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Attached: just admit it~.jpg (594x662, 154K)

Attached: michael-obama.jpg (400x532, 24K)

i require more evidence

Attached: mJ9Dp9v.jpg (1080x1135, 75K)

stop it

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Did she hide it in her blown out pussy? Or in her ass for extra flavor?

Attached: eef5y29kf0d41.jpg (1078x1080, 94K)


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All the people in the back being paid to hold signs have no reaction to the woman stealing the mic or the topless protester...
Fucking hilarious.

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4 years later and still triggered by Obama

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>Scar on the elbow
>Light / shadow
>Considering these equal

>Implying people don't make goofy accounts to troll and shit

>Literally where the crotch is. Look at the placement of the pelvic girdle and thighs. If anything, that's a cooter shot

Michael Obama wagging his cock on Ellen show:

video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=AwrS32FULU5eGZgAbTa3mWRH;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=tranny michelle obama on ellen&vid=4330c25a641cac2ad2120267a6f1cdae&turl=https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OVP.t2O4aybgsYr__HDXCQnzpAEsDh&pid=Api&h=150&w=250&c=7&rs=1&rurl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnZH-LCQItg&tit=Michelle Obama Is A Transgender / Man On The Ellen Show!&c=0&h=150&w=250&l=304&sigr=11b2g9qrj&sigt=11otvp53o&sigi=12qgtbs24&age=1515939207&fr2=p:s,v:v&fr=yfp-hrmob&tt=b

But, Michael Baden openly said in his opinion Epsteins death was possibly a murder.

Thats the opposite of deep state

So if Michael transitioned into Michelle after becoming an adult how do you explain this?

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Looks like Dwyane Wade's mutant offspring.

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama

LaVaughn Robinson is his male name

>video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=AwrS32FULU5eGZgAbTa3mWRH;_ylu=X3oDMTByZWc0dGJtBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDBGdwb3MDMQ--?p=tranny michelle obama on ellen&vid=4330c25a641cac2ad2120267a6f1cdae&turl=https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OVP.t2O4aybgsYr__HDXCQnzpAEsDh&pid=Api&h=150&w=250&c=7&rs=1&rurl=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnZH-LCQItg&tit=Michelle Obama Is A Transgender / Man On The Ellen Show!&c=0&h=150&w=250&l=304&sigr=11b2g9qrj&sigt=11otvp53o&sigi=12qgtbs24&age=1515939207&fr2=p:s,v:v&fr=yfp-hrmob&tt=b

literally nothing resembling proof of anything

Attached: 1564976353941.png (263x252, 135K)

>Actually clicks on links like that
>Calls anyone a retard
ok retard

Attached: Michael.Obama.dancing.on.Ellen.gif (320x180, 1.43M)

that's a penis

who wouldn;t suck it though?

Attached: 1581164257621.jpg (1200x675, 68K)

female hyena vaginas stick outwards like a penis

Attached: shepenis.jpg (400x420, 33K)

Oh nooo Zionist Trump's fake tan was done poorly.
Guess I'll vote for the faggot tranny black people party.

That explains it. Michelle Obama isn't a tranny, she's a human/hyena hybrid.

fake news

Ever notice how Barack wears mom jeans? He'd suck that for sure.

>michelle obunga confirmed hyena in nigger's clothing

can you even imagine how awkward it would be if you and Obama on your knees sucking on michelle's cock.
Just sucking a nigger dick the wife of the pres next to the president/ex pres

Attached: 1581379389040.jpg (579x640, 219K)

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Build that Wall. Build that Wall.

Attached: bernie-2020.jpg (900x507, 47K)

Epic troll, faggot.

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