No one of value to society is voting for Bernie Sanders...

No one of value to society is voting for Bernie Sanders. He's literally the candidate for low income people and trannies.

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Better than being a cuck to big corporate.

BERNIE 2020!

You're saying that if Bernie wins everyone will be angry? lol that's a good enough reason for me to vote for him.

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Please go on about what trump and Republicans do to benefit your life? I'll wait.

Free stuff and I don't have to work I'm the best

Keep liberal policy out of the real world where it doesn't work.

Improves the economy, reduces my mortgage rate, increases my investment returns, supports property rights...

The funniest thing is that the dumb fuck is simply running for office in the wrong country. If he came up to Canada and ran for the NDP, he'd be elected PM for life.

>t. Only owns what others have given him

Represents peaceful revolution...if it doesn't work...get ready for violent revolution

Lol, you believe Bernie isn't. That's adorable.

I make 180K/year and am voting for him

It's funny you say that considering more uneducated people voted for red then blue in last election.....

I like him but now he's surrounded by actual communists and hangs out with AOC, who's going to bully the microphone away from him constantly to shriek her insincere promises. Oh, and then if he dies of his heart or whatever when he's president we'd have president AOC which is just...ugh, if you're a leftist and want a similar bad taste in your mouth imagine Sarah Palin as president, cause yeah, she's just your version of Palin.

Hell, can she even run in the VP spot if she's not 35? Cause I know the presidency is 35+ only.

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How will you be hiding your income from his massive new taxes?

bernie is an actual communist, you fucking moron

What? You think the guy who defended the USSR throughout the cold war and took his honeymoon there isn't? You think "demsoc" is actually a thing? Bruh, cringe...

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Lol a bunch of trannies and beta males begging for handouts. All it took was 1 dodge charger to fuck you guys up last time. But the left won't (do) anything, because all they know is being (given) things.


They voted for trump to anger the libs. Lets do the same.


Already voted for him in one primary... doing so again in the general

I disagree . . . I disagree.

this is funny. Bernie does suck, and will likely be dead in less than a year - he already had one grabber not that long ago.

I make a good living and I’m not a tranny

Any other bullshit to spout, user?

honestly, yall way bigger suckers for propaganda than yall will ever wanna own up to
have you guys not paid attention to how since the start of the race theyve propped up conservatives in the dem party like beto orourke, kamala harris, amy klobuchar, pete buttigieg, joe biden, etc
the dem party has a lot of the same policy except 'hey dont make being gay illegal' n shit and bernies the only one pulling them left (toward the center instead of the right) by any means, and his pulling people left is 'hey maybe we shouldnt be the only major country in the world to not offer these things'
and if yall fallin for propaganda on things like not having middle men who drain your wallet for having a superhuman immune system...

you *really* have fallen for tons of propaganda from mainstream media, which while you wanna pretend is only biased to be anti-republican, its really just pro-establishment anti-populist

fuckin sheeple

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His insecurities are showing

I know, I just think he'd actually try a slower push left than everyone assumes now. He knows how Washington works and wouldn't try to pull a bunch of bullshit. At least, old Bernie wouldn't have, now he's into the "just propose something that costs more money than the entire GDP of our country for 5 years" type of shit. The promises he has to make while people even further left than him have their arm up his ass like he's a puppet are just AOC-derived dumb shit.

Basically look at the footage from Portland where he gets bullied by BLM. He doesn't have the spine to be a leader, his original messaging about helping the poor and homeless is nowhere to be seen. Sane levels of socialism like "let's help the tent city people" have given way to "I want your car and your guns, I determine how you live" Stalinist crap. Just can't vote for him now, he's ruined, he's a coward and a bad judge of character.

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Ok Zoomer

So... he's the candidate for most of America? Good to know.