Be honest: At what age did you break free from the "climate change crisis" lie?

Be honest: At what age did you break free from the "climate change crisis" lie?

Attached: 5 year old swedish climate boy.jpg (1080x1080, 84K)

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How dare you

At what point where you so brainwashed that you stopped believing science?

Why does this chick look like a trans boy in half its pictures?

Not gonna lie, I've always thought climate change was complete and utter bullshit. Like, no shit. The climate changes all the goddamn time. The world's not gonna end in 11 years.

19-22. Right about the time when I voted for Obama when then I actually stopped using emotions to vote & make decisions.


Her head is almost a perfect square.

In the 80s, pollution was causing a legitimate hole in the ozone layer. Changes in pollution standards have helped with smog in the U.S., and the hole in the ozone layer began recovering. However, it formed a powerful narrative. Science shows rising CO2 levels in the soil and atmosphere, in line with cyclic fluctuations throughout the eons. A narrative was created for the greenhouse effect, which is indeed an important part of Earth's climate, becoming unstable and causing global warming. Politicians have used this as a fear tactic, but when many parts of the planet have shown decreasing temperatures, it was renamed "climate change." Rising sea levels and melting glaciers are legitimate facts of the planet, but it is not really confirmed that they are changing at a pace which is as much an emergency as many make it to be.

With proper pollution controls and environmental protections against dumping of waste in lakes, etc, the planet will do just fine.

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I mean, climate change is real and does need to be taken seriously/tackled. But the whole "ten years left before we're doomed" shtick is ridiculous. Ruins the message and just demotes them to the level of being a doomsday cult

how dare you assume their gender

Attached: greta.webm (480x350, 990K)

It's not the science that's the controversy, it's the unproven claim the climate changes because of man's activities when in fact the climate has changed many, many times in history and has been much warmer than it is now. Google the "ice age" and explain how cavemen were able to melt it all?

It's not a lie

Attached: Greta-how-dare-you.png (1283x1002, 258K)

Fucking 18 maybe cause i never gave a fuck about politics until that age

I never bought into it. I'm supposed to believe a certain 0.1% of humanity are willing to destroy the entire planet so they get richer? For a start that's not how economics works, whomever pioneers new technology for energy or carbon capture will be the first Trillionaire so the argument is retarded. Anything that attempts to change or alter my behaviour using my appeal to be a good person and to do the moral thing is established in the intent to control.

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When I recognized all the manipulation of data that "they" are doing and how much money is in it for a lot of people.

When I read the "scientific" solution was for the rich countries to pay the poor countries to "clean up." Not clean up for them, but to give them cash.

Yes the climate has changed a lot but you see the scientific claims are that there's a sharp increase in gases through energy output of human built devices. those gases are strongly correlated to climate change.

When al gore told the same lie and it didnt happen, the lie just kept getting push back as all good doomsday prophecies do. After the Y2K scare I said I'm done with listening to this shit. The Mayan calendar one was REALLY stupid by the way.

Recent research says co2 isnt a greenhouse gas. It is confused with the effect of h20.

>The world's not gonna end in 11 years.
No one claimed it will.

After reading this.

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No one fucking claimed we will be doomed in 10 years you retard.

Human devices contribute to greenhouse gases, but very insignificantly. Natural cycles are the overwhelming cause and nothing can be done about it. We just have to ride it out until the next cooling cycle.

AOC did you brain dead nigger

That's assburger right there.

They literally did though.

That is a lie. Aoc and gretta both claims around 12 years then the world ends.

Oh god. That picture can't be real, can it?

Two years ago they claimed we had 12 years left, which is where the "10 years" comes from.

Somebody post the hot Greta pic

they're not fucking climate experts. nobody who knows anything takes them seriously. Source: I'm a fucking earth scientist who works closely with some climate scientists.

20 years before that it was al gore.

No she fucking didn't. She even mocked retards like you who thought she did.

Attached: AOC Sarcasm Tweet.png (597x374, 52K)
Hey look you're partly but almost completely misunderstanding it.

After David Suzuki dumb cunt daughter said the exact same shit in the 80s. Said it would be water world by now. There was also the ozone layer scare. Sun was suppose to cook us by scorched's all I'm just waiting and wondering if I'll be alive when they fake the alien invasion.

You must be retarded, then. I broke free at 13.

everyone in this thread is a white entitled jackass

> nigger hurrdurr

still smarter than you

I haven't, because it's not a lie and I'm not an idiot.

I was like 15 or 16

Your vote doesn't count during a presidential election, asshole

Took me 2 seconds of googling, you are a fucking retard.

still a nigger

It always seemed to me that the hole in the ozone layer was directly above the HAARP installation in Alaska and magically started to disappear once they turned off the antenna array used to blast the ionosphere trying to manipulate weather as a weapon.

And yet who cares about you? They are the ones speaking and getting famous about climate change. They are the ones that now set the predictions that will be wrong. It doesnt matter what you say because your opinion is now drowned out by the retards who are now driving the narrative, and it will be them that history remembers especially for being so stupid.

Either way whatever you believe is lost and is inconsequential.

Stop being a misled nigger then

Y2K was real. The reason it wasn't a disaster was because we mostly fixed it before the date. There were still lots of small errors.

Thank you for proving my point, asshole

You're defending a politicianthat used 'hyperbole' then got suprised when called on her shit, realised how stupid she was being and made a #totallyrelatable office reference to get you back on side.

She had to backtrack on her own words “The world is going to end in 11 years if we don’t stop this.”
She got clowned for her niggatry and you’re one of the niggers who bit the fruit and back tracked into “OH WELL SHE DIDNT REALLY MEAN”

stfu faggot


Nukes were not going to launch because computers couldnt tell the date...

still smarter than you peckerwood

Jesus H. Christ. Can you be any more retarded than that? Nowhere in the article does it state that the world will end in 12 years.

There's absolutely no scientific proof that man is the cause of climate change. You sounds like one of those faggots that parrot some tv "scientist" and say "It's science".
It's the same shit that quoting the bible.

still smarter than you cuck

Thank you for proving her point.

yup your bitches love this nigger dick lol

Funny how those same people thought Trump was totally serious when he quipped that Russia should look for Hillary's e-mails, or that he should serve more than two terms.

Yeah you’re here on Cred Forums claiming to be smarter than people. Eat a .45 Nigger

To think man is making any effect on a planet willing to go nuclear itself with fallout from the same volcanoes that release more c02 in one go, than we have in our lifetime.

Jesus fucking Christ you're a moron. Please, if you haven't reproduced, kill yourself. And if you have, kill your children and then yourself.

How about that windmill noises cause cancer?

Nigga its February in Canada and we are getting weeks of weather over freezing instead of feet of snow



When the overwhelming majority of scientists in a field say one thing, and the other side is populated by uneducated lay people and a few experts in the pay of industries that stand to lose trillions, I know who I'm going to believe.

Only happened when I was young enough to believe I knew shit way out of my depth

And Russia started looking that same day. Your point?

Shhh don't say that user, it will hurt their feefees
They are too scared to admit the truth

They'd never admit it anyway. Because right-wingers nowadays never, EVER admit the smallest mistake.

End? No, but that might be the time we reach the tipping point where we won't be able to reverse the acceleration of the warming trend.
It would still take a century or more for shit to get really bad.

Climate is changing but we have nothing to worry about. Detonating a bunch of nukes over the ocean periodically ("nuclear winter") will cool us back down. Burn all the fossil fuels you want.

It's clear that you know nothing about the science if you can't interpret overwhelming evidence and spew naive terminology like "scientific proof."

They somehow see their unwillingness to compromise as a strength
Which is why they hate science, which constantly updates when new evidence is presented.

So you just believe what you're told, great to know. You know back in the 70s scientists thought the earth was cooling down?
not proof

>Which is why they hate science, which constantly updates when new evidence is presented


Science is never settled. If you say it is, you ain't practicing science bucko.

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around 28yo
better late than never
it makes me sad that so many people defend this ugly bitch with the mental age of a fetus

Proofs do not occur in science, your favor of personal opinions over evidence defines the mentality of anti-vaxxers and others who stupidly oppose preventable destruction.


When I stopped making it a fucking joke,

It's not a fucking joke man. I'm not one of those stupid hippies from Oregon or Seattle. I'm a real person that knows this is a real fucking problem.

Seriously stop spreading this stupid BS it only helps aids people who make way more money than you screw the future over.

>stupidly oppose preventable destruction
That's the thing, there's no stopping this thing from happening, if everything they say is true. So the only satisfaction you'll get from believing in all this shit is saying "see, I was right", twenty years from now when we're all dying of thirst or heat or whatever.

This board is a black hole for any kind of discussion. It’s honestly like talking to an edgy 14 year old. They’re smug, narcissistic, deliberately obtuse, and just honestly pathetic.


pussy quitter mentality

The hole in the Ozone Layer was largest over Antarctica (southern hemisphere), HAARP was in the North. Do you still think HAARP was responsible? Seems like an insane argument to me.

You don't have to stop an inevitable disaster, but it would be wise to start preparing to mitigate the damage. Are you saying it's better to be unprepared 20 years from now?

>So the only satisfaction you'll get from believing in all this shit is saying "see, I was right", twenty years from now when we're all dying of thirst or heat or whatever.
Your problem is that you think that I think like you think.
I don't.
I don't want a "see, I was right" moment.
That doesn't mean shit.
Play your little dumbfuck I-am-right bullshit schoolyard faggot ass game yourself.
People pioneering the fight against climate change are doing so because they want to see a future for their kids, their kids, and the future generations.
Its not all about winning for the rest of us.
That's just the way you've been brainwashed to think.

Who gives a fuck. If we really were damaging the environment as bad as they say nobody will stop if it means more dollars in their pockets.

Ontop of that, the only thing we'd hurt is ourselves and animals. The Earth will be just fine, we can nuke the planet and in millions of years new life would emerge.

Just realize that its not a majority by any means.
This does seem to be the fucktard magnet most of the time.
But usually its the extremely loud assholes who get the most attention even though they are the minority.

Because she probably is
Soros and company are probably banging him/her on the side because they are a cabal of evil pedos.

When I was

Climate change got 'im

Radiative "Green house effect" violates thermodynamics/thermal physics.

>in millions of years new life would emerge
Global extinction of life is still very possible, block out the sun for long enough even the most resilient organisms will be extinct.

K-12 : co2 is a major factor in the circle of life

Climate change hero: " co2 is heating up the Earth and will kill us all"

See the joke yet?

It's true though.
>Are you saying it's better to be unprepared 20 years from now?
If all the apocalyptic shit they're saying is true, yeah.
You may be being honest but still that's all the satisfaction you'll ever get. Or governments will come up with a lot of taxes and regulations and after nothing happens for a while we'll never know for sure if they were saying the truth or trying to get a few bucks from us.

>Gas ovens
A small flame is used to cook your food
>House fires
Too much fire fucks your shit up

See how you are the joke yet?

>If all the apocalyptic shit they're saying is true, yeah.
"Either I'm right or we all die!"

was spot on

>"Either I'm right or we all die!"
Yeah that's what I've been saying. And I'm right about that.

I heard she likes it up the bum

it's scary how many adults, (mostly women lol) , don't even understand the most basic of concepts in math like fractions

I broke "free" for a bit, but then I realized that we have an actual hole in our actual ozone layer.

>Its not all about winning for the rest of us.
Don't pretend for a second it isn't about winning for you. If it wasn't about winning you wouldn't be parading this girl and calling everyone who dares question her a sexist bigot or whatever.

Your world sounds like a sad place friend.
No, it isn't about winning.
It is that way only for you.

nice try nigger

I dunno if climate change is a crisis but it is a problem that'll keep getting worse over generations. What is definitely a crisis is the constant over-dumping of salt on the roads in the northern states and provinces during winter. It's washing into the rivers and lakes, slowly turning all the fresh water to salt water.
No one wants to address it because drivers who crash will sue the government if they don't dump enough salt, even though they drive in winter conditions like it's summer.

Attached: salt truck.jpg (1080x738, 193K)

Do you go outside ever? You can literally feel the winters getting warmer and the summers getting even hotter

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when they switched from the threat of the coming Ice age to global warming.

also when I realized science can't predict next week's weather, let alone something as long term as this.

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checked. Indubitably!

Checking the checker

thats one ugly bitch

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Do you know where co2 comes from?

>"Climate Change Crisis" lie

I would ask at what age did all your brain cells die, but it looks like you were always a smoothbrain

never believed that to be true. That doesn't necessarily mean climate patterns aren't turning more unfavourable consistently. It hardly matters what the cause is, whether it's human activity or the advancement of the interglacial period leading to an inevitable rise, something must be done before too long. Perhaps in 100 years, perhaps a 1000. Greta Thunberg is a meme, an autistic retard.

that isn't a valid argument. Statistical inferencing by nature has a larger margin of error, the shorter the window of prediction. Predicting median low temperature over 3 months is much more likely to be accurate than than a single night's low, this is why a confidence level and interval is specified.