**Childhood Chocolates**

**Childhood Chocolates**
Let's argue on what the best one is / was.

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But it's not even wrapped in paper and foil. :(

my dad likes those, lol

I'm not going to argue because I don't give a shit about other people's opinions but I will share what my favorite is.

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dude, this cannot be beaten

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I call your Milky Bar and raise you a Caramac.

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whats it taste like?

anything by kinder

they're lit asf

As long as it's not Hershey's

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Kinder, hands down


Cum with a hint of shame

Milk chocolate.
Just really good milk chocolate.


Confectioners vomit. What the fuck even was that? Like a Milky Bar that’s been passed through the anus of a weasel.

fam you say that like its a bad thing

Cadbury’s Curly Wurly. Like angels cumming in your mouth.

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checked. Man of culture. Kinder Bueno Master Race checking in

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my mum told me that when i was 3 i used to eat the chocolate and then leave the caramel on the windowsill then like 5 hours later it would just be a pile

idk if this is a meme but these are fucking delicious

If this wasn't a top tier chocolate your clearly a fucking degenerate

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I've never experienced, but that looks lengers man

Agreed - Caramac is munting

That is blessed, brodo. You'd be on my team, post apocalypse. You're in good stead

Nah. It's a point of difference that no other chocolate bar touches. I'm not even a fan, BTW, but it's not any of "the big 3" of dark, milk and white. It's like the Matt le Tissier of choccos: if you don't know, then you don't know. You are convention in human format.

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It would appear that there is no chocolate in this Caramac thingie. Hence you are disqualified from contributing here.

Acknowledged and respected. Caramac, Milky Bar etc is pure candle wax. I refuse to recognise white chocolate as being legitimate chocolate. No cocoa, no choco.

Italianfag here, I used to love these.

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