Ladies and gentlemen, this is your next president

Ladies and gentlemen, this is your next president.

you faggots will bitch and moan that you aren't getting raped by daddy trump anymore, but you will all of a sudden be getting free healthcare and free college and a streamlined government that doesn't just throw billions of dollars at the military.

You're an idiot if you vote for anyone else, and you're an idiot if you don't vote

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Free health care is shit.

I live in New Zealand, we have free health care and you know what. Its fucking filled up with islander fobs who don't want to pay for GP visits for a cough or cold so they go to the hospital.

Waiting lists are long as fuck and district health boards waste any money they get on think tanks and shit like that.

Stick with private health insurance.

Nice bait

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We already have kikes in charge of our government. Bernie is just another brick in the wall.

how's that astroturf taste? private healthcare is great until you get sick, and then you get a fat dick up your ass. we'd rather not have $25,000 car rides anymore, or get charged six figures for out-of-network emergency room visits

Fucker can't even defend a microphone from a little girl, what makes you think he can run a country?

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>i hate black people and jews, so I want to keep living in a military industrial hellhole. "I don't mind that trump hasn't done anything he promised, because at least I can still be racist"

nice b8 m8

As apposed to here....

Get ambulance ride. 60 dollar "donation". don't pay it on time because you're dying in hospital on a 2 year waiting list for a broken leg to be operated on, st johns lodges the debt with debt collectors and they fuck you over.

Orrrrrr. get ambo ride to hospital, they see you have private health insurance, you get your leg sussed immediately and insurance sorts the bills out.

Cred Forums is funny, they love calling people cucks, while they're 90% poor american NEETs that love getting their anuses tickled by a corrupt governement that doesn't give a shit about them

>2 year waiting list for a broken leg

now you're just making things up. are you an idiot or just schizophenic?

I exaggerated for effect faggot.

But free health care here is fucking shit. Go ahead, get your free health care and see how shit it is.

Every time a shit thread like this is made, I put another ten dollars into my travel account. I already have over 9,000 dollars in it. You know what that account's for? I'm a dual-national: Australian AND American. I'm heading there to Burgerstan in November to vote EXCLUSIVELY for Donald fucking Trump. Not that it's needed, of course. #InTheBag2020. But I'm going to laugh my fucking arse off at the DUMB CUNTS who'll have to SUFFER another four fucking YEARS of glorious Emperor Trump ruling over them.

You poor, dumb cunts. I love it.

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your random capitalization makes you sound like trump. is this actually trump making this post?

An 11-year-old girl slowly lost sight while languishing on a waiting list for follow-up treatment.

When she was eventually seen two years and nine months after the first specialist appointment her right eye had been so weakened as to be untreatable.

And this isnt an isolated case, this happens all the time.

But yeah, free health care works aye.

Absolutely correct.


he cant even command a stage, let alone the most powerful country on earth

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Its shitty pasta

>anecdotal evidence is real evidence, goyim

>this happens all the time

yeah, ill take my free healthcare now, and not risk spending more than a new car on surgery, even with good insurance

Bitch, this shit happens in the US too, AND you're forced to pay for the privilege of being fucked over.


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Trump is literally cucked and wants to fuck his daughter

That’s not how that works at all, user.
Though I too love imagining this flawless version of going to the fucking hospital that doesn’t take weeks of waiting for surgeries and sitting around on diminishing painkillers waiting for the appointment only to have it rescheduled 5 times. Oh, but you can go to the ER, there’s never any waiting in the ER. Have you ever even been to a fucking hospital? Waiting around is 99% of the service they provide. Private insurance changes nothing but makes everything 1000x the cost. The only fuckheads who don’t hate it are the insurance companies and their douchenozzle shareholders making record profits every year since blue cross/shield destroyed traditional healthcare and plunged the public into this unethical, immoral bankrupt hellscape of a few pieces of total shit getting rich off everyone else risking dying of easily preventable diseases. Go live in fucking Somalia if you want to be an anarchist.

where do you think the free in free healthcare comes from?

Your taxes brah.

I dont think you know what literally or clucked mean

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your current president lmao

argues like a six-year-old.

you guys are defending this man with well thought out arguments, he can't think of a better burn than making bad puns on someone's name

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You can still go private if you can afford it, though, so you're at least covered regardless of your financial situation.

retard not from the government

OP. user. i hate to tell you this but it only takes 270 votes to make a president, and not one of them is yours. It's called the electoral college, and you should probably look into it before you call me an idiot for not taking part.

that's the idea. if the government was footing the bill, do you think they would allow the rampant overpricing of treatments and drugs?

I mean they spent something like $100 billion on a fighter plane that is barely flying yet, so maybe. but the idea is that they will stop the hospital industry from charging $900 for advil

>She is the worst and a doo doo head!!

>I don't vote, therefore it's not my fault when someone I don't like gets elected

YOU are the problem with the electoral college, not the electorate

fake news libreal

No, I want people to not have healthcare.
MAGA 2020!!!

Fuck your free healthcare and fuck free education.
Trump 2020

yeah same. just don't get sick, idiot

>fuck education

this post right here, gents. this is the one.

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God Trump say education and healthcare bad!!!!

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meanwhile FOXfags jerk their tiny dicks off to the thought of fuel being burned for energy


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imagine having this image saved on your computer

Do you think your vote is actually recognized somewhere? please tell me. what happens with your vote?

nice somalia argument even though its a failed government something you seem to like dick riding

too long, didn't read. GTFO until you can feel the bern

Jesus did you write that or you just a shitty bot?

last I checked I was not a member of the electoral college and my guess is that you aren't either. Your vote does not affect the outcome of the elections. Neither would mine. I choose not to be a part of the circus because it is redundant and frankly kind of offensive to me. You can have your special sticker I don"t want one.

Do you need to take american civics again? If a lot of people vote for one person, the person wins. It's not that hard to wrap your head around.

Therefore I'll be voting for Bernie, and I hope the rest of America will too, because it will lead to the best outcomes for all of us.
Must be tough carrying around that big brain of yours. see above. retake 8th grade civics

dubs win you lose

it requires 270 votes to win an election.

the senate and House of reps make up the electoral college. THEIR votes decide the outcome of the election. I'm sure there are 270 people with more money than you, who can buy those votes. Therefore YOUR vote, is nothing.

miss the old Cred Forums? join based autism shitpost server


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Bernie has talked about abolishing the electoral college. He's the best chance we have to end all this nonsense

He got cucked by a couple of topless bitches at his rally. He's such a spineless pussy... if he can't even stand up to people like that, how is he expected to stand up for our country? Not to mention the dude is one foot in the grave. Soon to be a good Communist.

>any government sponsored welfare is communism

I work in defense and the government pays me 6 figures to sit on my ass all day and pretend I know machine learning algorithms. if I can have money for free, everyone else should too


That would be wonderful if it were possible, but i believe that to be the sole reason he will never win. The billionaires and people with real power rent going to give it up to him. The reality is that the entire election is their game, and a facade to make people feel empowered. And people are convinced that their votes matter, so it will never end.

well don't be a cuck about it. The illuminati won't be able to do anything if he wins in a landslide. Go out and vote and maybe we can make america somewhat cool again

You dont understand what im saying. NOWHERE is YOUR vote counted toward the presidential election. AT ALL. ONLY the ELECTORAL COLLEGE votes COUNT. look it up mang

You cant win by a landslide if it only take 270 votes to win dumbass

Bernie talks about free health care. Bernie talks about free college. Does he talk about forcing the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals to be non-profit? Does he talk about getting rid of insurance companies and having a nationalized insurance system? Bernie is not a fucking socialist. He's a jew arguing for government subsidy programs (corporate welfare) that will make jew dominated industries wealthier with more tax dollars. Bernie is about shuffling money between Goldstein and Pearlman while convincing the sheep they're getting free stuff.

>look it up

okay I did. popular votes count toward electoral college votes, and while it's their choice on who to vote for, that's happened like, less than 5 times ever

69 DUBS this post wins. Bernie will die tomorrow

so how does donny's microdick taste?

nope, bernie will win the election tomorrow, and then again in november

Its always their choice who to vote for. Its true that they usually vote for the majority, but there is no law stating that they are required to. they can be bought and its the number one flaw with our democracy.. imo

are you sure he wont get cucked again by hilary?

dubs vs no dubs
wrong again

I just graduated college recently already in debt about 20k

If Bernie does get elected, does that mean I would get my debt cleared? or at least a portion gone?

Also would it cover lets say I go back to college to get a masters or a higher degree. Would it be less expensive/free???

If it is I might actually go back to school

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fines are imposed in most states for faithless electors. it's a very rare occurrance because of that.

if this post is dubs you die tomorrow

He's talked about forgiveness for loans if you declare bankruptcy. It all depends on how much of his plan he can put into action. Hopefully he'll do it properly and not abuse executive orders like Donny has

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vote for trump if u fuck ur uncle!

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Do you believe that the Electoral College votes are actual people? Do you not understand how the EC votes work? Your individual vote may weigh differently than another's from a different state, but saying that your individual vote doesn't matter in determining the electoral vote is just plain retarded.

can it really be considered abuse just because no one else has done so as much as he has?

That is a really bad argument. You can make the case for price floors being a good way for keeping health care visits low, like if you point to the system in place in Japan, which is half and half basically right now. But to say that you think just cause the government is running it would automatically make it better than the private sector is just an idiotic statement.

It's the same here in Canada. Fucking garbage healthcare. Easily abused by poorfags who aren't even sick. If you actually are sick or need life saving treatment we'll see you in 6 months - or you can just do what everybody with a brain does and go to the US and pay for treatment.

Some Freedomfags don't know how good their system actually is.

Its my dubs. Bernie won't die yet but democrats are getting smashed in November. Can't decide if I want Bernie and have to listen to months of people on both sides who know nothing about socialism arguing about socialism, or Pete Buttigieg and have to listen to months of people arguing about deviancy and homophobia. Kind of want to see Bloomberg win democratic nomination to see if they take it to the streets or roll over and support him.

You realize shit has to get passed right?

The pres doesnt just say shit and it happen like he has the fucking infinity gauntlet.

Bernie has openly said he doesnt expect his healthcare plan to pass. Nothing changes.

We needed Yang. We'll get yang, now or 2024.

Basically, 70 year old people dont know shit about shit. thats the tldr

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I think the underlying problem lies more with Education and Homelessness here than universal health care. For people with employer paid healthcare, its the best system in the world. We already insure a TON of people on Medicare already, and its a bunch of poor nogs who are trying to abuse the system like they do in Canada, UK, NZ. Hospitals are actually losing a shit ton of money and have started denying medicare cause its such a shit system. But Bernie thinks that this problem that we already have with Medicare will fix itself magically if instead of just poor people having it, all people have it.

that gif is only funny cause the maker tried to make it funny

So pretty much everyone will declare bankruptcy on their student loans because people without the foresight to account for loan repayment aren't going to see a downside to bankruptcy.

Republican Federal judges will just cock block his executive orders like the Democratic federal judges are doing now. There's a solid precedence for legislating from the bench now.

You can pass a lot of laws through executive orders, much like Obama abused with DACA, AFA, and basically all of his other policies. The problem with using an executive order rather than going through the house and senate, is that the next president can literally just undo said executive order, which is what Trump did.

1) a socialist will never be president
2) if somehow his bullshit communist ideas are pushed through, then the US is screwed and will collapse within a couple of years.
3) bring on the great revolution and race war.

So you can see clearly for Bernie and are blind to the same problems with Yang?

Sadly, everything Bernie has pitched is a Fairy Tale. We don't have enough tax payer money to fund Medicare for all, let alone do that and forgive all student debt, and subsidize completely new education. The bigger problem is with the pricing for top universities, and the government already giving out student loans like its candy is really just driving up those prices.

you will win for sure pal , time to arm the cows

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