Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As!

As always tits not required but encouraged

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Other urls found in this thread:


These threads are boring. Go away.

Like a trap thread is any better?

Just post your own tits and pussies with annotations, then everyone gets what they want

No thanks. Other girls are free to if they want though

ok, I will wait here patiently

I love you and watch you sleep every night.

tits or gtfo


Must be rather boring

dear boys,
we don't care how big you penis is because on 5.5-6 inches can go in no matter how big you are BUT the main thing is OUR CLITORIS IS ON THE OUTSIDE.
now, act accordingly, pls.

Does straight women feel disgusted by lesbian porn?

Yeah we all know where the clit is, my problem is I don't realise im going too hard on it


Tits or GTFO, cunt.

No thanks

Why are females incapable of being honest? Why is their truth subjective and they only recall past events according to how they feel currently? Why don't they admit it when they aren't interested anymore and instead just find someone else and then convince themselves that they hate you or start fights just to fuck around on you and pathologically tell the other guys that you are "such a big asshole" and the grass is always greener?

Aren't all women bi???

what about 4.5" huh? Do I have hope???

Straight women are actually a major audience for lesbian porn, according to viewership statistics.

Listen young one: you will understand them eventually. They think mostly emotively instead of logically. Neither is better, just different. The second half of your post is just cope, men do that too. It's called spinning plates. It's all about social status, especially in men. If you are single, you are have less relationship capital. You need to have the next lined up and ready before you break it off, preferably in a manner that makes you look preferable.

tl;dr women fundamentally can't grasp even the concept of honor/social status is everything

This! Come on, every femanon should know the drill

Anna,honey.school just let out didn't it? You attention whore.

What are good exercises for a high mileage girl who wants to keep her beef ruffles to a minimum? Should I just embrace labial stretching?

is there a chance I could possibly overdone a clit stimulation using mini bullet to a point it hurts rather than enjoyable?

Why would emotions ever be better than logic? How can anybody ever agree on anything or keep that agreement if either or both parties changes their mind because they "felt like it"? Why do women never say what they mean? Is it because they are never truly held accountable for anything? Is that why they don't have integrity? They don't want female friends because they don't like the competition and they don't want to be called out on their hypocrisy and they know it?


Is the bun still in the oven vchan?

>tfw your foot gf has a new meaty ridge on her right flap
Glad I don't have to out my mouth on that exit wound gash but I worry if pussy germs migrate on the stank trails that dribble down their legs all the day and night lengthened microscopic beadworks of sweat and exuded vaginal materials

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And where does somebody find these "good women"? Do you personally know of any who are available?


Its vchan weirdo

Do you pay attention to the balls?


You need to calm down and put some baby oil on your but. I said neither is better. I have already explained every further question you asked, but I will try to make it clearer.

> Why do women never say what they mean?
"I shouldn't have to spell it out" Is the answer you will get. That's the emotive thinking. Take a night of eating out for example. Instead of just asking, "where do you want to go?" (won't work) you have to name a thousand different places and narrow it down from there. Everything is about something else. You're not really talking about where to eat, (to her), she wants to see you "care enough to find out". Now extrapolate that and apply it to everything. There, you understand women.

for the competition one. Yes, women hate competition, but you could turn it around and say they hate it because they are so hypercompetitive they refuse to not play dirty. Most of the reason women wear makeup, for example, is to compete with other women, not for attention of males.


Who else thinks most of these questions are from girls pretending to be male?

vchan is a proven vaginal creature. anna and the random ones probably are larpers.

>5.5-6 can go in
sweet. thanks femanon. also here's a post from a dick rate thread i skimmed earlier.
it's just nice to hear. i'm perfectly average and i think it looks nice in the mirror and i've gotten lots of complements, but porn can really skew the self image. i've been sticking to lesbian porn lately to avoid the cognitive dissonance.

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Are you near South Gate?


If they want me to?



Eh not very far from it I guess? Wouldnt say too close to it?

ok, that's explain a lot. I suppose we all like boobs for what they are and not because of sexual attraction.

I don't get it. Girls are weird af

Ah yes, let us all take a moment of silence for all of the brave men, valiant warriors who have perished to that abysmal battle known as “where to eat”, their dying screams “JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHERE”, before succumbing to the doghouse, no cunt being had that night


Would you have sex with your father to save his life?

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Ties back to primitive humans. Women were selected for bonding while the men were out hunting. Tribal cohesiveness.

read the rationale male by tomassi
very good post
>It's all about social status
hammer hits right on the head. it only seems unfair because society pounds in your head that men and women are the same, protip:
>Neither is better, just different
holy shit, this is such a good post. i hope that user is setting aside his anger. i've been there, too. it sucks.
i'm still not completely over the fact that no woman will ever love me unconditionally, but it's all the more reason to strive to be a better man. i know any woman i date would have a back up plan, so i will try to have one lined up for myself. it's only fair and it leaves more room for positivity in the relationship instead of letting butthurt get the best of me like it has in the past and totally fuck up a relationship.

Sorry. I love my dad but I think even my dad would just rather die lmfao

>bible, book of genesis, Lott's daughter's fuck him and impregnate themselves with his seed to preserve his legacy

Man... that's some good daughters right there!

i have a question about vagina's.
do you know what causes beefy looking vaginas? is it genetics?
i was with a girl who definitely fucked around a lot and she had some shit going on down there. then more recently i was with a girl who didn't seem the type to sleep around a lot and it looked a little beefy.
i've also been with a plenty of girls who definitely got around and their pussy was pristine.

any insight is welcome, but don't answer if you can't/don't want to. i'm already set that, barring fringe cases, it's probably a dice roll.
i'm not too judgey, but like a woman probably wouldn't date a guy with too small a cock, i wouldn't involve myself seriously with a girl that had a weird vagina unless i really, really liked her.

Thank you for the answer, but the issue I have come across is sadly that the only time women have ever been decent to me (long term) is when I wasn't committed and it was like a revolving door and they knew it. My big pet peeve is when you think you have found the one and they tell you they want a long term commitment and so you give up all other pussy and do the honorable thing, and all the while- as soon as they get bored, they don't actually tell you- they do anything they can to rationalize why they should be entitled to keep you warming the bench but cuck you from any other female while they "find themselves"... It bothers me because I am an oldfag and I hate wasting time being committed for no reason- and all that bullshit about "oh women like older men because they are more successful (money)" just means that women like to use you for money while out with the younger men and it is easier to make you their stepping stone because they know you have less options.

Ever done anal?

And how is the preggo sex going. Are you more or less horny? Does it feel better? What positions work (are they different from before)?


Yes user. A bunch of times and I hated it


>and they got the As!


Great job FAGGOT

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? I am OP and I am a female.
I say they because I obviously invite other females duh

Tits or gtfo you know the rules. No exceptions newfag


Only newfag here is you clearly

tits or gtfo

No thanks.
You can go though

Why do you hate niggers?

How do I not fap until Friday.?

Got date with girl who wants to duck me on Friday. Not had real sex for five years. Desperate to fap now In anticipation but also want to ‘keep my powder dry’

I have my reasons.

Fuck off sage this thread OP is a dumb cunt


Fucking leave newfag. Shes been here since 04. Respect the queen

very insightful. i giggled when you talked about old man balls.
i think i had another question, but i forgot it because i'm in dying need of girl's opinion.
i broke up with a girl about 3-4 years ago because she obviously lost interest. it was a deep relationship (5 years on/off, each time ended because i couldn't control my emotions and she lost interest consequently). in that time, i've gotten my shit together. i've slept with a lot of women, tho i never bothered to try and be in another serious relationship. last month, i crossed a few things of my bucket list (fucked a longtime friend of mine, then milf&creampie) and it only made me think about my ex. i hit her up for the first time in years and she was excited to hang out and we had a fun time.
the thing is, every girl i've ever been with i always ended up thinking about her, every single time no matter how much better they were. i've only gotten better with age, better looking/more fit, better at sex, better clothes, emotional fortitude, etc. i really want to tell her how i feel. there were subtle suggestions she might me open (light cuddling, we were high and she let me feel her up). i don't want to jump right back into a super serious relationship, but i want her.

obviously, i'm set in telling her how i feel sometime soon, but what's your take on the whole thing? i've no trouble getting laid, so rejection isn't going to kill me.

Thanks for bumping my thread user

I mean...how exactly do you even feel?

Lets here them

Eh I've said them enough times.
Plus theres a weird user that gets off on me talking about hating niggers so I'd rather not give him the satisfaction

do you jack off? if so, how often? if not, why? is it weird to stroke your shit while in a relationship in general?

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Ha ha. Good point. Thanks.

kinda bad advice, but that's okay.
look bro, i found i can never get it up really more than once if i'm jerking myself off. if i'm with a woman, lately i've found i can get it up multiple times, which surprised not only myself, but a few girls, too. if you're the type of person that can beat yourself off multiple times a day, i'd say abstain from jerking off. the first time might be super quick, but you'll probably be able to go at least 1-2 more times if she's okay with that.

another question for femanon. what are your thoughts on having sex more than once in a sitting? when i was in high school, i couldn't fuck more than once and kinda felt bad about it, but now in my twenties, i'm finding i can get it up again soon enough if we're both still hanging out in bed. personally, it's made my sex life much more fulfilling. i've even made a girl cum the second time around, which was a huge shocker (and more likely due to her own ability). one time i had a girl get mad at me for wanting to go again.
any input is welcome.


>Vaginal Creature

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I've been here since 2003 also don't know who your talking about but op can post tits or fuck off.


>been here since 03
>don't know who you're talking about.

Sure you have newfag

These threads started popping up 2 years ago maybe never clicked on them now I see why

Nigger here. Can you please tell why you hate us

>New Fag!
>Doesn't know that these threads are as old as Cred Forums is
You have to go back

>thinks shes just from these threads

Nah I'll pass. You're probably just the creepy user trying to get me to talk about it but using new tactics lol
I've said it a lot of the times over the years

Eh just stop. You cant stop a newfag from being a newfag

that i love her and probably won't ever feel like i do with her about anyone else.
honestly, it's kind of a relief knowing that i won't ever place as much importance on any other woman. i think in the future, if i were to be in a serious relationship, i would know it would never really rock my world as much if i went south.
also honestly, i'd totally be okay if we were only together for awhile and got back together later, years apart even. everything in me is telling me to not think this way, but since this anonymous, i'll say she's probably my soul mate.
again ""getting pussy"" isn't generally a problem for me and at middle 20's, i'm definitely not even in my final form. rejection won't really hurt me, but god damn it i want this girl.
honest thoughts only.

Well I mean I di t think it would hurt to tell her.idk if "love" is the word I'd throw out there just yet but maybe just telling her you've always thought about her

Forget about niggers. What kind of people do you hate/like? I mean what qualities do you expect in people


So you never rub one out if your bored and your husband is away?

you gay


Why are girls so awful at picking men?

Hmm. Would you be upset if you found your husband jacked off? I don't remember how it came up, but I told my gf I occasionally crank one out. She didn't get pissed or anything but I kinda got the cold shoulder for awhile. Then again, it's not because I'm super horny or can't wait, just out of plain boredom sometimes, visiting some sketchy site and bang bing boom, done in 2 minutes.

Thanks for sharing tho!


fuck you and your nigger trips



Makes perfect sense and I 100% agree with all you said there.

Hey, user who asked you about circumcision yesterday here. What are your views on religion and are you planning to rise your kid in a religion

Would you ever forgive cheating? And would a kiss or full-blown fucking matter in that case?


Flirting too. It shows intent

Only thots go after bad boys imo it's a pretty immature way of thinking

I dont know about that. Boys with tattoos, a take no shit attitude and charm is hard to resist.
Except if they have no job, no dreams for the future and/or always find themselves in jail.

And I agree once more. You have a solid logical head on your shoulders Vchan!

Thanks for the answers and cya faggot!
t.jacking dude

thanks for the answer, going to a religious school really fucked me up, ended up sheltered and retarded

Im trying to become more normie and dated a couple of women but I get bored mid date because I cant relate to all the bullshit they talk about like celebrities, veganism or unwatchable netflix series. Do you have any advice

Whats your opinion on BBC?


Theres really none to give. You just gotta keep trying till you find a girl that talks about shit that interests you too.


No tits have ever been posted in these threads. You are waisting your time


>just telling her you've always thought about her
is probably what i'm going to go with. love is a pretty obtuse word to throw out after so many years.
i'm also keen to leave out a lot of details. i can't imagine (as much as i'd like to think) a girl is happy to hear how many women her potential partner has been with.
that you haven't posted whether or not you think it would 'work' could be a bad sign if i'm feeling negative. like i said, i've got more importance on not hiding or being afraid of my feelings at this point.
i'm pretty secure lately. it's crazy to say, but i'd probably be alright if we were just friends although i'd definitely keep her at an arms length given the prior feelings. as my values shift with age, i feel it's wrong to cut somebody out that means that much to me, even if the relationship isn't exactly what i want. (italian family values)

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what kind of music?

what dis?




It's what it says it is...

Bitch you have been making these threads almost every day for like 3 or 4 years. There have only been like 2-5 tits ever posted, thats less than 1%. Shut the fuck up. You are just proving me right. Like I said he's waisting his time if he is looking for tits


i don't know how old you are, but gosh dang it, that's not exactly what i wanted to hear. i finally feel like i'm getting good at sex, i don't want to be with a girl that doesn't want to fuck a lot. i will cede that i don't want to have exaggerated sex all the time, so that's fair. that you know how to get yourself off is great.
negatively, i've been in a long term relationship where after awhile, sex boiled down to my least favorite position that made it easiest for her to get off. a lot of that was my fault for being too submissive. it's not like she didn't want me to go to town and have my fun, more that i put too much emphasis on getting her off than enjoying myself. rookie mistake, probably.
at any rate, i could always take a page from my female friends and date someone 6 years younger.

well wait, what's your opinion on that? a couple of my female friends have taken to dating older men (probably with their shit together). personally, i think it's great for them if they're happy. i think it makes a lot of sense, too. i know where i'm at right now and it's not like i've got a lot to offer the world. i.e. i haven't moved out yet, i only recently discovered fulfilling hobbies, only recently got a well paying and fulfilling job.

It doesnt matter the percent.
Theyve been posted before and that's my point

this isn't femanon, but i saved 'em anyway.

Opinion on what really?

Any retard can get a tattoo I dont get it
>no shit attitude
Girls don't want this they want guys who do what they tell them
You can have charm without being a bad boy but you ramn out of ideas

You are an idiot if you believe that was a femanon that posted that in one of these threads. It was a virgin like you that saved the pic (like you) from another thread. Never an actual femanon in these threads posting shit but their stupid ass opinions

We just established tits have been posted before. Sorry the amount isnt too your liking.

>calling user a virgin

Hes not the one raging about not seeing enough tittties lol

younger women dating older men.
i've got a positive view of it. i'm wondering what other women think of it. i could totally see some women demonizing it, or something. then again this isn't high school.

Seriously. Only virgins cry and complain about the lack of tits

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How do you create a sexual situation that forces her to remove her clothes?

Not even going to waste any more of my time arguing with you. You have the same retarded logic as these dumb cunts. Only stupid try to reason with stupid have a good day


Ok goodbye. Have fun in your trap threads

How do I get a woman to wipe my ass?

>"hurrr you guys are stupid because you dont want to see titties as bad as me huuurrr"

Lol sound logic my friend

amazing. i straight up said i knew it wasn't femanon and you still felt the need to make your post. but shame on me for making this post all the same.
there's a country song that goes
>i may be a real bad boy, but darlin' i'm a real good man
if you didn't get an answer from the vocaroo, then as best as i can spell it out: know how to please yourself, stand up for yourself and take care of yourself as well as know how to take care of the things you love and value.
your post shows a rather shallow way of looking at things. see

Slayer or Metallica?


George Michael or Elton John?


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have you ever eaten your mans shit before?

the friend i know is strongly independent. she makes a lot of money and doesn't need a sugar daddy in the traditional sense. she's always liked older guys (since high school, when she was 17 she dated a 23yo) i think for the maturity level. she later dated a dude her age and when they broke up, she lamented his lack of ambition. the dude she's with now is well established, owns his own house, etc, and i totally get it.
i agree wholeheartedly with her line of thinking. i could even see myself in the dude's position when i'm older. i've found lately that nothing turns me on more than a woman who knows what she wants.

you do anal?

I'll never understand what you try to do with these lol

No and I wouldnt

Done it a bunch of times and hated it

serious question whats with girls dating way older guys? its kinda cringy. this girl i know is like 25 and dating a 40 year old. also my cousin was like 27 and dating and almost 40 year old and almost got married untill she ended it shortly after they got engaged. my whole family thought it was a little weird especially because he acted like a child

What drugs have your tried? What's your preferred one if you have one? Have you ever been stuck on some substance?


how do i get my gf to fart on my face

What are 3 things you would want to do if you had 1 year left to live?

Is there a horny phase of pregnancy? Have you found your sex drive is increased when you're having your period?

Is cervix hitting a good thing?

Who are you voting for 2020?




I dont vote

And finally, if heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the “Pearly Gates”?

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Uh, I watched my ex take ten thick inches and cum instantly. All of it fit, after a little wiggling down on it.

Size matters, bigger is better, girth > length.

What's your height and weight I'm guessing 5'6", 174lbs

It does not, cuck


Whatever, man. Tell that to the gushing orgasms that a needledick like you could never, under any circumstances, produce.

Gotta add to that last one tho. I think women can be funny, but I also think women to male humor differ A LOT in general. I know stand-up is a male dominated area and probably a male dominated viewer base as well? Correct me if I'm wrong there. Comedy in itself is a brutal area. You're either funny, have that necessary charisma, or you don't; and finding that out might be hard. Going off just simply Cred Forums and vocaroo, you've cracked me up many times and have a very unique voice. That not saying much.. but if it's something you really long to do, you should give it a go.



Females exist on Cred Forums?

How do different races compare in sex? (If you had said experience)

They have been but mostly for attention.

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Is that Anna femanon dead yet?

Why are you even posting on Cred Forums and how do you even know about this place exactly?

How would you rate yourself?

Can you help me with my homework?

I havent seen her in a while :(



That's why I'm asking cus I'm getting worried i knew she was going through rough stuff

Totally agree about gender centered stuff, it's gets old really really quick. (although I did chuckle when you said "my vagina this or how big of a whore I am bla bla :x) Same with the straight racial stuff, so much of it's played out. White this, black that yadiyadiyada. Then again comedy, humor, is subjective at the end of the day, to an extent. Like I think Eddie Murphy and Dave Chappelle are among the greatest comics to ever walk to the earth, but I can't stand Chris Rock or Louis C.K. Just don't find them funny! Yet they are praised by millions.

At the end of day, doing yourself, like you say, if you got something weird about you, feed off that. Personal weird shit that's happened to you, I don't know, if it's just something relatable to many in some way it's becomes funny. Delivery is huge too! So much shit you gotta be on top of in stand-up it's insane. I wouldn't ever do it! Now I'm rambling too... sorry.

Who are some of your favourite comics tho btw?

Who's anna? I'm a newfag btw feel free to rip on me.

She like arabs with tons of plastic surgery.

Thoughts on vertical or high angle erections?

What's the most gruesome thing that you have ever seen on this site? Also why do you like gore?


Also only funny female comedian I can think of was Joan rivers

2nd part


I'm taking off for the day!!

Bert Kreischer and Mitch Hedberg I love as well. again, Mitch has a different approach too. He shoots off one-liners one after another, but it's fucking hilarious! Something not anyone could just pull off.

I hate the fact that when I think of female comedians Amy Shoemaker pops up in my head - she's horrible. Sarah Silverman has some good sets, but she does a lot of "my vagina" shit tho. There's a southern redhead that I can't think of the name atm that does incest and hillbilly jokes, cheap, but funny nonetheless. :D

Joan was funny in the way she just shit on everyone and didn't give 2 fucks about it.

Anywho, thanks for rambling about comedy lol!

Nighty night don't let the faggits bite!

>im not bi
>yea i grabbed titties
>yea ive made out with my slut friends
Women logic

Hey it's strange but its true.

That's just fun stuff. You never jerked off or sucked a guy friends cock??

Damn I was gonna ask what kind of weeb shit she's watched.

I'm still here but I cant vocaroo and I'm about to go but I used to like a lot of weeb shit back in the day. Today I really only liked AOT and fruits basket has always been my shit but I'm living for the remake

>I'm still here
fuck off fag enabler

are you white?

Yes I am. As white as can be lol
I'm a ginger

Do women like it when I put my cock in their anus without permission?

What about any anime games? I don't know why but I feel like you might be a fan of Persona 3.

miss the old Cred Forums? join based autism shitpost server


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I thought we were rid of this cancer. Ignore this shit nonsense, it's bad for you.

How do I get my women back in the kitchen?

What a 12 year old thing to say...do you think this even offends a woman?

Shes Been here longer than you faggot

How do I force a woman's clothes off?

call you're bluff retard

Shes literally been here since 04 retard