Someone hits a fat bong rip over the voice chat for no reason other than to be obnoxious

>someone hits a fat bong rip over the voice chat for no reason other than to be obnoxious.
>is clearly on push to talk
Fucking die. Cunt.

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Mute them? Baka.

i have never talked with someone or discord or in a videogame because i never had friends

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>push to talk *burps*
>release key for a moment
>push to talk *chuckles*

Sounds based. What's the problem, virgin?

>or discord
on discord

this happens to randoms too.
>any game with voice chat enabled
>someone opens their mic to bong rip
I mean it hasn't happened to me, but it could.


Literally me. I mute everyone else too so I dont have to listen to them bitch

>Hey guys whats up i-

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I wish I were as based as that guy

Unironically based. If he did it on purpose it was obviously a joke, and you are the only sperg who went into an autistic rage about it.

>I mute everyone else too so I dont have to listen to them bitch
But that's the best part, what the fuck.

you seem mad

I like watching people leave and receiving direct salty messages

>Why yes, I do only use the mic to burp, cough or sneeze. How did you know?

I do this too, I make sure to include myself coughing for like 30 seconds and then telling everyone how fucking baked I am. Always pisses off faggots like you.

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>faggot joins and plays his shitty guitar with his microphone on

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Based Xbox Chad

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My old friend who had literal aspergers was like that. He was ok at guitat but always used the same chord progression for every song. We stopped being friends because he got upset I spoiled part of Persona 5 for him and I called him a faggot for ghosting me in response

fuck you for making team chocolate lose in 2018

>friend puts mic up to his ass and rips a fat one
>everyone laughs
Just be as based as your friends and you won't have any problems

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>not being in based peanut butter winners

>tfw the only farts i have ever are just tufts of air
how can't i fart correctly bros

By not being a gaping faggot

which part?

>puts his mic with all the shit particles back up to his mouth

>enter de_dust2
>apple in hand

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