Rare diseases and conditions awareness

Rare diseases and conditions awareness.

Can be very very excruciating and ridiculous for the patients and families. Diseases like creutzfeldt - Jakob disease, fatal insomnia, autoimmune encephalitis and so many other neurological neurodegenerative diseases. Often misdiagnosed and the treated wrongly which causes extremely painful discomforting reactions.

Just look into it.

Even neuroleptic and seratonin syndromes seem to slip under the rug in patients.


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t. big pharma shill

so this is what your guerilla marketing department is trying now huh? not enough to try and convince people that have narcolepsy and get them on drugs they don't need, note you're trying to convince people to get prescriptions for the rarest of rare diseases. I hope your mansion burns down with you in it, faggot!

Definitely difficult to deal with. Oftentimes these diseases have such a wide presentation of how they manifest, and can be difficult to diagnose until other, more common diseases are ruled out first.

I'm sorry you, or a loved one maybe, are going through this. Truly devastating diseases.

For one, you're on the wrong board my dude, but for two, yeah prions are horrifying. Doctors have to burn the fucking tools they use on people with prion diseases since we have no known way to sanitize. No cure, 100% mortality rate. Crazy shit.

It’s really hard :,(

No words :,(

Nobody knows about them because prion diseases like fatal insomnia or Creutzfeldt-Jakob are extremely rare and highly noncontagious.

You have a better chance of dying from a thunderstrike or surviving freefalling from a plane than getting one of those diseases.

Fuck off dude many cases go undiagnosed. It’s an epidemic of misdiagnosis and mistreatment. Besides this disease is striking families every single day it’s not as rare as you think. There’s just smaller resources for these conditions. For example only 1 center in the Cleveland USA can offer diagnostic testing like rt-quic for CJD and many other services, it’s pretty sad . And it’s very hard to get through the red tape

In all fairness treatment doesn't really exist for these diseases in any way that matters.

Go burn in your hell fire bastard . You are shitting on the suffering patients and families! Thank god your ass is not in control

Treatment studies are extremely important. Diagnosis while alive would help treatment studies and research and knowledge for advancement of our dealing with the disease.

Many treatment studies in the past and today and other research experiments in the lab are contributing positively for CJD and Alzheimer’s etc

when a patient is diagnosed post death it’s essentially too late to evaluate and study them

Lmao, you okay there buddy?
I'm not shitting on anyone, just saying that aside from alleviating suffering somewhat there's not much to be done for those diagnosed (yet, at least). Research should be done but right now as it stands the CFR I've seen has sat at 100%

You have no clue what you are talking about. There’s plenty research treatment studies and other studies that can be done. It’s on record.

A specialist researcher local to me is going to get funding to do rat experiments. He’s going to get it, They’ve been done in the past and it’s been very beneficial for understanding and treatment of neurodegenerative patients

“Research should be done but”

Just stop it right now and shut the hell up- it’s already being done whether you like it or not

Even a thorough evaluation and study of a patient diagnosed while alive can be very helpful. Put treatment studies aside.

Imagine when hiv aids was killing people and seemed hopeless and someone saying “ehhhhhhh errrrr well not much to be done”


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Do you think ur cute or something trolling this serious thread

Where can i get some more info about cjd?

Just google and research yourself. There is endless information and many sites list different info. For example a site can tell you cjd, or thalamic fatal insomnia will list only a year or two, when factually there have been multiple documented case studies of the disease lasting over 12 years after onset. But some of these are rare and I have purchased them from the prion centers

Can you send me these you have purchased? I might be having same problem in my family. Need any info. The one from Google is bullshit. Same info everywhere :/

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The mainstream sources, even cjd foundation is kind of useless lol. It’s sad. It’s just a resource issues. And I have hundreds of case studies even from the German prion pathology surveillance center in paper form.

Okay that made me laugh

Cant you just link to some?
