Creepshot thread, super HD edition

Creepshot thread, super HD edition

Attached: ToPost_151056562_hoJJlRA1_file-gigapixel.jpg (4114x6182, 1.73M)

Other urls found in this thread:

that kid's balls just dropped.

Attached: 1581045324207.webm (854x480, 1.89M)

2 posts in
>epic fucking thread

bump for science

Attached: 100_1255.jpg (3560x2092, 1.47M)

Attached: 100_1278.jpg (3314x1945, 1.59M)

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Attached: 1448042739273.jpg (2432x4320, 1.53M)

Dont let this die i have some content

Post it!

Also, nice dubs.

Attached: 1569861954826.jpg (1000x750, 114K)

Mine erupted

Just a stunningly beautiful girl.

she is just amazing

Attached: 7862019-10-16-13h38m38s994.jpg (3951x3799, 1.58M)

Fuck, I'd happily take the broken nose I'd get by her riding my face all night

I want to use her as a fleshlight

Nice panty peek!

idk how to convert to webm unfortunately

These are my OC.

Not sure if they qualify as creep or not?

I took them on the sly, without the girls noticing, so I thought they should be OK for this thread, but they don't have the typical feel of photos in these threads?

No software needed, just go that site.


Get ffmpeg and run
ffmpeg -i filename.mp4 -ss 00:00:00.0 -t 00:03:00.0 -an -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 0 -crf 20 result.webm
ss if starting time and t duration, crf sets quality (lower = better)

fucking more

what phone you got? good quality

I actually used an old Kodak digicam, with a 10x optical zoom, and I was on the telephoto end of the zoom, 350mm, so I could fill the frame with the girls, even from a distance.

Couldn't do that with the wide angle lenses (~28mm) of smartphones.

The Kodak has pretty good image quality, all things considered, though the latest digicams have fucking STUNNING image quality.

what should i set resolution, bitrite, size limit?

Love the perky titty jiggle when she takes the top of her dress down.

Not the poster, but it looks like the resolution will be the same as the source?

Adjust the crf until the output is just under 2MB, the max for Cred Forums attachments.


Attached: ECD4F872-DAEB-478D-936F-15F9B213BAAD.jpg (884x828, 83K)

Attached: 04E048C2-0928-446B-9B23-8279A40049AF.jpg (4032x3024, 1.91M)

Attached: DSC02027.jpg (1152x3135, 1.61M)

Attached: DSC01905.jpg (2468x1750, 1.49M)

Attached: big owo.jpg (719x677, 13K)

Hi, Sandy!

No man would last longer than 5 seconds if they got to be in that

genuinely a great thread and pics are HD, props to you OP and posters, gonna look through my all OC collection and see if I can contribute HD HD stuff

Yeah, his ass does look pretty tight! :-9




some OC

as promised

Attached: IMG_9845.png (750x1334, 1.87M)

xvideos /video46445893/peeping_on_gorgeous_girl_while_she_undresses_and_tries_clothes_in_the_dressing_room

Attached: 1517781224294.png (1256x1079, 1.79M)


For Share

Attached: 003C4034-CE5E-4E9C-8A10-CB05D1A2AEB1.jpg (828x801, 172K)


Love creep shots of both guys and gals.
Here’s a sample- shit nvm, the gif i made from the vid is too big, here’s a screencap

Attached: E9BDAB94-C791-4C17-B097-957590449E9E.png (640x1136, 533K)


Attached: 1577708847607.jpg (591x1017, 119K)

Attached: 1580969314612G.jpg (700x813, 229K)

Attached: IMG_9787.png (750x1334, 1.83M)

Attached: 1580443896124m.jpg (1023x1024, 135K)

Attached: 1580444605726m.jpg (484x1024, 58K)

Attached: 1551679000266.jpg (1024x888, 311K)

Attached: 1482250920941.jpg (2688x1520, 1021K)

Attached: bAsTG5y.jpg (524x932, 271K)

Attached: 1581683988976.jpg (576x576, 48K)

Good goddamn