masters of instrumental psyrock:

you sound like a cuckgina

it sounds like you never understood it in the first place.

Haha, I remember when I was a 12 year old retard. What's it like these days?

>Understood it
Yea man, you're a real "deep thinker" listening to fucking death metal. Which track is your favorite, mine is the "I raped your mom in the asshole with a dirty wretch last night". That one really jogs the nog.

Kinda Rock/Metal, but I find myself putting this on after drinking and sloppily singing along to be a pretty good time.
Witchcraft "Firewood"

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it’s structure is extremely generic and riff centric, and the riffs aren’t original or, as you’ve pointed out, very skillful. also thematically it is fairly uninteresting.

thoughts on latest?

My personal tops in the thread, rate my taste

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Earthless was so good live. I wouldn't compare Purple Hill Witch to them though. Different genres. I'm still waiting for the bastards to tour the states.

Everyone sees how cool and sophisticated you are! Thanks for contributing to the thread. I appreciate you educating us all on how silly we are for liking music, you nigger.

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>for liking shitty music
fixed for you, fag

Great work, thoroughly enjoyed Evergreen, though I haven't given it the same time/attention as I did Dig Deep

What the fuck are you looking for out of Stoner/doom metal? Lol They fucking nailed it with this album and it does what it needs to do. None of the bands in this genre are super original, that's why people like them.

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imagine listening to metal lmfao

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Yeah, good point. Music is only about what it’s “about” and it has nothing to do with musical aptitude, or sonic appreciation, or even any lyrical poetry and vocal harmony and variation. Music is entirely based on appearance. You sure proved to me you ‘got it’.

i got in at wolves in 2017. really love dig deep, was impressed af with the latest. could definitely go heavier with avoiding the cringe trap.

quicksand got me a pass in uni for real

pulse.. flux.. title track, exit, challenge
all great

This is one of those bands you absolutely love, or despise because you're a whiney gay fag.

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Confirmed soft beta male. Go back to being a cuck.

I disagree. I feel that the greatest stoner metal bands stand out because of skill, and because of the unique identity they carved for themselves. And don’t get me started on doom, which isn’t the same thing, and is very diverse comparatively.

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>Listening to metal makes me metal
You need to be 18+ kid

Glad to see others vibing ATB, y'all like Crystal Lake and/or Dealer?

Or you can enjoy stuff for what it is lol.

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why is this really badass i never knew about this music before

dealer looked cool 18-19 havent checked recently

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what the fuck is that supposed to mean you fucking poser? Is that not what I described?

try "Scourge of Iron". It's my favorite one

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Sure thing, bud. I'm a poser because I like a band you don't. I understand your opinion.

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Never really gave Soulfly the tie of day before, but that track is great. Reminded me of a couple other tracks, one being from Alien Weaponry. They're from my country of New Zealand, they do a lot of songs in our traditional Te reo Maori language.

Pretty Stupid is a straight banger my dude play this one 2 ur gf hah

I think you’re a a poser because you had the audacity to act like you knew anything about the type of music you’re talking about, and seemed to insinuate that ultimately quality doesn’t matter. I know you’re a poser because you think all stoner metal bands are the same, and you think Purple Witch Mountain is an interesting example of one, not to mention that you think it’s doom.

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Krypts - Cadaver Circulation

Best old Skool deadMedal

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more poly

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LMAO your insinuating that you know what I think of things. Genres are genres for a reason. I know what makes bands successful and that goes for any genre. The common complaint I see for this genre is that wah it isn't very original, wah black Sabbath inspired. No fucking shit guy. Not everything has to be genre bending and cutting edge to be enjoyable. Back your assuming, Anthony Fagtano ass up. If you honestly don't see the value in that album, that's fine. That's why there are endless fucking bands in this world. I don't think they all sound the same, that's a silly assumption. Stoner/ Doom is usually grouped together because there's a lot of overlapping. Listen to what you like.

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Stoner and Doom are usually grouped together because the music in question is often both Stoner and Doom. There is no more overlapping between them than there is between any other genres.
>Genres are genres for a reason
You’re such a fucking retard stop spouting poorly informed, poorly explained, stupid fucking sentiments
>The common complaint I see for this genre is that wah it isn't very original
I’ve never heard anyone tell me that Sleep sounds too much like Electric Wizard, or that Yob sounds anything like acid king. In fact, any other genre of metal is more suited for this complaint.

new thread

You're preaching to the choir man. I get it. I enjoy Sleep, Acid King, and Electric Wizard as well. I just so happen to quite enjoy the album you have a problem with. Along with others emulating and praising these bands as well.