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New thread

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post soles

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Got any of Matilda showing off her tits ?

At first she was a turn off but she’s getting hotter and hotter to me

Anyone with a doll in one piece swimsuits? They’re available from aliexpress, but also decathlon etc erc. Especially the solid ones with thick white linings... hng. This could convince me to go for one...

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I've heard others say the same

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Awesome thanks

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Say what the same ?

Id fuck a zombie loli for sure

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Do you fuck this one or just for pics?

so OP, you told me blonde gets fucked more often,how hard is the upkeep/maintenance of this girls?

I meant to link this post She's not a zombie. She just has scars.

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What’s the name of the model with the big titties ?

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Either way it’s gotten strangely hotter

tbh she kinda freaks me out

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Poor doll

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The best part of The Professional

So what happens if someone finds your doll? I don't even have a sex toy because i don't want someone to find it, lol

it's not hard. just clean them out with long forceps after you use them, oil them at least once a year, powder them when they need it and store them on memory foam or hanging and keep them covered with a blanket

dollhouse168 Bel

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I was the same way, but kind a turn on now. Maybe it’s cause of her slutty outfits though

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you are talking about this one right?

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Yeah her, did you get a custom tits size ?

I fuck my dolls.

thank you
how can you be freaked out by thins?

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Even spider man would shoot some webs to that

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no she is the normal small breast 132cm. they also have a big breast 132 cm if you want some that are bigger

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Id defiantly use her in some horror fantasy lewd shit

The ones you got is pretty good for her size. For her age those would be pretty big on her.

What’s the other size look like?

I’d dress her like the girl from the ring and fuck her

I should have ordered a loli doll instead of Anastasia...

Ewww, what do you think I am, a dollfag? I ain't in no necrophilia

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More hot outfits on her please

How could you not?

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i don't have any pics, you can go look for yourself on hgdoll

big dolls are nice too. i want to get some bigger ones eventually

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Any minidolls? I like the ones in a size range similar to this 65cm one, basically as small as you can get without a usable-sized vagina looking out of place.
Also anywhere besides aliexpress where I can find a minidoll?

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hot af more pls

Not the same forbidden fruit though

i don't have one, but i would like to get one. try dollter

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I like my girls alive and breathing for one thing

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Too bad you wont ever touch one.

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Love when they are looking sexy or showing off their ass or tits and not meaning too

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Got a discord for her ?


Yes this

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you guys are actual pedophiles. kys fags imagine when a cop finds ur dead body surrounded by little girl sex dolls u fucking fag creeps

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How did she get the scars ?

More like this

Too bad you will only fuck plastic girls

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Better than my hand like you.

They are from before I got her.

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Nice ass

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Showing off

I normally not a huge fan of Sasha's body ,I still think she's adorable and LOVE her clothed pics, but never really cared for her body. but DAMN those thighs in this pic.

Now I’m horny for her, got some showing off her ass and pussy?

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That too is too low for a little girl

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I’m exactly same way, wish she had a little bigger tits

Fuck me pls pose

I wish she had bels tits

Now turn around :)

For me it more of the lack of waist indent. I understand why it's like that, it's just not for me. But like I said I still absolutely love her clothed pictures.

you can get her on the 146cm B cup body. i do think Bels breasts are still nicer tho

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Op does a good job with outfits. Bel is also hot in his poses cause her tits are always poking out.

I do wish she had a little bit more of a waist

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Bels are perfect size for a loli with big tits l. Reminds me of the first girls I knew when they were getting tits

Hey Dollguy, are you able to choose a favorite doll out of all the ones you own? I'm probably going to get Bel after this whole Corona thing clears up. I've really been starting to appreciate Sasha more and more lately but I think Bel is still my favorite.

Well, I think Bel looks fantastic naked too.

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Don’t be sad there’s more cum to come

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Bel needs a schoolgirl get up

She loves it.

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Yeah she does, nice cunt too

no i can't really choose a favorite, they are all great in their own ways. you will be happy with whatever one you decide on

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Any vids? Got a discord to chat on?

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I feel like bel would be more fun to buy stuff for cause her chest


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she is a little smaller and easier to move around too, but Sasha is also a lot of fun

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I don’t got the cash but I’d buy bel just because the body

Looks like misty from pokemon

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I think Bel has a hotter face too, Sasha is a pure loli though so it’s hard

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That's fair. I probably wouldn't be able to choose either if I had multiple. At the very least I know you love Bel and I'm sure I will too.

Love the pokies

you can always get both lol

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Excellent outfit op

Got any pokie pics of bel with the big tits?


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Thanx I got many more

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Yeah picture Bel in a top like this

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Not the op, just a doll lover

Bels always poking through

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Also saved lol

Lol nice cuck doll

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Showing off



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Someone get her a bra

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Would dp with you op

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Now those are some sexy poking nipples

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Keep lifting ...


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She looks like she needs some help with that

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well it's getting late and I've been posting for a while now, so I'm going to call it a night

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Thanks goodnight, good pics

One more topless of bel?

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Based , thanks

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Stacked for a loli


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I think she wins

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Perfect to fuck against the wall

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She needs a spanking

Maybe with my dick.

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I would smack her ass with my dick before fucking it

So, this is basically like fucking a dead corpse, right ?


damn i need one of these

hot!!! MOAR!

Catdoll sasha

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You should make full vids and put them on xhamster and pornhub. Be interesting to see how many views they got.

I'm so mad.
I was about to get a brand new doll but because of STUPID BITCH ASS CORONAVIRUS all the doll factories are shut down.

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I've posted clips on pornhub and half were removed for questionable reasons

Anyone see the posts last night? He said 'small but fun...' The doll was literally toddler sized, he had it posed with a nappy then a picture of his cock balls deep and she was on top of him. ?? Smallest doll i've ever seen.

Where did you buy her from?

which doll is the redhead with the freckles

what doll is this?

Where do you people even keep these things? I don't know where I'd even store a child fuck doll.

Do you have trouble bringing these through customs? Does ordering one of these put you on a watchlist?

I really want to fuck one, but I don't want to own one.