Can anyone tell me what this is. Ive had it for a couple weeks and it hurts like hell

can anyone tell me what this is. Ive had it for a couple weeks and it hurts like hell

Attached: aaaaaa.jpg (2233x2511, 1.07M)

Space aids.

aka AYYds

fucking looks like space aids bro

oh space aids

you have HPV you dirty bitch. HPV manifests as warts on the hands and feet

Wart, also u got fungus. Clean yo feet better nasty mf

It’s a wart OP. Pressure/time or salicylic acid will get rid of it over a few weeks

it's a plantar wart. Needs to be frozen and then ripped out OR skin needs to be softened so you can rip the wart's core out. enjoy

Planters wart. Hurts to get it burned off with acid. I've had it done, lost feeling in my big toe from nerve damage. It's either that or aids

Why is it green


Just go to a clinic and get it removed. You're fine

Looks like athletes foot like me

a corn

Attached: corn.jpg (464x427, 19K)

just dry hard dead skin layered up. you may know it as calluses. yeah, sometimes they can hurt. make sure you're protecting it with something like socks. that, or get new shoes because the ones you're wearing currently are probably pushing up against your toe, making it like that.

Had exactly that on my foot, used pic related and it went away after a week

Attached: B164FA1D-479B-4708-BA06-930A9B30152B.jpg (750x566, 373K)

ty for the help

its from the camera

yeah i got that exact same brand yesterday, i just wanted to be make sure i got it right

Np user I’ve had multiple warts on my hands/feet. As long as you stay consistent with treatment it should clear up

Alien eggs you are going to be a daddy

>what is a callus
lazy jobless zoomer detected

Space aids, 100%

When you see a brand the company you work for manufacture

That's mildew man. You've got mildew. Cut it off.

Wow, the first case of space aids... here on Cred Forums who would've thought.

Looks like a toe, brah

Should be able to remove it with nail clippers

case of space aids

Looks like maybe a thumb? I’ve had mine since I was born.

It's where the corona virus entered your body

I had something similar, it had roots under skin, went to doctor, cut the roots off, fine now

Literally a plantar wart. You can find plenty of over-the-counter treatments at Walmart. I had a pad that you just replace every two days, and it slowly softened my skin until I was able to dig out the core. Took like a month, but it’s better than burning that shit off or cutting it out.

moar pics plz

its a plantar wart you fucking retard

You have a verruca sir.

Had one of these for almost a decade, until I finally had enough and tore the root out. Hurt like a bitch and bled worse, through 2 bundled up socks. Now i have a hole in my foot.

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