How do you guys deal with rejection?

How do you guys deal with rejection?

this is probably the 20th rejection this year for me so far. Should I just kill myself?

Im 28 and never had sex for free btw

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Work out and try next year

Protip: Ask them out in person

bullshit, self esteem is everything, don't need no muscles

this, except don't work out and try getting out there again immediately.

m8 girls do not want men they know they can easily get. they want a challenge and from that text, you seem like you give your time away easily.

Move on, retard.

Why would you say "lol" after saying you're delaying dating for a career...why is that funny?

Why the fuck are you asking people out when you havent even talked to them before

OP, probably don't use the smiley face next time.

You gotta somehow gain confidence.

I recommend mushrooms for better self-assessment.

Stop trying and just focus on yourself for a while. Confidence and self esteem are one of the first things women will notice.

I work out everyday

that's her message, mine's the first one

we spoke on bumble for a couple weeks then moved to instagram

But self esteem is often a side-effect of getting in shape.

get looksmaxxing faggot

You might be too needy dude. Its usually a side effect of something else being awry in your life.

When she said she wanted to work on her career, you should have said, "OK, I'll give you $100 for a quick fuck."

Easy, don't go on dates

OP rape is part of a biological and evolutionary succession for animals like you.

When we are alone, we reflect.
When we reflect, we start to overthink.
When we overthink, something like a rejection can become much, much bigger than it is.

To answer your question;
Best way to deal with rejection, is to not sit home alone and overthink it.

Go for a walk, socialize with friends or family, work out, whatever it takes to take your mind off it.

Confidence and self-esteem. Go to a gym, dancing or swimming. Focus on your hobbies and just do something good for yourself. That boosts your confidence and self-esteem ;) You know, rejection is an important part to force you to DO SOMETHING. You won't get results from no effort. Just be busy and good at something. People like to compete for something hard to get. Women aren't an exception

Self esteem a lot of it but being in shape makes it too easy in a lot of ways. Go to a popular gym around you where wemon are and get in shape. Are you funny? Do you live alone? Have a newer or nice car? Identify the variables wemon don't like about you and build on them.

show a pic of yourself op

print a large poster of pic related.
put it in your room in the point you see when you open your eyes when you wake up

also get a good job, get fit, get debtless, own a house and a pretty car, and females will flock at you.
>and then, just turn the non-virgins down

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Yo she said she's focusing on career man ...

Here you go. Don't roast me too much.

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Bitches love smiley faces

What does your body type look like op?

I really want to help you because I have been in this situation before.

I am as you call, below average but luckily not considered disgusting or unattractive because that will really make your intimate life difficult. I found this out by asking strangers on the internet.

After high school, i developed a sex drive and often awkwardly was really nice to girls in college and I honestly was just interested in a fuck. It never worked out, got the same shit as you and they always fucked chadsworth or tyrone and eventually it broke me after i used tinder so i stopped trying and just didn't care. Even tried to settle for a relationship at one point but you know the works, shes grown a bf, not looking to date but really they mean fuck off ugly.

So anyway, since i didn't give a shit i had nothing to lose. I wasn't actively expecting anything so i wasn't nice, clingy or emotionally manipulative like some guys try on when they want pussy. Met some girl at work who was dead nice to me, thought nothing of it so i was polite back. We talked everyday about music, work deadlines, social life and bf/gf and eventually she asked me for a drink and it just sort of progressed into a relationship because of my attitude.

Not a happy ending though, we dated 2 years had lots of sex. Now im single because she wanted to move to Edinburgh from manchester to live with her mother because she was struggling financially and refused my help.

Thats how life goes, but hey.. maybe she was really going to fuck tyrone. But tbh i dont care to even investigate.

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focus on your career-

I should have done that as well. I was pretty when I was young and I thought it could go on forever. Now I'm 33 and I live a lonly life working and sleeping.
Save yourself from this, and try to be happy otherwise. Looks are an illusion, happiness is not bound to the love of others. Learn to be selfish enough to not give a fuck about anything that stands in your way to I don't know where.

Don't you do the Nintendo switch commercials?

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do you mean pic rel8 ?

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If she rejects, gives no sex, or over expects, then it's on to the next.