Why did Zimmerman do it?

Why did Zimmerman do it?

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o i git it cuz all nigerz luk aliek, kekekek fune joek.

For the choccie milk

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rip michael vick

Some people in this country fantasize about getting assaulted or home invasion so is to justify shooting another human with a gun.

He thought he was important. He was wrong.

same reason superman and batman do what they gotta do, taking criminals out of circulation

That's not George Zimmerman, dick head

because self defense is a good way to deal with being assaulted by another human being. BLM is a joke.

If someone has invaded your home, they cease to be human.

Yeeyee haw funny heh kek lol hahahahaha ifunny dot cum

What home did Trayvon invade?

kobe bryant looks fat af in that picture op

You're right and any nigger who fantasizes about invading gets a 9mm in the head.

and some people in this country talk about how pro gun they are.but have no problems with electing a president who shit all over their gun rights

read the post i replied to, then dictionary.com the word context and try to understand why it matters fucking sub 50 IQ mongoloid

Yo, nigga!!

I'm shit-faced. Yeah, read it wrong.


the moment that someone invades your home with the intent to rob or cause harm to you they have knowingly forfeited their life.

Why does Cred Forums have posters of kobe doing a "AHUH" face ?

the apartment complex that zimmerman was part of the neighborhood watch for. And then trayvon's body was found near zimmerman in the complex even though trayvon had left. that means that trayvon returned to the complex after running around the block to try to cause harm or rob zimmerman. well within his rights to shoot at that point.

i think we can all agree that america would of been a better place if zimmerman shot himself after he killed trayvon martin

niggers and spics are bad

yeah plus zimmerman is some kind of jewish-latino creatura so there's that

Well there's a difference between owning a gun for protection and hoping to never use it, rather hoping/wishing for someone to cross you.

and there's a difference between saying you support the 2nd ammendment,and voting for presidents who shit on your gun rights while you sit on your fat hillbilly ass and act like nothing even happened.you trumpshit

dont worry though,im sure your trailer park is to busy doing meth and opioids to bother crossing you.redneck

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Zimmerman was a retard for following him after the cops explicitly told him not to over the phone, but despite what they say, Trayvon was not unarmed. He had arms, 2 big ones, and used them to bash Zimmerman's head into the ground. So yes, the nig should have been shot.

Because you don't flim flam the zim zam

Invented a new drink.

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Cant film-flam the zimzam

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Martin and Brown both got what they deserved.