Who tho

Who tho

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child C because fuck females

It's an interesting question but B, the other two can ask the person who created it if they want to use/possess it.

she's a dike

"Three children are fighting over a flute, who owns the flute?"
Child B, and the other two are stupid entitled cunts whether one way or another.

Yeah. A or B will grow up to feel entitled to everything because they're women.

Child d
>because it goes furthest up his ass

Give the flute to child C.

Let child A and B play my skin flute together

A and B go ass to ass requiem style while C watches

>A and B go ass to ass requiem style while C watches

you are an idiot if you think you can compare this to real life

Make them fight to the death and the winner gets the flute. They will always cherish it because the gift bore the highest of costs and the risk was immense. The surviving child will appreciate their life much more after seeing another two snuffed out.

Squirrel bro soliution is the only solution.


I wouldn't "give" it to any of them, B is already in possession of it and I'm not a thief.
Is this supposed to be some sort of communist propaganda? Because this just makes me want to fire up the helicopter even more.

Highly relevant point. If she made it what she does with it is here choice. ( obviously contracts and other legal compulsions apply as always). Personally if hand her 5 bucks and solve the argument by taking the flute from her and selling to highest bidder. I would then use the profits to buy them each and icecream, laced with ambien, and sell them to some Turks or Ukrainians.

No, it's just a false dilemma made to attack whatever ideology OP hates because he's a faggot.

There is no rule 34 of this. Prove me wrong.

I already mentioned selling them into sex trafficking, 34 doesnt require an image just porn and words are pron too.

Stealing from B to give to others disincentives Bs from producing more useful objects.

A should pay for it if A wants it.

C is a parasite and should be executed if C does not want to be useful to society.

A, but only if she can compensate B, otherwise the state will compensate B itself and loan the use of the flute to A until such time as A can make payment equal to it's value through service.

C isn't really related to this situation.

B you third world faggot

A gets the flute, plays it for money. Then pays B for Flute (cause A cant play the fucking flute so what else she has it for than selling). Then A teaches C how to play the flute and gives it to him. C plays the flute for money, then buys his own flute and gives A back the original flute and pays for renting it.

genuine question - are you autistic?

I reject your premise. Fight me.

All of there claims are equally valid so it would be a no win situation. it'd be best if they all take turns using it. child B should be reimbursed by the teacher to make 2 more flutes for the kids so they don't have to share.

>All of there claims are equally valid

Child B.
She made it, it's hers. Therefore it's her decision.

Anyone who voted A or C is a fucking socialist faggot.

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Give it to whoever is trans. They face the most discrimination in life.

you just made a socialist argument since B is the working class. Congrats, you're learning the working class should be given more power.

Whoever invented this test makes me sad. Why? Because it implies that our minds have degenerated by the cancer of this age, so we do not know answers to simple questions. B is the obvious and the only answer.

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Is "flute" a euphemism here?

Category error. I don't have the right to determine who the flute goes to as removing it from the current possessor would be theft. Unless they're non-native, then their property is forfeit anyway.

B isn't "the working class" your retard. Otherwise the scenario for B would be
>"I was paid to make this flute for someone else to sell. The flute does not belong to me, it belongs to my employer."

No socialist argument. If you make something, it's yours until you sell it or give it away.

If you work in a factory, the factory is making stuff, not you. Go somewhere else with your shitty bullcrap.


Ignoring the fucking faces: Out of principle B as it is hers. The other options are quite literally communism as they dont mention compensation for the one who made the flute, so begone faggots.


Unless B gave the flute away, it seems that B would have the flute. A makes a promising argument, but should just get their own flute, and C is just some asshat with a sob story.


>mfw no one realizes the flute is taxes

Attached: trapped.png (500x757, 464K)

>I should get the taxes. I'm the only one here who can play taxes. And after all, the point of taxes is to make music."



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Option A would be the goberment, b the worker, c the welfare queen

NOT communism if the other does not reciprocate. Central to communist tenant is that the worker should get the greatest portion value of an item. Secondly that each worker produces as they see fit, yes anyone can receive use items produced, contrary to popular belief though Engels and Marx had no plan to to make everything free. The could not figure out how a more equitable means of exchange would come about only that it would. All the idealist and idiots just assumed it was nom economic. It's supposed to be a new more equitable system



Either you're baiting or you haven't been in one of these threads before.

Then A (the government) SHOULD get the taxes. That's the fucking point. Everybody likes to use roads and bridges and shit.

B should give up the tax money. Because, again, everybody likes a working infrastructure.

C should also receive some of that sweet tax money because if everybody's life is better everybody will be more productive. And because taxes =/= a single flute.

I fucking hate you faggots why do I fucking come here.

was waiting for this

fucking nice.

Attached: thats nice.jpg (515x514, 30K)

Child B will probably get a note in the side of our history textbooks for their contributions to women's music.

thanks for supporting the labor theory of value fellow marxists : )

Nowhere in the op image is it stated that B gave away the flute though

i don't think you understand the labor theory of value

In real world (((d))) gets half of every transaction.
I would take the flute and if a wants it she should first teach b to play it. B can make another one for herself but better for knowledge of how its played. B can then teach unskilled c how to make flutes so b don't have to be a worker. B wins because she can play the flute, is a master flute builder and is boss over c, who can now build flutes but never play

Ethically it is unfair to take it from b, but if b gives to c voluntarily it would be the ideal outcome.

Ezpz. Force B to sell to A. Take .50c on the dollar, give .02c/$ to C.

Force B to sell to A at a price you decide is fait, then split the amount between the 4 of you.

Lol kek. So upset to encounter reality. It's ok boomerflake your time is almost up.

Ethics are subjective. B keeps her useless flute, nobody hears music, nobody plays. B don't know if flute even works

C? What will that achieve?


You forgot child D. "I have 100 billion flutes already. You should give me the flute because I'm a better steward of flutes. If you give it to me, flutes will trickle down to everyone else."