Ladies, how big is too big? And where do you draw the line?

Ladies, how big is too big? And where do you draw the line?

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About 9" about. RU set 4 Life?

Imagine looking through hundreds of strangers dick pics to find the right one to rip-off and post to try and convince other strangers you don't have a micropenis...

My girl won’t sleep with me because I’m too big.

Yea man! Imagine that.

my dick is bigger than your dick

Anything more than 7” is too big. I hate the way it feels inside me. Also guys with big dicks are usually bad at sex.

That’s good to hear. I’m sure you do some heavy lifting with it.

My wife says I am too big at 8". Also had exes pretty much say the same thing and I have never been rough. I kinda wish I was the average 6".

I feel you brother.

I've been laughed at for being too small with 8 inches, 6 in girth.

Wish I had an extra 2 on me, fucking sucks

You can tear someone a new arsehole with that one.

Happens to me everytime I bang a porn star.

Man those are size queens. Stay away from them.

Yeah.. Sure..


My Wife feels my 6incher sometimes to much and she pushes me away

I like width over length. I used to fuck a guy with a traffic cone like dick tiny at the top and thicker as you go down. best ride ever

I’ve heard girth is preferred over length.

ITT: virgins

Im 3" and my girl pushes me away when i fuck her hard

Can I see

Lol whatever you say, Partyhat.

Is your girl a goat?

It’s probably because you have bad breath and BO. Nice going champ.

Well, you should probably just go right ahead and kill yourself, then. Nice work, faggot.


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>And where do you draw the line?

Don't pretend you're not pulling your nut sack back between your cheeks and resting your knob on a wash cloth on a kids table

i've heard if she loves him she'll make whatever he has work.

penis size does not determine attractiveness.

the only women that piss and moan about dick size are whores.

not counting micropenises. there's no coming back from that.

Why should I kill myself? How about I give your mum a good dicking instead. She probably needs one after birthing a faggot like you.



it's a penis

it's uncircumcised, so you live in a third world country.

You got me there.


Wise words

you're so large your g/f won't sleep with you. how do you think you're gonna score his mom?

loose weight fegget.

Cause his mom is cheap white trash whose bored of fucking a fire hydrant.

you're asking the wrong questions amigo. there are no women on the internet

so you're willing to fuck that rather than loose weight?

jfc, have some self respect.

Shoo shoo jew

Now you hurt my feelings :( ..!..


Whoo hoo! Big dick thread.

lmao cuck

wise words indeed.
doesn't stop me from wishing my perfectly average cock was a little thicker sometimes. not like it's thin or anything.
every girl i've been with has said i've got a nice dick. one girl said it was the perfect fit (i miss that girl). some girls have said i was bigger than other guys, and i feel kinda bad for those guys because it's not like i'm loaded. i also know girls have been with bigger.
i think i look good in the mirror, too. i'm not insecure, it's just a little wish sometimes.
oh well, i guess that's how some girls feel about their bodies, too.
typing it out makes me feel better.

There really isn't "too big" because vaginas can take some seriously big things and penises just don't get that big. Not every girl likes that but there are tons who do

And the guy has to know how to use it if your really thick you need start with something smaller and if your long just position her butt so your not putting it all inside her. If a girl ever said you were too big she was lying or just doesn't like you

I've honestly had an average size (I think they're average because all the ones people are showing in these pics look big compare to the ones I have) I would like to try a big one, especially since some of the average sizes keeps slipping out a bit