Have you ever walked out of a movies?

Have you ever walked out of a movies?
What was it?
What scene broke you?

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Birds of prey
The movie is fucking traash mate

The last Jedi

Drinking green milk straight from the tiddy

All the time, credit scene always just gets to me.

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I ain't your mate bub.

> pic related
I don't remember if it was a specific scene, but I left after about half an hour.

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Covenant had pretty good music, not that terrible

"Let's land on a strange planet WITHOUT wearing helmets or anything protective." Pretty bad.

I ain't your bub, guy.

You can't complain about realism in a science fiction movie.

well, no, but you would have thought that landing on an entirely alien planet where, as far as the crew know, no human has been before, would warrant a *little* bit of caution and maybe some protective gear?

tremors - left after 20 mins.

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didn't even care about asking for a refund. i was so bored

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Bjork's Dancer in the Dark.
Way too much shaky-cam might have been all right on the small screen but on a big screen it was just a motion sickness inducing mess. It's too bad too, because I actually like Bjork

You missed out on a really good movie

covenant was garbage and damaged the franchise, just like all reboots, remakes and new sequels

i rewatched it some years later and was still disappointed. i at least need more intrigue, like Breach or the one with Robert Redford

In real life sure, but believe it or not it was still science fiction

If u walked out on a movie like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy why would you even GO to a movie named Tinker Tailor Solder Spy? Great flick BTW.

Covenant wasn't garbage.
Was it as good as the original Alien? No
Did it live up to expectations? No
But it doesn't mean it wasn't a decent movie by itself. Definitely better than most.

Tristram Shandy: A Cock and Bull Story
Strange though, as it's filled with decent actors, brilliant dialogue, the cinematography is top notch - I was just so utterly bored and left 30 minutes into it.
Some stories just can't be made into film, it was one meta-gag too many.

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I really wanted to walk out of this one about 20 minutes in. Unfortunately, the idiot I was dating at the time would watch anything with Milla in it so I was stuck.

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Not even naked milla could save that absolute turkey of a flick.

the fucking remake of evil dead
holy shit the gore in that movie
especially the last scene with all the tearing sounds and blood
I had to walk out
idk why I subjected myself to that

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To be fair, I'd rather have people walk out on movies than stay and start fidgeting with phones and whatnot. If you don't want to see the film you payed for, or feel like doing something else, go do it. Don't ruin the film for everyone else.

I almost walked out of the Ghost in the Shell movie
the final battle was just so stupid

they just did that because the script said so
how else would those spores affected the crew if they'd been sensible and geared up before getting out of their spacecraft?

stupid film is still stupid whether it's fiction or not

I ain't your guy, fam.

That thing has to eat loads of dirt. It probably has to contantly shit to get anywhere. Just one long never ending dirt shit. God I wish that was me.

I don't even remember there being nudity. That's how bad this was.

Haven't walked out on a film in the theater, but stopped watching some at home. Or simply fell asleep. Still haven't finished Pearl Harbor for example, without falling asleep. Stuff like that made me pick my movies more carefully.

Not realism, retard. Suspension of disbelief is the issue

It had one good thing, the disposable paper telephone - I liked that idea.
The rest was bland with a big side order of extra bland.

You guys forgetting about alien 3?

i walked out of "a star is born" because i could sense lady gaga's evil influencing me from beyond the screen

World War Z. When the "Zombie" bit a dude just once and then just ran off.

Their function was not to "eat brains" but to spread the contagion, so that zombie did what he had been programmed to, by the pathogene.

Monsters: Dark Continent
WTF was this piece of shit

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Walked out of this one after the rape scene because I knew it'd be all downhill from there.

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The last airbender.

What, did you walk into that expecting it to be good? lmao

Never walked out a movie once. Because I am so shocked, that I want to see how bad it is, or if it gets worse.

Blue Crush, Black Knight
and yes.....

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that's a classic for me and pure nostalgia!

Oldfag here. Remember M. Night Shamalyan's movie The Village, I think it was called? Fucking thing was a rip off of a shitty Twilight Zone episode. At the very end at the "big reveal" I was almost shouting at the screen. No fucking way! No fucking way! This sucks! Standing up and walking out...

Walked out of Tropic Thunder after about 20mins, just couldn’t vibe with the attempts at humour, and being a bit of a historyfag I thought the trivialisation of the Vietnam War was in poor taste.

so you walked out while the credits were rolling on screen? you took quite a stand. did you buy some more milk duds from the concession stand on the way to your car as well?

This piece of utter shit. Complete bollocks, bad acting and not scarey.

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Judge dredd when stalone took his helmet off


This crap movie. When me and my friend bough tickets, we went into the theater, 2 minutes before the movie was to start a movie worker came in, spoke to everyone and said, "this is basically a "B" movie, but it doesn't matter we got you now". we instantly got up and left. watched the movie years later, and i didn't miss anything, leaving was the best option.

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Dubs checked.
Also, yes, I agree, it went from being Judge Dredd to being just another Stalone movie.
So much yelling and idiocy.

The ABC robot was a nice touch though.


Joker. When Joker said "We live in a society"

i feel a restraining order coming your way

Uh...yeah actually.

You gotta get Milk Duds. I'm with ya.

>movie from like 1990
how old are u fag

Years ago I walked out of "The Others". I don't think it was any one scene that broke me, just the overall laziness of the movie.I didn't learn the twist about the kids until years later and was even more disappointed.

The appeal of seeing it in the theater not knowing if it was real made me stay til the end. When I watched it at home I realized how little it stands up.

Click. After he skipped forward a bunch of years i was out of there

I left a fuking drive in because of this shit film.

Yeh, i also have respect for mean angels make up, tho it was stupid to kill off the Angel gang in the first movie. But rover was awesome.

I thought The Others was freaky man. But then I also look at naked pictures of Ciara Horan, so maybe I'm just shallow and easily pleased.

Only time has been mission impossible 3 with my dad when I was a kid, but it wasnt cause of the movie - I puked in the bathroom so we bailed early, one of the few times that fucker was actually nice to me

You all have shit tier taste in movies. Know that. You faggot basement niggers

The Village is fucking awesome

>goes to see comedy based around Vietnam war
>leaves when they joke about Vietnam war

Were you not expecting the remake of a gory movie to be gory?

Just gimme my fuckin catfish and pig brains man. Sheeit.

walked out of tfa when rey uses jedi mind trick. that was the last straw for me since she had 0 training and why in the fuck would anyone just think to do that? it was lazy writing because I think the writers thought people didn't want to see her getting trained, so they made up this shit that "she just knows it". haven't seen any more star wars movies since and won't in the future.

I didnt walk out, but I turned off Parasite halfway through.
The premise was so fucking bad I just couldnt deal with it anymore.

>You all have some taste which may differ from other peoples taste! My taste is good!

Battle LA what a pos

you understand the thread is about walking out of a movie. you think there are plenty of stories of people walking out of good movies?

I ain’t got no fam, bae

I know someone who joined the Marines because of that movie.
Dumbfuck, luckily he injured himself and got out instead of going overseas or some shit.

You misunderstand what trivialising something is, numbnuts.

Good Morning Vietnam is a comedy film with the war as a backdrop, but it doesn’t trivialise the situation. It is possible to make a funny movie but retain respect & dignity for a pretty sombre topic.

I walked out of The Goodfellas
Im a shoe shine boy and didnt appreciate him making fun of my profession!

I would have walked out on Bolero. But my dad was hell-bent on watching Bo Derek take it up the ass.

Absolute garbage movie. Coming from someone who can usually find at least a fraction of enjoyment in stupid action

Were we supposed to walk out of Goodfellas or the Godfather? Go flip your scarf elsewhere.

This. The “inspiring speech” scene in the field was when I decided that $8.25 in sunk costs wasn’t worth another hour of watching Marky Mark trying to give exposition.

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Oddly, because all the actors were doing a fine job, technically it was sound and the timing was solid.
It just lacked something...

never walked out but there were 2 I fell asleep right in the theater,
One was Beverly hills Cop 2
The other was Showgirls.

Wanted to walk out of Jojos rabbit it was pretty bad

A movie about JoJo Siwa getting a rabbit?

>turns movie off before it even switches up its premise and becomes the masterpiece its deservedly praised as being
>the premise was terrible

Spoken like a true retard with no attention span and no taste at all lol

Although I agree the movie was fucking trash, the few scenes of visceral horror were effective. Shame the movie was utter wank

Don't cry for me Argentina. Didn't make it 5 minutes. God awful movie.

Frozen 2 was a pile of shit I really wanted to bail on but my daughters were with me.

I'm saying that if you watched even 2 seconds of the trailer or knew the concept going in, even, you wouldn't have been surprised at all. You expected subtlety and a respectful handling of the material inside a Ben Stiller movie lol and I'm the one with numb nuts. Get a clue about what you're watching and you won't go through life being as disappointed as your parents are, retard

>have to sit through poorfaggot superheroes doing otherworldly things to take over this rich family
>thinking I give one shit about either side of the coin, or any sort of conflict between them once the cat is out of the bag

Boring as all fuck with forgetable characters that nobody gives a shit about.
Both families could have been gassed to death in their home and I still wouldnt have felt anything for them.

It felt like I was watching a childrens Disney preteen show.
What sort of great premise could it have 180ed into that made it so great?

Speed Racer.
I dont know what I was expecting. I walked out of that bad movie.

You're fucking kidding, right? Please never watch a movie ever again in your entire life. You don't deserve to enjoy them when you have this little of an idea of what even makes them good

Yes, that's a totally rational reaction to someone's opinion.

The second x files movie, as soon as I realized it was about Russians and splicing dog heads on humans.

>being this mad about someone's opinion

Kill yourself

Anything with shwarzthniggger is worthy of total rejection.

lmao I'm not going to explain to you what you'd already know if you weren't too stupid to watch past the setup. The more you write the more obvious it is that you watched less and less and don't know what you're even watching in the first place.

>characters are obviously shitty people with questionable morals who do shit things to get what they want
>I didn't even care about them lol

Jesus Christ

Hardcore henry was amazing. Those mad russian dudes did those stunts for real.

>Have you ever walked out of a movies?

I just torrent movies.


I walked out.

Why did he delete though?

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I thought I was going to watch a movie about income inequality and disparity between the rich and the poor.
Instead I got a fantasy superhero movie filled with forgettable characters that no matter what happened isnt going to be impactful.

I just read the summary and its even fucking dumber than I thought it was going to be.

nigga behave, nigga behave

I walked out of Yes Man in about 30 minutes and got my money back.

Was boring af

Torrenting is I'll legal

You paid for this?

I don't believe any one came in and let the crowd know it was a B movie. Rob Zombie CREATES B movies. You don't need to lie Franklin.


100% this

He enjoyed the effort you put in to deep throating him

Lol If either of you knew the first thing about filmmaking you'd know that some basic elements of quality just don't come down to opinion whatsoever. It is not an opinion that Battle LA is a poorly made, poorly written, uninspired, shitty cashgrab garbage tier movie.

This coming from a guy who also enjoys a countless number of movies that are 100% undeniably bad from a technical standpoint, because usually theres a bit of soul to be found. Battle LA is both badly made and completely unenjoyable lmao It isn't even debatable, its absolutely factual that its terrible.
Fact = this movie was poorly made
Opinion = this movie was poorly made, and I enjoyed it

I'm sorry for anyone you've ever roped into a movie night

>Lol I know stuff best, better than alla you. I'm now going to belittle you for not being like me.

Literally working in the industry and you're completely missing the point of what I'm even saying lmao
Trust me, it is a poorly made movie.

About what I'd expect from someone who watched Battle LA and not only didn't burn down their local Blockbuster, but actively defends it online

>I can back my cleverness up with stuff I made up! Also lol to seem more condescending

>Mister Magorium's Wonder Emporium

I fell asleep, then I vomited on myself, then my mum dragged me out

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I was in a theater full of people who were bloodthirsty mad at Mars Attacks. Funny thing is, I liked it when it was on TV but hated the living shit out of it at the theater.

The blind gangrape scene in The Blindness made me cum so hard i didn't get to finish the movie.

Believe whatever you want, but it doesn't invalidate my informed "opinion" and mean the movies on your shelf aren't all absolute garbage tee hee (less condescending)

I wish I was kidding when I say Battle LA was one of the reasons I finally decided to bite the bullet and apply to film school. Along with a few other examples, that shit made me realize literally nothing was stopping me from doing better.

Film school was a waste of time apart from making connections but still, I'm working in the industry and I don't give a fuck if its easier for you to tell yourself I'm lying or not. Watching this movie as an informed person is like a chef watching someone at McDonalds drop a bun on the ground and make the burger anyway.

Looking forward to your next ftfy

How dare you

Give it another shot, really powerful stuff

>blah blah and that's why I'm always right and you're always wrong
also: tl;dr

no, covenant was total garbage

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researching now

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>can't comprehend more than 1 short paragraph at a time
>liked Battle LA

Nothing unexpected here

Walk away from your laptop, faggot.

i bet the user thought interstellar and the martian were groundbreaking and incredibly amazing films as well
when in reality, they were nothing more than pretentious bullshit and an incredible waste of money and time

Holy shit you’re a faggot user

>I can't read so I assume instead

you're looking for the women for food scene, also awesome if you're a cuck

lol you lucky oldfag. Judge Dredd is the funniest fucking mess of cringe I ever seen, I would’ve loved to see that shit in theaters

As soon as they get on the boat, waving death flags.
Seven years old, sit outside the theater for 3 hours while my parents finish the movie.
Fuck you, James Cameron. Terminator is shit, Titanic is shit, Avatar is shit.

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but then how will he torrent shitbird?

what about Demolition Man?

fuck you, the important thing is that u bought a ticket. that film is a fuckin masterpiece

Never walked out because I'm 99% of the time with other people. Given if the movie sucks and it would be rude to walk out, I'll just fall asleep or go say I'm going to the bathroom and chill out with other likeminded people maybe smoking a joint and meet up with others later. It depends on the situtation.
#1 is anything from Felini
#2 star wars, that one put me right to sleep, my grandmother outlasted me on that one.
#3 patriot games
#4+ a lot
That's a cool thing about not going to theatres if I'm watching something alone, I'll just turn it off or change the fucking channel.

You went to see a comedy movie about Vietnam and you left because it was a comedy movie about Vietnam?
user, c’mon man.

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Congrats, you just butchered your chances of having one of the most enjoyable viewing experiences released in years, based only on your own idiot misconceptions

Bruno. I didn’t walk out but a lot of people did. Might’ve been the helicopter dick scene.... or maybe the Asian exercise bike dildo scene

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... that said, I would have walked out of Groundhog Day if I wasn't with a hot chick, I even stayed awake for that one. That movie was fucking horrible.

Can I borrow one of your spare chromosomes for a moment so this can make sense as an argument?

Parents took me to the theaters for fun a long time ago. This was playing and they never heard of it. They don't know what to watch so they ask the ticket lady what's good. She assumes it's a comedy cause Robin Williams is in it. They buy tickets, amd watch. about 45 minues pass and we eventually leave before the movie's over cause we realized it wasn't a comedy.
Older me would've appreciated it, but young me only knew him as a funny actor.

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you are a fucking idiot, friend

a that’s actually a semi-decent movie

Several times.
Teeth - was just a stupid movie left after 30 mins or so
Inception - after about 45 minutes, pure garbage (did finish it later, still garbage)
Star Wars Episode 2 - go fuck yourself.
Joker - 50 mins or something, as soon as he starts the incel bullshit i walked out, way to represent weak minded individuals hollywood
Toy Story 4 - this shit literally enraged me.

After all of the mispronunciations and horrid screen writing, the skipping over of Kyoshi island is what pushed me over the edge.

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you weren't startled anymore?

didn't pay to go see it downloaded it for free, i still let that cunt away with waving his dick around my screen twice maybe 3 times before i turned it off

Oh he "works in the industry" guys! sure you do, bud. The movie wasn't that bad you utter faggot.

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In the theaters i found it funny people were leaving, i enjoyed the movie more as my girls face got madder. I paid for it by having to sit through 50 shades of grey

Aw, insulting me won't change the fact that you can't read.
Go back to the original post that pissed you off so much and re-read it slowly, carefully and take in the meaning.

Not my fault that arrogant git can't read.

I was watching this when I was dating a girl, she couldn't make it either. We started making out and had sex.

Man... shut. the fuck. up.
Its called a plot hole. Obvious writing mistakes are a major factor in shitty movies.

Relying on shaky cam, lame noise that they consider background music, explosions without reason, flashy shit that makes on sense generally shit that makes the movie appeal to the ADHD generation with no attention span.

... said the rapist. By the way are you black?

Another is niggers that can't shut the fuck up, movies not starting at the start time yet putting on 30-45 minutes of commercials first, etc. Theatres are digging their own holes while becoming useless.

>Rise of Skywalker

fucking awful movie. I got about halfway in and just couldn't take it anymore.

>going to a theater
fkn normies
get out

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That was hot tho


I've gotten so fucking sick of every movie having an obvious plot and lame jokes to break up what's supposed to be serious. The acting was awful, the cgi was outdated, and it was just an all around snoozefest.

Something similar happened to me, someone recommend me Trainspotting well my english wasn't good back then so I got The Transporter, it was still ok.

Yes. Inglorious bastards.
After 40 mins of the jewish bullshit i left.


"Robin Williams finest hour"
lol that is funny HOUR get it? lololol

About that shit movie, it's about that the NAZIs were portrayed as being so fucking stupid. They weren't stupid, like near the end at the theatre when the entire high command was there and they had about 5 guards sitting around, that was just plain stupid.

You NIGGERS walk out of good movies, faggot

Ugh, that movie. I didn't walk out on this, but I actually fell asleep halfway in. I only woke up when people started brushing into me as they were leaving.

Anything from robin williams was pathic, naanoo naanoo. I never got the crap from him. George Carlin as well, 100% repetitive boring bullshit.
When they died it was like the world was coming to an end, it didn't.

I got about 10 minutes into it and could see every beat of the movie and how it was gonna play out. My friend Squid and I left

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I walk out of every movie 30 minutes before it ends and go watch another movie.
I usually stay at the movies 8-12 hours just going movie to movie

Batman - The Dark Knight.

The initial scene when i discover that the JOKER was the guy who are killing his mates. Duuuude, I CRIED! HE IS SO EVIL FFS. I leave the theater as soon as i can and never watched this GARBAGE - yeah, that's right: G-A-R-A--G-E - again.

Worst movie of all time, amirite guys?

Cloverfield. I walked out about 15 minutes in because the shaky can was making me severely motion sick. I had to go hang out in the bathroom all pale and sweaty for a while, didn't like though. Never been motion sick from a movie except for that one.

Theater was cool and actually gave me a refund. One of the ushers saw me and asked if I was alright and he asked his manager when I explained what happened.

Didn't puke* though

If I'd been stupid enough to have watched Pearl Harbor in a theatre I would have walked out, luckily I turned it off about 20 minutes in and didn't pay a dime for it. What a load of shit that movie was.


Also, FUCK capcha.

My, what angry little man you are.

Pretty much after the third nigger or shitskin was embedded with the white units.
I stood up, said to my girlfriend, "Blacks didn't fucking fight in the trenches alongside whites in WWI... fucking Jews... I can't watch this shit."
Asian couple in front of me looked up at me in shock, "Enjoy your propaganda," I said and then walked out. GF was a little embarrased.

The Village. Got about halfway and just gave up. Couldn't handle all the nonsense.

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Yes. So I married an ax murder. Absolutely fucking terrible. We loudly told everyone still watching it that they were pathetic.

Me and a number of other people in this thread are laughing at you. Whatever emotions you project are inside yourself lol

You sound like an angry soon to be loner that has always been a loser.

Selling popcorn and mopping the shithouses at the local multiplex means your "literally working in the industry."

No we're laughing at you, numbnuts

found the nigger

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Trips dont lie!

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Star wars 2 or star wars 3. Don't even remember which one it was.
I'm not a hardcore fan. Just the stupid cgi and soulless shit got to me so that when I noticed I want to take a piss, I decided to fuck the whole movie and the friends I was with.
I just left and got drunk.

I'd rather come across as angry to a wanna be, arm chair pseudo-psychiatrist, than appear as a condescending cum guzzling faggot who thinks people give two shits about how he judges a couple sentences they post in an anonymous forum.

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Left when they offered him some pills. I was with my son and I didn't want him to watch a junkie movie.

No its pretty obvious you're a piece of shit

O please stop! You're hurting my fee-fees, I can't take being laughed at by a foot-stomping manlet having a tantrum.

Your girlfriend will do better soon, then it’s forever alone for you. Trannies don’t count.

Everything he does is a shitty twilight zone episode.
And if you didn’t figure the village out in the 1st 5min, you’re retarded.

Didn’t walk out of a movie, but I promised my friend I would smash his TV if Jodie foster meets her dad at the end of contact. He was none too happy with me.

Found the incel.

>so much diversity
>whites(and niggers, lol) killing whites

>sound of hands rubbing

Says the guy who thinks MUH JOOZ are responsible for his problems.

I'm pretty sure this thread in one samefaggot attacking anyone who differs from (((popular opinion)))

My choice is Schindler's List, sure it was great comedy, never laughed harder, but It was too long.

>thinking 1917 was going to be anythig but propaganda

demanding screen shot to prove you are not samefagging

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Found the samefag.

Well this is embarrasing

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No but I was counting the seconds until 1917 was over

What an absolute slog I couldn't wait to leave

I did manage to jerk off to the hostage scene where he forced that chick to suck the guys dick as he took pictures

That movie was totally historically accurate.
I don;t understand why you're so upset?

Someone is angry.

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Only ever left a movie because of diarrhea

You silly faggot.
Neck yourself.

I've blocked these movies from my memory.

The middle two are me, faggot. How are you so surprised that multiple people think you are a piece of shit? It’s no different here than IRL.

lmao dude not everybody on the internet is as unaccomplished as you are. Telling you I work in the industry is hardly unbelievable and we're on an anonymous board where I have no reason to lie to anyone, because it makes no difference to my ego whatsoever. I'm literally a professional sitting here telling you whats up, and you can deny it and ignore that you have 100% shit taste and are only creating a demand for even more shit by pretending it wasn't an affront to film itself, or you can learn something and try to watch movies going forward that aren't made for retard boots with a US flag crammed in their cum hole lol

this thread

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also. the joker was shit.l, walked out on that after the 4th buffalo bill tier "would you fuck me" mirror dance.

also walked out on Spanglish. thought it was going to be funny. ate an eighth of mushrooms and sat there in the theater thinking. fuck this is depressing, imma go make some of those breakfast sandwiches.

Nigger thas what da jokeur does

diarrhea runs in my family

>found the highschool dropout zoomer

quads, checked! You should have had a power puke all over the audience, with the quads.

At the same time this is /b:
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

yeah that fake Gonzo shit was terrible.
decent plot.
it was like the camera man was having a seizure. you know its bad when worldstar hip-hop has better camera operators


mortal kombat annihilation, the scene when they get in those rolling cage things

Vietnam was a cool war, you're just a pussy.
Prolly got PTSD, lol

>while becoming useless

They have been useless for many years, friend

The coolest thing about this movie was how the cybernetic organs looked.

The two saving graces on that movie was that Talisa Soto chick, who was a Bond hottie in License to Kill (?) and that blonde chick, otherwise yeah, it was shit.

stfu faggot. my dad is a Vietnam vet and he loves that movie.

i fought in 4 wars (14 tours as a Marine) in the Middle East and Africa. somebody please make a funny terrorist killin movie

The Dark Knight wasn't capeshit tier movie?

i would have preferred the jungle over the fucking desert that's for sure.
even with all the fucked up stories my dad told me. (he was a tunnel rat)

Battle LA was fucking rad.
Fite me

The Last Air Blender live action, the first scene where Katara opens her mouth, the acting was the worst I have seen, lifeless and stilted, this is the only movie that made me leave a theater out of utter annoyance.

There's that moohammed movie that got people blamed for terrorism made by some California guy who disappeared for some reason. I think that movie didn't fit into the government agenda at the time.
It'll take me a few minutes to remember the name of the movie but there are others, just look it up.

Fuck you man, this movie defines my childhood. The second one even was great. The rest are garbage though and should’ve never been made

Every movie I've seen I've walked out of, I've never been incapacitated during a movie.


Yes it is but because of the whole batman vs HK extradition laws act that wasted 40 minutes literally only because nolan wanted a good city skyline in is movie with batman flying over it so that it looked KiNo

So brave of you to virtue cum all over the vets.

Underrated post

Stop with that bullshit. Just because someone thinks a hollywood sack of shit sucks has nothing to do with vets, get over it. Just because someone is a vet does not mean that they're right all of the time especially concerning hollywood shit.

Fucking dirtbag. Finish the movie and do something right in your life for once.

You done good dad, no telling what that would have done to him

Bullshit, why sit through a sack of shit movie for the sake of it. Doing something stupid for the sake of doing something stupid makes one a nigger.

Nice waste of trips you faggot. It's retarded to call a movie crap when you just don't get it. Not that there is anything so special "to get", it's just made for certain people, not for redditor fags like yourself. It has 0 plot, 0 character development, acting is way over the top, but none of that shit matters, because its just pointless violence and sadistic fun, badass characters and hilarious one-liners. The movie has a cult following for a reason.

I'd rather make a funny marine killing movie. I fucked a jarheads wife while he was in Iraq, she divorced him when he got back. Lol

mom wanted to go see a movie for mothers day, this is what she picked. my whole family protested, but eventually we just decided to give her what she wanted. it was so fucking terrible we all left within 20 minutes. we gave her so much shit after that

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Call a wahhmbulance for this fag.

Shrek 3, it was such a piece of shit. Took my 12 year old sperglord brother to it. We both looked at each other about 20 mins in and bailed. Which is crazy because he's a real Shrek is love type, shrek is life.

That fag doesnt understand the exploitation film genre. Too busy streaming garbage on Netflix

Jurassic World
That movie was so fucking boring and stupid. The premise literally made zero sense. How in the name of FUCK did this park have ZERO plans for a dinosaur escape other than "LOL WE PUT THEM IN CAGE"
They genetically engineered these fuckers. They didn't put any kind of explosive in their brain? Is that so fucking hard?

Dont even get me started on tthe "cell towers going down" bullshit. Oh wow a character needs to make a phone call BUT ITS STATIC. OH NO HOW FUCKING CONVENIENT FOR THE PLOT HAHA SO MUCH TENSION. They didn't even explain why they couldn't make phone calls.

This hunk of shit movie is so unbelievable that it's impossible for anyone with an IQ about 85 to enjoy. Fuck Jurassic World, and fuck anyone who likes it.

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Is it okay to like it if the only thing you enjoyed was Bryce's hot mommy thighs and they're so prevalent that it makes you like the majority of the film?

No. I respect vets but some of them don't realize that just because of that equates to them knowing everything. They seem to run the gamut just like non-vets, some are dumber than a box of rocks and some extremely smart.

It's your mom, don't be a curmudgeon. Just remember that if she's a cool mom like mine was you'll wish that she was there hounding you for a better movie. Leard to think for others and not just for yourself.

>one of the few times that fucker was actually nice to me
i know that feel bruv =/

I wrote that horribly.

It's your mom, don't be a curmudgeon. Just remember that if she's a cool mom like mine was and when she's not there anymore you'll wish that she was there hounding you for a better movie. Learn to think for others and not just for yourself.

Batman & Robin.

It was so bad. I haven't seen the movie since the theater 20ish years ago, but the scene is still tattooed on my brain.

Everyone is at some fundraiser gala, there is a gorilla dancing on stage for some reason, then in busts Dr. Freeze played by mush-mouth Arnold Schwarzenwhatever and a dozen hideously costumed ice goons, and they start wrecking up the place and tossing awful one liners.

Enter Batman & Robin, in battle mode. Bad guys are being knocked over left and right making bowling pin noises when they are knocked to the floor.

Then there is a bad guy shooting some ice gun, standing on a table with a tablecloth. Batman grabs and rips the table cloth off, sending the bad guy flipping in the air, and when he does, the tablecloth being pulled makes a slidw whistle "WHOOOOOP" sound, and I just lost my shit!

I jumped up, incensed like never before, and screamed, "THIS MOVIE IS SHIT, AND IF YOU PEOPLE HAVE ANY DIGNITY, YOU'LL JOIN ME! FUCK THIS MOVIE!"

It was the only movie I ever left before the credits. Holy rusted metal, Batman.

The Producers. Cringy as fuck, couldn't stand it.

Still the record for the most profitable movie ever made

So there is an age limit on being on the internet now....

Fucking snowflake piece of shit.
This age-ism is making the younger generation look like the pussies that we all think you are.

Go read your tranny/blacked threads...youre def not getting any pussy.

Pulp Fiction. When he's shooting up heroin

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intersteller was junk.

>Imagine watching this when born after photo film disappeared

Either weak bait or you're retarded.

Joker was a pile of crap...the scene where he is walking down the steps to that pedofiles music ( tommy tune) was stupid.

Theres a reason why the NFL/NHL/NBA banned that song, now the movie studio uses it?!?!?!

Yeah, I felt like leaving and scoring heroin too during that scene



Kill bill 2. My friends mom realized it's too violent and we walked.

You kids make me feel old

Gary Glitter you dumbass fag. If you want to be ragefag at least get it right.

Great expectorations

The Dark Knight Rises

What pissed me off was the orchestral theme mimicking The Animated Series (loved that show) being used for DKR... that movie sucked way too hard to deserve that score. And the icing on the cake? Talia al-Ghul LITERALLY doing the "cough-gag-wheeze" death straight outta Looney Tunes.


Most of us stayed till the end waiting for this shit show to become an actual movie.

It never did...

Have not finished watching a movie in long time. I have stopped paying to go the movies , since I find most current movies unwatchable.

Some of my highlights are :
Every Avangers movie.
Complete unwatchable trash for mentally disabled viewers. If you liked any Avangers movie or any movies in the same franchise, then you are retarded and should be euthanized.

as soon as the singing starts.
I was with the GF and would have payed to be able to bail...but I had to sit through it. I even thought about going to the loo and setting off the fire alarm to evacuate the building. The movie Cats is a better reason to evacuate a building ,than an actual fire.

Thank you all.

Erhmahgerd! Like Hollywood would NEVER align itself with pedophiles gasp!

Come back later when the NBA, MLB, NFL stops associating and covering for deadbeats and abusers

INCEPTION Gawd what a stupid movie. Everybody is dreaming dreamy dreams in their dreams! Yay. Fuck that movie.

Spoiler alert. Phoenix was certainly molested.

Just wait until you see the sequel, bitch boy

You seem like a real cunt that can't have his own opinion, kind of like one that watches hollywood award shows yet has no direct connection to anything there. You should know, you're a basic sucker.

My last "dreamy dream" was about Patricia Velasquez, the mummy girl!

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kek rekt him


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Sympathy for the Devil
the hundredth iteration of the song

Three times that I can remember:
Men who stare at goats
Madea family funeral

Can’t recall the third so it must not have been memorable

3rd twilight movie. Got dragged into it bcuz double date. I was jolly seeing them all die to only find out it was a vision of what could be. I got up yelled done and walked out. Fucking glittery pedo wolves lio biting dyke whole movie fucking blew. Like my date that night ayyyy

I watched that all the way through but I agree with you.
A really pretentious movie, you mean. Even worse than anything Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez have come up with.

Funny thing just happened regarding this. My internet went out for eleven days last month. No access to entertainment other than a terabyte of porn and TTSS. Nothing else. "Maybe I just remembered it wrong," I thought, "after all, it's got a lot of big names in it. Even Bumbersnatch!"

So now I've watched it all of four and a half times. Much of the confusion, discomfort, and boredom from before have been dissipated because I can follow the plot a bit better now, but there scenes of "deep significance" that I still don't understand. And that's because the producers treated essential plot elements as though they were Easter eggs. Fuck 'em.

Fuck those anons. This movie sucked. Way too much hype for a bore fest.

That was the fourth movie, I believe.

I've rented captain marvel twice and I cant seem to get past the first 20 minutes. I'm so over marvel/DC movies.

>I don't remember if it was a specific scene, but I left after about half an hour.
All the scenes were unmemorable so that's not a surprise.


Man that shits so obviously fake. It's overdone as a joke. You a puss

Nah, this one's the shit. And devils rejects as a sequel makes this all the better to rewatch. When Otis executes that cop, i still get goosebumps

>it was lazy writing because I think the writers thought people didn't want to see her getting trained, so they made up this shit that "she just knows it". haven't seen any more star wars movies since and won't in the future.
Basically the calling card of JJ Abrams and Alex Kurtzman (and also DB Weiss and David Benioff). They have zero clue about actual world building or character development or plot development. They just want a payoff of some sort (some big reveal with no setup, some big flashy action sequence for no reason, some victory with no struggle, some climax with no buildup).

It continued through the next two movies too, and got WAY worse in the last one. Rise of Skywalker, Abrams just threw as much on the screen as possible to confuse audiences into not having enough time to think about all the shit that just didn't fit.

Actually gets even better after that. Lol idiot

never walked out of a movie but did fall asleep.

and yes, i'm that old.

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Actually a great movie. Y'all are stupid.

looks like we found the faggot who will never afford buying a house.

>implying the younger generation has ever cared what the older generation thinks
I bet your parents shit on everything about your generation, you’d think you’d have some self awareness as you get old.

I have never left a film because it was bad. I usually drink or smoke before I see a movie and to be honest I love unintentionally bad movies. They’re funny as fuck.