Wheres the recession I was promised screeching tranny lovers?

Wheres the recession I was promised screeching tranny lovers?

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Said screeching prevented the orange baboon from replacing the fed chairman and going ham on the interest rates causing said recession. For now. In the meantime he's just another republican adding to the national debt and making tax cuts with no proposals on how to pay for them. Also trying to sneaky Jew Medicaid as a token gesture on paying national debt. There you're all caught up now.

he's spent more in 3 years than any President in US history, and we're not even at war.

he's propping up a false economy.

it receded, mr. president

Democrats never add to the national debt right? Obama almost had the entire debt wiped out by the time he left huh? Your delusional lies are hilarious keep it up snowflake your very entertaining.

>we're not even at war
>at war since 2001

Except Obama.

Nobody except the boogeyman in your head says that and if they did they'd be laughed out by both sides. The fact you have to invent a fictional adversary for your opinions to make sense is sad

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Wheres the Trump losing on a landslide I was promised screeching tranny lovers?

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dont worry you cant fix republitard brains

Started by bush, encouraged by Obama and ending with Trump.

thank the FED

Well to be fair, a war is when you have two armies fighting.

It will never end. The billionaires/elites who run those military contractors made this happen and it's meant to be a never ending siphon of america's wealth into their pockets.

Obama added 8.6 trillion in his 2 terms, trump's added 5.1 trillion so far

>>>No you.

It's almost as if america is getting progressively robbed more and more. Hmmm it's ALMOST AS IF there's a pattern!

Fuck me. When the recession comes, the government will have nothing in terms of monetary or fiscal policy with which to fight it. Trump's smoke and mirrors may have delayed it a tad, but when it comes, it's going to be a doozy with a capital D.

I don't mind. I'm in a position that's as recession-proof as any.


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Unless we have a full crash of the economy, which could happen eventually. You'll need guns, ammo, land, food and water to be recession proof in that case.

>When the recession comes
When, we're waiting.

It won't come untill there's a dem in the whitehouse. Trump's economy has already surpassed everything leftist have said was impossible (including Obama himself).

Nowhere in that guy's post did he say any of those things, or that democrats don't do them. You made stupid assumptions and i told you you were stupid for saying it

The only ones making any more money are businesses, average people are seeing zero change for the better and the deficit is ballooning because of it.

To be fair if businesses don't make money they don't hire and they lay people off.

Canada bent over and spread our cheeks and caught it

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>ending with Trump

Someone didn't read the Afghanistan papers. Did daddy tell you that was fake news too?

>8.6 across 8 years
>+5 across less than 4

Someone struggles with proportional fractions here, and it isn't the Black people this time.

Don't worry, capitalist structures literally can't function without a crash period. Safe to say it will happen within the next 4 years regardless of who is president.

right behind ww3 and trump never getting elected president lol

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Yeah, but they aren't investing in employees or their company assets unless it's a stock buyback. You need to into economy friend.

How do you feel about 538, the only org that predicted a Trump win in 2016, predicting Bernie would win handily against him?

Nice Hicks reference.

you're welcome

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da fuq is rong with u

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it was fake

it was all fake news

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You think Trump can handle all of Mayor Pete's cock up his ass?

>average US tax return fell $700 this year
>tarriffs on nearly half our imported consumeable goods
>we're the laughing stock of the world
>we are now a bottom ranking member in our alliances, not a leader
>we, as a country, are now being excluded from international talks because we keep sending trump's festered cumdumps to represent us with no ability to either do the job or just not fuck it.
>the average adult now needs more than 2-3 jobs or sublet to multiple others to afford "the American dream"

If you need the tv to tell you that your life has gotten worse, you are a fucking imbecile. Recessions arent just economic. Ask the Roman and Byzantine empires.

I'd be ok with some Bern. Youd be surprised how many people voted for trump would consider bernie.

>user is correct
>Just forgot one thing
>Trump is a Banker bought Puppet for Jisrael

lol and it begins , you trumptarts want us to believe that you would vote for Bernie, but in actuality he is the Democrat you could easily defeat lol

>It won't come untill there's a dem in the whitehouse. Trump's economy has already surpassed everything leftist have said was impossible (including Obama himself).
Lol no. It hasn't. Even Trump's biggest boast was bullshit.
>Obama: You can't magically surpass 3% annual growth.
>Trump and his tards: He surpassed 3% growth!
>Everyone paying attention: ...in a single quarter. He has never beaten Obama's best annual GDP growth.

Already have all that. Plus enough ballistic wampum to be well off.

Obama: you can't bring manufacturing jobs back.
Trump brought them back. Not he just needs to get rid of the unions and we will have a bigger boost in the economy.

No, he did not. What mythological country do you live in where the rust belt is suddenly alive and well again?

>Trump brought them back

wtf? Is this post real?

Rust belt is not doing well because of the unions. Here on Texas they are building new plants faster than they can hire people. It is that way all across the South because we have open shop right to work laws.

a couple of the rust belt states are right to work, try again

>>hire people
400 guys with the same SS# named Jesus

And gas.

>Rust belt is not doing well because of the unions.
False. Half are RTW.
>Here on Texas they are building new plants faster than they can hire people.
Lol no. Literally all the big 'they're opening tons of new plants!' news hits for the last two years have turned out to be bullshit that never happened.

Try again liar.

Any day now. Top kek. The left is desperate for it.

Anyone making less than $30,000 a year, Anyone without health insurance, Anyone who feels stuck without a way forward, please listen when I say, this system has made fools of us all. We all know the stick poking us into line is the threat of homelessness. Why not just take the power back by proving we'd be fine at least for a day? We all know the feeling of being stuck inside on a day off before a check comes. We know what it's like to have an empty pantry. Most of all, we know what it's like to feel like our needs aren't being met. The United States has 155,000,000 workers. An 8 hour shift at $15/hr comes to $120 before taxes. Even if your boss thinks they can't afford their workforce’s time for a day, here's a list of people who could single handedly pay literally every worker that amount with money left over: Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, Larry Paige, Larry Ellison (I love that there's two larry's), Narc Suckernerd, Alice Walton, Jim Walton, Sergey Brin, Warren Buffet, Micheal Bloomberg, Steve Balmer, Rob Walton, Charles Koch, Julia Koch, Mackenzie Bezos, Phil Knight, Sheldon Adelson, Micheal Dell, Jacqueline Mars, John Mars, Jim Simmons, Lauren Powell Jobs, Elon Musk, and Rupert Murdoch. Needless to say, your boss can take it up with them. Hell, a lot of you reading this are probably employed by these people. They can't fire us all. If you're on work release, they can't throw you all back in jail at once; although, I'm sure Geo Group would love to try.
The day is only yours if you seize it. If you want to stand up for what you believe in, please, put this in your own words, find your inner courage, and come outside with us. Afterward, return to the status quo if you’d like.

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Recessions under Republican rule occur near the end of the second term, when the scams are finally exposed. So we can easily avoid one in November.

Is it possible to love Trump and Trannies at the same time?

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That would make it alot easier. At keast you could tell enemy from allies.

Trump wants to take away the trannies

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