Oh look, here comes user to buy the new Animal Crossing game

>Oh look, here comes user to buy the new Animal Crossing game

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Other urls found in this thread:


This board sure is terrible.


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lol you wish, enjoy losing your job soon

Hello, one Animal Crossing please.

This board sure is terrible.

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hey Tori the soulless hag, can you grab me the new animal crossing game? Thanks in advance, you slimy worm human.

How the fuck can you private switch games? Aren’t to games literally not playable without the gamepad screen thing?

I guess if you enjoy emulating up to SNES games.. and even then with severe problems..

yes, one animal crossing and a dozen switches to hold all of my OCD perfect towns with exclusive cat villagers

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Hello Tori. Do you have a boyfriend?

>he hasn't hacked his switch

literal 40 year old boomer detected

>Goddamn it, not that tranny cashier again...

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Wojack used to be funny.

baed piratechad dabbing on consoom virgins

fucking retard

>literally not playable without the gamepad screen thing
Damn if there was only a way to interact with things on a screen.

You're damn right I'm here to buy Animal Crossing and you have no choice but to take my money, good bless capitalism.

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no, just looking around..
>leave with pirated physical copy

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Redpill me on Tori, I'm behind on things


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This is exactly the kind of woman who would love animal crossing.

Target used to be a easy chill place to work until they failed their canada expansion. Then they started fucking everyone over to save money

Thanks Tori

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>How the fuck can you private switch games?
Play with the doors and windows closed, and don't connect to the internet.
No one may know my shame.

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I make more in a month than what a target employee might make in about 4-5 months. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one allowed to judge how much of a piece of shit they are and laugh at them with all the things I can enjoyably buy with my disposable income while they continue the "Can't wait until Friday/the Weekend" hamster wheel.

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How so? I worked for target as an electronics team member and that place sucked dick. Attracts nothing but zoomies and their yuppy ass parents

The Target preorder with gift and the accompanied themed Switch are both sold out. I think Walmart has the game $10 off the first few days so I think I would rather get it there or buy digitally.

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shes a target manager. Some beta faggot threw a fit because she wouldnt sell him a 200$ toothbrush for a penny. the penny price was marked for the display unit,not for sale. he thought itd be a good idea to call the police then take pic of her and try to shame her on twitter. needless to say it backfired in great fashion

Yeah it's for my friend.
I'm not sure if you've met him before, his name is OP.

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how drunk are you on a monday afternoon?

I worked at Target during the peak amiibo hype when everyone was scrambling to buy the newly released ones, and the stereotypes about adult nintendo fans are hilariously true. They line up at the door hours before the store opens and the smallest ones are still well over 200 pounds

Decent enough place to work though, sometimes I miss it

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>"Yeah, can I get your weekly wage in cash back? Thanks."

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What's his endgame

I was backroom/recieving
I did fuck all except read my pulls and prime the carts for sales floor.
Then when target withdrew from canada my hours shifted from 4am-12pm to 9-5, and i had to do sales floor shit
fuck that, i hate people

nailed it

Shut the fuck up Tori, show me your feet

damn tori you look like shit today, hows your kid? such a shame tyrone left huh, but you should've known that would happen. anyways nah i don't need a bag. keep your head up though! only 7 hours to go and then you gotta do it all again tomorrow!

Disrespectful Target employee gets stupid customer who wanted a toothbrush that was mislabeled, young internet simps rage with the buttflustering of ten thousand aids blisters and donate her cash money on the spot. You've never seen so many posts start with "I've worked in retail before" or "I can't stand when customers" and then they gave away their hard earned dollarydoos to someone who will buy a new car so she can drive to work and treat other customers with unabashed, unmasked disdain and fury, sour as if dripping with vinegar. God help the next person to deal with either of them. Just two shitheads who are perfect for each other.

Ordering online comfy ala one day shipping

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>"Hello Tori. One copy of Animal Crossing: New Horizons please."

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Absolutely based. Same here, user

>Dealing with annoying cashiers
>Not just buying online with release day delivery
Y'all fuckin dumb, man.

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>Being so fat, lazy and anti-social that you have to have things literally delivered to your doorstep.

Tfw no red pilled gf

>Imagine being so triggered by small talk that your autism and shitty personality force you to order everything online.

>implying I would ever go to Target
>implying a Target employee would ever be interested enough in my to learn my name
>implying I would buy a video game at any brick and mortar store in 20fucking20
Soon enough the deal with Whole Foods and Amazon will spread completely and no one will have to go to shart marts for anything ever again. Can't fucking wait.

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There are no reasons to not get it digital in 2020

TWO, Animal Crossings, PLEASE! ONE for me and ONE for my shelf! It's really sad how I have a bigger Amiibo collection than this ENTIRE store!

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>Imagine wanting to deal with people you hate then acting surprised when you snap one day

why it's always jews

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Wow, you sure took that really far in that direction. Are you projecting?

OP you may be a faggot but at least you aren't a gross neckbeard like him

As an ex-ETL at Target I would have been grilled if I didn't sell the Toothbrush at 0.01c. Then grilled for selling it. I'm not sure how this LOD got away with keeping her job.
You're taught at target that if something is labeled X price, you sell it at X price. Dudes a douche but he was right. Wonder if they're going to follow through with the lawsuit, it's a clear cut case in his favor.

Oh, look, it's the BPD who still works at a dying store.

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what game store doesnt have dummies on the shelves these days?

We get it, boomer, going out to the store and speaking to the people who begrudgingly have to help you decide on purchases alleviates the loneliness you feel in your older years, but it's the 21st century now and most things are delivered.

This is the same poster, guaranteed.

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Because one cent was the price of the display unit, not the actual toothbrush.

What a weak-ass insult.

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Sell him the display.

your friendly neighborhood no-name store not part of a big corporation that aims to make you feel bad about stealing from them rather than prevent anything

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Having been successful in a high-end sales environment (where my sales usually amount to $10k per customer on average), I don't have issues with basic communication. You're a failure of a human being if you brain never developed past an age 12 cognition.

He probably put the sticker on it himself

it was the display unit marked as such

I bet you feel like a total hero selling used motor homes

some people just seem to think that the world runs on loopholes and technicalities and everyone is a "gotcha moment" away from winning a billion dollars in court money from supermartstore

>tfw actually called out on target today because I got a new dog yesterday and didn't want to leave it alone
Hopefully I won't get yelled at tomorrow

good strategy. then open another 200$ toothbrush for display and sell that for .01 and so on

>some people just seem to think that the world runs on loopholes and technicalities
Only for the corporations

It's a display unit. It's a worthless prop.


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That's the joke. She would have rolled her eyes the same way if he was trying to get the display unit too. I almost bet you he wouldn't have been able to buy even the display model.

Imagine saving a multi-billion dollar company that cares little about you and pays you 7.25/hr, $199.99. Just give him the thing and move on with your life. Corporations don't need saving from you.

When you go to eat dinner today, use a little less salt. You seem quite salty enough already.

this tbqh

I like how you didn’t deny that you sell used motor homes

>small talk
what fucking planet do you live in where
-do you want this accessory too?
-okay but what about a warranty?
-how about our gold member rewards program tier 3 card?
-well we'll just need your email and postal code for our system anyway
all count as small talk?
it's fucking annoying, I hate it when it's done to me and i abhorred doing it at that kind of job myself

h-hey t-t-tori
can i
can i uh
y-yeah im doing good can i g-get
huhhh... animal cross...
n-nevermind t-thanks you too
>stumbles out of store

Since this thread is shit, I'm legitimately curious about something.

How many of you put chips inside your sandwich? My girlfriend does this and it bothers the hell out of me. I usually eat my chips on the side but never in my sandwich. Chips are NOT a topping!

why was there a price on the display unit?

>tfw no :l target tori gf

It’s called upselling, and yes it’s very annoying

im buying digital dumb cunt

I believe inventory reasons but never worked retail so not sure

this site just keeps getting worse year after year; I dread to think what the discourse he will become in a few years when all the twitch chat kids move over and all the threads slowly become just responding with twitch emotes

tried it once after hearing it was a thing people did, the sharp flavor of a chip did not gel with the savory/fresh flavors of the sandwich, and the chunks of chips mixing in with the other textures didn't feel nice either. the initial crunch was surprisingly nice but i can get that by toasting the bread

my sister did it as a kid, but nobody i know has done it past the age of 9. i think my sister did it for the attention anyways, someone would say "why chip in sammich" every time

>I'd sell you the toothbrush user

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>Rolls her eyes at you the entire time
>Laughs at you when you leave and tells her co-workers
>Posts about it on the internet and gets paid 30k from random strangers for having to deal with your sorry ass

>look mom I posted it again

precisely. so the post i responded to claiming i'm "afraid" of small talk is bullshit because i'm actually just tired of my basic purchase turning into a quiz show where every answer is "no"

What’s it like living in poverty?

Are you the guy I email asking for a quote? Chop chop buddy, I need it by cob

Why the hell are they selling a display unit

And everyone wonders why brick and mortar stores are dying off

Haha what a fucking autist. Nobody on Earth has a problem with saying "No thanks." unless they're trembling with fear from the prospect of having to open their mouth to speak.

no one is wondering that, everyone's wondering why they're still alive

Target Tori got paid 30K after the video happened.

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is there a single reason to go to a retail store for ANYTHING in 2020?


Boy I sure do like being asked the same “wanna sign up for a store club card?” every time I visit the same store. Get fucked corporate bootlicker

... for an eighth of heroin in the parking lot after my shift.

actually everybody hates that shit. Its why gamestop became universally reviled and with the convenience of digital stores now failing hard

Well that and GameStop’s laughable trade in policy

Black friday sale?

So I can get something I want in under 15 minutes.

>*goes over to the stereos*
>*turns volume knob on max*

trying on clothes, and groceries are still usually cheaper even with travel expenses.


Inventory management for display items. Barcodes can do other stuff instead of helping you consume, user.

the last few black friday sales haven't really been sales

>hey user, we got that soap you like back in
And then she laughs when I stroll out with a hand basket loaded with the stuff singing "In The Navy". Shame she's ugly, she has a nice sense of humor. I also like how I tried looking up images for "good looking guy and ugly girl" and just got good looking girls dating ugly guys. Should've been good looking girls dating rich ugly guys, amirite?

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>implying Tori isn't a cutie

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lol retard

they werent it said it was a display unit and not for sale

I wear medium shirts and 30x34 pants. It's never going to change. Most people are the same, why try on when you know your size?
based, zoomers on suicide watch

to see qts like Tori

don't need to try on clothes if you know your dimensions

she's pretty ugly, you're just desperate

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This. I frequent a specific local mart just to meet with the qt cashier.

I hate corporations, I've just never once been bothered by saying "No thank you." To a HDMI cable offered, and never once has it made me so flustered, so absolutely personally devastated, so shaken to my very core that I now avoid interaction at all in the first place, while waiting an extra day to get my stuff because it's ordered online. That's genuinely schizophrenic behavior.


The people who shop at GameStop are sperglords. Were you even there when people started making those threads? It was entirely about spilling spaghetti out of their pockets. That was 50% of the joke.


>she's pretty ugly, you're just desperate

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I only buy digital now because gamestop is the only physical game store near me and they're always overpriced as fuck. This clearly bit them in the ass because they're going to be closing all the stores in my country this year.

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Why spend more online when you can go down to the mall during the big clearance sales at the end of every season and get stuff for cost or a few dollars above?
I'm 34x36, what does that make me? I don't know the /fa/ memes since I don't dress like a complete cocklusting fruit.


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>buying physical
Lol enjoy your slow loading times nerd.

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It just means he's really skinny with freakishly long legs

Take your selfies to /soc/ please.

I guarantee she plays Animal Crossing and you will never get her friend code.

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not that weird, mostly kids do it tho

Half the time I buy clothes online they're marked as one size but end up either too big or too small, which is a phenomena that I have come to learn is called 'vanity sizing'. If it's not that then one thing is usually slightly off (usually sleeve or collar length). Then there's shit like pic related that outright deceives you into thinking it isn't cheap trash. I hate going into clothing stores but at least you can see if it fits right without having to go through the hassle of returning things through the post.

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enjoy your /nogames/ when the system goes down for good aftre the bombs drop

I'd play animal crossing if it meant I could have cuties like this to play with.

>me, getting qt girls tinder matches to play with and meet in person next month
>meanwhile op here beleieves women don't like animal crossing or nintendo games
hope you enjoy your reality user

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I don't think you know what schizophrenic means

this tbqh

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I should clarify too, I wear skate shirts and skinny fit dickies. I don't wear any of that fa garbage that they think looks fashionable. I know exactly how my clothing style fits.

jeuss christ what horrible phobia do you have that you need to constantly project an emotion of fear onto others? I'm not scared of fuck all except falling into poverty, I'm just constantly pissed and annoyed at my time being wasted just because being a fucking in-your-face annoyance 24/7 occasionally catches a few retards

who fucking cares if the world is a measurably worse place because of it, due to the wasted time, the workers with their soul ripped out because they have to actively ignore the person in front of them and continue a spiel



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Can't believe this stupid cunt got 30 thousand dollars for a two minute mildly annoying encounter. That money could have gone to help so many fucking impoverished.

To talk to the employees. I go to Costco every day. It's not like they cant talk to you literally they have to and cant leave. Plus theres free food and furniture that you can take a nap on. I know everyone name and when they work

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enjoy you're disk rot

I think it looks a lot like this, my friend.

They aren't cute like her, fuck off faggot.


being a woman is very hard user, please understand

is she trans?

meh id rather see her get the money then some mooncrickets

Who the fuck cares about the poor?

No, thank God. Trannies ar eugly monsters with nothing cute abut them. Tori doesn't have giant man shoulders and a huge adam's apple.

we unironically banned a girl who was like this just last month because she slipped from being an annoyance to asking customers for money and that was her first toe over the line

her mom or someone came and tried to get her a job and sweet talked all of us but it may finally be over
just as i'll be quitting because my hours got cut hard and i can't surive on so few shifts a week
kill me

She's not even cute and there are millions of actually cute poor girls, dumb white knight

Cashiers literally don't think anything about what you buy and who you are, stop being a pussy

>>Goddamn it, not that tranny cashier again...
Yeah where's my cute mommy cashier that flirts with me
>wow user you really like these games with big boobies on the cover haha

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They cut your hours at Costco? What location?

>wet paint on the face
what the actual fuck?

t. sick in the head tranny or faggot.

That would be cute.

She's gonna take that money and stick it right up her pussy.

I'd say you're the faggot if you think that manface is attractive

I blame her for that about as much as I blame idiots who donate to twitch camwhores. People plain old don't care about the suffering of the world, and only when they can hop onto something viral will they shell out money.

how about quick rundown?

Can I watch?

That's a sure fire way to get fired.

36 inch length is not freakishly long. It's better to have long legs than a long waist, but 36 inches puts him at 6"2-6'5", and if he's 6'5" he's long-waisted which looks fucking weird as hell.

Everyone should be paid enough to deal with shitty customers, and if you disagree go work retail/customer service jobs my man

Wojak was never funny zoom-zooms.

I'm 6'3, you right. And yeah, all legs. Tall skinny nerd master race.
I donno man, I think she's a cutie pie.

It's important to mention that he's Jewish, but that information could be gathered from the context.

>You've never seen so many posts start with "I've worked in retail before" or "I can't stand when customers" and then they gave away their hard earned dollarydoos

>I've just never once been bothered by saying "No thank you." To a HDMI cable offered, and never once has it made me so flustered...
>To a HDMI cable offered
can you explain what you meant by this?
can you detail your interactions that you don't have a problem with?

because in stores with "good" employees they will ask three to four questions in a soulless monotone in lieu of, i don't know, talking about the game you're buying, current events in the city, gaming related shit etc.

the employees that DO chat you up feel awkward, and reasonably so, for having to go through the stupid questions when you've already mentioned in the conversation "i had to set aside 40 bucks for this game, i haven't bought one in ages". And if they do the human, socially acceptable thing and skip the questions, they're eventually gone

i just can't support it dude, and you need to stop responding with "scared" and "schizophrenic" rather than accept people don't LIKE this shit

>mfw people actually think retailers give a fuck about what you buy

It's the same shit with fast food workers or servers at restaurants. They just want you out of there as fast as possible so they can make more sales.

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not at costco, different type of store, and obviously nothing so drastic as sleeping on furniture, just being a total nuisance for extended periods

i dont understand blaming her. She didnt do shit except accept a 30k check. I could understand if she was the one that was crying and begging for money but thats not what happened. Some faggot jew put her name outthere and started all this and it backfired. iirc the money was gathered before they knew who she fully was

This guy actually plays video games and enjoys them.

she a cute

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There's something about thin lipped women that just screams BITCH to me

>can you detail your interactions that you don't have a problem with?

Well for one it almost never happens. :^) How many times has this happened in your life, genuinely? Three times?

Was she at least hot? You should have just dicked her right out the door.

guess this is more your size?

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yeah that'll show em

My pussy is literally dripping wet

they werent selling it but as per some BS law they had to put a barcode on it or some shit and with that a price so they put 1$ as a placeholder

Are retail workers the biggest crybabies? There are much harder jobs than dealing with some annoying customers at a walmart.

The fuck's with the face, hag? You want the tip, you go be waitress somewhere.

she or everyone will be fucked for that amount of money. Corporations always win not fucking noname employee

any word on how offline will work for us piratechads? It's not "Always Online" is it?

Have sex

>implying I give a shit what some part-time used-up slut of a retail worker thinks
I make more in a week than she makes in a month

Depends on the area, I know a guy who has to deal with robberies and gun violence frequently and be escorted out every night.

It's also important to note that you're mad, but that information can also be gathered from the context.

She looks like she fucks black guys

Anons, please go work at a call center or something retail related so you understand how truly fucking awful and subhuman people can be. I was in your position once, and I can certainly understand it without the experience of having worked these jobs. But you do not know the level of retardation the general public is capable of.
>Disrespectful Target employee
Hard to smile at the millionth customer to attempt the same thing, and then they call the fucking cops. Of course you get the fucking face man

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As a person who has worked a few retail jobs for big corporate entities I can tell you in no uncertain terms that I felt like dying every time I had to try to upsell someone on some shit they didn't need and obviously didn't want, or when I had to annoy them about giving us personal information that I knew would end up with our company spamming them.

This anti-Tori meme is pathetic desu. The dude was literally a cunt who tried to buy a display item marked as 1¢ and got pissy at her for calling out his bullshit. Literally believed she was violating state law and called the police to investigate

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we're on Cred Forums because we hate women and minorities

There isn't a single identifiable feature on her face that is cute. She's the human equivalent of the color beige.

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If it's an item with a price tag it should be sold, he was in the right. White knights are pathetic.

What would you like to write in the journal user?

I'm on Cred Forums cause i hate video games, not women

I've worked retail. I'll happily, with a fucking smile deal with unreasonable customers rather than bust my ass in the hot summer sun doing construction or landscaping. Entitled fucking young people think they have a constitutional right to never be treated in a way that makes them feel less than ecstatic.

I miss those images, and I am a nintentoddler

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Well no, because it was a display item that's not for sale. The price tag was a fucking example tag.

Then you're in the wrong place, that's more like Resetera. You come here if you hate both.

contruction pays like triple retail does dude

Shes like Nu-Lara croft. Generic brown haired white McWomanFace character

>Entitled fucking young people think they have a constitutional right to never be treated in a way that makes them feel less than ecstatic.
Entitled fucking boomers think they have a constitutional right to be a cunt to every service worker and get no backlash

Draw every girl in my island but with a penis

>buying games from physical stores in the year of our Lord two thousand and twenty

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Retarded or something user? Two people can both be faggots at the same time. For instance, me and you.

Dont forget me too.

this pic only shows how badly clothes fit to untrained body

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Well no, that's an excuse, an item with a price tag is an item with a price tag.

brainlets that dont know what a display unit is pathetic. like that faggot jew who started this, and you

Last I heard, she didn't accept the full amount and put it towards charity or something.

They aren't jobs that require any measurable skill because most people already know what they want when they go into a place BUT when you've hit your 7th hour standing in the same spot, answering the same question, hearing the same jokes, and dealing with the same shitty entitled people who think they should be the exception to every company rule? It wears you out.

Plus most places pay so low it keeps employees well below the poverty line, on top of keeping your hours low by hiring a dozen more people than they need so they don't have to give you benefits.

she is not ugly though.

Alright then he can buy the display tag? It didn't say display toothbrush you fucking stupid poor coupon cutting idiot

I know what a display unit is, apparently retarded white knights like you don't know what a price tag is or what it entails.

Well, can't blame her, few women can compete with Tori.

I need a quick rundown

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Welcome to the filter

Even if that were the case a merchant is not required to sell you an item.

Yes, she should have sold him the display unit and then stopped putting price tags on display units. Dumb fuck white knight.

Someone got upset over a trivial thing and infected more stupid people to be upset about it with them.

Twat saw a display toothbrush incorrectly priced as 1¢. Tried to buy it, manager told him no. He threw a childish tantrum, complained about her on twitter and called the police on her for apparently violating state law.

Cunts on Cred Forums are defending him even though he was in the wrong.

>hearing the same jokes
god how i hated that shit. every god damn day same jokes over and over and over. Just get your stuff and dont small talk to me. nobody loves small tall to random retards after hardwork day even if you are qt


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your defending a retarded jew getting caught being dumb and jewish. The absolute state of burgers

Imagine defending jews

So you admit it's more about getting revenge on people that you perceive to be on the wrong side of the argument. It's pretty psychotic when you look around these days where you ask for a straw that was missing from your meal and suddenly you're the target of a fucking backlash by stupid children because they simply can't take it anymore.

You're projecting

maybe tori wouldn't be single if she wasn't such a bitch

>when your women's study degree lands you a high-flying career as a target shopping technician
Ah, living the dream.

Handball '17

I order my games from Amazon! Enjoy unemployment, bitch!

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got me erry time

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It doesn't matter what he is, he was in the right, you're just defending a woman who is in the wrong because you're a beta white knight faggot.

Are you a Jew or a Bootlicker?! Pick your team now!

I pre-ordered the Japanese digital version off Nintendo's Amazon account. There's no walking into the store to buy the physical version for me

what makes you think she's a bitch

I've heard others say the same.

oh, the spite, nice

>probably just have to reroute the exe path and shut off the aids
Don't care enough.

Yeah it's kind of hilarious seeing all these ugly white weebs thinking their anime clothes will fit them the same way it does on the athletic shaped mannequin.

I'll take a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe on a raft, four by four, animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim.

Attached: krabbypatty.jpg (288x262, 14K)

i dont think she is a bitch, but i have dated woman with similar facial features and in the end after cutsie 6months she became bitching piece of shit

that saddens me to this day.

We sell games here, sir.

maybe you just weren't man enough

How do you sell the game once you have completed it?

Its impossible by definition to be against jew and a bootlicker in todays world

Oh man, this is because you hate women and not because the dude is being a cunt, okay. Thanks for invalidating yourself instantly faggot

maybe, the wedding was canceled

>says he knows what a display unit is
>expects display unit price
>gets this flustered
you have to be 18 to post here


Oh man, this is because you hate jews and not because the woman is being a cunt, okay. Thanks for invalidating yourself instantly faggot

Doktor, disable my shitposting inhibitors.

janny mad

Can't suck dick for quarters and be a janitor. They don't get any quarters.