It's halfway to caturday my deeds and you know what this means:

It's halfway to caturday my deeds and you know what this means:
>cats and lolis are mandatory
>crossbreeding is a must
>added marketing workds but threads are just the same
>miku bot is best bot
>pika pika~mew
>16 lolicatpower purrque
>hellcats contains cats from hell
>please buy a NISSAN

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Other urls found in this thread:

And the official seal of approval is here.

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Yay its this thread again
Thank OP, i keep coming to Cred Forums only for your threads uwu

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I've seen you around here recently.
How are you doing today? How is your life. Why do you enjoy these threads?

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I'm doing decently
I'd rather not talk about my life at this point
These threads are pure, nothing like other loli threads

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Well these threads are pure because they're based mostly around the same 2-3 people. That's why shitstorms never occur between us. Raids from the other loli threads and yellow guys still occur sometimes.

It's fine, not wanting to talk about your life. It was just a conversation starter.


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You were late last night, I saw your posts when I woke up this morning

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Heyaaa :3
Gonna post little to none for the next 15 mins.
Eating something. Welcome back.

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I am eating raspberry yogurt, nom nom nom

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Depends on our timezones
+2 here

Sorry i forgot to post a neko

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Oh I meant more that we had already gone to sleep by that time XD

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I am... GMT-5, so its 1:50pm atm

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Timezone can be a pain in the ass sometimes.
But cat lolis are never a pain

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Okay. Pain and suffering it is then.

Woo woo ^_^

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No pain, only beats!

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Ohh. I went through the lyrics of that song, and that's what I felt... Sowwy.

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There are lyrics to beats?!

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Always... also mofumofu

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I'm in heat, anyone wanna pounce with me? ^.^

Attached: Lewdness2.png (1365x873, 1.39M) also can't get this out of my head and dancing kitsune tails out of rice cookers.

Bring the water woo~woo!
user still didn't replace the thermal compound.

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Senko was a pure comfort show, I loved the ending parts when she addresses the audience, I just want a Senko to love me... ;A;

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Who do I need to spray down?

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Ending part made me tear up.
Also cat roommate was the best slice of life.

every kitten that's getting overheated

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I've actually not watched cat roommate, but I'll put it on the to watch list! And yeah, some of those endings really pull at your heartstrings. and I can sypathize with the mc... if more people had a Senko there would be a lot less hate and suicide I'd venture

I'm going to have to make a "spray bottle" folder to deal with all the steamy kittehs...

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That sure would be a permanent solution to a everlasting problem. But we can still dream. Senko lives in our kokoro.

Literally this channel is disco cat and the tracks are called purrfection disco

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Also cat roommate is a absolutely new take on the personification of animals. It's like a cat loli, but it's a cat, with an inner loli voice while being only a cat.

Episodes are split in 2 parts. The first part is usually what happens irl, and the 2nd part is how cat sees things. And it's really accurate. Also the story of the human mc is really relatable. Also the anime points out until the end how cats are importanter than humans.

OP is also awesome

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That premise makes me think of this...

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As funny as that is, the human mc is too gone for. The cat actually helps him to get back on track. Kinda' like senko, but the cat is actually a cat.

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Okay, I'll definitely check it out

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Damn. I laughed for a good 5 minutes. koko~woo~woo!

Also this is what happens when an official AMV is better than the whole anime movie.

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I'm kinda in love the music, story, and art in Somali and the Forest Spirit rn. Its wholesome, but in a different way to Senko

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I like dumb songs too XD

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When the male voice started I just felt this other song from Lain. Hmm interesting graphics... I'm going to look into it later on.

Welp. Who doesn't lol.

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Always and forever woo~woo!

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Its a slow-burn story, kinda Like Spice and Wolf was but I'm loving what they are doing so far

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Ohh so it's still ongoing. Cool. I'm going to wait for it to complete so I can start it

Also one of the best ED's ever


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Another amazing story that people berated for the "lewdness" before even actually watching the show. CLAMP works are all pretty much on point

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I never heard anyone actually calling the chobits show a lewd show before. The story was good but it had a lot of flaws, but they were easily ignored.

And here is another one that kept me through a shit load of mixed feeling the whole show, and then ended on a kinda' hang, but not quite.

Puru~puru~pururin and then mass suicide. Wat?

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I'm genuinely afraid of you guys

Oh? I remember anime boards back in the day going apeshit calling it pedo shit etc.

N.H.K hits a little close to home, but it was still a great story and the character development was believable to an extent. Its one of the manga collections I am happy I got my hands on

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But why tho?

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Also all that talk about spice and wold and this was not posted yet. I'm disappointed woo~woo

Why though? Livers only go missing sometimes, but it's fine.

Exactly the same. It hits a little too close to home. But when the whole suicide shit went down... that was dang.

Also that whole "imma hit ya" scenario on the beach. Rage was ensured there.

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That cutesy kawaii behavior makes me feel unsafe.

Of all the places to not feel save on Cred Forums, its here? The only risk here is you might lose a liver to a kitsune

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Can relate. A huge dose of weebfurry like ITT can scare anyone.

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Well that's how I am usually. It's not cutesy... it's just comfy... chat about things and stuff. And music, and good vibes.

Even if it is was a little overrated the song is still awesome

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I'm alright with Re:Zero, in the issekai genre its one of the tops. But nothing beats Konosuba!

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Tfw you've seen all good animes

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mandatory post

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Will I go to heaven then?

Well for me re:zero still stays on top. followed by konosuba. that shiled hero had potential but blew it hard as fuck and slime was... something confy but far away from an actually good isekai.

Also just remember:

Let's hope good ones keep on sprouting.

graph is incomplete.

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tbh, I feel there has been a marked uptick in good anime in the last 2-ish years compared to the early-mid 2010's. Some of the best ever are from 90's- early 2000's imho

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Only without a liver

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> I Fry Sausage~!
jfc... now I cannot unhear

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Deal. Where can I find a fox to eat me?

I couldn't really get into Shield Hero or Slime either, and I gave both a good shot. One I did like that isn't super popular is Log Horizon

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An amazing live performance of Bad Apple:

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>never the same again

The foxes find you.

I only was around the mainstream isekais. Not quite my genre.

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Yeah. But to be honest that song deserves more metal... like a ton of metal... and magnets and stuff. It's kinda' deep tbh.

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Issekai is a flooded market now and there are so many mediocre-at-best ones out there. I also enjoyed Overlord. Issekai Quartet is fun to watch too. And the bookworm issekai is one on my list to watch

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Sounds like fun.

tbh, there as so many good covers of Bad Apple! Thats another song i've listened to the 10hr version though to the end.

I'm a fan of basically all the touhou music, even if I'm terrible at the games. When I worked in the warehouse for 8 years I set up a legit sound system to blast Alstromeria Records. used to get all sorts of weird looks, but idgaf, I wear my weeb-ness with pride

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Idk. Like I said, I'm not into that whole isekai genere. I'm more into... slices of life, romance.

Kobato was a comfy one ... a cute comfy one. A heart melting experience if you have the patience for things to go extremely slow.

No doubt about that. I also suck at them big time.

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I'm pretty broad in terms of what I like. I give most anime a chance, and I can respect good anime even if they don't resonate with me. Issekai work for me because I love the escapist fantasy, but I'd probably say Slice of Life is the one I watch the most of. I'm a big fan of Toradora! and Midori Days. CLAMP works are always a good choice too

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What an absolutely shit loli thread
Just go jurk eachother off fags

Also, I might not have enjoyed Shield Hero, but the OP is a good on as well

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Hello! I think you were looking for this thread:

I like your tastes. And I'm sure that you can't deny that measuring the speed of falling sakura flowers is a piece of art and a total heartbreak.

Agreed. Pretty disappointed when they got it replaced.

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Nowhere near as good, but Kimi ga Nozomu Eien was painful to watch

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To be honest I can't remember that anime that much. I know I watched it. But I can only put Saikano over that.
>imagine having a totally slow gf, always sick and always disappointing you be the weapon that destroy the world and only protects you.
Just like with elfen lied, the anime made me read the whole manga. both endings were heart crushing.

Attached: saikano[1].jpg (900x453, 173K)

I don't think I've watched this one actually.

Elfen Lied is another one of those anime which caused a shitstorm in the anime community. But definitely the manga was better.

I obviously enjoyed Love is War as well

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The manga was better because it was more graphic and ... actually ended the story. I loved it.

Love is war seemed interesting but I coudn't stand the pacing and the "internalized" struggle.

I was once on a masochistic trip to find that one anime that would bring me down on my knees. And I found a cutesy anime called Clannad. It was funny, it was cute, it has lolis, it has even smol lolis, and wholesome as fuck.
People warned me not to go to the after stories... and I didn't listen. I was crushed, played with, and stumped on like a maggot until nothing was left out of my heart.

This song still haunts me.

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I can't handle anime which like to toy with and break my heart anymore. Thats a good way to put it though, "masochistic"

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Live "rock" version:

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17 teen sluts links top..

Fucking pedophiles

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Well, even if I'd like more masochism, I can't find anymore. I've literally watched them all.

Good one. I love it

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The only track to really stand out to me is Flower dance.

Also the plot holes only made it worse for the heart in the end.

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Not in the same genre, but Chrono Crusade ended on a bitter-sweet note.

I don't mind most of Okawari's and Nujabes' Work

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> And not only

It's impressive how almost no lewding occurs in these threads.

Just comfy lolis, chatting, and music here!

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To be honest I watched the anime a long time ago. I only remember how they were dead holding hands. Not quite bitter sweet if you ask me but I base that only of my crappy memory. I know it was full of good action though.

Well, there are a max of 3 people actually posting who agreed on non lewds. That's why they don't occur. We can only hope more people would jump in this hype thread.

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She waited years for him to return and he came back just in time for her to die in his arms... The ending is different between the manga/anime though

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Ooooohhhh fuck. Now I remember a little more. One of them, i think him was a some kind of demon and in the end he leaves because he was hurting her or something. Am I right?

Also I didn't actually get the manga. What's the difference?

Also adding lolis doing magic

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Yeah, they were linked, and he needed to kill his brother and couldn't take her with. I forget what the difference was, but I know the manga ended better as per usual

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But now that I can remember parts of it, I still don't remember why he'd die if he was a demon. Fuuuck my memory.

>captcha is trying to get me to be a busphille ... I did ~6 bus captchas to get this post up

And of course I'd forget the fucking picture.

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Good channel!

Yeah, I should probably go back and re-read it, but I think the only way he was able to manifest his powers was by tapping into her life-force through the stop-watch. I think she bound herself to him when she found him dying near the beginning of the manga.

Like it or not, Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt had a pretty damn good soundtrack!

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Uhm. It did. Because, correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it mostly made by DAOKO? Or am I confusing stuff.

I don't like re-reading or re-watching good stuff... Because even if right now I'm dumb stupid and don't remember shit, starting re-watching brings back the memories, and then I remember everything. And I actually spoil myself before finishing it.

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I have no idea, but I enjoyed the show and the soundtrack.

I don't mind revisiting good stuff. I'm kinda bad like that even with videogames. I have ~10 games I'll replay over and over just because I love the world/gameplay it provides. But you are right, it is kinda like self-spoiling. I would love to be able to wipe my knowledge of some things just to be able to experience it with fresh eyes again. I absolutely love Subnautica but once you clear it once it can't really catch you by surprise anymore

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I bet you can't ignore the video and the tune

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Wataten was a comfy watch also. The girls are just so pure.

I forget the name, but there was this anime a few years back about a guy having to adopt three lolis of different ages. I like loli anime which are warm. Uzu-maid was pretty awwright as well

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The captchas are becoming more and more autistic. Doing everything the right way > try again. FUUUUU!

Some games are actually re playable as hell. I always love to replay old games, because I tend to change my playthrough.
>the vid is heartwarming

I didn't get to watch pure loli animes. The only loli anime, that actually involved loli in description or title was a heartbreaking story about lolis with special powers being raised to fight a war for the oldfags. Dang. I can't remember the name

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>A-am I robot?!
Captchas are stupid. Doing work for free while getting told you are wrong just to post. Fucking trash.

I'm terrible because I tend to optimize runs/playthroughs and any time I revisit... well, I already know the best approach soo...

What games do you like?

When it comes to anime, I want to watch things that make me feel warm and fuzzy or lets me jump into an escapist fantasy nowadays. But I don't think theres a genre I don't watch at all, except maybe sports anime... Unless you include Keijo

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And you vid is exactly why I love watching anime with lolis. They just make things that much more enjoyable. Just cute girls doing cute things warms my heart and makes each day a little more enjoyable

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i eat beans! fear me!

ikr. too bad elon's not in charge of google. we would only have captchas with aliens, robots, space and cat girls.

I'm mostly into story driven games or strategy

Check out this vibe

And yes. That's right. The innocence is almost overwhelming. And that's because we lost ours a long time ago. I think...

farty pantsu

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Spray the stinky~!

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Also you seem not to know about DAOKO... here is DAOKO. And I'll post my fav song from her a little later.

Lol you actually found lolis using spray bottles.

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i ran out of beans! give me beans or i eat lolis!

I mean, after the first 100 captchas i do from an IP... You'd think they'd figure I am not, in fact, a robot.

Elon-san best be working towards catgirls...

I play a lot a sim/building games which are tangentially strategy-based imho. Old Final Fantasy games are also nice, Bravely Default as well. Nowadays its mostly indie titles since AAA-gaming is just.. meh.

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Well I'm not quite a gamer. I just have an old xbox where I rock some extremely old games. And that's it.

And here is the greatest track (in my opinion) by DAOKO.

Didn't you find some a few days ago in a dumpster or something? Maybe search for more?

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Did you get to go grocery shopping yet?

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There aren't many, but I got a few for situations that call for it

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I used to be more of one, and ironically the only consoles modern I have never owned are the xbox-series. I still like playing city builders since its a great way to just relax and unwind.

If the thread stays alive I'll be back after dinner

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That's the spirit. It's like we are preparing for actually daily threads like these.

Well. Idk about the new ones. Mine is modded and I can play burned dvd's. But it's a pain in the ass. every 6 months I have to buy the most expensive thermal compound to keep it from overheating. It's a pain because the disassembly is hard as fuck. But it does it's job.

I hope it stays. I can't dump because autismo captcha, and I hope other anons will join the chat.

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Other thread is about to cap...

I had to open up and repair my old nes, but thats a joke to take apart and put back together.

If not every day, at least once and a while. it's a nice change to the loli-generals.

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no! there was no beans in the dumpster! i think i found them all!
no! i cant as im poor! im also short of rent for this month!

only eating lolis can satisfy my hunger now! fear me!

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If you were in my part of the world I'd offer you home-made bolognese

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your renbts is due

yeah. but the larping is killing my vibe tbh.
that's what's killing loli generals for me... not the actual content being posted, but the posters themselves. literally acting like whores.

not all of them do it tho, the best examples are here.

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stroke nya?

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Would be nice if people could just chat civilly

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Always. Until you add to the ecuation the edgelords and the actual pedos.

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thank you. think i will stop larping today, just too hungry and cold and tired. just got fired recently, cant find a job fast enough. worrying about rent and food sucks.

Well at least you still have internet. Just sell something until you can find a compromise job. Stay strong dude... It will get better.

You must have things that you can sell right away to keep the hunger away.

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yea think i will sell some stuff for rent money. i still got food but im rationing it just in case.

The most important thing is not to panic.

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What's a deed?

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Meh. Being dumb is fun sometimes too. I think everyone here could tell a pretty bad tale about there current situation. Whether its larping, or just coping with shit, I don't see the harm.

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Ur a deed

wb deed. I stopped listening to music since my ears now hurt like hell.

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i will remember that. thank you.
yea everyone has their own battles. but larping as a loli eater seems to receive quite a bad reception. i will larp as something else, this is a cozy bread and i dont wanna make anyone mad.

it's okay. your sins are being forgotten

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this really is a wholesome community. its the 1st time i said that and i cant believe its for a loli thread. but it truly is.

And you're welcomed here anytime you want.

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thank you. i accidentally fell asleep. think i will be going for a nap now. hopefully i wont miss these threads when i get back.

these threads exist only in a specific time of the day when I'm awake.
Take care, take it slow, don't panic and good luck!

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This where the cool kids hang?


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My bad, I ain't cool enough.

but why not?


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I'm a Chinatsu fan, sorry.

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I don't know really. Society tells me I'm not cool I guess.

>Society tells me I'm not cool I guess.
How about not listening to the society and actually use a god damn thermometer.

The quickest route to be cool is to offer your liver to the kitsune lolis and wait for body temperature to drop until room temperature cool.

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hw do i noe if i got corona?

Are you dead and cool?

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no. but i kept coughing since ytd.

Ohh. Than you might die and be cool in the future. Off to the heavens with you.

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Good night everyone. Remember to stay safe, stay strong and rock on. See you tomorrow! I love you all!

>this thread was up for 9h and 16m

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>Good night
its like noon here in South East Asia


Good night~

did I miss the thread?

By a hair