Under rated YouTubers

under rated YouTubers

>Justin Whang

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if they were overrated you would have heard of them

>small brain


whang is fucking great, i just wish he would read faster sometimes

he can only see so many words at a time with his ching chong eyes

glad you're making a point on why anyone would care or want to bother looking them up.

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Hit or miss. Some videos great and full of info and editing. Some feel like hes slowly reading the wiki.

being obscure and being underrated aren't the same thing, nor are they necessarily correlated
popularity is one thing
accurate appraisal is another

I love Jakey but he has over a million subscribers, not very underrated

>never said they should
>never asked them to

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dude has half a million subs. Underrated? fuck off. (I'm already subbed too, it's just you're a faggot)

Larry Bundy jr

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Fucking love that man. He has so much enthusiasm and has a deep onowledge on old classic games and understands what makes them so great, unlike peter moleneux

i've been watching a bunch of his videos again tonight. hope he does more conspiracy/time travel type of shit soon

Yep. He covers so much retro UK gaming that hardly anyone talks about.

don't you have several buffets to put out of business, larry? fuck off you gargantuan bitch

Don't know if you know this, but kid him was actually on tv as a contestant for a video gaming show. Give me a minite to find the video and ill link it to you

welcome to fat cunt

love that dude
no homo

seriously larry, fuck off. nobody cares you broke a sweat playing video games on tv in the early 90's

Yeah, I saw it.

You caught it :)


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Unknown 5
That Chapter
Shrouded Hand

Upisnotjump (so painfull to not put spaces.)

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SomeOrdinaryGamers is a faggot he doesn't deserve any attention

That Chapter is the shit.

If you like That Chapter, I recommend checking out Criminally Listed

Qxir is criminally underrated

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Have you guys heard of PewDiePie?

See for yourselves:


Todd in the Shadows

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i actually like the fact that mutadaddys not mainstream

Will do, cheers.



Cheers user, hope you enjoy


u think muta is a little youtuber?

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Fredrik knudsen



You guys should see Whang's performance as a chronic alcoholic in Chubbyemu's most recent video.

Jim Sterling

Not really underrated as a lot of people love him, but he's far far below where he should be.
He's also the greatest youtuber who ever lived
so... yeah. you should prolly check him out

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You know I watch Justin at least once a week. Catching up on all his Tales from the Internet series. Have to say he knows how to entertain with a story. He covers great topics too.

Great pick actually.

Andy Warski

Also, if you're into history, give Mark Felton Productions a check. He was the reason why i got the highest grade in my high school extension history class.


No, That cunt is a beta male feminist.

Alphabeta gamer


When Papa John comes on your podcast you are not underrated or small.

Is that you Bobby Kotic?



Accursed Farms / Ross Scott

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my spelling is meh

Keith Appleton is comfy viewing. The man just restores model steam engines. That's it. That's all he does.

Fuck off

That actually sounds nice.
Have you seen the guy who just builds primitive stuff?

I would say It'sAGundam, Civvie 11 or FrittangaPlays

For retro tech
Adrian's digital basement. Great relaxing stuff to watch as he repairs old computer boards.
Top 10 movie trivia for when you can't be bothered to go to IMDB
If you want fall down in to the big world of lockpicking and locksport
Bosnianbill and Lockpicking Lawyer.
For creepy/murder stories
Is a good channel. Avoid Chills channel because of his fucking annoying voice.
Just some of my picks.

lilyslibrary, but dont go there, its nice how it is now

Otaku Overdrive

>camwhore channel
Yea we wont go there.

Ethan Brown, the first video I saw of his was named "I'm pretending to be a retarded heartless Nigger!!!That been in the Mental Fake Ass hospital "

thanks fren!

I must admit, I have not!

I think its called primitive technology.
It's just this calm dude building shit. You'd probably actually like it.


Shut the fuck up, Jim.

Emplemon. makes high quality documentaries on a variety of interesting subjects that you would not expect. Check em' out




Warski is rated exactly where he needs to be.

Son you are on Cred Forums, we are all betas here, also fat.

J P Sears

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Speak for youreself.

I speak for 90% of Cred Forums

It's pronounced 'Jim Fucking Sterling Son'

Oh, yeah some mutt nigger milking Tor is definitely underrated and small. Fuck off.

Yea i bet.

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Anyone know of any good deep dive ARG channels like Night Mind?

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Someone already made that obvious joke.

You probably know already but if you haven't Nexpo is pretty good youtube.com/channel/UCpFFItkfZz1qz5PpHpqzYBw/videos
Atrocity Guide is another good one youtube.com/channel/UCn8OYopT9e8tng-CGEWzfmw/videos
Nobody really comes close to NM though

hes got some interesting videos diving in to odd internet stories or events

I think he is wholesome



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Bisnap is chill. Really like his older videos.

Some people I watch on YouTube I bump the play speed up to 1.25 or 1.5


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The Cookie Jar



Brenda Lee ftw

This. Most of the people that used to be on Channel Awesome are underrated and great.


I dont like my metal music combined with gay internet culture so no thanks. Also sage

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may he rest in peace

Reactor, online frog, Oki's weird stories, Welyn

trey the explainer
He barely uploads but when he does they’re a pretty good watch

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I agree

The one and only

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nice bait

He looks like a faggot

isnt that the guy who stuck a banana up his ass

He's pretty based.
He rocks the Mongolian look well

Thank you

Actually like his shit

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Fucking kike

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anyone here heard of idubbz

Kek I'm gonna start doing this

that's a damn nice moustache.

Literally who?

I don't think he's joking tho.


>views on game industry trends are informative
>litterly everything else about him is degenerate and low IQ

Scare Theater, ReignBot and MamaMax (only latest videos)

allgasnobrakes check it out

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Yes and he also poured boiling oil on his dick

>tfw people remember you for this shit and not your actual videos

Nothing degenerate about being a fat, gay, British wrestler wearing a Cornflakes mask and playing with Boglins.

These are some of the best things in life

Justin Wang?

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Aint he one of those unhinged leftists?

plays chess w
pigeons? dat guy

Whang is cool. Wavywebsurf does similar style videos and I like his shit too.

Seems like a hella cool poo. His videos are incredibly poorly edited though.

Onehitwonderland is a great series

>Fredrik knudsen
Eh, gf likes these. I find them meh

Based. Very much /our/guy

>Scare Theater
Too short format. Def a quantity>quality channel
Based. Solid stuff At a solid pace. Nice mix of long and short format.
>MamaMax (only latest videos)
Dude, no doubt. His latest videos gave been on point.

My vote:
Barely Sociable - Best new YT channel by far. Literally every video is YT Kino. Start with lake city quiet pills and go from there.

Pt.2 had to post to prevent 404

>Mr.Obvious -
Not terrible...not good. Nice channel to keep up on 4chanigans, but he strikes me as not particularly intelligent. All his video ideas are obviously pulled from whatever's happening on Cred Forums on a given day... still, better than most other shit.

>Casually explained
Max comfy. Millenial humor that I actually find humorous.

>Leon Lush/Lush Life/Cody Ko/Noel Miller
Normie channels that are actually tolerable.

>Hoovies Garage/Uncle Tony/Albo/Tavarish/WrenchEveryDay
Automotive channels. If you're a gearheard these are worth checking out.

Justin Wang is like the FitMC of Cred Forums

Based digits

There is no such thing as an underrated youtuber, they're all terrible

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>Eight Thoughts

Pretty based Woke Gamer, Comedic, Conspiracy content


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Numeber 15 .. Reatrded ussr on forchun

Lmao only guy that stayed in channel awesome after the allegations


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Yeah aint he a natzi?


>Kreepy Pasta
Prolly the most underrated channel out there


This guy is great. Just gets a bit too 'nigger' sometimes.


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Cred Forums left the thread

Dad, and Ashens