Hunger Games Thread: Vex is Drunk Out of His Mind EditioN!

Hunger Games Thread: Vex is Drunk Out of His Mind EditioN!

24 tirbites .


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The Nutshack

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ah shit i posted my tribute here
I'm asleep

wetat what the fucj are yi oing nigger

I'm asleep your a dream shh

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wetfat wetfat wetfat kamen rider rigs rigs vex

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kamen rider wetfat dog also

guys we ave 11 postsa nd 4 iP s what th fuck going on nigers .?

my dick is


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Morning Mao

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15 more !!!

huge chumber i thought she was my firend when she used to call me buddy but alls he did was yell at my brother and his brohter, Can't seek my sage don't look towards my brain its comin from my leg.

leg brain leg brain gonna ride the leg train

lok to his left and he sees god when god was small and god was small don't touch my haair and look outside, I was born twice I was born twice

leg brain leg brain gonna ride the leg train

want to see when my dog fell? She was 12 and i had a smile in hell. totally not his fault to see my cheeks i showed my cheecks i showed my cheeks

leg brain leg brain don't know why, leg brain leg brain I'm gonna die (x2)

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I can almost empathize with that,

please try


Slutty Bitch

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watching his arms i saw his arms. wathing his legs I saw his arms. I looked in his eyes and saw his arms his arms his arms his arms. she looked at my and saw my soul, looked at my legs and saw my soul looked in my heart and saw my soul she looked so fucking disgusted

I thoguht her name was mirtle bt it turns out mirtle was in my heart and my heart can't be seen through my soul. look out look out look out look out I'm so fucking tired.

my daughter is dead my daughter is dead my daughter found my dog my dauughter saw my arms she looks so much like my dog i don't treat her badly fuck you cunt

eat the roots of the plant eat the roots to find my dog.

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can u not

I'm just so fucking sad

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Hey OP here
I took some sleepijng pills about 30 minutees ago
they're starting to kick in

if thi thread aint ufull in the next 5 minutes the game is canceled

fill it soo n pls

Preggo girl

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my duaghter my dog
thats a bad combo friendd

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Tranny Janny

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little penis

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Wetfat suggested I write a paragraph in this very thread about my current thoughts.

As of writing this, here is what I'm thinking about:
It's fucking weird, the distinction one could make between body and person. Like, when someone dies, you mourn the exalting nature of their spirit, not their body. If someone's body is conventionally attractive, they may very well stay attractive days after death. That, however, has little to do with the fact that the entity or instance of consciousness CONTROLLING that body had long-since departed its host.

So then, that raises the question: what defines a 'person'?

Billy Batson

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I hope your dog is okay man.
life is precious don't it's not something we can understand. Nobody will ever know why we are but one day people will think they know why we are and we'll be comfortable.

Ironically I am a cat person
but the sentiment is appreciated nonetheless, fren


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y9oure a fucking fuurry and lyarcanroc is a DOG

I love you vex


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you kno i nver thght about i lik e tha t.

ogood point .

In the most sincere sense I can manifest in this state, thank you.


is she invisi b le


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i really hope you're okay after heavy drinking and sleeping pills.

Grant Kirkhope

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I'll try my best to facilitate a conventional hosting environment :]

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District 12 got this

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late agian fuckk

shut up moe

i woul dhost again but i really dont think i coul d stay up to do that tinbgutg

tonmorrrow is saturradday though so if oyou'd like i can probably host seversl games t o compensate ?

assuming i wake up tomorrow, that is

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please host tomorrow, dont ghost tomorrow

getting sleepier ned , oto hrurry

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Real talk, if I can remember this conversation ever even happened, I'll host a couple games just for you baby

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i vote nuteshacj

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dont gfall\ asleep just post my wincard

Ae ryou the winner?

Cuase last time i cehecked , im stil alive.

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wut tiem 2marrow?

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ya skipped 1

just check the discord

Well shit, guess I gotta remember I'm legally obligated to host tomorrow

Though I never pick a specific time, it's kinda more likely to be in the evening just 'cause that's the most active time of day

tyuoure rgight


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i don hab diskoard

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the wincard btw isnt very good so if you win congrats but dont expect a lot lmao

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all in megumi thatnks for histing vex

i fell asleep momentarily i deeply apologize

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goodnight ! love you all n_n

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oh i missed it
love you too Furry
have a good one


I'll try to host a tad more often

I've been a little lethargic recently, as you may have noticed >__>

Anyway, goodnight, and thanks for playing everyone!

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youre a great host i hope you do host more

164 games of absolute madness

I'll try to continue the streak in the coming days


Thank for hosting OP!

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Sorry the wincard ain't the best
I'm sleepy
But you did it!
And that's all that truly matter s...


go to bed :)