What n64 game should i play?

what n64 game should i play?

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starfox 64


Monster Truck Madness 64

Blast corps


excitebike 64 hillclimb mode

perfect dark is better
sounds hella gay
will investigate


Play Glover so you can get wildly frustrated

Paper Mario

Perfect darkkkkkkk

Bomberman 64

Actually, this

Second this.
But honestly, it doesn't hold up now. Aged horribly.

This. To the max

Just play Super Mario 64 if you can handle the camera

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perfect dark is just better

It's on the list. First I'm going to beat Masters Quest, then Jet force, then Mario.

Looking for something easy just to dick around with tho rn

Conker's Bad Fur Day maybe?

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Second this.

I always thought this was a strange system. Why didn't it have the rpgs the snes did?

Garbage game. Bomberman Hero is way better

Both pokemon stadium games fuck

Lack of backwards compatibility, retard.

that pokemon puzzle game was a fun rental as a kid. Rush 2 with that stunt track is good times too.

anything on nintendo is 2ez you fag

user was saying why weren't there rpgs on n64 like snes had 1000 of them quite literally.

the storage capacity of the N64 was too small for grand RPGs. They would have had to make the RPGs look like SNES games to fit it on the cartridge. That's why FF7 was on PS1.

>1000 of them quite literally.
name them all, or you're lying

Paper Mario
Perfect Dark
Donkey Kong 64
Pokémon Stadium 2
Mario Party 2
Mario 64
Bomberman Hero
Mischief Makers (most underrated n64 game ever)
Mario Kart 64
Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Oh, you thought I was serious? Here, let me laugh harder.
Serious answer: rpgs were commonly less profitable for mainstream audience appeal at the time.

Got out of the N64 stuff before I got my hands on that one. Goldeneye and KI Gold were my jams back then

>Paper Mario
it's ok, but it's not Mario
>Perfect Dark
Never played it because I had Goldeneye already.
>Donkey Kong 64
>Pokémon Stadium 2
why not just play pokemon?
>Mario Party 2
Only good with friends
>Mario 64
The best 3D Mario game ever.
>Bomberman Hero
This was an OK rental.
>Mischief Makers (most underrated n64 game ever)
only ever saw the cover art
>Mario Kart 64
Mario Kart is pure trash on any system
>Conker’s Bad Fur Day
garbage with piss and shit jokes

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Ogre battle 64
F-Zero X

everyone else can suck a dick

>Ogre battle 64
My Inward

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Doom 64

Super Mario 64
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Perfect Dark
Duke Nukem Zero Hour

March of the Black Queen or fuck off

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Then why did ps1 have a shit load of rpgs and a way larger catalogue of games.

about 5 seconds of one before that joystick goes to shit

i don't support African royalty

Because Sony was playing against Nintendo's "family friendly" style and going with more progressive genres.

the game that was so shitty they tried to sell you sex instead.

As an addendum to this, Sony also had a wider array of game publishers they were willing to work with.

i got some 3rd party usb controllers the joystick is better

Smash Bros if you have friends
Paper Mario if not

I’m guessing you suck at platform games?
And the only people that don’t like Mario kart are the ones that suck at it.

Also the best 3D Mario game is Odyssey, 2nd is Sunshine, then 64, then the galaxy games.

I think he has only seen n64 through an emulator judging by the usb controller in his OP and the fact that emulation for n64 sucks dick

Mario Kart isn't skill based it's literally just random chance based on power pickups
>you must suck at platformers hurr durr
why? Mario64 and Super Mario 3 are the two best Mario games. Every other Mario is just a copy of Mario64. They literally all play the same but have unnecessary garbage getting in the way of playing a fucking Mario game.
>mario sunshine
isn't a mario game. it's a shitty shooter.

Why is the emulation so bad?

Mario Cart

Goemon's Mystical Ninja or this:

ogre battle 64

RPG turned based controls are a bit wanky at first but is good.

Anything from Rareware games. Probably their best era.

I wouldn't know as I use my old console and a flashcart and have given up on emulating n64 cause it is really poor performance. I'll emulate ps1/2 cause they had a huge ass library and there arent easily pirated games on a physical console and it isnt accurate, but it usually goes smooth with minor glitches.

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Get the vibrating controller and stick it up your ass.

Rare is so fucking over-rated
Banjo and DK64 are just boring AF


thats what dual-shock controllers excel at

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Mario kart is skill based. You just suck faggot. If you’re in the top 3 you never get good power ups, all you have is your good driving skills to keep you in first, second, or third.
You do suck at platformers. The only one you don’t bitch about is Mario 64. Donkey Kong is a great platformer so are the other ones by rareware.

You need to stop dreaming in the past, boomer. I love Mario 64 too. But I’m not going to deny that Odyssey is way way way better when it came to level designs (not going to mention game mechanics because obviously those same mechanics weren’t available 20 years ago)

It’s like paper Mario. There’s been 4 on home consoles so far, but the best one is Thousand Year Door, then the 64 one.
Thousand Year Door completely changed the game. New enemy’s new type of characters. Not your typical goombas, koopas, or boos.

What did you expect in the mascot/platformer era? They did what was popular and it worked. What did you expect? Half life?

Does it specifically have to be the Collector's Edition, though?

Not at all


Also Battletanx if you have multiple controllers and friends.
>But you're here on Cred Forums so probably not.

It’s rare to find anons who have played it

Shit was always a surreal experience for me

Star Wars flavour:
Rogue Squadron
Shadows of the Empire
And despite Episode I being complete garbage, that podracing game was pretty amusing.

I played it. One of the few games I remember being able to easily beat as a kid and the music is awesome.

>Now THIS is podracing!

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Bomberman Hero is such a unique game that was very fun and challenging to play (challenge comes when you get to the 3rd planet)

I’m feeling nostalgic. Want to play it again, that and Mischief Makers.

No other game has ever had a soundtrack like it, I’m not even sure what to call it genre-wise


Worms Armageddon and Turok Rage Wars

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Mischief makers

Did something happen today?

Prequal movies were shit, but the media around them was god tier. Original Battlefront 1 and 2 ftw

Third this

I expected Rare to make a game that was fun, but instead they made 1 game and pretended it was 3.

>Donkey Kong
is buttholes. shitty platforming and shitty shooting (for some reason there's guns). Even SNES DK is garbage. Everyone jizzed over it because it looked amazing on CRT TVs, but it played like ass and it aged like your mother's pussy.

pod racer

Worms reminds me of Pong or Tetris. Great games that keep trying to "modernize" but are never any better for it.

Quest 64.

Wow never really comment but been here since November 03 unfortunately but noncunt has said snow board kids 2? Shits worth $dollaridoos if you have it should of stole it from videoeazy

Ocarina is the only way..

>I suck at platformers
>can only beat mario games
>mom joke

How autistic are you?

Platformer were similar, but they sold and were iconic for the time. Were you complaining when every other company was trying to copy modern warfare during the ps3 and 360 era?

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Rare has been making games since the 70s and theyve all been hits.

>Can only beat mario games
DK and Banjo are games for toddlers

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>Were you complaining when every other company was trying to copy modern warfare during the ps3 and 360 era?
yeah. modern warfare was literally the only FPS I played besides Halo. everything else just looked like derivatives, and why not just replay the good game instead of a knock-off?

Yeah, Nuts and Bolts was a huge success


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Toy Story 2 is surprisingly a really decent game.

10/10 recommend it. I 100% it maybe once a year whenever I'm bored because it's not super long. Levels are pretty fun too.

So you see why rare was such a big hit at the time then. Banjo and donkey kong were as big as those games in their time. Also Cod started as a rip off of Medal of Honor, so don't tell me Banjo just did what mario 64 did. They did something similar but better. You gotta take the time period into account.

Oh man, Starfox 64, GoldenEye, Smash, I'm not gonna lie Wave Race 64 was fun.

Ohh so DK and Banjo were like Medal of Honor: Warfighter, and Mario was Modern Warfare.

Holy shit I hated that fucking game!!!

Donky Kong Racing, Mario Kart, Ocarina of Time


Rush 2 is very disappointing

WWF no mercy

I get drunk with a friend and we compete in points on the stunt track. Maze Craze on Atari is also a great drunk with friends game.

But not 2112

No Mercy's menu music is fucking gay, and you only get 30 people in a Rumble Royale


Turok!!! Lmao

Mario 64, changed EVERYTHING at the time.

That was my plan until I played just 1 race. Total garbage.

I'm talking about the original medal of honor games! Cod 1 took A LOT from the previous medal of honor games. All building up to modern warfare.
So banjo did too. But from previous mario and other platformer games. Can't say that either is holy original. They just did what they innovated did, but better.

kek have this new in box. Only opened once.

How can you be so consistently wrong?

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Own all of these, some CIB.

yeah, the races are shit. if you wanna race try Cruis'n USA

because I have taste.

you shoves the game up your pussy?

Clearly not a taste for N64.

Nope it's in a storage unit, actually a low value pos game.


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How? By modern standards? No srly I wanna know?

to be fair the N64 was a trash console. it had like 20 games on it, and most of them were dogshit.

>N64 was a trash console.

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Because I think for myself and don't just suck the dick of YouTubers that say those games are good.
Goldeneye was shit too. if you never played a videogame before, then maybe it was good.

Stfu by modern standards, console came out almost 20 years ago, you're talking SHIT!

compared to PS1, yeah. compared to PC, yeah. Nintendo was just lucky that the Saturn was a turd.

Yeah, the N64 was an incredibly flawed console (the fuckin' 3 pronged controller is enough of an argument), but it's far from irredeemable trash

I still play WCW v. NWO Revenge. I still play FF7 on a PS1 emulator. Fuck, I love Maze Craze and Warlods on the Atari 2600


Cartridge > disc

It had Mario64 and Aki wrasslin' games. I guess smash bros. too. that's about it.

Cartridges were more expensive and had less storage. PS1 had huge soundtracks. Do N64 games even have soundtracks that aren't the same 10 second clip repeated?

Paper Mario. It is the only game that aged well

*PS1 games

Dude I used that controller with the rumble pack for anal stimulation while masturbating. I feel bad for my friends using the controller.

Look, man. Not enjoying the N64 Zelda games is your choice, but at least acknowledge them

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Diddy's Kong Racing

Caring about soundtracks oppose to convenience.

never played majora's mask. played Ocarina as a kid and hated it. played it as an adult and got to the last dungeion (I think) it had the cool hand monster mini-boss in it. Got bored of it. I loved A Link to the Past on SNES though.

I'm sure in not the only one that used the middle part on their asshole.

how are cartridges convenient?
if convenient is what you want then just buy Tiger hand-helds

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Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon

I’ve played every game for the system and the top games I always go back to are

Nightmare creatures
Mario 64
Mischief makers

Shadowman with graphics expansion pack

Any of the Vigilante because fuck Twisted Metal.

Cartridge lasted longer. Disc would always get a lil scratch and skip during my game.

>he needs youtubers to tell him how impressive a game was for it's time
Too young to discuss the n64 days then.
Why are you here then? Gonna ask why didn't the n64 have 4k graphics?

Fuuuuuckkk yoouuuuu

SNES not N64


>Disc would always get a lil scratch and skip during my game.
none of mine do. the only bad game I've ever had was a used copy of Philosoma.

Sounds like you were a little shit that didn't take proper care of his things.

>Too young to discuss the n64 days then.
yeah, you should stick to CoD

I think N64 fags forget about how much better the PS1 was. Most games on N64 just felt lame and clunky compared to PS1.

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Playing as AKI Man in the wrestling games

play as Macho Man in a Royal Rumble and try to do the taunt before the next wrassler runs out.
while the little cutscene happens.

What was your favorite arena? I fancied Halloween Havoc.

>Halloween Havoc.
yeah that's mine too

A good casual game that hasn’t been suggested yet is Pokémon Snap.

>needs yt to explain why games were impressive
>you should stick to cod then
Fuck off back to tik tok

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what about Howdy Do Pikachu, or whatever that game is with the mic.

It’s true i like n64 but ps1 was top notch with way to many great games, final fantasy’s, way better tony hawk games, rpg’s galore. Crash games, cool boarder series, the list goes on and on

PS (not ps1) only had MGS, Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, a few fighting games but that’s it.
All the games raraware released for the n64 were great. All the Mario, Pokémon games were great. Other titles like mischief makers, bomberman hero, star fox 64, smash bro’s, battle tanx, iggys wrecking balls, diddy Kong’s racing, wave race 64. All of those were gems.

PlayStation might’ve been the better console, but in my opinion N64 has way better titles

Hiiiiiiii I'm claire. I always play my Nintendo switch.

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Hey You Pikachu! It’s fun but didn’t work like it was supposed to.

Game sucks you take pictures of faggot enemies while inside a slow moving cart. gay gay gay

>tik tok

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You need to put the Red Bull and skittles down, twelvie.

Rareware is so overrated.

Forgot to mention Yoshi Story. Even though is not as good as Yoshis Island on the SNES, I liked it and played it a lot.

Conkers bad fur day

I'd take FF7-FF9, Twisted Metal, Crash Bandicoot 2, Gran Turismo 2, and Ridge Racer 4 over the entire N64 library

Riding your fat grandma’s wall chair is a more interesting game than that

I'd rather play Jumping Flash on PS1 than Goldeneye on N64

>faggot enemies
Are you retarded?
It’s a simple game that had you take pics of the majority of gen 1 pokemon and had you looking for secrets. It’s not supposed to be difficult or strategic. It’s just one of those games you play to mellow out.


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Fourth this

Someone’s butthurt cause his fav game of taking pictures of gay faggy faggots sucks pokeballs

Fuck you saying shit about conker’s bad fur day nigga suck a dick fuck you ejit I Deep throated you’re ma so hard she started Spitting up blood

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OoT or Quest64. Pokemon Snap is also a good choice.

Just pulled the 64 out of an old box and found some old games, but still can't find 1080! Game had secret characters, riding against your own best times, extremely fun for drunken tournaments between friends etc.

Wwf no mercy

Perfect Dark

Extreme-G I loved its soundtrack

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Anyone ever play Aeroguage?

Fifth this

shadowgate 64

this one

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There’s a shadowgate 64?
I loved Shadowgate on the NES

Owned Nintendo years ago. As well as executive of all consoles. Already cornered all too video games. And made.

My nigger.

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>f zero x
This guy gets it.

this times a thousand. what a gem

>wave race 64
That was the first 64 game I ever got. Good shit.