What was the most disturbing / grossest / strangest / weirdest thing you ever found on a file sharing program?

What was the most disturbing / grossest / strangest / weirdest thing you ever found on a file sharing program?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fake nude photos of Melissa Joan Hart.

Real nude photos if Lindsay Lohan.

You fucking know what it's bannable if you talk about it

The occasional fucked up German porn featuring women that had to be in their 70s getting gang banged by bald dudes in assless leather chaps. Was 11 at the time looking for anime to watch instead of ghost in the shell, I get Nazi granny riding a bratwurst.

That is do fucking groß in do many

>Try to dl the new gnr video
>3 days later get pizza instead

vids titled girl gets anal but its just some guy jacking off

A limp bizkit song.

DD and Grifter movies, yes both are real

you poor child!

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somebody putting ketchup on a hotdog

Real rape vid, poor girl puked all over the place as she was raped. Disturbing as fuck.

All of Metallica’s music. I mean, they worked so hard through such strong odds against them, how could their fans do that to them?

Disturbing. Disgusting. Gross.

the necro lord pics i guess


Str8 pr0n

what what in the butt do ya wanna do it in my butt


Searching Linkin Park music videos and got the gore vid of the russian soldier being decapitated with a small knife. That was bad.

Quran Audiobook

Wtf I never saw that. So many files were called rape that weren’t even fake rape, just sex

I remember a video where the girl was tied to a upside down chair so that she was on all four and a big dog going at her hard and she was not having a good time. I wish i could find it again it was really hot (it was not the Bilara video)

great, now these are a thread

sure hope they run for the next four months until they get ignored

Metallica - Enter sandman.mp3.exe, not really gross or strange, but it sure fucked my computer.

When I was 13 I showed the whole family a video of a very very young Indian girl getting fucked by four black dudes because I Downloaded a movie labeled Indian in the cupboard

not even bullshitting anyone, I had to go to therapy for a couple of months after watching the Grifter. I don't even know how I came across it but watched it beginning to end for whatever reason and just could not stop. People to this day say it never existed or thing that 2 minute bullshit YT version is the real thing. Not even close.
Never saw DD but honestly don't even want to after knowing what it's about. Shit like that makes me want humanity wiped out.


Sayaint Anguhh Round Mah Neckuh. Lars Neva gets Respect.

This guy?

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OP here. Yes. This is the type of stuff that fascinates me. It also makes me regret not using limewire more than I did. It also makes me want to search and do more searching so much searching just so I can find as many weird thing as I possibly can. It also makes me regret not using other file sharing programs. I only used 1 and that's limewire

jesus fuck I remember that on those old Faces of Death videos. Some messed up shit on there.

Limewire was pretty good for finding random stuff since you could browse other users stuff

Watched a mom and daughter get raped by three guys then the mom had her head blown off point blank. Looked Russian

The sound of that video will stick with me forever

Alot of cp
Found it in limewire many years ago

Linkin park.exe

I don’t even remember what I was looking for, but it ended up being a really distorted and grainy video of a man and a woman and two boys. I’d say 10 yrs old. They all took turns with the woman while the adults commended the two boys the whole time. They would stand over her and pee on her. It was... yeah. It. No.

It was quite horrifying...wasn't he a Russian spy caught by al Qaeda or something?

so fucked

Actual child porn is INCREDIBLY fucked. And obviously never made by normal people.

Sounds hot though. If it was a long vid almost certainly fake/porn. Source?

Now that is fucked up

Russian soldier in Chechnya during the 1st or 2nd Chechen war I think, might be wrong though

Definitely wasn't fake. Video res was like those old school cameras that family's used to use to record there events. That and the chick's missing head seemed pretty real.
As for source, idk how you expect me to produce that. Shit was like 15 years ago with some dumb long file name. I was like 13 looking for porn downloading anything that didn't say .exe on it

A goddamn virus that greenscreened my grandma pc. Still can't figure out how the fuck such a thing existed and had never heard about it.

Also, pizza, a kilometric fuckton of pizza. But then again, at 12 I really enjoyed it.

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>I was like 13 looking for porn downloading anything that didn't say .exe on it
But that was the best stuff, you really missed out

I wont drink slurpees anymore because of that sound

>downloading anything that didn't say .exe on it
Yeah, learned the hard way not to do this.

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Dubs of truth

Also I'm a lawyer, you can always trust a lawyer

>I regret not being more garbage

lol poop

Wait, how did you guys get pizza? Was it like charged to someone else's account? Even so, most pizza delivery people take payment when they're at your door.

Yeah let's talk about it more!

>you can always trust a lawyer
>trust a lawyer

hehe penises

Probably ordered online.

>he doesn't trust his lawyer
Let me guess your black and it's your white lawyers fault you got punished

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Yeah, right... like fuck I would risk another computer to that shit.

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We downloaded cheese pizza dude, not as hard as it may look like.

I did tho

That's what I mean. Who do they get their money from?

It was a different time in the early 2000

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Lol how do you download a pizza?

Funny Jokes

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Internet pizza best pizza.

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>cant into greentext
Lurk moar newfag
I said I don't trust in general

Nickelback album.

You wouldn’t download a car...

One byte at a time.

Why not? I do that all the time in Forza.

R@ygold when I was 12


>Searchterm "Pizza" at searchbar
>Press search icon
>On searching program
>Search for your intended pizza
>Extra cheese
>Click download
>Bluescreened FTW

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Yes I would you piece of kike shit.

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there it is... wondered how long it would take for someone to admit it

Well, Mr. FBI Man...

Pretty surprised how many people have actually seen the vids

Wish I could find R@ygold stuff still

That's pretty upsetting coming from you Mr. Bond.

OP here. No. I'm not a cop or FBI person. I'm just some curious person who wants to know what strange things were on file sharing programs, especially since I used limewire . I used it and even i found some weird things on there

>I'm not a cop or fbi person
Sounds like something a cop or fbi person would say

Morrowind but with some files deleted so it crashed everytime you tried to play

so explain grifter in great detail

DD is boring! Expected so much more.

So... Like every Bethesda game?

Most fucked thing I got from a p2p program was some very explicit CP involving two very young boys. I would say 6 years old max. Video included close up full on anal penetration. It was fucked. I was only like 13 at the time so I didn't feel like a pedo watching it but it was disturbing and I'm surprised looking back that shit could go on without the FBI raiding your house for downloading the file.

Also saw all that stuff

Who was she and what did she do?

Politician sex tape.
Surprised it never went viral but at the same time I was the only seeder

Henlo glow

Hello motor.

a slimy fish flopping out of a womans pussy

That's a meal to remember.

Wonder what he's doing now?

Decomposing is my best bet


And some shit in spanish and japanese characters.

Dont necessarily remember if It was Limewire. But when I was a kid there was this game called Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis. Really fuckin cool game. You could basically have an amusement park with dinosaurs and make them fight and make them have little dino herds and it was really cool

But the game was nearly impossible to find. No Gamestop's carried the game cause it sold like shit i guess and the only people that initially got it, kept it. So. I did what any poor child would do. Download it from the internet.

Finally managed to track down a .exe file called "Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis". I downloaded it. And when I opened it up. It was literally a video of a Woman getting fucked by an Iguana. She was taking either the Iguanas tail or the Iguanas dick up her ass and she was shouting rawr. Ill attach a pic of what the Iguana looked like. I dont remember the Iguana making any noise but I definitely remember the girl letting out an orgasmic "RAWR"

Needless to say I never played the game until a few years ago when I was able to find a copy. Great fucking game btw. I really would reccomend. Great to chill out and play on a rainy day

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like actual CP or girls that were maybe 17 sharing nudes?

When I was like 12/13 i actually searched "child pornography" on limewire but didn't find anything. Def was for the best as I was just being stupid. Honestly no idea if I ever saw a girl that was a week shy of her 18th bday on limewire even though it's still classified as CP.

Look up Kylie Freeman

Tiny Tove is legal tho

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I have a strong stomach. I used to love the faces and traces of death videos. One time I was at a friend house and he showed me a gore video he downloaded that made me physically ill of a live baby being tortured. It was so bad that I stopped watching gore for a long time. It kind of cured my fascination

There was this thing about eastern europe and what most people would call pizza.

Most normies would call a single breast porn, but then again sexualization is a very controverssial and ambigous topic to discuss. The bottom line is that zoomers and most millenials will never know about it. Whether this is a good thing or bad is not up to me to decide.


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yeah, I'm sure it was an "accident"

>I am such a new fag I don’t know what has been seen cannot be unseen


You dodged a very horrible mental scar.


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I remember all my friends at school talking about the Saw Movies so I tried to download one and it was a totally different movie about an abandoned mental hospital and a tunnel that ran underneath it. Wasn't Saw related at all but wasn't a bad movie. I should feel lucky that was my worst experience with limewire

Yeah I got that one, fucking disturbing.
You kinda deserved it for trying to do Linkin Park to be fair

Yep, caught by the Chechens
>That sound

Downloading "ICP" songs to see what they're like and try to be cool.
Download a song called "ICP is Mad Gay, Foo" by a band called Forth Yeer Freshman.
Pretty good song, never did get into ICP.

was it an asian baby? and how long ago was this?

>complains about a limewire thread
>13 BBC trap twink faggot threads on Cred Forums right now
Sorry for taking up your precious space, general candy-ass

"actual" CP used to get posted here. Nowadays people bomb threads they don't like with gore or spider-man, but back in the day around this time of night when the mods were "asleep" things got real ugly.

Al Qaeda were literal children when this shit happened

if you've never seen this video, then you don't know SHIT about the internet

The mom had pretty good tits though

A video, I think it was called Swedish Tango or something. It showed something like a surgery where a woman had a hole made that connected her pussy to her ass.

i miss salty milk

Whoa. I bet seeing that messed up a lot of people.

Some white hillbilly fucking trailer trash to Disturbed's *Get Down With The Sickness"

It was a advert to his website or something

Also, a DBZ Vegeta music video set to Linkin Park's "In The End"

>Searching Linkin Park music videos and got the gore vid of the russian soldier being decapitated with a small knife. That was bad.
Where you crawling in your skin, for his wounds they will not heal?

Your mom gaping.

These where good times.

When I was 11 I downloaded an episode of cowboy bebop. But the video was actually an 8 year old boy in a frilly pink mini dress being spitroasted by two teenage boys. It scared the fucking shit out of me. Apparently there are a lot of people who shared the same trauma I did. All I wanted was to watch the episode Mushroom Samba. I didn't expect to be wondering what it would be like to be spit roasted every time I masturbated for the rest of my life. I fucking hated the fuck out of people who mislabeled their files.

Jesus Christ how horrifying

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>I didn't expect to be wondering what it would be like to be spit roasted every time I masturbated for the rest of my life.
Hmmmm sounds like that would have happened anyway bro

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Is it more or less messed up that i ran into these when i was in my early pre-teens

I downloaded don’t download this song by weird al yankovich

I used WinMX back in the day to download what I THOUGHT was the movie Van Helsing, but was actually German scat porn. Was not happy.

NEDM, wazzup oldfags

I don't don't have sexual relations with that woman! I did however go to, and then some website

Can't think of anything. I like cp, so that's never been an issue

back in the day when just about anything that was ZIPped or RARed had a fucking virus!!!!

> Be me, 14
> Decide to try downloading horror movies
> Find a bunch and fill the queue
> Come back a few days later
> Start watching a shitty unwatchable version of the exorcist
> Give up
> Next file
> Kid tied to a sawhorse
> Its a girl about 10ish
> Rottweiler walks in
> Shes crying
> It mounts her
> Cameraman walks around and zooms in on it penetrating her
> I uninstall limewire and never touch that shit again
> Convinced the cops are going to come for me

Was she the girl who'd wear a mask all the time? Her dad a fat fuck?

owen heart death video

Was there ever a video of Nash getting raped?

Ist the grifter real and what it is about

Ask /x/

Holy shit this. Fuck those videos

Where did you find them user

It's like he doesn't really mean it, or something.

Nothing, it was all so very beautiful.

dolphin porn always I don't care for other shit but this gets me

Never ran into those videos. But a few times grabbing what I thought were linkin park & green day music videos turned out being mislabeled videos of pretty sketchy lookin porn videos with women that looked barely 18. I was like 12 at the time, so just figured it was some low budget European legal porn. Now, 14 years later, I still wonder if it was legal age shit or not.

You have to call your local police dept. and ask for the catalog

Limewire was already pretty neutered though, kazaa had all the good shit if you knew the keywords.

But dolphin porn is hot, wtf?

This doesn't really apply, but when limewire was HUGE and everyone was using it, bluetooth was just starting to become huge. I discovered, limewire auto-shared pictures/videos via bluetooth connection. When I would go to the mall, or the movies was a great place, I could link up to 5-10 phones easily within the area and a lot of girls had nudes on their phones. This lasted about a month before limewire realized their mistake.. But by that time I had about 20 girls I knew from school on my phone.

Yes! I downloaded a rape video at around 15yo and thought it was fake but I haven't been able to find anything like it since which makes me think it may have been real.

I have been trying to find that video again for 15 years. So many loads blown to it.

There's still a bunch around, I seen a russian site posted here that had a bunch of stuff like that, and I am pretty sure the exact one you're referring to. I quickly got off of it, not cool stuff and I don't wanna be on a list some where.

Well my 13 y/o me didn't know that it wasn' quite legal to search for nudes of girls in my age. Luckily for me in my country you can't be punished for crimes unless you're at least 14 when you commited them and also aparently nobody cared anyway.
In my defense just wanted to look at girls my age I've seen enough old pussys on the nudist camping site, my parents always took me to.
Anyway this was my fist and only pizza encounter. When I realized what I've done I destroyed the disk I burned to video to.
That encounter did not ruin my childhood or sexuality. I did not become a pedo and am happily married to an gorgeous woman.
It might have further fueld my bdsm affinity (the girl was tied up) but I definetly have distinct memories of me foreshadowing to this even before I stumbled across that video.
Best thing is, my wife shares the same kinks.

What russian site would that be? Asking for a friend

And Bearshare, was a pedo hotspot.

I think I know the video kek

Thanks user


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My wife goes to download Rod Stewart's "Forever Young" song off Kazaa and queued up several different versions. Turns out there was a CP series with the same name.

I just came here to talk about all the cheese pizza I used to find on Limewire and bearshare. It looks like plenty of people mentioned that though. It really was a different time, you could find anything, a quick PT*C search would always bring up results, and I didn't even know what it was an acronym for back then, lol. those were simpler times... but ultimately i was a 13 year old trying to jerk to girls my own age.

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The question is did you stop when you realized like this dude:
Or are you now a pedo?

I mean, Im fucked up. But im also a former criminal/drug user, And that has taught me to hate child predators, and people that commit sex crimes. So, while I may occasionally appreciate some of the animated variety.... I would never touch a kid, I actually have a daughter, and believe me, it's never even crossed my mind... teens are one thing, kids are totally different.

tried to download bee movie when i was a kid, ended up accidently downloading a 40 min video of girls violently fisting each other. There was blood and shit everywhere.

wasnt into it.

Hey, I won't judge, strictly viewed my wife is still a teen for about half a year (she's 19, 10 years younger than I am.)


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No other place to find it but still making content

Anyone who doesn't know this is underage.

Never used Limewire, had K-Lite, WinMX and Emule though.

Plenty of the usual stuff, which was an insta-delete, nothing like DD though.