Choose wisely

Choose wisely.

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Dual wield all three

1 attack, 50 speed if range isn't a factor.
also depends if attack speed is factored for the cooldown after an attack, or the charge up to attack

>dual wield
>all three

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Is chance to hit 100%?
Does monster have damage absorb?
How many monsters?
How many hps do I have?
Does long sword hit multiple things at once?
Does long sowrd have longer reach?

Dual means two faggot you mean Tri-wield

Im def a red 50at 1sp kinda guy.

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Well bro we die together for on your 50th blow of me asking you to stop ill hit you once and we die in a slump by eachothers side.

>green cuz on hit is good in every game it exists.
>ie: risk of rain 2

An exquisite battle.

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depends on cooldown for the first hit
first hit could be instant and start the cooldown

>thousands of games to choose from
>risk of rain 2

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I already said that, dickhead

blue is a no brainer.

and what if the opponent has 2 hp?
and what if the opponent has 3 hp?
and what if the opponent has 4 hp?
and what if the opponent has 6 hp?
and what if the opponent has 7 hp?
and what if the opponent has 8 hp?
and what if the opponent has 9 hp?
and what if the opponent has 11 hp?

Your weapon is worthless on anything that isn't a multiple of 5, and it's only just-as-good as green on weapons that are multiples of 5.

It only take one thrust to destroy that asshole's asshole

green obviously. all i need is the surgical precision of a lobotomist to one shot your entire brain celled life.

You're bad

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Me pick RED


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Red obviously, it's the longest.

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Sounds kinda gay

>choosing the virgin green dagger over the chad red sword
It's like you love to lose and die

I think I'd rather get slashed once and die than get stabbed 50 times then die

Guess I'll just hit you twice, maybe even thrice then faggot

Assuming perfect accuracy:
Green is worthless unless youre able to throw an infinite amount. No decent game (not just vidya) keeps low health enemies in high enough numbers to justify this as a melee weapon.
Blue is only good if highly augmented by special abilities. Basic bitch starter weapon.
Red is the safest bet. Drastically reduces in-combat grind. Worst case scenario is it perma slows out of combat movement.

Cred Forums is a bunch of bow and arrow bitches so this shit doesnt matter anyway

red sword ganga

50 speed
You move faster, attack faster, dodge faster
U are sanic

The straight sword is the most privileged of all swords.

Bow to red sword users. Bow. For we dont give warning shots

I get penetrated 50 times then penetrate him once. I dont see how that's gay user.

Maybe if i go hilt deep... but who said anything about that

Never go hilt deep in another man user. Thats gay

You forget all the stab noises you get to make while stabbing someone 50 times.
Hyea, hiya, hoooya, yeaaaat, x 50

Green, crack cocaine sword users.
Blue, sober sword users.
Red, viagra/steroid sword users.

Blue objectively best.

Red could potentially kill in one hit or at the very least much fewer hits but if you miss you could pay before getting a hit at all.

Green makes missing once or twice not much of a problem except that even when you hit it doesn't make much of a difference and you take more time to kill so you have more time in which you can get killed for making a mistake.

Blue is the best choice.

>assuming i cant randomly swing big red at 50 nothings 50 times looking for a secret area and make noise with each swing


Assuming the same accuracy... I'd go red simply because I love chunking HP bars. Also depends on how much HP the enemy has though, no sense in doing 50 damage when it has 10 HP. Blue is probably the best in most situations because you can miss and with a slow weapon that's not good, overkill wasting DPS,

Got something to say to me?

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Speed wins. Wear gear with hp absorb, added damage, speed % increase. Also it outclasses any avoidance the enemy may have.

Basic armor turns your weak ass blade into a toothpick with no damage at all

Depends on armour rules and hit percentages.
But the answer is always green. Imagine the crits on that thing with a backstab with my dex build

anyone who says blue is retarded. its 36 less points less than the other two.

Green because i'm a dex monkey.

green: skill low
blue: skill low
red: skill high

>good luck

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Green because I like to take my time while killing.


Would crit more often giving more DoT

Perked with Predator, when enemy is below 10% health, 100% crit chance, 85% chance to inflict killing blow.

Gonna go fuck some shit up with a steak knife bruv

Can we get a choice thread going?

Haven't read through one in ages

Red for maximum powaaahhh

Blue potion

Oops forgot img

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Red, too lazy to swing more than once.

Blue obviously, why is this even a choice?


For the green potion, humans are animals so technically I can turn into a human if that's the animal I've acted like the most. But I'm with blue. Since it'll make me smart I'll probably find a way to partially stop the side effects

Oi, yoo gots a loicence fer that steak knoife!?

Not enough information given. are there abilities? how much hp do enemies usually have? when first attacking someone, do i need to wait fo the swing timer or is the first attack instant? is armor a thing? can i further modify the damage or attack speed of the weapons? can the weapons break?

Red, who wants to be an animal haha


All the same dot...

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give me 50 attack 1 speed then buff me with windfury

I think it means, if you call on a power like eagle vision to see far away, or wolf like sense of smell, or cat like reflexes, it will turn you. I think it kinda covers that in the latter part saying you can't control it the transformation, so the abilities would come instinctually, basically uncontrollable. Turning you over time, and I think if it was a progressive turn, you'd slowly rely more on your animal instincts, turning you even faster. So that's why I chose blue, because of be smart enough to slow or stop the aging because it doesn't say I can't slow or stop the aging, perpetual stasis. Or id just download/transfer my conscious over to another being somehow.

yeah dual means two retard

More a Sanguine guy, or a Rotfathers. Usualy my builds in mmo/rpg.


green and red attack at the same speed

Wyrm sword: summon sick fucking great red elder wyrm to fly me around and burninate shit.

Undead thrall sword: kill a few people, have then amass an army for me l, conquer ze wuurrrrllllld.

those all suck

If I was holding a taser to your balls and you don't choose, I'm going to electrically castrate you.

Make a choice.

have the same dps*

Green with big shield = Roman Empire status.
Blue with medium-small shield = Medieval Europe status.
Red on its own is only effective in heavy armor or in open terrain.

My thoughts:
>Green is best
>Blue is secondary
>Red is the Ferrari of mid-late medieval Europe
^Big sword = Tiny Penis

>drink green potion
>move to st louis in the ghetto
>become stealth crime fighting nigga
>slowly turn into gorilla
>move to anywhere
>10/10 Winston cosplay

green for consistent DPS
blue for good range
red for bosses cuz range and since theres only a few openings

I'd rather be castrated than drink any of those potions honestly

7.07 attack
7.07 speed

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Take the blue potion, become smart and develop a cure for the side effects.