Guys who share their girlfriends on here. Aren't you scared someone will recognize them...

Guys who share their girlfriends on here. Aren't you scared someone will recognize them? Any one had something like that happen?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I've seen a bunch of guys who doxed themselves by accident. They usually weren't too happy about it. That's why you often see them post without face/with blurred face

>Aren't you scared someone will recognize them?
No. I always mask their faces
>Any one had something like that happen?
No. Had some dumb fucker collect them and post them in another thread pretending to be me, though. I also don't do it so much now since I found out about the automatic archives - which is why you can't have nice things now

Pretty sure the dumb fucker is the one posting his girlfriend for other men to jack off to, you quasi-cuck.

which one is yours?

Damn that's harsh. Wonder why anyone round want to fuck someone else's life up over wanting to share their gf. But damn.


Is it safe because of that now?

Archives fucking suck. Beats the purpose of the Chan...

>Is it safe because of that now?
No, it's definitely not safe because of the auto-archives.

Never mind - you'll get one one day

>which one is yours?
The one that's not ITT or any other thread you've seen recently

Usually nothing bad happens, as most loudmouths on Cred Forums are just that, all talk no action. But sometimes you attract the attention of some real raging asshole who will follow you around and stalk you and harass you if he ever doxes you.
People who cannot operate computers properly should be extra careful. Cred Forums removes meta data, but other services do not. I've seen more than once that somebody posted a mega, not realizing the images and videos are full of juicy GPS metadata from their phone's camera app. Videos are in particular bad, as people who know about EXIF in images often do not know videos get autotagged like that too these days

Google "candaulism" and thank me later. Cuckoldry involves another guy having actual sex with your girl - something you'll probably never have to worry about

I have completely missed the auto-archives..
Damn I need to lurk more. Love all the guys posting girlfriends though.

I probably have her in my archives regadless.
Tho I do not pretend to be other people and repost, nor do I run around bullying folks.
I was just curious, but if you don't want to reveal which one is yours you have my understanding

>Love all the guys posting girlfriends though
It's a service

>>Is it safe because of that now?
>No, it's definitely not safe because of the auto-archives.
It's not temporary. Nothing on the internet is.
Safe depends on how much you reveal

>I probably have her in my archives regadless
You may well have. But we'll never know for sure.

Yeah, I guess we won't.
Unless you want me to drop some way to tell me in private. But then again, why would you do that.

How do I get to these archives?

>It's not temporary. Nothing on the internet is.
Agreed to a point, but you'd have difficulty finding an image only posted on one of the non-archived Cred Forums boards. But as the 'bots scan the archives, girls posted on Cred Forums can be found by reverse search engines, esp. Yandex

I run my own archival bot o_O

Just learned about this the other day. Candualism, ain't much info like it. Kind of into that, but to scared to post her here.

>But then again, why would you do that
Exactly. Why indeed.

>How do I get to these archives?
The same as you do any other site; google or knowing their address

Bully for you. Do you want a cookie or something as a prize?

>Exactly. Why indeed.
Curiosity about how much I could find. Had some other people hit me up because of that. But we don't have an existing relationship with basic trust

Yes, a cookie would be nice.
My bot is only for personal use, and I do not publish results unless the original OP asks me to

>but to scared to post her here
Let me ask you a question. Does she have a normal presence on the web, like social media?

>But we don't have an existing relationship with basic trust
I don't have any sort of relationship with anyone on line, never mind one involving trust


Posting here is the most risky way to go about it. Less risky would be to find ontopic sites/forums and there find some people to share with one on one. Both would be sharing so both are at the same risk. But do your research and don't fall for a catfish.
But do not use the cf sites (cfwives, cfchat, etc). The Belgian operator is insane and will extort or expose you if you ever get on his bad side.

Some people have been posting their stuff for many years without issue, other people posted once and regretted it because they made a mistake and got exposed.
BE CAREFUL is rule #1

No face, tattoos etc I guess?

>I don't have any sort of relationship with anyone on line, never mind one involving trust
Perfectly fine way to go about it.

I have some trust with some people, and one or two I help by alerting them when their old pictures crop up again after they ran into trouble.
But I sound like I am trying to convince you to trust me, which is not why I write, so I will stop now.

>Any one had something like that happen?
some dude claims her knows my wife and her mom. how ever he couldnt back anything up to prove it. also he said he worked with her brother...she doesnt have and brothers

I’ve been sharing my girlfriend, face and all, for a couple years. She’s got some fans but no one has ever recognized her.

There’s a very real chance your girl gets recognized but most anons over dramatize the possibility

>No face, tattoos etc I guess?
Again, even that depends.
If you want to reduce risk, then certainly do not post identifying marks, let alone face.
If you don't mind, and some couples actually don't, even deliberately dox themselves, then that's another fine.
Tats are plentiful so the risk low but non-zero of course

That's the standard Cred Forums troll for you :P

Let me ask you too, which one?

Without showing face and censoring my house's interiors i'm pretty confident she won't be recognized. Besides she doesn't even have exes

Because if she does it increases the chance of cross-liking by some psycho on here who then sends copies to her social media - you've been here long enough to know the drill; it's nothing to do with recognition and all to do with reverse search algorithms

>But I sound like I am trying to convince you to trust me
I hadn't noticed as I never would.

Unless your gf is a straight 10/10 or you feud with the wrong guy, chances that anybody will spend time doxing her are slim
And even if she gets recognized by somebody from the real world, they probably will smirk and move on. Most people aren't assholes, and the asshole usually do not have friends they could recognize

If you see a small blonde with her nose pierced here, probably my girlfriend

Whatever you do, never post a picture from social media even if there is no face in it.

I think you are spot on with your analysis

True. I guess faces are easy to recognize now a days. I posted my ex on here a few years back, a friend recognized her. Didn't say anything though, luckily.

I'd advise against posting faces on Cred Forums and reserve that for people you trust not to repost, if at all
Face recognition is a thing already and will only become more widespread and easily available over time

My girl is an 11/10.

If I saw a hot girl I knew. I would save and beat my meat to her over and over.

I only post her sucking my huge cock, so if she gets recognized, they'll know whose big dick she's sucking.


I've seen a bunch like that

How does it feel to post your girl and read sexual comments from anons? Always been curious about that , but not shitty enough to post someones pics without consent.

Yup, posted her and she got recognized by some fat ugly introvert guy she knew from school. He probly just collect her pics and jacks off to her now.
Least he has the decency to not dox and spread them around. Gotta give some respect for that

>How does it feel to post your girl and read sexual comments from anons?

Really nice. I am not into wifesharing/swinging, but showing of my ladies a little over the internet and seeing how people react is a kind of validation and also strangely hot.

>Always been curious about that , but not shitty enough to post someones pics without consent.

It would be best to get consent first.

I’m not going to post her in this thread, but trust me, you’ve seen her then

posted my gf and she got recognized.
i cant post her anymore but every so often he posts her fb pics and nudes here and i love it

You're most likely right

i fucking love it

>i cant post her anymore but every so often he posts her fb pics and nudes here and i love it
did she have any trouble in the real world because of it?

Figured it would be hot, but could be a slippery slope into cuck shit.

no they directly confronted me and ratted me out to her but i convinced her it wasnt me

No, it won't be a slippery slope. Unless you already want that subconsciously, in which case you could as well go for it if it makes you happy and fulfilled

It's called candaulism

>but could be a slippery slope into cuck shit
Not unless you both wanted that. If a guy you don't know admires your nice car do you just let him jump in and drive it?

I share Katelyn all the time- she doesn’t know me to think I’m behind it and she’s famous for being a whore on the internet so it doesn’t matter. She’s just a dumb webslut

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Shared my gf alot on here and on kik, never recognized but reposted a few times on different places

>in which case you could as well go for it if it makes you happy and fulfilled
Needs a special sort of girl too, or it ends in rears

rears = tears
>I must learn how to type

I get diamonds when I think of dudes messaging her from seeing her nudes or posting them and tagging her.
She’s on twitter, and has a lot of dudes following her and I hope a lot of them are from here

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That's not really the same thing, guys can 'mire your girl when she has her clothes on. If you let other guys see her spread pussy that's a different thing entirely.

Of course that too.
Tho only picture sharing is not much an issue after they get over the initial concerns. If yet to find a girl who wasn't intrigued and at least seriously consider it. Some agreed, others agreed with stipulations, and others decided not too, but all were intrigued.

Just a tip, those pics aren't of their girlfriends, simply pics they've found elsewhere.

mine wasnt even super upset she got posted she just didnt wanna be lied to

Some are real gf's, perhaps mostly ex gf's.

I’ve shared my wife constantly. She’s never been contacted. It’s a turn on. She’s the bread winner too

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Not really. If it's just pictures then they can never touch or have her


A lot of them are in those threads, others are the real deal

nah there's definitely still oc on Cred Forums, just way less than there used to be. 90% or more is repost, but you still see the occasional hot original

I remember this one :D

>I’ve shared my wife constantly.
We know. Sadly.

Well she’s a doctor faggot. What you got?

Yes, but you explicitely want her masturbated to at that point, and usually descriptions of what anons would do to her.

I feel like it would be less cucked to show a video of her getting fucked by you.

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she's nice too

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That really your wife? Love her seeing her posted, she’s an absolute 10/10

Yup. I’m a black fag too

His hand.

all the power to ya, I’d wife her for sure.

If she know and enjoys being posted, then you have the perfect woman

My wife has been recognized by metadata before and also by the image itself having clues to where she works. Luckily no one has doxed or contacted her

Where did you post that kept the metadata intact?

I share my wife's pics now and then. I don't show her face and I don't share pics from home. Given her background, it would be rare for someone she or I know to be on Cred Forums, but it's always a possibility. For me, the risk is worth the thrill.

I love it. My wife hadn't had sex before we met (INB4 she's lying - I've had several girls and told her I didn't give a fuck if she'd had guys), so comments about her are pretty awesome.


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Cred Forums didn't always take out the exif info from pics posted here.

They have. Nothings come of it

Don't remember, I've used all the sites in the past, old cfwives, cool, unsee, imig, temp.

an oldfag :D

yeah I recognize her from threads

Yes indeed! Get off my lawn.

I shared an Insta once. She got lots of harassment and turned it private.

Never give sauce unless you're okay with new content drying up.

What kinds of comments do you enjoy most?

I just like it when people ask for more, showing interest, the more interest the better. Even better when they say what they like about her. Not really into WWYD

>posts hogbeast
>She's never been contacted
You don't say...

Anything involving impregnation or her being reluctant. Both of those are not only fantasy topics for us, but likely outcomes of another guy fucking her - which makes it more real and thus more exciting.

My friend says he posts his gf here often but without face, she's absolutely smoking in real life. Kinda drives me nuts not knowing if I've seen her tits and cunt.

sauce on that please?

That's kinda hot. I can see how thinking about your girl getting accidently impregnated would be an insane turn on even though it would be a fucking nightmare if it happened.

I not so secretly hope all of Cred Forums saves Katelyn and faps to her body. And shares her everywhere.

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i know katelyn pretty well. i've come lots to her

Why are they always called Katelyn?

newfag virgin

pretty common name among whores i guess lol

I know two other Katelyns from these threads too, that's at least four then

I share my wife all,the time, even her face. No one has ever recognized her or been able to glean any information about her or me.

People exaggerate the dangers. There really aren’t any.

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That's exactly why it's my favorite comment to hear.

She also has great legs and plenty of guys have told her so. She teaches elementary school often doesn't wear her wedding ring because it gets in the way of art projects. More than once she's been wearing a nice dress at school and a horny dad has propositioned her. So comments about her legs make me think about what those dads would have done with her.

i posted my gf with face early on and was loving the comments and tributes I got.

one day, during my gf's work holiday party, some neckbeard approached me and showed me a screenshot of the thread I shared my gf in. i panicked but he said, dont worry, he wont tell if i show him something from my that i havent shared... or else... so i showed him a vid of my girl giving me a bj.. he said "good. ill be in touch."

so for a good few months, i've been sending him requested content and he tells me that he watches/looks at what i send him while sitting in the cubicle next to her -- even jerked off in that cubicle once... things stopped when my girl got transferred to a different department and neckbeard lost interest.

i haven't shared my girl's face since...

mmm fuck yeah

Those horny dads ever come onto her when their wives were near?

I know of a few other whores named Katelyn, but she’s my favorite. I love fapping to her knowing how mad she would get if she knew. I wish Cred Forums would post tributes to her or the other pics I know are out there, but until then, tell me what you would do to this badass slut

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I wouldn’t say 90%. There’s tons of OC and I’ve been on here looking at share threads for like 2 years

I share my girlfriend off and on. Always feel bad about it and get scared. Have put a lot of effort into getting her pics taken down different places but still get off on sharing her. Idk why it's so addictive to share but it is for me.

She has no clue. She’d be pissed bc she works at a university and it would humiliate her if it got out

A little bit, but all the photos are taken by me or ones she sent me personally and I don’t include face.

It’s a little bit of a thrill because I have a good friend who knows my gf well and I know he’s on here a lot, so that’s always in the back of my mind cause he might recognize her body or or photo background.

For me it’s all about validation and that feels good

Of course. Parent-teacher conferences when my wife was dressed as nice as she could for school were prime time for several of them. The usual MO was for them to be leaving and the dad to have "forgotten something." Wife and kid would walk out, and he'd leave a business card or make a remark about seeing her out of class.

I think my wife tortured them with peeks of her stocking tops sometimes. Only way they'd have been that bold.

I always hope she sees these threads and is reminded that all of the success and fame she’s gotten is because she’s just a whore, good for a wank and nothing else

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It feels good to know other people think she's hot and if they repost her I don't really care

She fantasize about any of them?

Must be good knowing they were prepared to do something risky like that for a chance of putting their dicks in her.

The other way to react is to (threaten to) rat him out to the police and the company for blackmail of course

in hind sight i should have done that... but then, that would mean everyone especially the police and my gf would know that i shared her nudes... might get in trouble for revenge pron or something. while i can say he hacked me but his screenshot were not good for me.

Not any one specifically, but the general scenario is still hot role play for us. I know a few of them from coaching their kids. I've always been tempted to show one of them one of her nudes on my phone and see what they'd do.

Wife would go ballistic, of course, and I enjoy fucking her - so I haven't. Yet.

Police will believe the victim - that is you - in such cases

true... oh well, still managed to dodge a bullet since neckbeard wanted a steady stream of content and not blow up his source of my gf's nudes.

I have a mega composed of an assortment of her, nude, sex and none nude

can I have it?

I shared my wife for years, full exposure, shy of name and real info. She made it to xham and other places. Eventually someone recognized her I guess, and it got back to her and her job. It was a nightmare. Pictures of her cunt spread pretty rapidly after that.

There is sharing a few pics, and then there is full exposure or even begging to repost and spread around. If you do the latter, you're inviting trouble, as people will actually listen to you

Or just anything of her she looks thick

Eventually the thrill of sharing just one or two pics went away. I had to share more to get off. I regret it now, I would 100% change it if I could

I am guessing this is her

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Old dude offered my ex like $50 for nudes when she was working at a bar and promised he wouldn't share them, she told him $200 and he refused. Shame, would have been fun to see if he kept his word since I'm guessing no.

I had one guy post that he knew my wife.....its so anonymous here tho he disappeared before we could chat more

I just know there are a bunch of teenagers draining their balls to her right now.

I used to post my ex here allll the time back in the day, circa 08-10. Even to the point where anons would be like goddamn stop posting her. Anyway, she got recognized once. Somebody used her real name and linked fbook. Said they knew her. I shit an absolute brick and proceeded to fap like there was no tomorrow. Definitely the best fap I’ve ever had in my entire life. Don’t know why but it turned me on so much. I still think about it and wonder who it was but ultimately nothing ever came of it. I continued to post her periodically but I eventually deleted her pics because I was tired of feeling like a degenerate. A few of her pics are on mless but they are kinda hard to find and are just ass pics with no face. I’ve searched yandex before and can’t find her sooo I guess I’m good? Anyway, I won’t lie I still scroll threads on Cred Forums wondering if she’ll pop up.

Same boat man. He screen shot her fb and put it on here. Full name and all. Still jerk like a maniac to it. I would love to know who else recognized her and wh er re her pics ended up

Don't any of you that share without your girlfriend's consent feel horrible about it? I shared a couple non-nude but suggestive pics (with face blurred) with someone once and I vomited afterwards from the guilt. I don't understand how you can love someone and betray their trust by sharing full nude/with face/even just suggestive pictures without their consent.

White knight alert!

I don't share gfs without consent

Uh well I shared because she cheated on me and left me for another dude and I hated her fucking guts and didn’t care if anybody else saw her naked body soooo the guilt wasn’t there at the time. Looking back on it I’m like yeah...probly shouldn’t have done that. But I’m not crying about it. Long as cops don’t come a knockin then fuck it I guess.

You vomited? What a pussy lol

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with putting up a non nude photo with the face blurred

Cuz it's a turn on!

I have thousands of nudes of exes doing the filthiest of things. knowing I could ruin them is all I need.

Hell yea, love playing hockey in their town shes always there in the stands

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Dude...shut the fuck up. You’re probly one of these weirdos who feels guilty looking at a hot chick. Just shut up and go back to your youth choir bible study bullshit.

I've only shared with random dudes on kik, and even then only one guy got face but it was a clothed pic.

the less risky option indeed

no wonder she's a whore she was raised and bred just to be passed around with that ass

forgot link

I want a gf who's into letting me share her nudes, that would be so much fun.

Shared a girl of mine a ton for a year or so before someone spotted her that knew her irl. Posted her wedding pic along with a nude that was up here. Diamonds knowing that someone has her goods. She still doesn't know and it has been 1.5 years or so.

I’ve posted a few of my wife without showing face or identifying marks. Made sure no metadata or exif data. Obviously she knows I take the pictures and I do have her consent to post without showing face if I chose to but I still don’t do it much.

did you ever ask?
If you do it in a sensible manner, and make it clear it's not about cuckoldry, and she doesn't have to reveal face, then she might go for it

Single rn, but I want my next gf to be someone who''s down for degenerate shit like this. But it's not the kind of thing you can easily ask on a date without seeming like a weirdo.

posted my ex for a few years. She cheated on me so no real regrets. Only been recognized twice. First time user even said there was an archive of stuff from her in college but never said anything else, which was a shame because fuck would have loved to see those. Second time was sharing on kik from a state thread. Nothing really spread even though shes shown up in random porn galleries. Really doubt anything will ever come of it

Just ask. It's amazing what turns women on or what they will do to turn you on

My takes the pictures for me. She says that I can do whatever I want with them so long as it doesn't get back to her. It's just nudity. It's not like I'm pimping her out.

If the thought of strangers seeing a digital capture of your wife naked, don't do it. Not a tough concept.

Image search comes back with Noelle Easton. No sauce on the vid.

tranny meth head jared leto looking creature


I shared my long term (now ex) girlfriend of 5 years on here. It was the biggest mistake of my life and cost me nearly everything. I no longer have a girlfriend, I lost my job because my employer was my girlfriend father, my friends mostly ostracized me, police charges were brought against me, I was sued in civil court, and I narrowly avoided prison (I got probation due to having enough money to pay for a good lawyer and my lack of a prior criminal record). My parents now think I'm a weirdo and I hate myself more than words can describe.

you're bullshitting

agreed, story sounds made up entirely.

holy fuck! MOAR!

thanks dude

We dont care cuz we shoot porn and stream alot

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>Posting ass pics of gf
>Multiple anons telling me how hot she is how they wanna see moar, etc.
>Dunno why but I liked the attention
>Shared a pic of her nudes with her face
>Someone recognized her and literally called me out.
>"Hey____ does ____ know you're posting her pics on Cred Forums?"
>Shit myself, delete posts but everything is archived so it doesn't matter.

I could green text how my entire life fell apart after that stupid drunken night but it doesn't matter. Exposing someone without consent is against the law. I had to learn that the hard way.

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Not everywhere, and don't be a drunk asshole or karma will hit you

In most non shithole countries it is

It worries me a little because it would be awkward for friends and family to find out and possibly find pics. Otherwise it’s no big deal because she doesn’t work and the only downside would be slight embarrassment. I’ve found her pics on dating sites and google and everywhere in between. I’m almost surprised she hasn’t been recognized at this point. I think one user might know her but he hasn’t done anything. Only a real asshole would go through the effort of doxing someone they know

Also, she knows I post her, which makes the potential downside much less severe

>punish someone that shared another's person private pictures/videos by sharing their personal information

...Yea, I wonder why people do that.

Anyone want to see if they can find where pics where posted if I share some?

I'm game

Any word on if kik removes data

Archives killed me sharing my gf here so I need more ways


who actually goes through the archives? theres a billion threads

She's fucking beautiful

They are also riddled with spam and pop ups. The archives are pure shit

I’ve never found anything through reverse search on yandex. Why do you guys think so highly of it?

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I don't use kik
Every other person on there is either a cretin or worse a wannabe blackmailer

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I’ve found my wife’s pics all over yandex. Many more hits than google...

You can go through same image trails until you find sauce. Doesn’t take long

Where were you posting that made it pop hot

exclusively on /b, but someone downloaded pics I posted and created a motherless and imgur and Pinterest and on and on. Her shit is everywhere.

that's supposed to be the same girl?


Initially it scared the shit out of me, but nothing has every come of it, so now it is kinda hot knowing there are thousands of guys seeing her naked body

there's really easy ways to avoid that. it takes very little resizing/altering to change an image hash

Yeah its the same girl

Honestly, nobody on Cred Forums does shit anymore. I shared my side piece, initials, then name as a test. Nobody contacted her, and she’s on FB

That takes but dont think I could do it

I give shits, but I don't harass people

I remember the tats from somewhere but cannot place it right now. what was your name on cf?

I actually believe this story.

Want to see my wife get dicked and busted wide so bad. But she is repulsed by the idea of sex with anyone but me. This is what I get for going with a trad wife instead of a basically sound wife but with just a bit of whore in her.

of course you do, samefag

My girl is now like 3rd image page 1 of google images: “yoga ass jiggle”

I guess my work here is done.

My ex was recognized by a couple of anons recently, nothing's bad has come of it


ah, HB of PA

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I've posted quite a few of my wife, sister in law, and some ex's, but NEVER showed their face or any kind of identifying mark (IE tattoos, birthmark, freckles)

Damn! You know this slut? Have more

Ehh. Just telling you that nobody does shit. Five years ago I wouldn’t have dared. Today, it’s not an issue

I have a few odd pics incl some exposure collage somebody made

BG right? Didn't think her titties would look that nice to be honest

Damn. Nice. You gonna share? You fuck her at all??

wtf is wrong with you?

So blandly American it's almost painful.

mine got recognized by her co worker

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not really too worried never show face

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I’ve shared hidden cam footage of various girls I know, the odds are so tiny I don’t see how it’s even a risk really

You holding out or what??

nice one tho :D

I've tried to get guys to turn my girl into a webslut. Not only do I not see her posted ever, but she's never been recognized. Maybe one day. Part of me would love some guy to find out who she is and blackmail her for sex.


Post her now

It's not fun unless someone else posts her.

What’s she look like?

Agreed with that. Much when others are exposing her


Can google it. Most everyone here has seen her. Red Elephant leggings

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she likes being posted so

So does my girl

Holy shit thank you user. I finally have a term for what my fetish is! My wife and I were discussing this the other day...because I’m not an exhibitionist because I don’t like exposing myself in public, but I do enjoy exposing her in public or making her wear revealing clothing or sharing her pics.

Anyone send nudes of their gf/wife to a group chat of friends?

No but I'd like to.

That sounds like a really hot idea


Wife recognized herself in a thread, asked if I shared, I admitted it, she started riding me and telling me what responses she got. Pic related

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Yes on Snap

That’s hot

canadian actually

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Seen some reuploaded to mless, xham, etc. Starts to worry me and I slow down, but repost every now and then. Nice pick me up.

I have one friend that I’ll send my GFs nudes to. I’ve even asked him if he wanted me to face time him while my gf is in the shower and act like I was just taking pics for me. Lol she was spreading her pussy and showing off everything without a clue he was watching. I’ll send him pics and video too while we’re fucking or I’m getting a bj. We do have a reddit where we post nudes but not face.

How the fuck are we supposed to post her in other threads if you won't post her?

I share my gf constantly here because it's a huge turn on

I love to read the comments about what would they do to her

Why? I don't know, just happens and I enjoy it

Never post her face, never been recognized

For sure some of your have her pics, love the fact she has fans

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Yeah how are we going to spread her without pics


I remember fapping to her

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OMG that would be my dream

My gf (pic related)

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So I can find pics I’ve posted on the archives, but I have never seen her reposted anyway, they are just out there.
Realistically, its been months, shes probably just washed over by a wave of 100 other girls right? Is it even possible to get these pics off the archives?

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How do you access auto archives

You can file a DMCA with the archives, or imgur for 4archive
Be careful with that tho, some of the minor archives are run by not so nice people and you'll only draw attention to it and they might want to fuck with you

holy fuck dude that sounds amazing. he send you shit back?

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Nice! Post your favorite pics of her and I gonna try to post something better

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archive . moe is a big one right?

yo homy who dat white bitch
hook a brotha up fαm

there is more than one

I've posted my wife.
Started simple, just tits, then body, then eventually blurred face, then just face and naked body in separate pics. By the end I was posting collages with wedding pics and full unblurred nudes.
Kept telling myself I'd stop, then I'd get horny and push it further and further each time.

Someone recognized her and that gave me the push I needed to stop.
I'm 99% sure I know who it is at least

Posted all the time for the last 2 years, my wife, but recently posted a huge collection of hundreds of pictures and got bored. It's no fun to share her any longer now that literally thousands of people have her whole collection. I don't even get hard and longer, of course that could be because I'm suicidal as fuck right now. She was posted a while ago, many years, on Reddit and was recognized, but just by one person. I don't really care if she finds out though, I'm ready to die anyways.

I continue to do it even though she knows now

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What happened

I'm careful to never show her face and even tho she's a computer engineer and all her colleges ar computer geeks no one has recognised her here. I do know quite a few of them browse Cred Forums tho but I don't think anyone could imagine she's sutch a dirty whore.

I only got a couple saved

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Post a pic

I'm back who wants mega. I dont want to get banned for posting a mega again so..

or they are smart enough to not say shit when you post so that you keep posting

oh i know theres a lot
appreciate the help user

still here, still want

the major ones are,com, same site, different domains, and

She is a bit intimidating so it's possible but unlikely. She whould have heard about it by now from someone.
I really wish they did tho haha

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Yes, my wife is all over those, I have no idea if you can even remove things there

really appreciate it, ill work on getting em off
Pretty deep in there unless you have the actual pic, but technologies gettin better. Would rather me being a horny dumbass a couple times not ruin my life lol
And uses imgur

Damn post more

her being intimidating means that someone who recognized her on a website wouldn't reply and say they knew her? you really are retarded.

What would you like to see?

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happened to me, was the reason I stopped sharing my ex. Used to share pics and vids of her a lot on here, one day about 2-3 years after I started my roommate and best friend (who had already sexted and fucked with my ex several times before since we were in an open relationship) said he was messing around with an old nude of her and decided to google search it for shits and giggles. Up comes a good 3-4 Cred Forums archives where I had uploaded the same nude throughout the years, some with just the pic, some with very detailed explanations that made it irrefutable that I was the OP. My blood went cold as fucking ice, but he's a chill dude and just told me that he wouldn't say a word about it, but to be extremely careful about it. If he ran into it accidentally, so could anyone else. Haven't shared her stuff in over 6 months now.

Na but they would gossip at work and she would find out. You know how geeks are.

I am sure I commented on her asking for more in the past lol
Full frontal - without the face I know I know - always is a good start

Yes but I'm lazy and don't care much, if she ever funds out and hates me I'll just kill myself, it's simple

Let’s see the front

You still here?

Yeah I do post her alot haha you'll probably seen her before

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I do know how geeks are, and they definitely wouldnt, especially if it meant more would be posted. if any of them have witnessed you post, you can bet the have a running folder of her

Uh, post your Kik I guess and I'll send em.

I haven’t seen her before... she is hot

Why tho

She whould know. No doubt haha
Any requests?

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I never share her on here. I share on whisper a lot though. I do get nervous I'll fuck up but I try to be careful. Part of me thinks it would be hot if someone did recognize her. I know that's dumb though

I love pics of pussies filed with toys or fingers or dicks.

Honestly part of the rush

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My wife got recognized twice and it turned out fine, even chatted with one of the guys on discoed for a bit. Her initials and first name were posted once but that’s was it and it kinda put the fear of god in me and I stopped posting her. Was fun while it lasted ha

keep telling yourself that friend. i've seen 2 girls posted on here that I knew over the couple of years of frequenting and I would never ever mention such thing to them. I am in biotech industry with education sourced from cs so there is a high chance I am more 'nerdy' than her cohorts

If you're looking for chat partners, cucklord#5922

You had a fap, and other than that no harm done. This is how it's supposed to be

continual faps*

Half of her work mates have a crush on her so pretty sure someone would white knight. But can't be absolutely sure ofcores.
It be hott if they did tho

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First part 2w0AzC6A!

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She's a really fun girl, dressing up and all

What other archives are there?