Hunger Games Thread

Hunger Games Thread
Comicon Edition
First 24

Attached: C-003.png (650x650, 139K)

Ducke detective(s)

Attached: DUCKE DETECTIVES.jpg (624x614, 58K)


Attached: 680.jpg (600x790, 66K)

Jesus Fucking Christ

Attached: DarthJC.jpg (500x375, 71K)


Attached: WowWow2.jpg (200x197, 15K)

Gno homo

Attached: 93xmLcRq_400x400.jpg (138x138, 5K)


Attached: florina.jpg (300x400, 17K)


Attached: yugifat.jpg (995x1057, 125K)

David Feelings

Attached: IMG_20200107_161247.jpg (496x698, 52K)

Cosplay AI

Attached: 50882609_548193842344089_6714586102228870397_n.jpg (640x640, 42K)

Richard Rawlings

Attached: RR1.jpg (599x867, 84K)

The Arbiter

Attached: engel.png (822x462, 832K)


Attached: anarchy.jpg (400x400, 19K)

A Grundo

Attached: unnamed (1).gif (150x150, 6K)


Attached: ~djc.jpg (927x1200, 197K)

Haruhi Suzumiya

Attached: 312429_p0 (1).jpg (454x454, 53K)

Ripcord Randy

Attached: Longinus.png (512x512, 530K)

This case of Duff

Attached: 000000.jpg (640x570, 173K)


Attached: Jenny29Reference.jpg (720x861, 63K)


Attached: 1467456967832.png (1280x720, 511K)

Cosplay Hellcat

Attached: 142.png (730x1000, 1.42M)

Nagato Yuki

Attached: nagato yuki (suzumiya haruhi no yuuutsu and 2 more) drawn by minami_ikkei - 119953eb6b505897ff00cfe9 (600x854, 540K)


Attached: why.jpg (828x1023, 189K)


Attached: 15.png (309x412, 107K)


Attached: hapu'u (creatures (company) and etc) - f59d73dc8cc5b7a7eff36e1dd8321c25.png (902x1197, 44K)

Tohru Adachi

Attached: adachi with a bat.png (429x502, 236K)

Are we ready or what

ur in

Attached: Reaping.jpg (670x774, 317K)

Ready! Good luck everyone!

Attached: wetzoom.jpg (978x334, 43K)


Attached: 82583914_2512215265765151_3067340143858810880_o.jpg (893x1253, 130K)


Attached: Adachi-ds1-670x670.png (640x350, 207K)

lolicon is illegal.

lets get this party started

Attached: 33.png (727x645, 294K)

Swap please

Attached: 09107801.png (1024x1024, 171K)

Ü‚Goodluck Megumi!
District 10 got this

Attached: 120.png (1261x814, 1.15M)

Let's go

Attached: 02.jpg (670x2287, 808K)

rest in peace

Good luck

Attached: 1579152450218.png (852x480, 497K)

that was quick

Attached: 9.png (784x433, 90K)

Apologies. Kinda.

Attached: donotwantJC.jpg (640x846, 142K)

Attached: 03.jpg (670x1605, 578K)

A rousing game that involves dressing up! I can certainly give my full-throated endorsement to that!

Unfortunately, it seems I missed my chance to enter.

I will instead laugh at Mister Rawlings and his unsavory doppelganger

Attached: chester-a-arthur-standing-early-portrait-photo-print-18.jpg (342x425, 62K)

Hey son, you wanna sell this hentai for me as well? I'm all done with it

Attached: b6c292f28deafac7b739dd46d3079b1f.jpg (612x612, 65K)

Fuck your go-karts!

Attached: abramsjc.jpg (1000x620, 125K)

sure thing dad. Also, nice new laptop.

Attached: an average wetfat minding his wet business.jpg (895x1007, 55K)

Get better cosplay Tiki
Half of you are anime girls so it's not a big deal
This is what you get for being a sneaky sneak Haruhi

Attached: 04.jpg (670x1356, 487K)

thanks jesus?

Attached: 42.png (414x410, 88K)

cutters should be cut.

How do you do commentary again?

Attached: 05.jpg (670x1755, 628K)

It's a crown of thorns, Rigs.

NP, sugar.

Attached: BloodiedJC.jpg (308x420, 27K)


Attached: JediJC7.png (409x660, 233K)

Sorry AQ, be faster next time
Someone fix Megumi I think she's bugged
What I want to see is genderbent Jesus, I know you have that pic
HOW DARE YOU? Wetfat's an innocent angel! Except that time he was with Hedenia and...
Based Nagato

That actually makes more sense

Attached: 06.jpg (670x1455, 523K)

"Fuck the police" Adachi
I didn't know this side of Rawlings
DJC has an Oedipus moment, keep Dragon Cunt away from him

Attached: 07.jpg (670x1189, 432K)

No prob, Bob

Attached: JC62.2.jpg (900x678, 40K)

I dunno I think it would be interesting to see a guy in THIS outfit

Attached: Jenny21.jpg (932x1200, 80K)

RIP district 10

Attached: 1432453675252.gif (500x281, 1.08M)

I am the police!

Attached: adachifbinot.jpg (250x188, 9K)


Attached: JC51.jpg (224x309, 16K)

Oh hey a feast

I'd rather you be the one with it

Attached: 08.jpg (670x957, 347K)

Got to get them diamonds some how

Attached: Jenny42Diamond.jpg (400x400, 55K)

Fair enough

Attached: Jenny22.jpg (932x1200, 68K)

Uhhh, time for bets

Attached: rigsbrowsingb.png (251x221, 8K)

cosplay ai

Attached: 38.png (573x709, 260K)


Attached: eggplant adachi queustion mark line.png (1274x796, 352K)

Instant karma!

Attached: 7463beb081018724881c2c077f4c8a04.jpg (1424x1527, 155K)


Attached: 1505147367139.png (1468x1080, 871K)

All day Arbiter

Attached: augmentedJC.jpg (200x244, 8K)

RIP us

Attached: 200.png (1080x1032, 1.94M)

Also karma

Attached: 257-Richard-Ray-Rawlings-Interview-01-1-1060x596.jpg (1060x596, 116K)

I bet kizuna

Attached: wetserene.jpg (1065x899, 76K)

I need to get my jinx power back, so Arbiter

Attached: 68b56a38240a86f52940706c26c14054--richard-rawlings-gas-monkey-garage.jpg (640x494, 100K)


Attached: 3.jpg (571x384, 65K)

I actually want Kizuna to win because she doesn't like Chet Arthur either.

Attached: Richard+Rawlings+Enjoys+Miami+Beach+Friends+lU_ETpr6mV0x.jpg (776x1024, 97K)

Tell me I'm going to fail at life Richard, pls

Attached: 09.jpg (670x391, 138K)

Cheerio, Laddie'o

Attached: 10.png (670x270, 368K)

And fuck kikes

Attached: 11.jpg (670x789, 334K)

Thanks for hosting

Attached: 1468378889531.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Congrats to The Arbiter and thanks for hosting!

Grats Arbiter and thanks for the game Rigs

Attached: 910.jpg (804x915, 89K)

richard whyT_T

Attached: Kizuna.AI.full.2578717.jpg (2480x1200, 1004K)

Congration Arbiter
Thank you for the hosting again Rigs.

Attached: wetstlse.jpg (943x968, 62K)

thanks for hosting

Attached: 46.png (464x830, 354K)

Thanks for hosting.

Attached: adaachihaapy.jpg (225x225, 6K)

Kills a woman and child in the last slide. Excellent.

Thanks for hosting, Rigs.

Attached: babyG1.jpg (501x733, 116K)

Post image 34

No way, I won! Thanks for the game OP, you rock!

gratz Arbiter
thanks for hosting

Attached: 47.jpg (525x339, 59K)

At least there's more holes to use now though

Attached: Jenny44yEEEEeEt.jpg (400x400, 57K)

>Back to back 5 kill winners
You boys are bloodthirsty tonight

Thanks for playing

Attached: rigschillin.jpg (512x512, 92K)

Thank for hosting

Attached: Jenny51.gif (600x600, 1.82M)

Attached: fucking wet.jpg (564x787, 33K)


Attached: 37.png (381x210, 92K)

thanks for playing

Something is out of whack with my jinxing! Now its doing the opposite!

Thanks for hosting man

Attached: Ken-Richard-in-Kens-1952-Ford-Pick-Up-1-1-1024x680.jpg (1024x680, 89K)

I hate being late for the thanks anyway, new game Or will you rest?

Attached: Jenny74.png (765x767, 287K)

Anyone up for another?

Attached: JC10.png (178x154, 46K)

Maybe in an hour

Attached: Alcoholism is bad.png (512x512, 199K)

me do it pls


That's alright, build up your stamina

Attached: Jenny26.jpg (2047x2556, 1.65M)

yes please

Attached: 76.png (790x744, 256K)

Un momento.

K, see ya later, tater.

Attached: JC114.jpg (624x529, 57K)
