To all the Cred Forums fags out there - I hope something nice happens to you. You deserve to be happy too

To all the Cred Forums fags out there - I hope something nice happens to you. You deserve to be happy too.

To anyone out there still reading:
Any anons with too much money want to make a depressed girl happy? Animal Crossing coming out next month and I can't afford a Switch.
I'm not getting my hopes up, but just wanted to try.

Thank you for you attention and have a nice day!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Sent :)

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Thank you for taking the time to read and reply at least! I appreciate it.

You're way too pleasant for this site lmao.

What would you name your island/town?

Get fucked by a dog

time stamp and tits you fuckin idiot.

Time stamp, please

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I'm sure there's lots of pleasant people on here! Just can't let it show much, because well. It's not tolerated well, hah.

Have tried but did not succeed. Not even dogs want to fuck me!

I know, I know. I thought I might try without first.

There you go.

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That's fair. How short are you for the switch?

dude just sell shit on ebay, beggin on Cred Forums is sub bottom of the barrel

Pretty much all the way. If I tried real hard I could probably get a hundred together for it.

I'm a sub bottom person, so I guess it fits. I don't really have much to sell either way, unless you mean worn panties and stuff like that?

work the street like any other honest working whore.

First you appeal to me as an AC fan, now you're appealing to my dick. God dammit.

>O-OP wh-what ar-are yo-you d-doin-ing?

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Yes, sir. I guess that's the way to go from here. Any takers?

just start selling nudes maybe you'll make money that way if u got no other option, OP

Thanks, you too :)
Sorry but try other games. Try free games. It might not be what you expect it to be.

Living life on tutorial mode huh

Yes, sir. That's the way to go from here, I guess.

Aw, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. I guess just enjoy it while you can?

Which country do you live in?

What do you offer that is of equal value to the new animal crossing game in this transaction?

Fuck it I'll buy it for ya. Have a way to message me?

Jesus christ the state of Cred Forums

Nothing bad about it. Just makes me wish I had the money to share in the first place. And makes me wish for more pics of your tits, of course. That's kind of a given.

Who the hell is stupid enough to buy nudes?

Thank you! Will try that out.

Or maybe just pretending? You never know. All I can say is that I'm excited for Animal Crossing.

I'm in Europe. Uhh, close to Denmark.

I mean, I don't know how you value things? My life is probably not even worth that much, a lot of people would say. What is it that you want from me?

have some fucking self-respect femanon jfc

Are you serious?? And are you sure you can afford it? I don't want to get anyone into a bad situation just because I wanted a stupid game.
I can e-mail, Telegram, kik, whatever you want?

Ah, of course! Maybe I'll dump some more pictures for you lovely people later.

Have some self respect and stop begging from lonely losers on here will you? It's seriously fucking pathetic.

I'm sorry.. please don't look at me like that.

>What is it that you want from me?
a friend tbqhf
what other games you play?

You can play on mine if you can get to Kentucky

I'm really sorry. I totally get what you're saying and trust me, I feel bad coming here and pulling this shit, but I'm too far down the spiral, and never had any self-worth. Thank you for your words though. Sometimes a wakeup call is what we need.

I can message on Kik. And got a good job out of college it's just one game. Want me to drop my Kik or you drop yours?

like what? A useless whore who couldn't find her own way through life so now she begs on image boards? Wake the fuck up and get your shit together.

>it's just one game
>Animal Crossing coming out next month and I can't afford a Switch

Fucking simp

I am definitely sure you're a girl.

I have to be honest with you if you are honest with me like that. I'm not the greatest friend. I suck at keeping in contact and sometimes won't message back for weeks at a time. But I care about the people close to me and I'm a good listener!
Mostly Overwatch, some Magic the Gathering (on Magic Arena), and I recently started Catherine. Haven't touched my DS in a while.

Thank you for the offer, but unfortunately that's probably impossible for me and would cost me more than just buying the Switch and the game...

To late I'm in to deep one switch lite and a game it is

It'd be great if you could drop yours. I will message you and then post my kik name, so you can be sure it's me.

>I'm not the greatest friend
me neither for the same reasons
let's play overwatch

What you do effects your self esteem. You'll never feel good on here begging off people. Or, if you do, then you're a terrible person. And you don't sound terrible. Be better than this, do something else. We're all struggling but we can't give up.

I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.

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Thank you for your words. I do appreciate it.

Why would you think I'm not?

I mean, even just the game would help.


Post a timestamped pic of your pussy and I'll buy it for you.

Not the guy who promised the switch but fuck it dropping my Kik anyway

Thanks for the kind words user! I hope things go well for you!

how is it possible to be female and depressed
protip: it's not

You have enough boys hot for you on this thread, you could just give your kik and start taking donations.

You fucking morons don't fall for her jude witchery, we must keep the shekels close to our chest and away from the filthy kikes.

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Females default is depressed the real problem is they aren't happy until we are too

Sigh.. I know you're right. I want to promise you I'll get better, but I'm not sure if I can.

Thank you for this!

I haven't shaved in a long ass time if you're fine with that.

Thank you very much!

Why would a female not be able to be depressed?

You deserve to be happy too!
have a nice day/night , i wish you the best , even if i don't know you

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It's fucked isn't it? They say that 4chans all lonely sad dudes, but I didn't actually think it was. This thread makes me sad tbh.

I mean, I guess. But I don't want people to donate who have no money themselves. Which is why I asked for someone with too much money.

Oh, how right you are!

>Why would a female not be able to be depressed
I'm talking about actual women, not you mr """ignorant"""

No problem if it's not shaven.

its fine if it's not shaved

Thank you! I appreciate it.

I'm sorry. But I don't think all of Cred Forums is sad lonely dudes. I'm sure if it were, there'd be a lot more people posting in this thread.

still waiting to redeem my coupon for one (1) free overwatch friend

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Can I just ask why pussy? Isn't there better things to look at?

you can post it all if you want

I don't have any problem with money , i just don't see why i should give some to you. you can have a kitten for happiness.

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Oh no! So sorry I missed your reply. Leave me your battletag? I'll add you right away.

Thank you, I actually love cats. You don't have to give me any money of course. Just thought maybe someone would feel like it. If not that's alright as well.

Added you! My battletag ends with 603

Nope, nothing better to look at then pussy.
Now pull down your panties, open your legs, place that piece of paper and snap a picture.

The fact there's any posting at all is a fucking disgrace. Offering to give your useless ass things for free, willfully allowing themselves to be duped. Giving away money for the slithering hope of finding a female to have a relationship with, all the while you're just laughing and taking full advantage. Shameful.

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I understand your hate. All I can say is that I'm sorry and I know that won't do.

Do you want the game or not?
Do it. Take the picture.

I don't hate you, I don't know you. It's just pathetic. Have fun begging.

Yes, yes. Here it is.

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I had to change region to EU to accept it, I didn't even know blizzard had different friend lists per region that makes zero fucking sense

Good girl. Now you're a nice girl.
Now let us know how to buy the game for you.

For fucks sake femanon, it's not worth it, samefag who told you to get your shit together before. Whore yourself out if you want, you won't find anything you're actually looking for, just more emptiness and create a dependency for validation.

Wife tier pussy/10

Well, is there a way to contact you? We can figure it out then.

The damage has already been done years ago. I've gotten better over time, okay? Everyone has bad days every now and then.

The girl is depressed and we worship her. It gives her a reason to be. 9/10 dudes would want to date, love her and start a relation.

damn, nice pussy 11/10

better than expected, thought it was gonna be a fucking hairy bush

Willing to do a full frontal? Would be nice to see everything that gorgeous pussy's attached to.

how old are you , you said not shaved but it looks like you just stated growing hair.

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Take one without the hand,

That's a losing mentality you retard, change that now or it won't get better, you'll just do the same shit on repeat like a fucking npc.

Will triple the money for the 'correct' answer. :D

I'd rather not. I provided what was asked for, so I hoped that'd be the end of it.

I'm >20. And it looks worse in real life. Doesn't show much on the picture because blonde. Also a long ass time was exaggerated. Probably two or three weeks ago.

Isn't this enough?

stop obliging them, fuckwit

You're our goddess now. We sadly need more. We're your slaves now.

Fair enough, won't push it. Has anyone given you anything towards the switch yet?

Don't harass our Goddess.

I'll send more when the other side of the deal has been provided.

This , the jizz hole is much better in it's natural state.

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>Isn't this enough?
You are E-begging for money and a games console of Cred Forums. We don't care about your feelings. We ask, you deliver.
When OP delivers, the Cred Forumsros help out OP. Simple science you fucking retard. Now show pussy with no hand.

I'd be more willing to do so in private.
And no, not yet. But it's also kind of nice just talking here and all.

shut the fuck up retard you don't even know her, end it.

Hate to hear it you're depressed. You sound (and look) like a real lovely girl.
I just wish I could hold and hug you. :-(

Tits or gtfo

Your post makes zero sense. Lol.

Thought someone was getting in touch earlier to pay the whole thing? Nobody came through yet?

I said so before but I can't spare the whole amount. I can certainly contribute to the fund, but that's about all I can offer atm.

This thread is bait to purge all the happies and simp fags enjoy ur bans tards

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Thank you very much, femanon.

Thank you for your kind words!

There were tits though!

They said they would, I asked for their kik, but they didn't get back to me. I don't blame them.
And if you don't have money to throw away, I'd rather not ask for your support... I do appreciate it though!

How can I send you my entire paycheuqe, would happily be your paypig if you do financial domination?

OP add my Kik "SlimBoiPhatty" and we can arrange something. I won't pay for your your games console but I'll give you 5-10 of what ever currency if you send me photo.

fuck you all, poorfags getting the good shit for free

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just ask of amazon gift cards retard you can buy those online no prob

exposing yourself on Cred Forums for $10
cant relate

Oh, that's really sweet (I think?), but I'd rather not have that kind of responsibility...

Added you.

You're our Goddess. We're yours to command.

Please buy me Switch!

She added you so tell us her kik

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I'm not entirely broke lol. I do have a bit of extra cash. Kik me if you feel like it, AnonInkwell.

Why don't you give me your kik so I can add you?

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As i am not a pedo i don have a kik.

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Then why would you wanna know my kik?

Make sure you get the switch and not switch lite. Even if all you want is handheld mode. Being able to change joycons and battery life is worth

I don't , i am just a bad man . But i could buy 4 switch bundles with my last paycheck so i am probably the only one who qualifies as having extra money on this thread.

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I hope that's weekly, user

are you fucking joking op
back in 2018 i was making at least $200 a week from catfishing as a girl
what the fuck is your excuse for not making bank smh

Yes and now that i look i haven't even cashed my last 3 checks.

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Not OP but I AM in the market for being a scamming bastard. Could you lend an user any useful tips for starting this journey?

considering this is just one thread, and OP is aiming for more than 200 dollars (which took you a week), don't you think it's reasonable for the rate things are going?

Imagine thinking $30/hr is a lot of money, or that it's even close to being the most in this thread

>To anyone out there still reading:
>Any anons with too much money want to make a depressed girl happy?
What's your age and are you willing to go out with me?

>Not even dogs want to fuck me!
I would fuck you.
Would you let me?
I'm a 40 year old virgin.

i had people coming to me with money
never once did i make posts asking for money
had a dude once give me $250 once in exchange for nothing

catfish as a chick on fb
been doing it since 2013

$499.00 X 4 = $1996.00
1996 / 40 = $49.90
math is hard.

>had a dude once give me $250 once in exchange for nothing
some people have to work 20+ hours just to make $250. And yet women can just exist and get a paycheck for it. The world is fucked

So any anons be willing to do a Kickstarter?

kek yea
which is why im wondering why op isnt rolling in simp paychecks

OP, let's have a gangbang.
There are 34 posters itt.
With $300 each you can make $10'200 for one gangbang.

Has OP got her Switch money yet? Don't know why she just didn't sell nudes. This is why women aren't in business. You have a commodity, you have a market, set reasonable pricing for commodity and sell to market. When there is an over saturation of a certain commodity in the market, sell your unique angle.

A nintendo switch is 300 dollars? You said "bundle" but I have no idea what the fuck you're looking at. 50/hr is better but still not the most :^)

gofundme for a switch

Fun 18+ discord server join now for always active chats and good times and friends.



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Then would you be willing to buy me a switch?

I don't really like using people. And usually I get by by myself. But this is a special occasion.

I'm >20 and I'm sorry, but that's not what I'm here for. I'm sure you will find someone nice who will date you tough! Don't give up.

I'm sorry, I was just trying to be funny there.

I know right i should fire some people and give my self a raise , or cut off there heath insurance.

Why would I pay 300 dollars to wait for my turn when I could pay 300 dollars for a high quality hooker? Or 3 low quality hookers?

Why should I buy you a switch if you don't do anything for me girl.
You think I'm a simp?

Rule #1 for being rich , don't give girls any money.

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Because OP needs a switch.
Let's give her a hand.

It really is unfair.

I mean, yeah? But I doubt all of the posters want to pay.

I haven't. I'm probably not the smartest and not the best at using people...

if your willing to supply me with nudes to use we could make hella bank op

You technically only need one to pay

>I mean, yeah?
$500, will you have sex with me?

I don't know if OP is actually depressed, but this thread is certainly making me consider suicide

How is selling nudes "using" people? Is McDonald's using people for selling them nugs everyday? No, it's a transaction. Using someone, is expecting something for nothing, which is exactly what you're doing now. AC isn't out for a couple more weeks, set up a premium Snapchat, drop your username here, then get paid for something.

so far i think it is you who is being used.

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But then why would I have sex with all of them?

You're probably nowhere near me, and I don't want to get your hopes up...

I'm sorry this thread is trigging such emotions in you. I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad.

What's your telegram?

>You're probably nowhere near me
and if I could afford to fly anywhere?

Get a job you stupid whore, people (be it men or women) aren't here to support freeloading worthless cunts like you.

Anybody buying into this shit is a mindless cuck who can't get laid.

Yeah, I used to think I was an edgy guy, but thread is so fucking depressing. OP femanon, you deserve better, respect yourself more, please.

Hm. You're probably right. I will consider it.

Yeah, not like I'm not used to it.

>You're probably nowhere near me, and I don't want to get your hopes up...
Nonsense, if you're a eurogirl I can travel.
Are you willing to do it?

And then what?? Add random dudes who look ugly or lonely? Seems you'd be caught out pretty easy that way slick.

I'm from EU. BE
@Op, are you close?

posting in epic woman thread

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>"no one wants me"

user wanna date?

>no thanks but give me money

If you're gonna be this way at least post a nice collection of nudes or piss off somewhere else

not if you know what your doing
im not gonna give out my secrets tho i dont need any more competition in this market

I am right. Some motivation and you'll be amazed at what you can do. Stop being like every other worthless cunt in this world and telling yourself you can't, and do something about it. You'll feel a lot better if you get the money for your Switch. And, when you the new Coral Switch Lite. Will match your pussy.

If you post yours, I can add you.

Mm, I'd rather not bind myself to a definite answer just yet. I guess i'd need to know more about you and the offer.

Will do.

I'm sorry.

Hard cheese! I'll figure it out by myself then. See you in the big stream catfish user

Post tits and timestamp and draw this ;^) on the paper to assert you're real


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Use pictures harvested from Rekt videos' they don't usually show up on image search.

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Do you just catalog every thread like this? Why?

u have really nice hands
please put them on my pp

Thanks but I don't need hope. Hope hasn't done shit for me so I threw it out.

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reported for begging

I still don't get it.
Why couldn't he get laid?
Why did he do it.

oh fucc she got hips

Now look what you have done , we were just getting some good pics and she gonna get banned.

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He was a sociopath.

Jest.3r is my kik. I can't throw you any money for a switch. But I'm always game to chat if you're down and needing a friend.

if you use this picture to star the tread you would get more attention.

Probably, but I didn't want to start it off like that. I was just wondering if someone out there genuinely maybe just wants to help?

If you wanted someone to be genuine about it you should have never mentioned your gender

He's a 7 at best and young females don't have to settle for something that low. Pretty sure no one actually knew his personality before shit went down. Now it's easy to say that he had issues.

I guess you're right. I was the one being ungenuine all along.

Why are you a girl ?

I was born this way.

not like anyone would have bought it for you that way anyway, but thems the breaks

I guess I will post my kik in case anyone feels like helping me out - feel free to add me. It's ArwenElessar

Are you hoping for a switch or a switch lite? There's a big price difference there.

You did it. You sold your body to a bunch of strangers on the internet in the hopes that some will give you free stuff. Fuck off and go to work

A Switch would be great. I think a Switch light I might even be able to afford myself.

He couldnt approach girls

Thanks again for everyone who stayed around! Here's one for the team. Any help towards a Switch is of course still appreciated.

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Your self esteem can't be that low if you think you deserve a switch more than a switch lite. Didn't some chick raise half a million for the Aussie fires selling nudes? Surely you could raise enough for a switch.

Well, I'm trying. But raising money for Aussie fires is actually for a good cause. I'm just trying to get a Switch, so people might not feel as compelled to do so.

why don't you get a bf to buy your shit ?

A boyfriend could also be low on money.

I'd wager the cause didn't matter to 99% of the purchasers. Just say you're taking requests and you'll have enough money for your switch in a few hours at most.

Oh baby. You're so fine.

Well, might see me again sometime then.

Roll for bobs

Alright guys, it's a bit late, but a gofundme is up. Would anyone be interested?
I'll be dropping nudes for the donations. Might even take requests. I'll post the link with verfication.

Sure ;)

you have become a prostitute. Grats

drop it

youll get ur switch in no time

Please kill yourself. You are cancer to this website. You are exploiting emotionally immature cucks who are desperate for attention and have a profound need to whiteknight. How about you get help and get a job like literally everyone else who is depressed.

Here's the link.
I, Giorno Giovanna, have a dream.
Welp, here goes nothing.
www gofundme com/f/pa6be8-animal-crossing-switch?utm_source=customer&utm_medium=copy_link-tip&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet

Please insert the dots behind the www and infront of com

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We all knew that was gonna happen sooner or later.

hope you achieve ur dreams

Show butt hole and I'll donate

Eren Cipher
Chadds Ford, PA

Thank you!

That's what they all say. If you donate I will comply.

Obviously fake. Not gonna expose myself to you sickos.

Yeah, this pathetic whore lied.

She either lied on the go fund me page or lied in a post earlier where she said shes from europe

Imma report the campaign and link this thread and I recommend everyone else does the same. Fuck you op

I can openly tell you that I lied on the gofundme, Didn't think that'd be a problem for you?

How does it feel to whore yourself out for a children's video game OP?

Why would you do that though? This isn't hurting anyone. I'm not forcing anyone to donate. This is all fair play. So I don't see the problem.

I'm fine, thanks.

Nah you're kind of a trash person actually.

The following are examples of expressly forbidden fraudulent activity:

Breaking the law
Lying or being misleading about your identity as a campaign organizer or your relationship to the beneficiary of the funds
Posting misleading statements in the campaign description
Not delivering funds to the stated beneficiary
Not using funds for their stated purpose

So, to let you know, criminal misrepresentation is a felony.

I hope you get a good time in jail for this. Your depression will be healed there, for sure.

I thought we established that already.

Just sent you some money. Bitch

Here’s some karma.

I'll let you know, that I know the person and they opened the fundraiser for me, so you fucktards can't get to me. Jesus. Nobody is forcing anyone to donate! I'm not trying to do any harm.

No, some whores can be decent people. Whores who start beg threads because they are too lazy to do anything with their lives are a different story. I was afraid you might get the wrong impression so just wanted to clarify. Catch you fuckers later

Ah, I gotchu. Sorry for being trash, I guess. Hope you have a good life.

I feel like you're approaching this poorly from a marketing aspect. Just saying you might post things if people donate doesn't provide enough incentive. What are the thresholds and what is obtained and each threshold? For example, are you shoving something up your ass at $50 or does the gofundme need to reach $500 for that to happen?

I mean, people don't seem up for it right now anyway.
I'd say about halfway for me to put something up my butt. Feet about $50.
Anything else is negotiable.


Does it matter?

People aren't up for it because you haven't given them a reason to donate. $250 to see you shove something up your ass is a good start. What's the reward for reaching $500?

Just send this report to gofundme, feel free to copy-paste this and also send it to their support:

The campaign organizer provided false information and openly admitted it. Also, she is selling naked pictures of herself for donations.

This started, as mentioned in the description, ("This started as a pipe dream on Cred Forums lets make it a reality") on 4 chan, more specifically on the board Cred Forums which is like a forum, where everyone can create threads and comment on these threads.

The link to the thread is It started out with her (the organizer) asking other 4 chan users for money, so she can buy a Nintendo switch with animal crossing. After one user asked for pictures of her breast and a timestamp to prove that she isn't lying. She complied and sent pictures of her breast with a timestamp. Obviously this escalated and ended up with her posting numerous nude pictures of her vagina and breasts. Still not having received any money, she created this go fund me campaign and posted it to the thread ( ).

In a post earlier she said that she was from Europe near Denmark, but the information given on this campaign would indicate that she lives in the US. After getting called out for this she admitted that she lied:"[...]I can openly tell you that I lied on the gofundme[...]" . ( ).

Also stating that she will "[...]be dropping nudes for the donation[...]" ( ) and even mentioning specific action she will take if certain donation amounts are reached "[...] I'd say about halfway for me to put something up my butt. Feet about $50. [...]" ( ).

Hereby I request closing the campaign because of identity theft and immoral practices to reach her donation goal.

Thank you

I changed the wrong link. Also, English is not my native language so feel free to correct any mistakes