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When they are dead. When we are all dead.

>environmentalism is bad cause soy
you deserve to be dead

It might mean something if the people complaining lived in societies which planted trees and did not purchase anything, simply lived off the land and went without electricity or any manufactured goods.

But no, the people complaining benefit from capitalism, own cars, fly on planes, purchase goods, work for corporations. It's all virtue signalling. They want to feel like they're making a difference without any personal sacrifice.

When it's dead.

Attached: 1582396185119.gif (245x160, 1.33M)

>implying there is no middle ground between rampant pollution and waste, and living like a native american
hello part of the problem

Never, fuck the world and fuck you.

>implying that people will make any sacrifice at all besides meaninglessly recycling reciepts and buying "organic" products.

You might be the dumbest person on Cred Forums today

China produces nearly double the greenhouse gasses that the US produces. They dump 300 million tons of garbage straight into the oceans each year. There's nearly no regulations for them.

Nope. You are. What have you personally done to make a difference in the world's pollution crisis?

You do realize like 3/4ths of the world's garbage was sent to China? No of course not

>because I'm not, no one is
hello again part of the problem

So what's part of the solution look like then? (Not the guy you responded to, just curious)

it translates to a total annual reduction of about 760 million metric tons since 2005, almost as much as the reduction in the European Union as a whole (770 million metric tons).

>hello again part of the problem
I'm not, no one is. hello cucked emotional retard that has no ability to do her own research

>"If you can't drop out of society despite all the societal resources required and the laws preventing exactly that then you don't get an opinion"
>Doubles down on retardation
I've reduced my waste to nearly entirely recyclables and compostables, I'm studying highly efficient methods of food production, gathering resources to buy land and build a aquaponic and carbon sequestration facility that generates excess energy, and voting against anyone who doesn't care about ensuring that the Earth remains habitable for humans.

What are you doing? Pretending that it's okay for corporations to mine your future for short term gain?

You're probably making that up, but assuming that you're not. That's good for you. Now if only the other 50 million self-proclaimed environmentalists would help you, then perhaps we'd actually have a chance.

Virtue signalling.

Which china willingly imports, and refuses to dispose of properly

found the gay boi

Suck my dick, brohammy. All of that is true and the fact that you're backpedaling means you're a wishy-washy piece of shit. Go buy some solar panels and tell your representative that you don't want your tax dollars going to billion dollar fossil fuel subsidies.

This is the kind of guy that drives a prius and yells at truck drivers at gas stations.

>When all you have is projection
Maybe try backing a tenable position next time