Cred Forums I have a date with a thicc girl tomorrow and she's already asking what we're gonna do...

Cred Forums I have a date with a thicc girl tomorrow and she's already asking what we're gonna do. I'm a total aspie and have no idea what college girls like for a first date. Help.

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Tell her you're gonna take her out to dinner followed by a vigorous deep dicking

Do you have money to go do something? Dinner and something.. go karts, movies, museum, ice skating. Something like that. Make her have fun every time she is with you.

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Find a Billards place (pool table) and play pool. You can actually get close without being creepy by helping her shoot.

Take her out to a dinner or a pub depending on what type of lady she is. Where would you want a girl to take you out if she asked you out on a date?

>followed by a vigorous deep dicking
Tried that before. Didn't work
Yes I got money
I never thought of it in question

Enjoy the friendzone.

just take her some place fun

try to enjoy yourself with no pressure on either of you

do gay shit like hold her hand, open the door for her, be assertive for her if she needs something

end of date kiss her or if you're a massive pussy just ask her ''would you like to kiss me''

do another something fun but can offer her drinks at your house or something at your house if she comes you should make out with her might get to bang

3rd date is the sex date for most people

if it hasn't happened by 3rd date she's prob a virgin or she might be frigid as fuck or inexperienced or super insecure

>>followed by a vigorous deep dicking
>Tried that before. Didn't work
try it again dipshit

at least you could see pussy in this one

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>do another something fun...
meant for this to start with 2nd date

Got it b0ss
I guess it wouldn't hurt to deep my feet in and see where it goes

just pound that pussy bro

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Feed her, Make her laugh, she'll probably be down to fuck.

What do you do with your “not college girl” friends? Just build a relationship as friends first, hang out, talk about shit. Go get pizza. Walk around somewhere with cool shops. Go to a bookstore.

>your place
>8 ball of coke
>30pk of beer

theres your date itinerary

>Where would you want a girl to take you out if she asked you out on a date?
Her bed
But it doesn't work like that user

Drinks, dinner/lunch, walk, mini golf, museum, art gallery, etc...
Somewhere you can talk to her and let her know she's worthy of your penis

Why did you ask her out in the first place and why did she say yes?
What was it that clicked? What in your conversation formed the bond?
Surely you have mutual interests already established..

Pretty much this. If she has fun and laughs shell suck your dick.

You have a date with a FATT girl tomorrow and you don't know what to do? No idea what fat girls like?

thick girls are shy and want nothing more than the basic human affection that they see everyone else getting.

Making her feel normal, like any other girl will make her feel incredibly special.

She has a cute face and has a pornstar booty

How new are you to the dating game that you assume all college girls want the same thing for a first date?

Do you know anything about her?
She a movie girl, take her to the movies
She a gamer, invite her to game.
She a mystery and you don’t know. Take her to dinner, or bowling, bar and get to know her.
All of these things will end with her making you cum (if you play your cards right)

how horny did you have to be to go and fuck with the exposure and contrast of this pic just to see a lil pussy bro really?

Eat at a trendy place, maybe Arab or thai. Look it up on yelp. Say your friends told you about it so she thinks you aren’t retarded. Then go play pool or some bar with an activity. Mention some movie or documentary. If she’s seen it say you can see it together if not visaversa. If she’s cool going to ur apt or hers that’s secks guaranteed. After that you can sperg out and cum in ten seconds she’ll think it’s cute.



how do i get a mommy gf

If you weren’t such an incel you could probably find one. I know several.

Movies as a date are terrible. You have no chance to interact. Movie and then something afterwards is acceptable, but generally should be relegated to something you do down the road.

Just buy her shit. That's all women want. Sex is their bartering tool.

I've only had a series of first dates. No gfs

what kind of southern biker shitholes do you hang out at?

Do people not hangout after a movie? I’ve always done it. Whether it’s just going for a drive, getting something to eat, or whatever. The first girl I ever fucked. Took her to the movies, then we went for a drive, parked and fucked in the car. It wasn’t even supposed to be a date just 2 friends hanging out. All I did was pick her up. She paid for her ticket.

>he didnt just say "come over for dinner" then fuck her


OP hope you are still taking tips because this is my first date that has resulted in sex 100% of the time. Take her out to a bar or brewery and talk for a while. get to know eachother over 1-2 drinks. after talking for a good 30-40 minutes, if she seems into you ask her if she wants to go somewhere fun, and take her to a Dave and Busters/Round 1. Some kind of arcade place with games that offers alcohol. Have fun for a while, play games, get a little more drunk, after you spend some cash and you guys are running low on credits, ask her if she'd like to go to your place to watch . If she says yes you are in. Cuddle up and have some Netflix & Chill. If you give her the good dick she'll ask to stay the night.

This but unironically.

Post moar OP.

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Tell her you have ass burgers and you want to have sex

Sounds like a lot of effort. Just ask her over for dinner, cook a dinner, watch a movie then fuck her. Unless you have no innate charm or charisma

lmao this

Fat girls just want attention. That's why this whole "thicc" thing is a fad now; it's all a part of this body-positive bullshit. Guys have always wanted a fat ass to plow doggystyle, now fat girls can have their day in the sun.

Don't click

Trust yourself in the way that you don't trust yourself. Touch your nose once. It won't kill you

Of course she has a pornstar booty