Literally no YLYL

Literally no YLYL

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Fucking lost you faggot

Attached: 3b486i.jpg (638x423, 80K)

Does this work

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I'd like to try it but I live in an apartment complex and don't have my own back yard, so I may never know.

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Oh course you did, it's fucking hilarious!

Nice ass.

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Elton Lil' John

Attached: 1562622340381.jpg (680x510, 78K)

I don’t know what’s going on, but I want to be a part of this.

is dude on the right dwight schrute

I think it's some new kind of massage? I just think it looks funny.

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Nah man it’s twisted sister

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And then the whole thing collapses.

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>bed chamber

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Stupid fucking monkeys. That kid probably x died

Attached: 21C3F266-4CD1-4789-B4F7-43ACCC6042DB.jpg (460x1272, 135K)

I have the strangest boner right now...

Attached: 1581488110782.jpg (828x1270, 208K)

Attached: Screenshot_2020-02-25 Mike Bloomberg on Twitter Bravo Prime Minister Putin for a major new commitmen (640x342, 43K)

Literally none of these are real and they're all stupid af

Attached: Screenshot_2020-02-24 Coronavirus news and live updates Cases surge in Italy, Iran, South Korea - CN (482x254, 25K)

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I hate myself for lost to this British based shit

" as wrinkley as an old cucumber and pair of avocados"

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Can you guys actually post good stuff and not facebook tier trash?

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People with perfect distance vision wear cheaters low like that to act as a sort of bifocal if any one cares

Normie detected

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No. I want to punch him in the nose for wearing them THAT far down.

he doesn't need them in front of his eyes if he's not reading something, why would he push them up


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Page not found

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This is so dumb but I lost

Lmfao that’s amazing


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I wear them santa style, and had not realized it bothers some people, but that is an added bonus I guess.

It's almost like you were lied to by Republicans about what the Democrats are

Attached: 1316476940325.png (520x506, 59K)

Lost hard, any more or info on this lol

Attached: ElephantGoesToot.png (539x461, 201K)

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Fuckin lost. Wtf is this?

Sharp exhales and a smile.
Still winning

I had that happen to my skin once when I bashed the skin away from the bone and just taped it back together instead of going to the hospital

Actual true story inbound
>be me
>17 at the time
>beta loser who can't get laid for the life of him
>pathological fear of girls since middle school, when some bitch mind fucked me
>have a younger sister, 16 at this time
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants to date someone
>announces that she's "seeing someone"
>father and I start discussing plans on how to shoot the bastard.
>few days later, brings the dude home
>tall, scrawny kid with brown hair and glasses
>visibly nervous
>my father and I sit down and tell him that he's "walked into the courtroom"
>discuss for a few minutes
>they go out
>dad tells me "it isn't going to last"
>sis comes home
>announces it was "fun"
>around a week later, my sister tells me that her bf previously dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl back
>about a week later, overhear a conversation between my sister and my mother
>"We're not a thing anymore"
>tell my father this
>laughs uncontrollably
>mfw my dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down

Attached: gran autismo.jpg (1190x1080, 399K)

Die in a high-speed car crash

Attached: image0-26-1-2.jpg (750x389, 32K)

Haley Joel Osment is not Jake Lloyd.

Come on you faggots do you want to live forever?

Attached: Screenshot_20200223-072146.png (1080x1920, 1.16M)

Lost hard! Wtf!?!

Attached: 1582139151213.png (720x766, 529K)

sign me right the fuck up

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I’ve lost all faith in this website

Need more stuff like this to fuck with people

Ever notice how often libs use the word Control?

ever notice how often retards use the word lib?

> (You)
>ever notice how often retards use the word lib?
Would you prefer left wing, liberal, socialism fantasizing hypocrites? I was trying to be polite.


Pasta this stale should come with free unlimited salad and breadsticks.

Attached: Olive Garden breadsticks.png (590x365, 244K)

why the fuck would the ‘i see’ be like that, seeing and hearing are clearly swapped. For a joke this unfunny they couldn’t even get this right

that would work

Stop responding to it ya dingus

its the ol lesbian slip and slide

only lost to this because of sleep deprivation, i dont even believe the lie behind it

Actual true story inbound
>visibly nervous
>my sister is boy crazy, really wants that she's "walked into the courtroom"
>dad tells me "it isn't going someone"
>father and glasses
>laughter's first relationship would go down my sister and my dad tell my father and my mother
>We're not a week later, my sister and I
>few days later, 16 at this daughter's first relationship would go down a younger sister tell him that he secretly wants this
>dad tell him that he secretly wants to dated a college girl
>she's worried that he secretly wants this college girl
>they go out
>dad predicted exactly how his daughter's first relationship would go down and tells me that he secretly wants to date someone

Attached: 1582601761792.jpg (1190x1080, 117K)

Attached: hell ye boi.jpg (2524x2372, 1M)


Sure buddy

yeah sure, (((white men)))

What lie? Pits are pretty well documented for ripping kids faces off. 5 seconds of google would show you that.

Nostalgia made me chuckle

Faggot deserved it

because you want him to

Why the fuck not crop out that hmm
>inb4 hurr u mad that's why

Attached: stwo.jpg (749x744, 41K)

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Let's go sunnin'...

Attached: IMG_20200224_234751.jpg (500x579, 49K)

P good followup, good job user

Attached: 1581088417437.gif (200x150, 963K)

Lost nice dubs

This is the most accurate post I've ever read on here. Thank you.

God damnit id of saved this if people wouldn't think I was an ingrate with that water mark

>r34 of Christ
>Christ exists
Checkmate, gaytheist.

Attached: My old school.webm (640x640, 558K)

Good job idiot you better hope you used a proxy overwise you fucked boy

Better late than never eh

I feel like I remember this being in SpongeBob?

is it a bot posting cp? hiroshimoot can't do shit about this?

thanks now im hard.


>rule 34 of invader Zim
>aliens are real
Checkmate christo

Ty user

Who do you think might be posting links on a site known for cp and weirdos not only with a link that can track but also sign in??

you had faith when you came here?

wow, the new power rangers movie looks based

what is this i don't even

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only black people will find this funny

this will never not make me giggle

literally reposting from reddit. just fucking die already

lol lmao rofl I will post that to my facebook :D

Attached: fags.gif (500x813, 170K)

Attached: 298443.jpg (1080x990, 111K)

Lookin' like a double wide surprise.

you never know until you try

movie was shit, but that would of at least made it barely watchable.

You EVIL person you.


I work at a school and someone did this today

Well, it's not like any of you guys are going to clamber out of your Mom's basement and actually participate in the political process, is it?
How many of you will even vote? Have you ever voted?
Trump's relying on your inertia.


>mom's basement


>People with perfect distance vision wear cheaters low like that to act as a sort of bifocal if any one cares
We call them look-overs.
They encourage bad posture and result in neck pain.

damn she devoured the shell and spat out the inside. brutal

>Come on you faggots do you want to live forever?
And so far, so good.

>I was trying to be polite.
All that effort.
Better go and have a lie down.

fucking copy pastas are the end of the world

Attached: lol1.jpg (554x350, 51K)

fucking feeding the trolls will result in the end of the world

>5 seconds of google would show you that.
A few words with anyone at an animal shelter would do it, too. The local SPCA head says they should all be put down.

Oh man this shit is hilarious

Attached: 1582368993774.jpg (600x656, 71K)

You're trying too hard.

Attached: ameritards.gif (960x908, 63K)


Because fuck you, that's why.

Attached: 1582154278729.jpg (503x499, 43K)

you should kill yourself.

Nice numbers bro

This is the most Reddit thing I've seen all day. And I was on Reddit today.


lost at the fact that nothing in that pic is namable.

i thought it was bretty gud tbh


fag enablers out

it's always good user

Everything else is shit though

Why the fuck is it peeled? Lose all the sensation that way...

Gold paint's the fucking best for huffing


anything is nameable. What you meant is "identifiable" but the floor and walls are identifiable.

Attached: 1579750650994 - kobe.jpg (720x851, 105K)

I mean...looking at the pic it seems like Fahrenheit

Attached: ameritards.jpg (960x908, 64K)

Second prize? A set of steak knives.

Attached: YouCantSellShit.jpg (600x450, 53K)

if I wanted to see a copper on a nigger I'd be watching arrest videos on /gif/

wtf are you saying?

you seriously need to kill yourself.

That's a bit of a stretch isn't it? Going from chopper to copper to make a shitty joke

Attached: 169b.gif (269x260, 39K)

How can I lose to this stupid shit

Did not expect to lose to this

copter to copper is what I was thinking


Heli on a smelly

Heli on R. Kelly

bird on a Turd

chopper on a hopper

Attached: Old-man-wisdom.jpg (1304x1604, 520K)


Truth Accepted.

Attached: Knightmare-546839.jpg (590x350, 39K)

someone shop this chinaman's face on to the woman's face of the ät the home of "mark Zuckerberg" yellow-fever meme

Attached: thpect the man durrrrr.jpg (637x605, 121K)

you're a...small guy

I'd do it if I knew which pic you meant. post the other pic you chimnegro.

Attached: I have a small penis.jpg (200x154, 11K)

Why do other countries care so much? It's almost like they're jealous of America or something. you're saying that because someone points out that you are shit at something, they must be jealous..

That's some awesome logic you got there kid, you have a promising career working at Mcdonalds.

Stay mad

illuminati confirmed

The cowboy boots on the power ranger...821430074
I didn't notice them the first time

The blue ranger was gay though

Kek. That was the least mad post ever. He destroyed you with calm logic and fact.

Attached: Eurocuck.png (1200x1120, 783K)

What fucking mom on Facebook did you steal this from you faggot.

i told you all

Stay mad

Pull your head out of your ass, you self-centered morons

Go back on Instagram faggot

This isn't the original. The original was funnier. Whoever edited this fucked it all up

Memes like that just show how ill-informed and untravelled you are. No wonder Eurocucks think we're all dumb. It's idiots like you that make us all look stupid. Please stop posting.

you're kind for being patient, sans penis and legs pls *hugs for youuuuu*

Attached: 1582608797609s.jpg (152x249, 4K)

So when a person calls you a retard, you think they're jealous of you?

Attached: 1450475056132.jpg (723x587, 47K)

Attached: absolutely destroyed by logic.png (450x253, 174K)

that's not ironic it's just coincidental

No, the new one is better and the "original" isn't real anyways since there are many dif versions online that preceded what you think is the original.

"wrong house, kill this dog" is retarded which is why I changed it.

Attached: 1578374840557.png (682x540, 420K)

faggots are mentally ill, deal with it


Jesus that’s probably the first time I’ve laughed in a YLYL in years.

Attached: A4973A1B-6E5F-42A7-9AD8-7B35A036982B.jpg (500x369, 19K)

Enjoy you're refugees Eurocuck

Attached: 1451236220426.jpg (926x875, 176K)

Y tho


Lost hard
hardly made it past the loading screen

Unwell. Seek medical attention immediately.

Hiiiiiiiii I'm claire

Attached: EPagC_1W4AAP7_G.jpg (1152x2048, 372K)

Respirator mandatory in public

you know there are more than two places in the world right

you posted a preview thumbnail you faggot. didn't you save the fullsize pic? dammit I can't work with this level of incompetency.

inb4: not even trolling but no I won't google that pic to find a bigger size, you need to learn to provide usable assets if you want good work done.

Attached: 1462095771819.jpg (439x469, 31K)

Attached: 1575719452486.jpg (540x960, 61K)

Have to wait 6 months to get into the doctor for my lowest cost option socialized healthcare.

Attached: 1578281919778.jpg (1080x1496, 111K)

Hello there

Attached: 1578468953593.jpg (1080x1039, 278K)

I'm so naughty I need my clit touched

Attached: EPFGjMHWAAAT2tf.jpg (1152x2048, 350K)


shouldn't it be sttwo then?

lost fucking hard
thanks user

Not for medical emergencies like your level of retardation you don't. Just show them your posts on this thread and they'll understand.

fuck, I was like, isn't this facebook?

then I remembered, nope, facebook is blue

>Thinking places other than the USA matter

Attached: 1576074761800.png (491x662, 339K)

Attached: duck.jpg (418x470, 57K)

Lol down the street for results

You don't have one and are you perhaps German?

Mmm yes, deny it more Reddit baby

Attached: 1575967599141.jpg (500x335, 44K)

herro 2 maku good meme u havu to be wiinngu to twy fliendu

Attached: u razy.jpg (720x1280, 188K)

Attached: 1579011180021.png (914x541, 748K)

yeah, i think you've confused it.

also, sauce?

Attached: oh google.png (590x346, 31K)

Noooooooooooooooo I need sexxx so bad

Attached: EOpwg9HXsAE-7-Z.jpg (1536x2048, 362K)

goddamnit I lost

Attached: 1347680141234.jpg (960x720, 64K)

"Ät"? Åäö, get fucked Swede

Attached: 1575802808936.jpg (1024x874, 66K)

the issue is using the third pic in the second pic...someone needs to find a unique and appropriate second pic which shows some type of growth between the first and third pics.

Attached: 1569889324371.jpg (1045x1622, 287K)

Attached: 1578281668650.png (500x300, 21K)

that ass looks like it needs to be spanked and have a couple of fingers inside

Look man, you must be a masochist since everyone here hates you and your kind.
Face facts, you will never be a woman or pregnant!

My anus is self lubricating and self cleaning

Attached: EObNgdwXkAEBJgz.jpg (1536x2048, 985K)

Attached: 1576069134319.jpg (640x583, 34K)

Almost all of Cred Forums in one picture

Attached: Bathroom Creep Caught On Camera.png (761x593, 422K)

I don't understand...which part of which image do you want me to Photoshop? Wat is the desired end result?

If I remove the penis and legs then its just a face. then if I replace the face with the chinaman there will be nothing left of the original pic...wat is it you want?

Attached: 1575804309188.jpg (1080x2280, 784K)

Attached: 1574206933906.jpg (718x855, 46K)

Attached: 1578468926913.png (960x916, 1.26M)

What a dumbass

well, yes that might be true. america was and still is the most influential country in many aspects of life. but you are using this complete fucking retarded system of retardation, and every other country in the world has to deal with it, because you are fucking everywhere, you 20score pounders. so there we are, watching your stupid tv shows (because our tv shows are even more stupid) and have to calculate how much beer that guy's drinking, because you measure stuff in the weight of sparrows

>using the scale regarding water instead of a scare regarding humans

0*F is too cold for a human, 100*F is too hot for a human

most americans say the year first, then month, then day, but usually the year is just left off completely

Kg is based on lbs, you do not weigh things in grams, you'd weigh them in newtons if you were using metric system

a hand is 3", 3 hands is a foot, 3 feet is a yard, the next scale isn't mile, it's furlong, which actually uses a different means of measuring, chain. 100 links = a chain, 20 chains = a furlong, 10 furlongs = a mile.

when you get out in the real world, you'll realize the only tools you have with you are attached to you, not some measuring tape/stick

also, wouldn't that mean that americans are actually smarter since we can do these complex calculations in our heads instead of relying on a system of base10?


Attached: 1578934405017.jpg (295x1013, 63K)

No Christan, Christopher or Cameron, whatever your real name is
Go kill yourself, it's what the trans community does best

So tight
So clean
So wet

Attached: EPZv3NWXsAEaUOs.jpg (762x2048, 276K)

I give money to the homeless to accelerate societal collapse :^)
I would just buy their meth for them but i dont wanna take the fall for it.

Attached: 1578467608826.jpg (720x478, 63K)

Christ dude.

Attached: 1575964506825.jpg (1080x1264, 101K)

why is his face so small


Attached: Untitled -.png (969x814, 732K)

the face isn't big enough for the meme, then we have to deal with the truth: the drawn-on face is better than any other face tbh
i'm afraid it's a fool's errand

on the other hand I got a new calculator today

Attached: Calculator.jpg (232x349, 9K)

Attached: 1461198118884.png (617x596, 331K)


enter to class with a gun?
typical american school yes

"there is no spoon"
"really good noodles"

Attached: 1462581291142.png (800x600, 179K)

Don't blame him on us homie



isn't marc zuckberg's wife really really fat for a chinaman?

Delete Tinder, Buy A Motorcycle

Attached: bestofcaptcha.png (1115x812, 512K)

Fucking funny.
Post this to religious folks

Fucking old fag detected

>a hand is 3", 3 hands is a foot
>wouldn't that mean that americans are actually smarter since we can do these complex calculations in our heads instead of relying on a system

Go to sleep little mongoloid, rest now

I shouldn't answer this but since you took the time to write all that I'll reply.
>0*F is too cold for a human, 100*F is too hot for a human
Then maybe don't use the freezing point of water as a starting point.
>most americans say the year first, then month, then day, but usually the year is just left off completely
that doesn't stop it from being retarded. when you send someone a date like 02.06.2020 it makes no sense for the month to be first.
>Kg is based on lbs
That's incorrect. Kg is a multiple (1000) of a gram. A gram is an independent unit
>a hand is 3", 3 hands is a foot, 3 feet is a yard, the next scale isn't mile, it's furlong, which actually uses a different means of measuring, chain. 100 links = a chain, 20 chains = a furlong, 10 furlongs = a mile.
kek. I wish I knew this before, I would have added it to that pic showing how retarded american measuring systems are.
>when you get out in the real world, you'll realize the only tools you have with you are attached to you, not some measuring tape/stick
Is this why carpenters in the real world never use a tape measure. Or why engineers doesn't use measuring calipers? I think you gave away the game with that one: either you're super retarded or this is really shit bait.
>wouldn't that mean that americans are actually smarter since we can do these complex calculations in our heads instead of relying on a system of base10?
I like the reversal in that sentence but what calculations are you talking about? most calculations rely on a system of base10 so your american logic is flawed again. but seriously that line about "in the real world we use our hands to measure things instead of using an actual tool like a tape measure" I lost to that. thank you

you guys had faith?

>im on some extreme of the spectrum, the post


*snifffff* God damnnnnn...

> the face isn't big enough for the meme, then we have to deal with the truth: the drawn-on face is better than any other face tbh
i'm afraid it's a fool's errand

Kek My fucking sides. Where did you learn to english, or are you high or something? I can't understand a single one of your posts..Lost hard

why are you a kike

Nice trips nerdfag.

Thank you kind sir.