Why is it that irl i hate nigs, but i love to see nigs fucking white women?

Why is it that irl i hate nigs, but i love to see nigs fucking white women?

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Not really its because their lazy dumb animals

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White women fuck more dogs then they fuck nigger ,i shit you not

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Because they are the only ones that can please a woman. Not tiny whitey pipi

the contrast and how rare it is. you get to see a hot blonde which most dudes dream of fucking get railed by a nig

i was kinda leaning towards this myself.

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more vids

If thats the case then why are they the most rejected group in real life , even manlets get better odds

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better odds at what

T. Tiny dicked asian

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I guess Arab chicks are hot? I’ll have to investigate this. Praise Allah

you are into bestiality

Op likes seeing black guys fuck white women because hes a gay cuck from tel aviv

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you're not much of a woman if you need to resort to using a dating app to meet guys lol

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are you jewish? because jews aren't white. they're very much like other sand-niggers.

jews are white.

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>based Mexibro

Fuckin kek

The majoraty of niggers live in ghettos so its not like their meeting whitey there
No there not ask a jew

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BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS AND TERRORISM Facts and Details factsanddetails.com/world/cat58/sub384/item2384.html

What havent you got any more paid whores ?

some, but it is really true that they LOVE BLACK COCK

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because you have a fetish for taboo things, and things can only be taboo if they are deeply personal

Criminal history, history of drug abuse, history of being unfaithful, history of domestic violence, low IQ, low income, lack of a family...

I wonder why too, user. I really fucking wonder why, when you look at the big picture that niggers gunna nig.

i don't know, maybe it is a side effect of dick mutilation?

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this bread

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Mental illness

Because you want to suck cock, and you hate yourself for it.

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Because you hate women more you fucking idiot.

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There is no rarity to this.. We see it every fucking day. Next.

you think most blondes you see walking around are gettng fucked by nigs daily?

The state of the UK

Fuck niggers. Next

>Why is it that irl i hate nigs, but i love to see nigs fucking white women?

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I'm saying that you see it on here (the internet) every day..
I see hot white women with black guys every day... I never see them having sex with each other, but if they're a couple, I think it's safe to assume that they are.
I think you just like black penis. That's ok.

It's because you love seeing women being degraded. What's more degrading than sleeping with a nigger?

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Are you the person in this video OP?

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Nice cover.
You want to taste the penis. You can tell yourself that you don't, but it is what it is.

Tianalive is her name

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To be honest, I just enjoy the fact that it's the most consistent amateur porn to watch where the female can get really into it and show shes feeling stretched.

Fag detected

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Definitely something wrong with you mentally. The jews have gottten into your brain. For me its disgusting. If I watch porn and the next video is of a nigger fucking a white girl I go soft. Its really disgusting to me.

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anyone know the context

Pedo in brazil . Street justice is very common

Ha. How does that make me the fag?

Jews man

That's a fake, you dumbass.

This chart makes sense when you realize it's only because white males are bvb the best prospects for marriage. As far as casual sex goes every other race except asians and Indians beat white males.

Basically white Male are only attractive because of their money. This is why you have so many stories of white women cucking their white husbands with some poor gang banging nigger.

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because you are a kike

If thats the case how come there still rejected on hook up apps Its a know fact niggers are riddled with stds and stink

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It's one of those things like beastiality or guro that's hot because of how taboo and fucked up it is. I mean, BBC falls into the same sort of catagory as dogging and girls getting creampied by strangers and shit for me: the thing that gets me so hard is the idea a woman is that desperate for cock/to be fucked that she'd degrade herself and risk destroying her whole future because she needs it that badly RIGHT NOW.
Than again, I live in Aus, so women fucking blacks is about as 'real' as women fucking orcs or hentai characters for me. Pure fantasy with no basis in reality.

It's a known fact that white women sport fuck STDs riddled niggers and are becoming single mothers in record numbers. Look I'm not glorifying it, but facts are facts. White man = betabux. Black man = alpha fuck.

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The chart says attractive nigger nothing to do with marriage ,i find it hard to believe someone could look at a smelly ,shit skinned ,bug eyed ,squashed nose nigger and see anything but a beast .p.s White women fuck more dogs then niggers, I shit you not

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What if I prefer it the other way around
White men fucking black women?

When I was living in Seattle my roommate was fucking a tesla driving, 5 million dollar house living, white wife.

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Ok cupid is literally THEE source for social rejects, as are all dating apps. Women who are actually attractive don't need to take a shotgun approach to dating, and they certainly don't do online dating.

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Mixed children make up only 5% of newborns wtf are you talking about

Oh wow look 2 more cherry picked whores from this cucks BLACKED folder damn man you pathetic . I wonder how many more pics youll post before some fat "white" landwhale fucks you

If there not meeting them on dating sites I highly doubt there going into nigger ghettos

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Okay think what you want, there is plenty of porn of white women fucking black men. I'm not talking your typical BLACKED but just amateur shit. A majority of niggers are extremely ugly but the same could be said about white males, which is why most of you are incels. Even the ugliest niggers still get pussy, either from ugly black bitches or fat white women, ugly white incels are virgins until their fucking 40s unless they pay for it.

It's something to be said about this dynamic other than "hurr durr nigger look like apes xD". White men still have less sex than black men, I'm telling you the money reason white men are desirable is because of their money and implied "power". Reality is white men get divorced raped and cucked hard.

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This is a top kek chart written by an incel if I have ever seen one

Spoken like a true cuck who has no idea how to actually meet women.

Clap clap clap thats it then , the highest point in nigger Civilization the pinnacle of your people is that you fuck slightly more. Wow im fucking blown away . This is why all the other race dislike nigger too

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Idk met mine in collage ,but i live in a small white country of only a few million so its a bit easier i sappose

And the pinnacle for the white race is supporting the LBGT community of colorful haired weirdos and raising some poor niggers bastard kids with his fat white wife. Your wife's boyfriend give you your Nintendo switch yet?

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So the boyfriend is poor... But also buys you a nintendo switch...

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With drug money

because you're delusional. there's nothing especially appealing about black male/white female stuff

Vid sauce?

Idk i go outside and see all the wonderous inventions were made the fact we discovered most of the planet . First ones to go all the way round the world ,considered the most beautiful race (held i such regard that its a honour to niggers to fuck a white)

Let me ask you this how many niggers have walked on the moon ?

Sure thing dude . Hay how many discoveries have ye lads made ?

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>Let me ask you this how many niggers have walked on the moon ?

what a fucking stupid example

I'm white and I hate most white women. I married a blonde Argentinean woman so I don't give a shit what blacks do to other women. I wish every white woman was fucked by a black man before eventually marrying some white asshole.

Africans invented agriculture you stupid swine, the literal backbone of human civilization.

Non . Most nights i look to the sky and see the moon a distant boby in space but my people went there through lots of effort just because we could thats success thats a pinnacle .mean while back on earth some niggers is telling me throw a computer (invented by whitey) running on power (discovered by whitey) tryna tell me that his peoples best is fucking slightly more people

It was arabs but ok whatever . Bix nood we waz kingz and shi

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Because you hate women too

>I wish every white woman was fucked by a black man before eventually marrying some white asshole.

This is unironically what happens though. White women ride the BBC, pop out about 3 kids and find some poor white sucker to marry her in her mid 30s. They genuinely believe they are the most attractive because of their looks, it's because they are the easiest to trick into marriage, some white men cant even get laid without getting married. Tyrone has been feeding his wife drugs and fucking her raw since she was 15. Fucking crazy how deluded white men are honestly.

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Because your gay and a cuck, faggot

Except mixed kids only make up only 5% of newborns and there are plenty of european countries without niggers thank god and i know for certain it aint happening there

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They only got 17 years

Not just that there are plenty of women that find niggers repulsive. I know for a fact they are out there I've fucked about 30 of them myself. And all of them would never do anything with a nig. Shit a few girls I dated wouldnt even smoke a blunt if a black dude was in rotation. But the cucks here would lead you to believe otherwise

damn good girl. hubby's camera work is very nice. you can tell he's done this before.

This whole thread

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I don't want my car crashed but I enjoy playing destruction derby games. Next question.

shocker that everyone prefere white females.

you actually believing they wouldn't is the funniest thing i've read in this thread. white women are fully aware of how intimidated by black men white men are. she was just saying that to soothe your paranoia.

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this . if white women craved blacks like these cucks suggest, why the fuck would kikes spend so much on thier propaganda

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also a shocker that the white females prefer bbc

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martian magazine is so much better than stone toss

For the same reason you love seeing monkeys in the zoo, but would hate if there was thousands of them living around your house. . They are entertaining at times, but boy, are they abnoxious as fuck.

Yep sure thing bud. You need to leave the basement. And what about the chicks I was freinds with that started they would never fuck a nigger they had no reason to lie to me if I wasnt gonna fuck them. BBC is a meme and you are trying so hard.

for the same reason that people watch women fucking dogs and horses - the degradation factor

you actually believing they wouldn't is the funniest thing i've read in this thread. Black women are fully aware of how intimidated by white men black men are. she was just saying that to soothe your paranoia

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Probably all women. Dating site stats seem to say black men get responded to the least apparently

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Except and the studies and serveys say otherwise

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>fake blonde
>heavy face make up
>fake tits

Lol, Jews love that fat cash borderline beastiality brings in, which happens to be black dick

Well this is getting old

We get that it happens I'm not arguing that. I am arguing the fact that it doesnt happen anywhere near as much as you are trying to lead people to believe. Just like people get killed by forklifts yet I've been working on forklifts for 15 years and haven't seen it in person yet

according to what statistics? just seem like its dreamt up by cucks. cause they arent actually prefering black males over whites.

Join I'll trib your girl with my bbc

discord gg/4wD4uK

Because you've been exposed to jew propaganda since birth

how does a cop not know the roll-maneuver?

put in this picture phrases like "I can still fuck your bitch tho" and you got an even more accurate photo

Yeah i find it funny that the nigger subtly suggest whites are better by the implication thats its important that he fucked one . Ive never heard of a white guy bragging about fucking a nigger or a seen a bunch of threads were its like haha nigget we fucked your woman

Prove you got a BBC on my classmate

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Because you guys harp on it suspiciously and frequently. People still haven't figured out your probably a Jewish troll or a nigger yourself. Even the lowest of the low (hookers) won't even so much as meet you if you're a nig.Keep role playing on Cred Forums, it's all you have left. Kek

Niggers once again proving there retarded nature

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Shit wrong stat

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Thats it thats the best you BLACKED cucks have to offer? Pathetic

because you like watching beastiality

Judging by his short strokes and that close up, I'm easily twice the size of him. Bbc isn't actually common

Because you're a faggot, Tenda

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